Acounting For The Prosicuter

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,869
  • Pages: 8
Morica Loraine

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I followed procedures I thought were appropriate, under these particular circumstances. This involved the charges that I have been trying to press against my sister, For the assault on me one year ago. I was not going to press charges. Then I found out the blow had received, (“UP-SIDE THE HEAD”), from my sisters cane, was hard enough to crack my skull. The importance of this is my sister WAS aware of, a “PRE EXISTING” condition. This condition is if, I received a “substantial”, blow to the head it may cause a blood clot that “CONCEIVABLY” kills me or at least I would become encompassed. This was all UN PROVOKED! •

This was witnessed by a reputable source, Tammy Foxx.

• Tammy Foxx was the lady who lived in, Ruthann’s log home. Tammy Foxx and also her daughter (Renaa), who witnessed a lot of other incident, are between my sister, and I! • *** Tammy Foxx at (573) 286-6009 *** •

Also present were two “STATE” law officers, they also witness numerous, needless, Unprovoked violent Assaults on me. Tammy Foxx informed me, these officers were actually under cover for the “lake area drug task force”. *** This Can all bee verified through Tammy Foxx, her daughter, and the two “STATE” law officers* * * Tammy Foxx at (573) 286-6009 * * *

“Whatever” anyone can possibly says, there is no way, “no way” they can know to what extent it feels like to bee intimidated by an older sister all of your life! *** At one time, when I was 5 or 6, our parents were in the garden or bailing hay. My loving sis was caught sitting on my chest, holding her hands over my face, till I stopped breathing! If it was not for the grace of god, and my parents returning at that instance they did, I would bee DEAD! My mother started crying, in the shock of everything that was transpiring she took DEEP BREATHS, blew, and blew in my mouth it was a miracle I started to breathe. *** THIS can bee VERIFIED by my cousin, Shirley white. She cans bee contacted after 6:30 PM at (913) 238-9535 Ask if they can remember my sister choking her cat, with Its eyes bulging out, she ask our father “CAN I CHOKE HIM “DADDY” can CHOKE HIM! This cat “NEVER” made another sound, even though it lived it could not “MEOW”. ___________________________________________________________________ ________________ That is still going on today, “THIS HAS TO STOP”. It has gone on long enough. • (“THE LINE” HAS TO BEE DRAWN HERE, THIS FAR, and NO “FURTHER”!) • I have thousands and thousands of “DOCUMENTS” • I have records from all of the socials workers, doctors, my logs, “MICRO SOFT WORD”, psychiatrist’s and neurons other sources. And all of these records can-“CAN” bee verified to overcome any dough, also can bee correlated, _TIMES, DATES, with each other, and to all forms of confirmation. • The crises or “HOTLINE” records some of the physical and the person at the crisis center overheard mental abuse.

• These state officers were under cover, for the drug task force. • *** This Can bee verified through Tammy Foxx. *** Tammy Foxx at (573) 286-6009. *** Carl & Sara Morris *** at (573) 369-3909 I have known Carl & Sara Morris from the time I first moved to M.O. around 1982. I lived across the street for around fifteen years. *** Rick Leverich *** at) 573) 216-1277 *** Rick lived within five or six miles from me, we lived in different counties, went to different schools but we had a lot in common. We met at the salvage yard next door to my house. *** Dr. Otis Mosley *** His clinic at (573) 348-2742 Or the Lake hospital, at- (573) 348-8000 -*Dr. Mosley’s office where my sister worked for years before, she was fired! She was mean to the patients. Dr. Basket also was aware of the numerous instances of the shenanigans, by Miss Ruthann, from day to day, over and over. And all three of the home health care agencies that “WOULD-NOT” return to take care of my father fore the reason that my sister was too controlling, mean, and disrespectful. ** EARLIER ** I went to the attorney general’s office. I was going to tell them, I was afraid of the Sheriff’s officers.

I went to the HIGHWAY PATROL to see a Trooper. I spoke to, Gregory Smith Trooper Gregory Smith at THE HIGHWAY PATROL instructed me to go see, Caption Maze, at the Eldon POLICE department. I told Caption Maze I was afraid of the Sheriff’s officers, Sergeant Keith. I saw Caption Maze at the police station. I told Caption Maze I was afraid of the Sheriff’s office. At this time I told caption Maze what this officer had said to me, on the first weekend after the 4th of July - 2003! Capon Maze called Bill Abbot, the “Sheriff”, and also told him I was afraid of the sheriff’s officer’s, Sergeant Keith. I also told The “Sheriff, what the officer said to me. I have told one HECK of a lot of people. “ONE being” Mat Howard, my lawyer at the time, NOW HE is the ASSISTANT PROSECUTOR.

I went to the sheriff’s Office to take them the document that I had signed and dated earlier! I had talked to officer Pentelton at the sheriff’s Office a month before. I had gone there with David a c.s.w. From pathways – “so “ I would have a witness” ” to how I was treated by the Sheriffs office. In July of 2003, Sergeant Keith, Was the officer that told me or (“at least”), it was the female sergeant that was working on that day. After I had tried to call 911, (I had my phone where it would not call 911 by pushing one button), so I called the sheriffs office on their regular phone line. The person I that poke to that afternoon was the person that told that, (She would kick my “ASS” on her day off.) And I quote “If you go over to your sisters!” –today! “ I will come to your house on my day off “ – and – “KICK YOUR ASS”. I immediately replied! WHAT did you say?

SHE replied! ------“You heard me!”

“ IF” you go back over to your sisters, “I WILL”, come to your house, ON my day off, And “KICK YOUR ASS”

Sergeant Keith was the person that I poke to when I arrived at the sheriff’s office. The conversation that proceeded was about the sheriff and him not being there, why I thought I needed to talk to him, & how my sister and I was getting along? I told her that I was there to press charges against my sister and not to converse with anyone else. She was being very evasive, I think it was to see if I knew what I was talking about, or to get me to loose my “COOL”. I don’t renumber exactly, word for word, What was said but, she gave the impression “she thought” I did not know what was going on. She started talking to me like I was 8 or 10 years old. It seemed like? Or As-If, she wanted ME, to loose my temper! I reminded her, (to let her “Know’”), that my memory was not moot. I wanted her to know exactly what I remembered and who I had told, and exactly what she had told me. Sergeant Keith seemed to be getting agitated at the fact, (“I told someone else”) about this incident. I gave her the document, which was dated “EARLIER”; suddenly she turned around and strutted off. “OH-"YAH"” I went there to talk to the sheriff, he was, ah expecting me! He was next door at the courthouse. -----

**Remember I had been to the “Highway patrol’s GENERALHEADQUARTERS” infact 2 or 3 hrs earlier that morning. I also went to the ATTORNEY GENERA’S office, the bar association. —K.R.C.G. Jonathan Rhoads, Christen mansell, And then YOU. And that all had a copy of my records. -I TOLD THEM, I was AFRAID to go to the “MILLER CO. SHERIFF’S OFFICE”. WHAT HAPPENED! (“HEY HANDCUFFED & SHACKLED”) & then HAULED ME TO “MID-MO”. Oh hell they are so transparent? How do they think, can get away with this, bull sh**! I spoke to officer “Gregory Smith”, at the Highway patrol’s “GENERALHEADQUARTERS” he told me that it would bee safe to go to the “MILLER CO. SHERIFF’S OFFICE” he suggested I talk, to Caption Maze at the Eldon police department. I went to the police office in Eldon, to seek out the Capon’s advice! I told Mr. Maze that I was afraid of the “MILLER CO. SHERIFF’S OFFICE” & “WHY”. === **Captain Maze called Bill Abbot, the SHERIFF, and told him that I was afraid to go to the SHERIFF’S OFFICE”. SHERIFF Abbott told captain maze, to send me down to the SHERIFF’S OFFICE”, nothing would happen to me. *** I arrived at the sheriff’s office; the sheriff was at the courthouse. The dispatcher called and told him I was waiting on him. The dissipater said he would bee right over. *Before he could get from the courthouse to the jail, “150” feet away, they had me “SHACKLED, HANDCUFFED” & ON MY WAY TO “MID MO”! I went to see the sheriff to press charges. I had told “official’s” I was afraid of the Sheriff’s Officer’s. “What happened”?

##Their reason for putting me in Mid-Mo. --WAS, I HAD--, Told the sergeant “I WAS GOING TO KICK HER ASS” I DID NOT KNOW WHAT DAY IT WAS; because “she thought” I had just dated the document I had presented to her! Then 2 or 3 large officer stormed out of their lair, “as-if” I was a threat to “HOME LAND SECURITY”. They are prodigious toward me. They stereotype me. They think everyone with a disability, don’t have any reasoning feelings or that all are “idiots” and are all the same. They think that I am a vegetable! David was the social worker that was present when officer Pendelton, the deputy that treated me with “DISRESPECT”. He was telling me how to fill out the paperwork. Where I was to put my signature, where to put my social security-#, and so on. He then ABRUPTLY turned, to David, “David the social worker” then proceeded to explain how to fill out the form. “Well HE_ _” it only had 3 or 4 lines on the whole page, and it clearly indicated where to enter all the information! Was he trying to tell me, “OR-Dave” how to do it? Was he trying to convince himself, me, or Dave he knew what he was “talking about”? 9 Please “PLEASE” HELP ME; find a lawyer that might take my case on a contingency basic, or A way to resolve this dilemma. Does this not, “in an abstract way”, violate my “CIVIL RIGHTS”! Or is it just WRONG! Or is it just my fait. Respectfully, Richard Wingert


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