Accies Trust Board Meeting Minutes - October 2009

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  • Pages: 3
Hamilton Academical Supporters' Society

Board Accies Trust Board Minutes Tues 20 Oct 2009 24 Lilac Wynd, Cambuslang, G72 7GJ


Alistair Brown Paul Daly Alan Hutcheson Darren Jameson Ian Kelly David Ogg



Donald Anderson Graeme Brown Craig Rankin Euan Simpson


Tommy Jordan

Serial 1a.



Previous Minutes. 1. Board Members accepted the previous minutes as accurate, with thanks to the outgoing Sec, Donald Anderson.



Matters Arising from the previous minutes. 1. David noted that nothing had been heard from Tommy, but that Alistair was present for this meeting. David asked the Board to agree the co-option of Graeme Brown (webmaster) and Euan Simpson to the Board. Agreed Unanimously. The Board agreed to continue to seek to additional Board Members.


2. Craig had agreed to accept the post of Secretary, on the basis that the meeting elements of the post were separated from maintaining the membership database. David had agreed to provide assistance to Craig where needed.

Craig, David

Financial Update. 1. Ian presented a financial update to the Board. This is attached at Annex A to these minutes. The annual account had been finalises as at 31 Aug 09 and the Accounts would now be audited. Ian agreed to deliver the accounts for audit to Alan on 23 Oct 09. Alan had secured the services of an auditor for the Trust. There remained the question of some form of income stream for the Trust, which would be discussed under membership. 2. Darren agreed to report on the 2014 Big Lottery Grant, as discussed last month, at the next meeting.


Ian, Alan


Programme for 2009/10 season. 1. Richard McBrearty from the Scottish Football Museum would

Anderson, Donald - 12-Dec-03

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speak to members on 19 Nov 09. Venue to be agreed – David to action. David would write to Richard to get bio details and to get hooks for advertising. It was agreed to distribute leaflets about the event prior to the Motherwell game on 7 Nov. Alan would ask a Forum member to design a leaflet. It was agreed to charge nonmembers £2 for this event. Members would be admitted free. Paul agreed to investigate alternative venues if the Club Function suite was unavailable. 2. Eddie Smith from the SFA Referees would address the Trust on 18 Feb 10. David would arrange a venue, hopefully the Function Suite at the Club. Further details would be discussed at a future meeting. 3. The AGM would be arranged for mid-Jan. Post meeting note: David has agreed a date of Tuesday 19 Jan 10. The meeting will be held in the Club Function Suite and will be followed by a meeting addressed by Les Gray, HAFC Vice Chairman. 4. David also reported that he was currently in discussions to bring a senior Police Office with match commander experience to talk about Football match policing. Date and venue to be confirmed. 4.

David Alan, All available Paul




Website. Graeme was unable to be present to update Board members on progress with the website. David expressed the thanks of the Board to Graeme for the excellent work completed on the website in the last few months.


Membership. 1. The Board agreed that some form of annual subscription was essential to generate an income stream. David had checked a number of other Trusts’ websites and found a range of subscriptions from £5 to £15. It was agreed to charge a £5 annual subscription for Accies Trust membership, the membership to run for a calendar year, from 1 Jan 10. Alistair suggested that it might be better to have it running as per the season (Sep – Aug) and it was agreed that this might be something to consider for the future. 2. David had obtained a quote for membership cards, but had not designed the card yet. He agreed to do that in the next month or so. Issuing a membership card adds to a sense of belonging for Trust members. 3. David was in the process of creating a membership list to aid communication with members (having failed to open the files supplied by Donald!). He was not sure whether AGM notices could be issued by email, as the majority of members had agreed to have correspondence by email wherever possible. (Post meeting note: Check with Supporters Direct – seems fine, as long as we comply with voting and timing of meeting regulations.)


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Board Membership. 1. David outlined his vision for the future of the Board in that each Board member would have specific responsibilities and would operate with a degree of autonomy in how they carried out their remit. Plans would be initially directed and agreed by the Board with responsible Board members reporting back to Board meetings on progress and completion. Examples of specific responsibilities include publicity (Alan), Club liaison, membership liaison, small business liaison and winter programme co-ordinator.



All to consider

1. Alan would progress the publicity effort for the forthcoming meeting with Richard McBrearty. Local Press, radio and leafleting Anderson, Donald - 12-Dec-03

were avenues discussed. 8.


1. The requirement for the FSA return was noted. David would check the previous return in preparation for completion of the latest one. Ideally the return should be completed by the end of the calendar year. Ian and David would liaise on the completion of this important document.

David, Ian

Any Other Business. 1. Trust member David Hamilton had been in touch with David Ogg about using the Trust as a vehicle for a memory bank of Accies supporters’ memories of the Club. Board members present were most enthusiastic about this proposal and generated much discussion. David Ogg would contact David Hamilton with the Trust’s agreement to explore the idea further. 2. Shirt Sponsorship. It was noted that none of the current Board members knew where the team shirts the Trust had sponsored last season were. Paul agreed to contact the Club’s commercial department to ascertain details. Post meeting note: Paul reported that the Club had sent the shirts to the previous Chair. Further investigation reveal that neither he nor his local deputy had received the shirts. Investigations into this loss are ongoing.






Date of next meeting. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Mon 7 Dec 09. Time and venue to be confirmed.


David I Ogg Chair 23 Oct 09

Anderson, Donald - 12-Dec-03

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