[accelerated Learning] Photoreading Tips 6

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 11
Dear Terence, (Before reading further, use your PhotoReading skills to prepare, PhotoRead and postview this email before activating with super reading and dipping, skittering, or rapid reading.) Hello PhotoReader! There has been a lot of interest in the "Direct Learning" component of PhotoReading, because with it you can download the brilliant work of others and have it automatically increase the quality of your thinking, feeling, and behavior. It involves spontaneous improvement in skills such as tennis, golf, racquetball, piano playing, typing, public speaking, and home improvement,to name a few. And the best news: you can use Direct Learning without having mastered Activation. Here are the steps, which are presented in both the PhotoReading and Natural Brilliance books: 1) Know what behavior you desire. 2) Select several books that speak authoritatively about the subject. 3) PhotoRead these books. 4) Direct your mind through mental simulation to generate the behaviors. Then, notice the results. Most people report detecting improvements the very next day. When Win Wenger and I created the Genius Code course, PhotoReading and Direct Learning quickly became an important part of the course. It helped bridge the gap to the Image Stream, which is that constant stream of images and messages that your brain sends you. But, more to your immediate benefit, three of the Genius Code techniques have proven to be superb activation aids. The techniques are simply mental exercises you can do in a matter of a few minutes. Let’s touch on the three: 1) Leaping Over the Wall. Here you gain greater skills for problem solving and activation. By using elements and speed and surprise, you may be able to outrun the "editor" function of the

conscious mind, making activation easier. 2) Borrowed Genius. You can open vast channels of insight and communication with your inner mind through the technique of "putting on the head" of a master in any field. Do this after PhotoReading books by that master, and you will increase your ability spontaneously activate the books. 3) Advanced Civilization Toolbuilder. This, too, is phenomenal for activation. It involves generating an endless supply of creative solutions by imagining a space/time transporter and visiting an advanced future civilization that has already worked out the problems. I’ve reprinted a letter below that describes Genius Code in more detail. You might find it fascinating. In closing, find a skill that you would like to improve and use Direct Learning. You may also find additional Activation benefit in my Genius Code course. Sincerely, Paul R. Scheele P.S. To follow is that letter on Genius Code that I promised:

Dear Friend, Your brain continually sends messages that could dramatically and easily change your life. But most do not register with you...instead they slip away. See how to use those secret messages to make your life extraordinary. You can improve your performance in virtually all aspects of mental ability, including memory, quickness, IQ, and learning capacity. Mind development pioneer, Win Wenger, Ph.D., has research showing that the exceptional achievements of famous thinkers may have been more the result of mental conditioning than genetic superiority. He believes he can guide you to condition your own mind in the same way. Years ago Win began to make sense of his own flow of inner images and thoughts. He called his flow of impressions the "Image Stream."

Have you been ignoring your own valuable inner messages? Win's work led to his discovery that the Image Stream is the bridge to using the super power of the brain like great thinkers, such as Galileo, da Vinci, Tesla, Edison, and Einstein. In our new Genius Code Personal Learning Course, Paul Scheele, developer of PhotoReading and other breakthrough learning programs, teamed up with Win Wenger. They help you explore your Image Stream in useful and practical ways. First they teach you how to Image Stream and then they teach you amazing mental exercises to help you figure out what the messages mean. You use these exercises to "crack your genius code." This outside-the-box course transports you to the edge of the cutting edge of personal development and headlong into the mystery of the workings of your wonderful human brain. Fun, exciting, and ripe with unlimited possibilities. It really does not matter what you know or what work you do. Accessing your Image Stream holds universal benefits for each and every one -- even when you do it for just five minutes.

****** "Amplify your genius and increase your intelligence ****** This groundbreaking Image Streaming process opens a secret passageway to the dynamic resources of your brain, and it is easily within your reach. Use it, and feel brighter, clearer, calmer, more confident, and happier than you do at present! Take it farther, and achieve greatness. From the beginning you will find it infinitely easier to * Make your 6th Sense as available and expedient as your other five senses * Attain absolute self-confidence in all you do * Solve any personal or professional problem with startling creativity * Accelerate the speed of learning anything

* Achieve your goals using your own immense support * Experience every moment as perfectly rewarding

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****** Have you ever made a decision that turned out to be a disaster? ****** Have you had a hunch that you did not honor, only to learn later that it could have * made you a lot of money, * introduced you to someone who could have benefited you, or * initiated other extraordinary consequences? Have you ever been stuck for ideas at work? Because your brain is designed to send you messages, you can direct it to send particular kinds of messages to solve problems or give you insight. Such as... Have you ever wished you had had an idea that would have made a fortune in the dot com boom?

****** Gain mental power by using speed and surprise to outfox your conscious mind ****** Earlier I mentioned mental exercises. You can use two -- “Thresholding" and "Over the Wall” -to see answers in advance of the conscious mind. That's right. You can get solutions to problems before you consciously recognize them. This stops your logic from sabotaging what is best for you. These clever exercises make problem solving nearly effortless and automatic and their outcomes wise and successful. You only have to do the exercises a few times to receive automatic and permanent value. This is not like the eternal work of building your muscles where you have to keep pumping three times a week forever. And, you can revisit the exercises when you need especially sharp insights to challenges that crop up in your life.

****** Clear communication channels to and from the inner mind to improve problem solving and increase intuition ****** For many people the impressions of the Image Stream are cluttered with static such as what you might see on TV. Thankfully, two other mental exercises called "Hidden Question" and "High Think Tank" get the noise and interference out of the communication lines between the conscious and the genius mind. The result is like installing a high-speed DSL line to access the web. It improves problem solving and increases the speed of getting intuitive and creative insights.

****** Have psychic experiences! ****** Another mental exercise of the Genius Code is the "Psi-Pothesis," which stimulates provocative, near-psychic abilities. Win and Paul will also help you connect to the Image Stream during sleep and use dreaming as a means to creative insight and rapid personal development. (Are you beginning to see how this course might help you bypass limitations while increasing

your reach to greater levels of sharpness, insight, and overall intelligence?!)

****** Borrow Genius from others to make leaps in your performance ****** You'll love "Borrowed Genius." You can get into the head of an expert or a genius in any field you want and view your problem, opportunity, or situation from the expert's point of view. Talk about breakthrough perspectives! Borrow the genius of Paul Scheele to read with lightning speed. Borrow the genius of Chunyi Lin to help heal others… of Tiger Woods to play better golf… of Brian Tracy to become a super salesperson… of former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani to handle a crisis… of Itzhak Perlman to appreciate and make music. And on and on. There is no limit to what you can do and be. A related exercise, "Advanced Civilization," can stimulate mighty bursts of creativity. If you ever think, "I can't possibly do ______," use this exercise. Inevitably, you will discover how to do it. This mental exercise gets you thinking outside ofany box!

****** Supercharge your PhotoReading with Image Streaming ****** Perhaps you know that Paul Scheele, co-founder of Learning Strategies, developed the "PhotoReading Whole Mind System." With PhotoReading you tap into your brain's ability to process large volumes of information at fabulous speeds. Dip into the Image Stream and learn virtually any skill through simply PhotoReading books. Beyond reading for knowledge -- you can read to learn skills. Image Streaming turbo-boosts this direct learning application of PhotoReading. Paul teaches the basics of PhotoReading in Genius Code, so you immediately can apply direct learning to a skill you want, such as * Improve productivity at work. * Increase sports performance such as tennis and golf. * Refine woodcarving, cooking, gardening, or any other hobby. * Build communications skills. (And, for those of you who already PhotoRead, Image Streaming can be a great activation tool.)

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****** Genius comes down to this... ****** You are brighter than you think. You have astounding brain potential waiting to be tapped. When Paul first came into my office to ask my opinion about collaborating with Win Wenger on a new program, I got so excited, I could barely think straight. I have been a great fan of Win's since I learned of his work more than ten years ago. I have read his books, listened to his tapes, and found keen benefit in my experiences with his techniques. "But," I told Paul, "You have to do something to make his processes practical and useable for everyone." Paul, in all of his brilliance, succeeded. Paul and Win created a course that even goes beyond the genius of Win's book, The Einstein Factor. We considered calling the course, Beyond the Einstein Factor, but their collaboration led to a learning breakthrough that necessitated the name Genius Code. You see, the course not only exposes you to the strategies of genius that exemplify the great minds of all times but also leads you to interpret the messages of your Image Stream to

actualize your own desired outcomes. Is it complicated? No, it is simple, in the way that great things explained often are. It is even as easy as daydreaming. This program is a treasure box of childlike techniques that most anyone can master by simply flowing along with Paul and Win at the helm. It does not matter whether you are a high school student or a Rhodes Scholar, a housewife or a retired grandpa, a businessman or a scientist, a store clerk or an auto mechanic, you can benefit from playing in your own Image Stream. The course is as wise as it is profound. And also smart, intriguing, and fun. I had several "aha" experiences while playing with the techniques; and I am sure you will, too, plus some really practical results:

****** How I saved thousands and why this course may be one of the best investments you can make for yourself ****** I am building an earth-sheltered home in the country. Upon waking one morning, I suddenly realized that the builders were using outdated blueprints. I immediately called, faxed, and emailed the contractor. Sure enough, the plans were in error. Had my message gotten to them two days later, it would have been too late to fix the problem without huge expense. Dana Hanson, one of our coaches, noticed a spring on the laundry room floor and thought nothing of it. A couple of weeks later the machine quit working. He immediately saw images of springs bouncing out of the machine, which led him instantly to the cause. Those are two mild examples of responding to inner messages. While everyone has had similar instances, using Genius Code positively emits realizations again and again. You see, the messages are always there, but you usually ignore them. By using Genius Code, responding to your inner messages becomes commonplace. And while saving a few thousand dollars on a house or fixing a washing machine may not seem extraordinary, solutions like that certainly make life easier, less stressful, and more enjoyable. Would you like something more exciting? Did you ever hear how the inventor of the sewing machine dreamed of savages throwing spears with holes in their tips? He woke up realizing that a hole in the tip of the needle was the key to making an automatic sewing machine. Or, as a self-improvement enthusiast, you might be familiar with the Sound & Light machine.

The inventor, Dr. Denis Gorges, conceived the idea while Image Streaming in a workshop with Win Wenger back in 1977. When you 1) develop your Image Stream and 2) unlock the code to understand what the messages mean, you will find yourself consistently performing at higher levels. Paul and Win call this "genius-level thinking."

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****** Beat others to the finish line ****** Alexander Graham Bell submitted his patent only hours ahead of another inventor. Darwin's Origin of Species was published merely weeks ahead of another book on that subject. These scientists tapped into something essential, and so can you. You can be the first to come up with new ideas, maybe ideas that make you a fortune. Have you had an idea and later seen it on TV or in a store? With Genius Code you can come up with ideas and develop them quicker. Creativity and successful timing involve using your Image Stream.

****** You receive all of this... ****** Genius Code comes on eight CDs. The eighth includes a special Paraliminal learning session

that Paul created to make it easier to learn the course, use the processes, and reap the benefits. The 56-page course manual gives you an inventive guide and quick resource to ensure the course provides value to you forever.

****** Bonus mini-book to help you learn to Think Visually ****** Win writes, "For years it was cited as a scientific fact that one American in three was unable to visualize. And -- oh, yes -- I was one of those who absolutely could not until I used the following methods to get pictures for myself. …Since then, out of the thousands of people I have taught to Image Stream, every person has succeeded and thus enjoyed the benefits of visual thinking." This mini-book, Visual Thinking, is a must for anyone wanting to improve visual thinking skills as well as for anyone who says, "I cannot visualize!" Visual thinking has been touted as an undeniable key to success. It is the ability to see things in your mind's eye. You get this explicit mini-book free with your course when you order in the next few days.

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****** The SECRET to better grades, new skills, wealth, and wellness ******

Use the Genius Code to see yourself making immediate progress toward what is important for you. Paul and Win are absolutely convinced the secret to getting what you want lies in the messages your brain sends you every day. Go for it.

****** "There is a flame that burns brightly in the human heart. A flame that allows us to dream and reach out beyond where we are now." ****** If you have the sense that you have yet to tap your full potential, if you think there might be a powerhouse raging inside you, if you want to do more than dream, get your Genius Code today. It works well with all of our programs. If you are at all intrigued by Genius Code, try it now. You have to experience Paul and Win's unique creation. And, if it is not for you, return it within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. Can you imagine accessing your genius mind? What power! What possibility! Paul, Win, and I, along with the entire staff of Learning Strategies, encourage you to step out and pick up the phone. Order today on our secure website or call us now at 1-888-800-2688. We will rush your new Genius Code to you right away. My personal best, Pete Bissonette President

P.S. Seldom am I so excited about a new program. But, I know the genius that Paul and Win put into it, and I know that it will help anyone who wants to get more out of life. But be forewarned: if you are interested in exploring the edge of personal development, you might stay up all night when you first get the course. Genius Code is cool, effective, and practical. Try it. Order on our website or call us right now at 1-888-800-2688. You'll get a special price, intriguing bonuses, and a course that will tantalize your mind and revitalize your life.

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