[accelerated Learning] Syntopic Reading

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 353
  • Pages: 2
Syntopic Reading Aim: To accumulate power of different authors and to bring independent viewpoints Steps 1. Establish a purpose  Clear and specific  E.g. I want to learn effective methods to save money and invest wisely so I can build my financial independence 2. Create a bibliography  Choose non-fiction books  Write a list of books you want to read 3. PhotoRead all materials the day before activating  Let your brain categorize information during sleep after photoreading 4. Create a giant mind map  Take out books, a large sheet of paper and coloured markers  Let the statement purpose take place in the centre of sheet of paper  5.     

Find relevant passages Understand your purpose Super read and dip through each book (say 7). Finding relevant purposes Continue mindmapping relevant passages Use light dipping throughout the books and restrict dipping to relevant passages Imagine a discussion with book authors

6. Summarize in your own words  Look at your mind map and discover important concepts  Summarize what you think about the subject so far

7. Discover themes  Explore your mind map and books for similarities and differences among authors’ viewpoints.

8.     

Define the issues Issues are the differences in viewpoints Super read and dip to find key points related to these issues Imagine yourself as a reporter and pose central questions to them Go quickly from 1 book to another, answering 1 question at a time Leave that book and flip through the next one once you find the answer

9. Formulate your own view  Take no side at first and look over the viewpoints  After gathering enough information, take side and formulate your own opinion 10. Apply  Create arguments to support based on specific information. Be specific and prepared to quote sources with page numbers.  Order the key issues  Create another mind map of your viewpoint before writing a formal report Time Expectations  10-15 per book to preview, PhotoRead and postview  Take ONLY 2 45-min periods for activation

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