Academic Plan

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 133
  • Pages: 4
The Med ia M aker

The Media M anager

Melis sa Ma guire The Med ia P rofessor

Unde rstanding M edi a Studies

Academ ic

Th e Me dia Ma ker

Me dia Pr actic es: D esign  Me dia Pra ctic es: In teractive  Pr oducers C ra ft 

The Medi a Manager

Medi a Economi cs  Medi a C orporat e R esponsibi lity  & the Law  Medi a M anagement & Leadershi p  WN SR R adi o Lab 

The Med ia Pro fessor Medi a Li teracy  Audi ence Res ear ch  Cont ent Anal ysi s  Soci al M edi a: Content  Com municati ons  & Cul ture  Televi sion & Ideas 

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