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CHEATING: The Truth Behind Academic Dishonesty Widespread problem among students around the world

In Partial Fulfillment in Practical Research 1 A Qualitative Research Study

Shaine Mei Lee Arduo Ivory Crystal Navarro Duffney Bejen Ronald Gapol

November 2018

CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION Academic dishonesty can be also broadly classified as cheating. This case refers to committing or contributing to dishonest acts by those engaged in teaching, learning, research, and related academic activities and it applies not just to students, but to everyone in the academic environment. Students prefer to do thing that was not right to fulfill their needs and to be happy. On this case, the students will able to express their personal concerns with regards to the said issue. In United States of America, more than half of all college students there admit to commit some form of academic dishonesty at least once during their years. There are news says that 64% of students admit to perform academic dishonesty on at least once exam or academic activities. The phenomena of academic dishonesty are not unique to U.S. students, however, the news about the scandal associated with students’ cheating during the highly competitive University entrance exam in China has dominated the Chinese media and brought the problem to the front of academic and administrative priorities in the country (Davis & Ludvigson 1995; Jendrek 1989).









achievement, the plagiarism scandal that has befallen Modern College and 23 of its students is an embarrassing episode for Hong Kong academia. The focus has now shifted to the examination authority, after four of the students claimed their teacher had permitted them to cheat on the Diploma of

Secondary Education exam. Educators are in a position to influence their students and must remember they are not merely teaching a curriculum, but a way of life (Cheng 2018). In some European Universities, their studies revealed that plagiarism is deeply rooted in the academic environment. Students are generally aware that plagiarism is a form of dishonest behavior, but they still commit it, especially if they have a tight deadline or too much work to do and not enough time. In such circumstances, most students exploit the benefits of information and communication technology (ICT) and commit cyber plagiarism. Easily accessible information on the internet, the development of IT and the simple copy/paste command facilitate plagiarism. Websites that sell student essays, master’s theses and doctoral dissertations as ready-made commodities are a new and increasingly worrying problem (Burnard, 2002 & Chase, 2004) In Philippine society a barrage of cheating scandals stained the reputation of the Filipinos also of its institutions. There were reports of examinee taking the civil services exam engaging in acts of cheating in order to get an edge over the others and pass examination. They found that students participate in academic misconduct because of their workloads and time pressures, their desire to achieve good grades, and unclear instructions from teachers about what constitutes academic misconduct. Moreover, societal and technological factors that may contribute to increased tendency towards cheating include: lack of awareness, peer culture, lack of punishment, absence of risk and pressure to achieve (Palazzo 2006 & Kwong 2010).

Many of the students in Kapalong National High School considered the idea of getting involve of doing academic dishonesty like cheating, for them not to repeat. This may affect to the student because they don’t like to study for they depend on someone who can give them answers. The students do cheating because they think that they have a bigger chance to pass their exams even though they don’t study. Other student used academic dishonesty because of the pressure from their parents and society (Selim 2018). Conducting this study would help the issue of dishonest behavior of student. The researchers conduct this to find out or determine the effective reason of doing academic dishonesty. This study is gain a deeper understanding









countermeasures that could curb the prevalence. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this phenomenological study is to discover and to understand the troubles of students with regards to their academic dishonesty. The researchers want to determine the different ways of cheating wherein every student has possessed and the researchers also conduct this study for them to have knowledge about academic dishonesty as well as the reason of doing academic dishonesty especially the students. This aims to provide an effective explanation towards the existing phenomena. This research will serve as a basis for our future purposes. Research Questions

The study will look into the experience of every students of overloaded projects. Specifically, it will attempt to answer the following questions. 1. What are the experiences of the students in doing Academic Dishonesty? 2. How do students cope with the challenges in Academic Dishonesty? 3. What are the insights of the students about Academic Dishonesty? Theoretical Lens In this research, the researchers pointed a theory that is related to the research which can support and give ideas about the topic. Theory of Ajzen (2002) as a model predicting undergraduate students’ engagement in unethical behaviors, specifically cheating on tests and homework. We use cheating as a proxy for unethical behavior among undergraduates for three reasons. First, Given the high rates of self-reported cheating among engineering undergraduates already measured cheating represents a behavior that is familiar to most. Second, the decision of whether or not to cheat is an ethical one that requires students to consider a behavior they know to be in violation of established policies, codes, and perhaps norms. Third, cheating in college among engineering students has been correlated with unethical behaviors in engineering professional practice. For these reasons, self-reported cheating behavior serves as the outcome for this study, in order to more fully understand how students, approach their decisions to cheat, we must also understand how this behavior varies by type of context, namely homework and test cheating (Harding, Finelli & Carpenter 2006).

Significance of the Study The result of this study will provide valuable information that will help every student to minimize academic dishonesty. The benefits of this study are the teachers and students will be aware of academic dishonesty. This will provide an insight on why students engage in academic dishonesty. To motivate students not to apply cheating inside the school premises. To ensure fairness and equality among the students. This will serve as their guide and reference if researches will conduct the same study in the future. Definition of terms This research includes a discussion of the key concepts to be used in study. Cheating. Cheating is taking giving any information or material which will be used to determine academic credit. In this study, it refers to a student to copy or using cheating materials. Academic Dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. It refers to a scenario when there will be an unexpected exam that you need to cheat for you to pass. We never really wanted to cheat knowing that cheating is the last hope for those students who do not have the perseverance to study. Delimitations and Limitations of the Study The study will be conducted at Maryknoll High School of Maniki Inc. The junior and senior high school students of the school were used to

answer the survey questionnaire that the researchers created for the study. The survey questionnaires needs to answer by the students with academic dishonesty in order to identify the common reason of doing it and to generate a solution regarding the problems. This will ponder a student’s personal information that will help the researchers with the study. Each of them was given the same questionnaires to answer. And this concentrates on the junior and senior high school students of Maryknoll High School of Maniki, Inc. in the school year 2018-2019. Organization of the Study This research study presents an organized and fixed output with regards to the said problem. It contains parts and descriptions like: The first chapter of this paper discusses about the problem of the said issue, the ways on how they overcome the issue and the related theories of it. It also gives limitations to what should be the scope of the discussion. Interview Guide Questions 1. What are the experiences of the students in doing Academic Dishonesty? 1.1. What are the reasons why you use to cheat? 1.2How does academic dishonesty affect your academic skills? 1.3 What way does academic dishonesty helps you to get good grades?

1.4. What do you think is the result if you continue doing academic dishonesty? 1.5. How does it affect you when you’re doing academic dishonesty? 2. How do students cope with the challenges in Academic Dishonesty? 2.1 How often you cheat during examinations, quizzes etc.? 2.2. What are the things that help you in preventing academic dishonesty? 2.3. What are the things that students must do to avoid academic dishonesty? 2.4. How can you encourage the students to avoid academic dishonesty? 2.5. What are the possible outcomes if the students stopped doing academic dishonesty? 3. What are the insights of the students about Academic Dishonesty? 3.1. What’s the purpose of doing academic dishonesty? 3.2. What are the advantages of doing academic dishonesty? 3.3. What are the disadvantages of doing academic dishonesty? 3.4. How can these issue will help you in the near future? 3.5. How does academic dishonesty help you to improve your academic skills? References: 

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