About My 3 Oral Presentation

  • November 2019
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1- Watch you presentation and answer the following questions. Name & Topic The party on my village in summer. Presentation

Did you use any resources? Yes, I did. Where the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, the power point. ___________________________________________________________________ Body

Did you look at your audience most of the time? Yes, but sometimes a little.

language and

Did you read from you notes? I read a little from my notes.

eye contact

Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Yes, I did gestures and movement because I I have nervous. ___________________________________________________________________ Structure

Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, I organize my ideas in order the importance. Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? Yes, I use first, then, finally,… ___________________________________________________________________ Content

Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Yes, I did. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books..? Yes, I search information in the

internet. Was you information more superficial or more detailed original? My information was superficial but also

and detailed. ___________________________________________________________________ Language Yes,

Did you use check your grammar? (verbs, word order…) I did. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes, some words. Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, I use and, also, but, and the others. ___________________________________________________________________ Pronunciation

Did you know how to pronounce all you words? Did you

& Intonationcheck the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, I know how to pronounce. Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? No, I didn’t. Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? Yes,

sometimes I did interruptions and breaks. ___________________________________________________________________ Self-

You are you teacher! What mark did you get?? 7.


2- Write down a LITERAL TRANSCRIPTION of you presentation. Hello everybody! Today I will talk about the mistreating of women because I think that is a very important thing nowadays. There are some men who have mistreating but there are more women that man who suffer this, and this is the reason that I will talk about mistreating of women. First I will talk about the batterers, after the types of mistreating, the advice to prevent of batterer, the consequences and other information. The batterer, the batterer of the couple is isn’t an ill man, it’s man who learned as a child that women are inferior to them and aa who has demonstrate who gives the orders. This people need a re-education not only now, but before that happened aa in centuries ago and it continues now and in different centuries. There are different types of mistreating, the psychological, the physical abuse, the social, economical and the a sexual. The psychological abuse, the physiological there are all those behaviors that produce aa devaluation and suffering to the to the woman. For example: the threats, the demands of of humiliations, of of ai obedience, demand of obedience, They are also the insults, the control of going out of home, humiliations in public and more. The physical abuse is the not accidental attack, a that he provokes or they can produce aa damage to the body of the woman. Aa The sexual is the is a imposition to the woman a sexual relation against her will. The social, the social is an isolation of women from her family and friends and not allowing the contact with these. And Finally The economical, the economical the victim does not have access to economic means aa since the mistreating person a controls these, even though she is independent economically. Advice to prevent the batterer, aa One of the things that we can do for advice to prevent the batterer is to educate the the new generations, tell us that the man and woman are the same and all have a the same opportunity and rights. and In this way when the boys are big they will that not see to the women inferior to them. The consequences of violence there are different

consequences, for example grief, insomnia, anxiety, aa permanent fatigue, changes of mood, a pain pain in the joints, sadness because they believe nothing is worth it, depression, and more. Other information, a other information the 60% of men who have been accused of domestic violence aa turns the attack on his wife or girlfriend. aam The ill treated women make eleven accusations every day in Catalonia, and in Spain made one hundred and thirty acustations. Half the people that aa are mistreated are her husband, or ex-husband. or her boyfriend. Aa Spain stands in the fifth place of Europe that in the number of deaths from mistreating and after there are Germany, Rumania, United Kingdom and Poland. And well, I will have finished my oral presentation and I hope that you like it. And Have you got any questions?

Check you Language and Structure. Can you correct you mistakes? Hello class! Today I will talk about mistreating of women because I think that is a very important thing nowadays. There are some men who receive mistreating but there are more women that man who suffer this, and this is the reason that I will talk about mistreating of women. First I will talk about the batterers, after the types of mistreating, the advice to prevent the batterer, the consequences and other information. The batterers: The batterer of the couple isn't an ill person, it is a man who learned as a child that women are inferior to them and who has to demonstrate who gives the orders. People need a re-education not only now, but before that happened centuries ago and it continues now and in certain cultures. The batterer is not conscious that he was doing a bad thing when he was mistreating the couple. Types of mistreating We can find different types of mistreating, the physical abuse, psychological, sexual, social and economical. The psychological: There are all those behaviours that produce devaluation and suffering to the woman. For example: the threats, the demands of obedience, humiliations. They are also the insults, the control of going out of home, humiliations in public...... The physical abuse: There is the non accidental attack, that he

provokes or they can produce damage to the body of the woman. The sexual: Is the imposition to the woman a sexual relation against her will. The social: Is an isolation of the woman from her family and friends not allowing the contact with these. The economical: The victim does not have access to economic means since the mistreating person controls these, even though she is independent economically. In the majority of cases women don’t complain about the abuse because of fear. Advice to prevent the batterer One of the things that they do to avoid the batterer is to educate the new generations, tell us that the man and woman are the same and all have the same opportunity and rights. In this way when the boys are big they will not see to the girls inferior to them Consequences The violence can lead to different consequences, for example anxiety, grief, insomnia, permanent fatigue, pain the joints, changes of mood, sadness because they believe nothing is worth it, depression,… Other information 60% of men who have been accused of domestic violence turns the attack on his wife or girlfriend. The ill treated women make eleven accusations every day in Catalonia, and in Spain one hundred and thirty people. Half the people that are mistreated are her husband or boyfriend or exhusband. Spain stands in the fifth place of Europe in the number of deaths from mistreating after Germany, Rumania, United Kingdom and Poland. Well, I have finished my oral presentation and I hope that you like it. Have you got any questions?

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