About Me

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,204
  • Pages: 13
OCENIC A HOMOEOPATHIC REPERTORIZATION CENTRE DEAR FRIEND In homoeopathy, manually selection of medicine is a very difficult and time taking task. After taking a case, then selection of rubrics after Repertorization, accurate medicine comes. In OCENIC a group of experience homoeopathic doctor, Computer experts are associated. They work for reducing doctor's labor and time, and provide Computerize Repertory Chart and Nucleus Symptom of the medicine who stands in the repertory chart in a very nominal Contribution cost.

About Repertorization Repertory is basically an index or like a tool and much success depends on the skill on the practitioner using it. It gives a small group of medicines with different grades, but never suggests a final choice. It is the duty of physician to go back to the final court of appeal, the Materia Medica and establish a correspondence. Steps of Repertorization 1. Case taking 2. Recording and interpretation 3. Classifications and Evaluation of Symptoms 4. Selection of proper repertory 5. Reportorial Result

6. 7.

Analysis of Reportorial Result Selection of Final medicine.

OCENIC also provides Case Taking Format. As soon as a homoeopath or a patient send properly filled case taking format, OCENIC reduces your work step 2 to step 5 and give valuable suggestions for step 6.

Case-Taking-Format Guide lines: The patient as well as physicians should always keep in mind that every case is quite new and also that Homoeopathy treats the patients, never the disease by nomenclature. One should not be puzzled to look at this exhaustive case taking Performa. This is meant for all ailments of humanity all over the world. He is to note only that point which concerns him and the rest may be left blank. It is cautioned that answer should be given after due deliberation never in a hurry, the wrong or confused answer will lead to wrong selection of a remedy, which will be harmful, to the patient as well as the physician. If the patient has difficulty in the filling up the Performa, he may take help from good local homoeopath.






Occupation Address [present]

Address [permanent]

E-mail number

History of present illness [Complaint, Location, How it aggravate & relived]

Pathological State Report [if any] X-ray, blood test, urine test, ECG, Ultrasound, C.T. scan, MRI, memo graph, etc.

Details of past illness & events [Give as far it is known]

Family History [Indicate the main disease of family members]

Mental Information Mental Traumas [write in details if any] Death of love own, loosing job, unemployment, money loss, hopelessness, honor wounded, frustration, domination, discord, envy, responsibility, family anxiety, carelessness from family members, divorce, indifferences, love disappointment, after retirement, and any present problem or mental pressure.

Mental State

Present condition of – memory, concentration, anger [why and type of anger], consolation [agg or amel ] , maliciousness, remorse, fear [from which and why], weeping [why and which type], any anxiety, envy, discontented [from which], escape nature, sympatric, depressed, fastidious [which kind], postponing nature, company desire or aversion [why], habits, hobbies, religious behavior, crowd and noise [how affects]

Economical Status Family income, condition of business, future planning, social economical status, avarice, extravagance, satisfied or dissatisfied with his/her income.

Observation Traits of character, constitution, diathesis, susceptibility, intolerance

Sleep Nature, position, symptoms [before, during & after sleep], action sleep during [started, teeth grinding, talking, walking, urinating etc], pillow desire [ high, low etc]

Dream Object, frequency, effect on the patient.

Sex Continence, desire, aversion, satisfaction, masturbation, ejaculation and perversion if any, marital and pre or post marital relationship.

Menses Menses appear [age, premature, delayed], cycle [regular, irregular, early, late], duration, character of discharge

[color, consistency, order stain], quantity [profuse, scanty], character of flow [normal, clotted, scanty, profuse, suppressed], symptom [before, during, after menses], alteration if any.

Leucorrhoea Character [type, color, order, stain, frequency] character of flow [before, during, after], concomitant.

Symptoms [different part of the body] Vertigo [when, type], head [pain, hair falling, hair gray becoming, tangled, split, lice, dandruff], eye [discharge, pain, color], vision [foggy, blindness], ear [discharges, pain], hearing, nose [discharges, smell, dryness, sneezing, sinus], face [dry, oily, color, lips], mouth [taste, smell, salivation, open sleep during, gums], tongue [color, moisture, coating, sides and undersurface] tooth [ carries, color, sensitiveness] throat, tonsil, stomach [appetite, thirst, digestion, eructation, nausea, yawning], abdomen [gas, distended, hardness, ball sensation, liver, spleen],

rectum [inactivity, piles, fistula, prolepses] stool [first urge when, type, frequency, satisfactory or not], urine and urination [frequency, flow, pain, burning, retention, color, order, sedimentation], prostate, breathing, back, respiration, cough, extremities [pain, restlessness, numbness, cramps, finger nails, hardness], skin [eruption, eruption if any, itching, discoloration, warts, tendency to suppurate, scars], perspiration [location, quantity, order, color, stain on cloth], cold, fever [chill with, entrainment, thirst, restlessness]

General symptom Which season patient like, dislike and why? How change of weather affects? Bathing [likes or dislike]? Likes open or close place? Clothing loose or tight? Which color attracts or why? How heat, light, humidity, sunlight, affects? Food desire, aversion and aggravation.

Case Taking Format for Child:

Guide lines: the patient as well as physicians should always keep in mind that every case is quite new and also that Homoeopathy treats the patients, never the disease by nomenclature. One should not be puzzled to look at

this exhaustive case taking Performa. This is meant for all ailments of humanity all over the world. He is to note only that point which concerns him and the rest may be left blank. It is cautioned that answer should be given after due deliberation never in a hurry, the wrong or confused answer will lead to wrong selection of a remedy, which will be harmful, to the patient as well as the physician. If the patient has difficulty in the filling up the Performa, he may take help from good local homoeopath.





Study BABY




Address [present]

Address [permanent]

E-mail number History of present illness [Complaint, Location, How it aggravate & relived]


Pathological State Report [if any] X-ray, blood test, urine test, ECG, Ultrasound, C.T. scan, MRI, memo graph, etc.

Details of past illness & events [Give as far it is known]

Family History [Indicate the main disease of family members]

Mental Information

Observation This is very important for child.

Mental Traumas [write in details if any] Death of love own, honor wounded, domination / excessive parental control, discord, envy, responsibility, family anxiety, carelessness from family members, indifferences, any present problem or mental pressure.

Mental State Present condition of – memory, concentration, anger [why and type of anger], consolation [agg or amel], maliciousness, remorse, fear [from which and why], weeping [why and which type], any anxiety, envy, discontented [from which], escape nature, sympatric, depressed, fastidious [which kind], company desire or aversion [why], habits, hobbies, religious behavior, crowd and noise [how affects]

Sleep Nature, position, symptoms [before, during & after sleep], action sleep during [started, teeth grinding, talking, walking, urinating etc], pillow desire [ high, low etc]

Dream Object, frequency, effect on the patient.

General symptom Which season patient like, dislike and why? How change of weather affects? Bathing [likes or dislike]? Likes open or close place? Clothing loose or tight? Which color attracts or why? How heat, light, humidity, sunlight, affects? Food [desire, aversion and aggravation].

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