Abolition: A Love Story

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ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 1 of 24 October 1, 2009

ANTI-MICHAEL MOORE CONTEST $250 Prize RULES: • Create a video based on the material here at SpeakUpFightBack.org • Plug SpeakUpFightBack.org in the video • The ideal video length is 3-5 minutes (but there is NO restriction) • Submit your video link below or here by November 17, 2009 GUIDELINES: I am looking for REAL people on camera (NOT computer generated animations), who thoughtfully and passionately present the material here at SpeakUpFightBack.org. I will be partial towards those videos based on the conversational pieces found throughout the website, especially here. PRIZE: • •

The winner gets $250. The winner will be announced no later than November 25, 2009.

I will NOT claim ownership of any submitted video, nor do I intend to make money off any submitted video. HOWEVER, I do intend to use the ‘Winner’ as a promotional piece and I would ultimately like to create a collage using the submitted videos. CONTEST BACKGROUND: Michael Moore’s new documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” hit theaters October 2, 2009. Although I have NOT seen Michael Moore’s latest, I did enjoy his presentation of corporate and government corruption in his previous documentaries “Bowling for Columbine,” “Fahrenheit 9/11,” and “Sicko,” HOWEVER, I depart severely from his conclusions, which he uniformly and generically avows in every film that more government is the answer. His analysis is certainly intriguing and entertaining, but it's incomplete and incomplete/slanted fact finding can only lead to incomplete/slanted conclusions. For example, in 'Sicko', Moore DIDN'T investigate the great Healthcare system America had prior to the HMO Act of 1973, OVERLOOKED the problems in Cuba, Canada & France (rationing of services & shortages of specialists) and DIDN'T explore the AMA's role in the early 1900's in banning fair competition with actual healers such as Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, etc, by claiming those professionals were ALL 'quacks'. Excluding these and other critical topics/questions, ultimately leads to this question: "How can government be a substantial part of the problem, yet be the universal answer (socialism)?" And it is this question and the following quote that led me to write “Abolition: A love story” and create this contest. “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” - Henry David Thoreau And however you found this, whoever you are, my foremost thought is to say wholeheartedly, “Godspeed to you and your loved ones. Times are both interesting and rough and I send my best wishes to ALL of humanity.”

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 2 of 24 October 1, 2009

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it...always.” - Mahatma Gandhi Caution will too often prevent and curtail real conversation. Cheers to those who out of concern and deep love for ALL of humanity’s future, for they courageously throw caution to the wind and chance their most valuable relationships on conversation, real conversation. “Truth springs from argument amongst friends.” - David Hume “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.” – Ambrose Redmoon

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY [SHANNON]: My father’s plant officially closed yesterday. His hours have been cut back for the last couple years and he has been looking for another job even longer and there was/is nothing. First, their subprime mortgage rate reset; now he has no job. My parents were living paycheck to paycheck and are losing everything. This is so awful. [SEAN]: Nothing could break my heart more than to hear about your parents. They were basically mine growing up. Whatever I can do, I will. [SHANNON]: Thanks. I just feel so helpless that I can hardly stand and I’m so angry that I could kill. Those soulless Republican Capitalist bastards neo-conned our country to its destruction! I can only hope Obama has enough time to siphon the wealth, to enact his socialist policies, to save us from absolute ruin! [SEAN]: You know how much I love you and you know that I have no love for those psychotic killers Bush/Cheney and their Goebbels Infotainment Pimps: Rush ‘Hillbilly Heroin’ Limbaugh and Glenn ‘Heck Yeah, Nuke Iran’ Beck. And I agree the Nixon, Reagan, Bush I & II Administrations have done everything in their power to demolition our country into contaminated dust... and I passionately protested that ‘Insane’ McCain and Mitt ‘Romanov’ were about as conservative as Cambodia’s Genocidal Dictator Pol Pot, but... “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” - Henry David Thoreau The assumption that our economy is circling the drain because of Capitalism is far from realty and that crucial premise should be dissected before you conclude: “Socialism must be the answer.” So shall we take hand what we as friends have always avoided, a political/economic debate, a stroll down the yellow brick road to find humanity’s true arch nemesis, the ‘man’ behind the curtain? [SHANNON]: Sure, but fair warning, this will be ‘Shoots and Ladders’ getting me to your ‘man’ behind the curtain. I’m no blank slate and I promise you a fight. [SEAN]: Sweet, let’s rumble!

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 3 of 24 October 1, 2009

The root word of Capitalism is Capital, which is defined as ‘Assets Earned in Excess of Consumption Needs’ or ‘An Accumulation of Useful Assets and/or Property.’ Simply put, Capital is savings, and thereby, Capitalism refers to the whole construct of ideals, philosophy and values attached to ‘savings.’ Compare that idea to the fundamentally prevalent footing of our current economic system? – Debt, debt, and more debt. From second and third mortgages to student loans to credit cards to car loans to government deficits at all levels, one thing is certain, borrowing is the essence of our economy and any economy based on ‘borrowing’, depending on the labor and investment of others, is the exact opposite of an economy based on ‘savings’, which depends on the labor and enterprise of oneself. Capitalism has NO meaningful relevance to our economy as it stands today. None! Capitalism is NOT our destroyer; it’s rather a scapegoat, a convenient mask for the true guilty party... [SHANNON]: But America’s economy is deep-rooted in Capitalism. Unchecked, it caused the Great Depression of the 1930’s and thankfully FDR’s ‘New Deal’ (Socialism) ultimately got us out, just like Obama’s ‘Stimulus Package’ (Socialism) will get us out of DubyaR’s Greater Depression. Although I agree America doesn’t save, we borrow from China and the rest of the planet, who do save, Capitalism, now global, is the venomous culprit that needs to be slain. America is just now on the ‘negative’ end of Capitalism. We the people, government, must safeguard against the now global corporate monopolies, the GIANTS, the awful and certain consequence of Capitalism. These GIANTS, from the HMOs to the Banks, thrive as we the people suffer, and thrive more visibly as the whole economy plummets to fertilizer. They’re too big to fall and we’re too small NOT to be swallowed. Capitalism is a cannibalistic ecosystem because it’s always ‘Zero-sum’. In order for someone to win, someone must loose. Plus 1, Minus 1, Sum 0. [SEAN]: First, I wholeheartedly agree the main function of any government is to safeguard its people against the malicious interests of others, especially GIANTS, but the ‘root’ enemy, the footing of these monopoly GIANTS isn’t voluntary-private-individual investment of one’s ‘savings’ into their own ideas and enterprise, which is to say the enemy still isn’t Capitalism. The American Heritage Dictionary, 2000 edition, defines Monopoly as “A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.” GIANTS, or monopolies, are ALWAYS artificially created by Government interference, regulation, control and license. Zero-sum is a characteristic of government interference, not Free Market Capitalism. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the HMOs and the Banks the power they so heavily wield today. We don’t need reforms; we need repeals. [SHANNON]: What about Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and the Anti-trust laws of the early 1900’s? Standard Oil was a product of ‘Free Market Capitalism’ and was smashed by government prosecution and law. You don’t hear about the Rockefellers anymore, do you? [SEAN]: Yes, and unfortunately, the Rockefellers are still around. John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, became Esso, now it’s called Exxon. Exxon has done very well, especially since the invasion of Iraq, which you affectionately call the Oil’nam. “The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.”

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 4 of 24 October 1, 2009

– John D. Rockefeller And yes, occasionally, customers have willingly given their business almost exclusively to one service provider. Example: Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, through efficiency and innovation, lowered the price of kerosene from $0.58 to $0.08 per gallon between 1865 and 1885. Rockefeller was also an enlightened employer, who paid his employees well and was one of the first to initiate a retirement plan and because Rockefeller shared the jointly created profits with his workers, they were highly motivated and loyal. Not surprisingly, by 1884, Rockefeller had 85% of the world wide refining business because everyone was happy. But Rockefeller, tempted by illusions of grandeur and the ruthless psychopathic genetics of his snake oil salesman father, wanted absolute control of the market to set higher prices/profits, and attempted this by price collusion with independent oil refiners and by shipping rate collusion with the railroads, exchanging kickbacks for higher prices on competitor shipping. But in the end, his scheme to monopolize the market failed. Standard Oil’s world market share fell from 85% in 1884 to 53% four short years later, in 1888, and continued to fall thereafter. The antitrust conviction in 1911 against Standard Oil was rather redundant. Customers, responding to Rockefeller's unsavory tactics to suppress competition and raise prices, had already chosen to give a large share of their business to other firms. And by the early 1900’s, more and more customers eventually turned to natural gas and electricity as substitutes for kerosene oil. The marketplace economy, our ecosystem, free from monopoly/licensing/political laws, ensured that Rockefeller could keep his monopoly only as long as he could serve customers and employees best. Despite Hollywood’s distorted portrayal of Capitalism as a ‘Zero-sum’ mechanism in movies like ‘Wall Street’, true Free Market Capitalism instead requires any and all transactions to be winwin or they don’t happen. As Rockefeller quickly learned, a transaction can only be ‘win-lose’, or ‘Zero-sum’, with government ‘Interventionism’. Without government intervention, Rockefeller couldn’t thwart the marketplace ecosystem, so Rockefeller bribed state legislators to put his competitors out of business for him. Example: When Tidewater Pipe Line Company threatened Rockefeller’s dominance, Rockefeller successfully lobbied (with substantial campaign contributions) to get Standard Oil a monopoly status on pipeline building in states where Tidewater was operating. You don’t hear about Tidewater anymore, do you? {*1*} [SHANNON]: But we both saw ‘Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price’, how could you see that and want no regulation to stop the Wal-Marts of the world? [SEAN]: WITHOUT the substantial local/property tax breaks and WITHOUT the low importation taxes (tariffs), which enable cheap transport of slave labor products from China, Wal-Mart wouldn’t exist. ‘Regulation’ or ‘Politically Motivated Law’ created that GIANT. That said, I’m NOT arguing against ‘customer protection’ and/or ‘competitor protection’ laws. I’m arguing that these laws generally come too late and too often the so-called ‘customer protection’ laws are truly monopoly laws in disguise, in fact, written, sponsored and financially supported by the very institutions the laws were thought to restrain. Any true Capitalist wants regulation and protection against politically motivated interference, protection against GIANTS, and protection against slave wage countries. The best protectionist laws, keeping our manufacturing and small business jobs here, locally, are tariffs. And once upon a time, these import taxes paid for most of our Federal Government’s services, including military defense. {*3*} The best supplement to tariffs is in the Health Industry and Financial Industry, for

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 5 of 24 October 1, 2009

example, would be to repeal the monopoly creating HMO Act of 1973 and Federal Reserve Act of 1913. And please understand that I’m not pleading for ‘Corporate Salvation’. I hate the GIANTS more vehemently than you do. I’m instead arguing for the lifeline of any great civilization, I’m arguing on behalf of small businesses and local production, home grown prosperity. You’re arguing against GIANTS and I’m with you. But what I’m saying is there is no greater GIANT, no greater THREAT to humanity than the GIANT spawned from the marriage of Government and Corporation. I’m arguing Governments create GIANT ‘one-size-fits-ALL’ Corporations, whereas ‘Free Market Capitalism’, which is the ability to use savings freely, the ability to democratically vote with one’s own property, is what kills GIANTS in favor of innovation and new technology and that’s why: “The dominant fact of American political life at the beginning of this [the twentieth] century was that big business led the struggle for the federal regulation of the economy.” – Gabriel Kolko The GIANTS want to artificially eliminate competition: “Competition is a sin.” – John D. Rockefeller By bribing politicians: “When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.” - P.J. O'Rourke The GIANTS gain domination only by hiring shields, by hiring politicians to promote their corpo/fascist agenda. “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini I’m arguing your rage against the GIANTS is right, but they’re corpo/fascist debt enslaving MONSTERS, not individual Mom & Pop shops built from their savings, their capital, employing and serving their local community. Just think about it, what saved the Banks from the 2008 Financial System Crisis? – Government bailouts. In a system free of politically motivated protection, the GIANTS would be long gone and Main Street local businesses would have replaced the EVIL/DEAD ideas of globalization/monopolies by now. That said, let me now ask you a question, have you ever hear of the 1920-1921 Depression? [SHANNON]: No, can’t say I have. [SEAN]: You never heard of the 1920-1921 Depression because it was short and relatively painless. The politicians, although tempted, steered clear of economic interference and allowed the mighty force of Capitalism’s current to wash away the GIANT mal-investments (bubbles).

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 6 of 24 October 1, 2009

To end this 2007-? Economic ‘Crisis’ quickly, we must learn from what we did in the early 20’s and let the bad investments liquidate (go bad). Do what we did from 1929-1941, and we'll have another twelve-year Depression, if we’re lucky. Do what we did from 1920-1921, and NOT even considering the advancements in communication technologies; we would be home free by now. Economist Henry Wallich, in response to Erhard’s 1948 announcement to end of the socialist controls in Germany, wrote, “The spirit of the country changed overnight. The gray, hungry, deadlooking figures wandering about the streets in their everlasting search for food came to life.” Fifteen years later, receiving far less Marshall Plan money than Britain or France, the bombed out hulk that had been Germany was an industrial giant and one of the richest countries in the world. The feat was dubbed the German Miracle. {*3*} No Federal Reserve/No Central (Planning) Bank = Prosperity [SHANNON]: I concede, GIANTS should NOT be saved by prolonging the ‘Crisis’ for the commoners and all of what you say sounds reasonable, but Republicans, namely my father, has been arguing similar points to me my entire life. The Republicans had the House, the Senate and the Congress for six years, from 2001-2006, and flushed our country down the toilet. Why should I believe the Republicans, my father, you, now? [SEAN]: Just because politicians attach words and ideals to themselves during the campaign trail, doesn’t make the connection real. “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers.” - Thomas Pynchon Ignore labels and instead observe reality. Actions speak louder than words. The group marketing what your father believed to be the truth, Capitalism, was the Republicrats. But what was sold to your father wasn’t what he got. The Demopublicans and Republicrats claim Socialism and Capitalism, respectively, only as selling points, as bait, to be switched to their corpo/fascist agenda once elected. And NOT only do politicians confiscate the ideas of Socialism and Capitalism for their short-term campaign strategies, but in the long-run, these false attachments get the blame of the corpo/fascist agenda when it goes bad for the little guy, and it always goes bad for you/your father/me/us.

PICTURE Wealth pie [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/wi3l7o.gif[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/wi3l7o/4 The corpo/fascist agenda continues, from one Presidential administration to the next, without interruption while the commoners fight each other over labels (capitalism/socialism), and not reality. “The technique of infamy [notoriety gained from a damaging incident] is to invent two lies and to get people arguing heatedly over which one of them is true.” – Ezra Pound

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 7 of 24 October 1, 2009

Look at those on the right. They scream Obama is making the economy worse because he’s socializing risk, failure and debt, because he’s a socialist. Conversely, the left are screaming Bush caused the mess because he favored privatizing profits, because he’s a capitalist. Divided by beLIEfs, meaningless labels, and the failure to put the whole picture together, we are conquered by the corpo/fascist agenda, which BOTH socializes risk, failure and debt among the commoners; while privatizing profits for a select few. Instead of finding out each of us has a piece of the puzzle and uniting our rage, we instead fight each other, we hack at branches while the rotten tree grows more rotten. A select few, not the commoners; Wall Street, not Main Street, continues to be what both the left and right politicians protect. And forget my arguments for a second and just look out the window. Look at reality. How has Wall Street faired since Obama’s Stimulus Package? How has Main Street/your father done? [SHANNON]: I can agree, as Obama has expanded the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and is now bombing Pakistan regularly {*3*}, the economy continues to get worse for the little guy, but meanwhile, the DOW is up 50% since March of this year. A ‘Jobless Recovery’ they say? What a joke? You’re either a part of the ‘Patriot Act’ economy or you’re not. Nothing has changed from Bush to Obama, but I have assumed this congruency had more to do with insufficient time lapsing, NOT criminally intentional ‘bait and switch’. So prove it to me. Show me the elements of crime. Show me the weapon, the opportunity and the motive and you may have won me over. Maybe? [SEAN]: There are many weapons to this crime, but the Weapon of ‘Distraction by Division’ is a very powerful one. The politicians and bureaucrats are low level salespersons, they’re the street criminals; a distraction for the police (the citizens, voters) to chomp on, while the distributors (monopoly GIANTS) run amok. Look at us. We, like all American commoners, universally agree we want a peaceful prosperous world to leave our posterity and we all agree GIANTs have no place in that better world, but too often we debate the merits and faults of politicians, of puppets. The politicians themselves are one of the many weapons of mass ‘Distraction by Division’. The politicians themselves are their own iron curtain, their own shield, their own protector, allowing us to destroy ourselves by division, rather than unifying against them, because we are under the illusion there is a difference between Republicrats and Demopublicans. The opportunity is ‘Crisis’. The motive is ‘Preservation’. [SHANNON]: Leaving aside the ‘Weapon’ you have described for just a minute; let’s first focus on ‘Crisis’ and ‘Preservation’ as the opportunity and motive. They are seemingly perfect opposites... If ‘Preservation’ is the motive, then why would both political parties push the corpo/fascist agenda when in the long-term it fails, leads to ‘Crisis’ after ‘Crisis’, destroying ALL their constituents, their voters, their supporters, and thereby must also fail themselves? [SEAN]: Well, why do you think cigarette companies needlessly add carcinogens and other toxins to their products? [SHANNON]: I would guess that ‘white collar’ criminals can lack or ignore foresight, just like common thugs. In one word: incompetence.

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 8 of 24 October 1, 2009

[SEAN]: John Maynard Keynes, the father of ‘Interventionist’ or Keynesian Economics, which is the guiding economic philosophy in the United States from the Great Depression onward, gives credence to the idea we are ruled by careless buffoons and not cunning jackals when he said, “The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead.” But what if it was deeper than incompetence? What if I told you the GIANT cigarette corporations and the GIANT cancer/disease management corporations were subsidiaries of the same parent company, would that show you motive/intent? – one child hurts their customers, the other tends the hurt, and the parent earns profits from both children. [SHANNON]: Sure. [SEAN]: Similarly, a politician’s failure, their crisis, may end one career (Bush II), but becomes an engine of preservation for the institution of government because the next politician (Obama) is not only asked, but begged to do more, thereby granting the institution of government more power. So political figures might be willfully careless ABOUT their own preservation; but the institution of politicians and bureaucrats is willfully careless FOR the greater preservation of their parent company, our government. “The bureaucrat's first objective, of course, is preservation of his job – provided by the biggovernment system, at the taxpayers expense. … Whether real world problems get solved or not is of secondary importance. It doesn't take much cynicism, in fact, to see that the bureaucrats have a vested interest in not having problems solved. If the problems did not exist (or had been invented), there would be no reason for the bureaucrat to have a job.” - William Simon, Ford’s Treasury Secretary, 1974-77 “Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. They are opportunities to do big things.” - Rahm Emanual, Obama's Chief of Staff “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the U.S.A. So the nature of the false left/right paradigm is criminal, in the sense it’s a circular swelling mount of injustice. The politicians use their ‘Weapons of Division and Distraction’ to allow invented or accidental ‘Opportunities of Crisis’ to happen without proper diagnosis, in fact driving the majority to beg politicians to do more of the same government interference, ‘Preserving’ and furthering the role of government to, ultimately, create more interference, more division. It goes around and around, from Republicrats to Demopublicans to Republicrats to Demopublicans, the only change is the government gets bigger and bigger. “The National parties [Republicans and Democrats] and their presidential candidates, with the Eastern Establishment [International Banking Establishment] assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes, moved closer together and nearly met in the center with almost identical candidates and platforms, although the process was concealed, as much as possible, by the revival of obsolescent or meaningless war cries and slogans [...] “But either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigor-less. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” - Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World, 1966

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 9 of 24 October 1, 2009

[SHANNON]: At this point, I’ll say the crime seems plausible: Just like dominos, we have one ‘bubble’ induced economic ‘Crisis’ after another {*5*}, we are certainly ‘Divided’ over every political issue screaming for solutions based on labels and associations, and the size of government has exploded. That said; if the ‘War on Drugs’ has taught us anything, it’s any crime that is selfsustaining and extremely profitable will always find competitors. So how does this criminal organization, if it truly exists, keep its power? And what I’m really getting at is how can ‘Division’ be the major weapon of something this big? [SEAN]: What if I told you that one guy owned all 32 NFL football teams and each year he came on TV before the season even started and correctly predicted the Superbowl winner? - You’d know it was a well planned fraud, right? [SHANNON]: Of course! But if that were the case, the ‘owner’ couldn’t flaunt it because the deception would be so obvious that no one would watch. [SEAN]: Exactly, caution would be king because knowledge is power and power is money. So by keeping this advanced knowledge a secret, hidden, the ‘owner’ could make lots of money from the fans who buy into the scheme and could proxy folks who were NOT commonly associated with him, i.e. cousins, ‘shell’ corporations, or even assumed enemies, to yield exponential investment gains on the planned outcomes by gambling the ticket and merchandise sales. Well, the same principle applies to what we now have in politics: Both major parties are solely owned subsidiaries of NOT ‘one’ Don, but a cartel of international banking families (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc) who own/are the Federal Reserve (the FED). So like the Mafia, competition is kept at bay by forming alliances, by joining forces. Since the FED’s power comes from the government granted money monopoly created by ‘The Federal Reserve Act of 1913’ and since printing money isn’t too complicated, we the people must be distracted by division (your Donkeys smell like manure - oh yeah, well your Elephants stink bigger, so there) to never see behind the curtain of sock puppets we call leaders (football teams), to never see the puppet masters’ (the NFL commissioner’s) control over us is merely flimsy strings of revocable regulation (game ticket). So although I contend ‘distraction by division’ is and must be their major weapon, their shield of massive destruction by manipulation, they do wield many more weapons/blockers which include ‘drafting dissidents’, ‘demonizing remaining detractors’, ‘drowning ALL earth dwellers in debt’ and ‘deliberately dumbing/drugging down ALL earth dwellers’. All told, they must and do suppress knowledge the left/right paradigm/rivalry is a fraud, so victims of the corpo/fascist agenda, those seeking a redress of grievances, and/or those demanding change, become fierce cheerleaders for the Demopublican Branch Hackers or the Republicrat Hack Branchers, instead of becoming Federal Reserve Abolitionists, like myself. [SHANNON]: For now, I’ll assume your premise, “the Federal Reserve banksters own the parties,” is correct because it would seem disadvantageous to be in their situation, having the power to print and distribute money without oversight, and leave anything to chance. Besides, Bush gave us the ‘Banker Bailout’ bill and Obama gave us the ‘Stimulus Package’. So, without argument over if/why the ‘game’ is rigged, I ask this: How do the banksters control all of the election outcomes? - They get one vote just like me! It seems everything depends on maintaining these two false choices. Couldn’t well intentioned or even power hungry candidates challenge the Demopublican/Republicrat duopoly?

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 10 of 24 October 1, 2009

What I’m trying to ask is, how can a crime this GIANT be so outrageous and pervasive and so big, yet avoid infiltration and remain very much hidden, missed by casual or concerned observation? [SEAN]: After we finish, I’ll give you links to “Money Masters” and “The Capitalist Conspiracy” {*6*} to sufficiently prove the ‘game’ is rigged. That point aside, the banksters do their best to control all outcomes and all variables by a basic pyramid organizational structure: If you’re not a member, then you’re not a candidate. So the banksters, the gang at the top of the pyramid, don’t necessarily need a particular election outcome (‘Superbowl’ winner), when both ‘finalists’ serve the interests of the bankster families. They just need to ensure the final two teams are 100% loyal and the voters are loyal to either team. Specifically, the Banks own the Military/Medical/Media Industrial Complex (3MIC); 3MIC funds the so-called ‘think tank’ organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Brookings Institution, Project for a New American Century, Bohemian Grove, etc; the think tanks pick the candidates among their ranks and 3MIC financially support and advertise the chosen ones, the puppets, the jokers. The crime is hidden, but it’s hidden in plain site. Only by challenging it, can you see it clearly. “The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” - John Hay, 1872 [SHANNON]: Exactly, what about the challengers? – There must be rogue candidates, eventually. [SEAN]: Without money and TV time, a candidate cannot be a factor and the banksters have substantial to majority share ownership interest of the major media corporations. Any rogue candidate - like Ron Paul (R) and Cynthia McKinney (D) - who criticize the Federal Reserve and lower tiers of the pyramid, such as 3MIC or CFR, are co-opted if possible, and if not they are maligned and ignored as fringe and irrelevant by the controlled opposition (left and right talkingheads) of the Media. Example: In November, 2007, as Ron Paul’s 2008 Presidential bid was rapidly gaining ground, winning polls of nationally televised Republican Primary Debates, scoring record breaking million dollar grassroots inspired money bombs (internet fundraising), having a real chance to win, the media personalities on the right, as well as those on the left, in chorus and parroting the same talking points, began attacking Ron Paul as an extremist and Glenn Beck, a so-called conservative, even called Ron Paul a ‘Domestic Terrorist Threat’.


Pentagon Parrots [IMG]http://i31.tinypic.com/242dcsg.gif[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/242dcsg/3 All the other Demopublican and Republicrat Primary candidates were CFR members.


CFR [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/ax17kh.jpg[/IMG]

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 11 of 24 October 1, 2009

http://tinypic.com/r/ax17kh/4 [SHANNON]: What about candidates who later gain a moral consciousness? [SEAN]: Someone who had/gained a moral consciousness was Elliot Spitzer (Governor, D-NY), who on February 14, 2008, wrote an article called “Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime: How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers,” in which he stated, “In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative. The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer protection laws against national banks. The federal government's actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules.” Within weeks, Spitzer was politically assassinated by the Banksters’ megaphone, the media industrial complex, over a sex scandal. Similarly, Rod Blagojevich (Governor, D-IL) was arrested on corruption charges the day after he announced he was asking all Illinois government agencies to suspend business with Bank of America. The list goes on and on and goes back to the origins of our Constitutional Republic {*7*}. If you mess with the banksters, then your skeletons conveniently come out of the closet to bury you. [SHANNON]: What about independent parties? [SEAN]: What about the Arena Football League? Who watches that? ESPN doesn’t report hourly, daily, or even weekly on those teams/games/players. Can you name a player or even a team from the AFL? – Can you even tell me with certainty that the AFL exists? [SHANNON]: Nope, nope, nope! [SEAN]: The AFL is not a factor on TV; so it’s not a factor. Similarly, did you hear about the Libertarian presidential candidates: Ron Paul (88’), Harry Browne (96’, 00’), Michael Badnarik (04’)? – How about the Constitution Party presidential candidates: Howard Phillips (92’), Chuck Baldwin (08’)? [SHANNON]: No. They weren’t on TV. [SEAN]: They weren’t even mentioned on TV. They were completely shut out of the national debate. [SHANNON]: But playing devils advocate, dozens and dozens run for president each year, how would you run a reasonably balanced and informative debate with fifty candidates on stage? [SEAN]: With one reasonably balanced threshold: Is the candidate ballot qualified? Or, in other words, is the candidate on enough state ballots to make victory a mathematical possibility? Generally, only about 6-8 Presidential candidates are ballot qualified and no one complained about the reasonableness of the Demopublican and Republicrat Presidential Primary debates, which each included more than ten candidates during the 2008 election cycle. “For our Democracy to survive, we must have open debates about the challenges we face and the solutions that we must apply. We don’t need two candidate debates that sound like over-rehearsed interviews. We don’t need debates that look like two game show contestants

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 12 of 24 October 1, 2009

[battling]. We don’t need show business. We need serious debate. We need honest talk before the American people.” – Ralph Nader, 2000-04-08 Green/Independent Party Presidential Candidate Bottom line, can you imagine a football team with the best record, the best players, not getting a chance to compete in the playoffs because they weren’t on TV? [SHANNON]: No. That’s not fair! But what makes the independents so great? [SEAN]: The Libertarians and Constitutionalists have the strongest Constitutional platform AND records: classically conservative on economic issues, classically liberal on social issues, and NO desire to use our military for nation building and/or invasions. You could say they have the best running and passing games, plus a porcupine shell for defense, while adhering strictly to our highest law, our Constitution, not the corporate agenda. But these and other 3rd Party Candidates are wholly ignored by the mainstream corporate media. By default, we the people get a choice of lesser evils.

PICTURE Lesser Evils [IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/2ymgfgw.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/2ymgfgw/4 [SHANNON]: So, the Libertarian and Constitution Parties want to stay out of my purse, out of my bedroom, and off foreign sands? Sounds unifying! [SEAN]: Exactly, and unity is the enemy of any pyramid. The structure thrives only when we are divided. As soon as the Superbowl is proved to be a fraud, and we look beyond the fake rivalry and we stop rooting for the Demopublican Branch Hacking Donphants or the Republicrat Hack Branchers Elephakeys (rah-rah), and realize the owner predatorily designed the distraction to take all of our money, only then we, as commoners, can stop in-fighting and pull our efforts together to fight our common enemy, the criminal class enslaving us to debt. There is NO left or right. There’s only freedom or slavery. The game, the distraction by division, is a mechanism to go from Freedom to Slavery, gradually, without notice. To end slavery, we must expose the left/right game is a fraud. [SHANNON]: Things are bad, I just don’t want to believe they’re bad on purpose. [SEAN]: Neither did I, but as it took many decades for me/you/us to build a model of how the world works, it will similarly take time plus courage to trash that model and build a new model reflecting reality. You, like most, thought politics was like football: there is some cheating, some bad calls, but also has checks and balances to level the playing field each year for the betterment of the fans (voters). And ultimately, the best team wins and if you don’t care about football, it doesn’t affect you. But the game isn’t what you though it was. The team owners (corporations), management (lobbyists), the referees (courts), the bench players (congress/senate), the starting players (pentagon), the League MVP (president), the commissioners office (think tanks), although compartmentalized, act together in symphony to arrange the games (distractions) and winners (false hopes) according to the needs and desires of the commissioner (the Federal Reserve).

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 13 of 24 October 1, 2009

[SHANNON]: To swallow that football sized ‘Federal Reserve’ pill, make the idea of corpo/fascism more transparent to me. I hear corpo/fascism and all I can see is Hitler’s extended arm superimposed over piles of dead Jews. Visually, I’m just not making the connection to the banksters, our imploding economy and American politicians, specifically Obama. [SEAN]: Sure, do you remember how Reagan’s ‘trickledown’ economic theory was complete horse manure? – Leading to the stock market crash of 1987, the Savings and Loan Crisis, the collapse of the Commercial Real Estate bubble, deindustrialization, conversion of middle class/working class jobs into a nation of burger flippers and ambulance chasers. [SHANNON]: Yeah! That’s why I hated the Republicans, the GIANTS. [SEAN]: Well, Obama’s ‘Stimulus Package’ is the same idea. All the money went to the rich and well connected, with the expectation these ‘superclass’ beneficiaries would act altruistically towards lower and middle class workers by pumping their new found riches into business expansion and employee investment. Give to the rich and the poor will flourish. Didn’t happen in the 80’s, isn’t happening now; isn’t ever going to happen. So as far as a ‘sound bite’ label, some call the Federal Reserve’s economic policy, ‘Trickle-up’ economics or ‘Rocka-flation’. Others, including the promoters of this agenda, call it ‘Neo-feudalism’. [SHANNON]: ‘Trickle-up’ economics gets me closer, visually. I can now picture everyday folks walking along everywhere streets and without notice their money starts trickling up to the skyscraper heavens, but I’m still only seeing Bush & the R gang in the clouds because to me, this engine of disappearing wealth stems from tax cuts on the rich, forcing the commoners to pay more. I just don’t see how Obamanomics can be the same as Reaganomics, NOT because Obama is a Demopublican and Reagan was a Republicrat, as you put it, but because Reagan cut taxes and Obama is fueling spending. Their strategies are different, right? [SEAN]: Both economic strategies are based on the same spend now, pay later philosophy. The only difference is in the implementation. As you pointed out, Reagan worked from the revenue side and Obama is working from the expense side. These differences are surface only because the results are the same. Specifically, Reagan substantially cut taxes on the rich, which cut the federal government’s income generation, artificially forcing the government into massive amounts of debt to cover shortfalls (national debt doubled on his watch). Obama’s ‘Stimulus Package’ substantially increased expenses, artificially forcing the government into massive amounts of debt to cover shortfalls (national debt expected to triple on his watch). Additionally, Obama plans to raise taxes, but not enough to cover shortfalls. And before I transform these parallel strategies into a clear picture by revising your visualization, a quick aside is FDR’s spending spree policies of the 1930’s, his ‘New Deal’ for America, at least built infrastructure expanding our productivity capacity enabling current and future generations to pay back the debt. Obama’s ‘Stimulus Package’, in politically neutral terms, was wasted on administration and social program creation/expansion rather than on rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Both Reagan and Obama marshaled extraordinary debt without any payback plan. That said, please picture this: a city twenty, forty, a hundred, or even two years in the future, where workers of all collars are ambling along crowded city streets begging for work, while mystically their pockets and purses open up to send their money trickling up to the skyscraper heavens to disappear into the congressional coffers of TODAY, into a vault where David Rockefeller is fudge-packing the two-headed muppet monster McCain/Obama with orgasmic campaign

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

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contributions, and as the R/D muppet stands bent over enjoying the love of his master, McCain’s arm briskly grabs every mysteriously appearing dollar from the floor stuffing it in the Rockefeller’s right pocket, as Obama’s hand competitively stuffs the left pocket...

PICTURE Puppet master/Gay marriage [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/jffcp5.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/jffcp5/4 [SHANNON]: Wow! You can stop there. I’m now good on the visual. Thank you for that. But I’m now more confused than ever. Earlier you said the Federal Reserve prints the money. How can the money be both printed by the government and then also borrowed by the government? [SEAN]: That’s the sickest part of this pyramid scheme. The money is printed from thin air, and more accurately it’s just a clerical entry on a computer screen, but regardless, it’s NOT produced by our government. The Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express. The NEW money is created by the private Federal Reserve Banksters and lent to the government at interest and in turn, congress immediately earmarks substantially all the borrowed money to pay 3MIC and other corporate members of the bankster pyramid. The process of printing money, called inflation or debasing the currency, increases the supply of dollars, which consequently decreases the value of ALL dollars (supply and value have an inverse relationship). And the NEW dollars go directly to a select few (3MIC, banks), and we the commoners see little to no increase in our dollars, thereby we see a permanent and continuously diminished standard of living, while the select few get richer. The result is dollar devaluation AND debt AND interest on the debt. It’s a classic entrapment strategy, attacking us with multiple forces from multiple positions by the same source; it’s a pincer attack. “By a continuous process of inflation [printing money], governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate arbitrarily; and while the process improvishes many, it actually enriches some... The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.” - John Maynard Keynes, speaking of his Government ‘Interventionist’ economic philosophy, later called ‘Keynesian’ Economics

PICTURE Debt [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/jv0n5u.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/jv0n5u/4 [SHANNON]: Very disturbing, but I’m having trouble seeing a long-term advantage from ‘bankster’ point of view. Doesn’t this path finally lead to commoners unable to pay back principle or interest on the debt? Wouldn’t the banks just get stuck with lots of bad debts and lots of green slips of paper and have no where to spend them? Just look at the subprime mess... in some cases, like Detroit, entire neighborhoods have been abandoned/bulldozed. The banks got stuck with all

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

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those worthless foreclosed homes. In attempting to entrap us, don’t they face their own destruction, ending up with nothing? [SEAN]: The name of the game for the banksters and their puppet politicians is control, NOT money. Owning land, buildings and dollar bills isn’t the goal; owning us is the end game. The ultimate lesson Hitler teaches us is an economically devastated people are easily controlled. The German people of the 1920’s were thought of as some of the most moral and hard working on the planet and look what their elected leader got them to do under the severe economic stress stemming from The Treaty of Versailles ‘War Guilt Clause’, which imposed insurmountable sums of debt on the German people after World War I. And yes, the banks would be destroyed by their own means if it weren’t for the many commoners who have bought into the schemes the banksters and politicians created and beg for and/or allow the wrong solutions (bailouts) to be implemented so they can hold on to their false reality for just a little bit longer. Sleeping with the devil they know is more comforting than sharing quarters with the unknown. [SHANNON]: The devil is certainly at work here, so please help me find the devil in the details. I must see this step-by-step to grasp it. Conceptually, I understand how a city of serfs reduces competition and opposition, but how do the banksters get us there? - The subprime mess affected my family and I want to know how. [SEAN]: Sure. Earlier we discussed how Wal-Mart/America ends up with cheap goods from China – low importation taxes, oversees tax credits, and low property taxes. America gets goods and services from China in exchange for U.S. Dollars. Problem: There is little to NO reason for the Chinese to in turn use these Dollars to buy ‘expensive’ U.S. products, so over time, the Chinese financial markets and governments end up with substantial sums of Dollars and on the flipside, American financial markets and governments are short Dollars. This is called the ‘Trade Deficit’. And to be fair, Wal-Mart isn’t the only cause of the trade deficit and China isn’t the only Creditor nation. Foreign car dealerships, Japan, etc, are part of the Trade Deficit picture too. I’m using Wal-Mart/China to simplify the story. In any case, the solution to balance this ‘Trade Deficit’ was/is that our government issues interest bearing bonds to the Chinese in exchange for dollars: America gets its dollars back at a cost, at interest; the Chinese get a ‘safe’ interest bearing investment, and the cycle of cheap goods for dollars continues. But some investors prefer more reward, more risk... Enter the scammers. The American financial markets/banksters went to China and said, “Don’t trade ALL your Dollars for Government Bonds, give us some of your Dollars and you will see a tremendous rate of return. Here is the deal: Give us $1 billion. Based on the government ‘approved’ practice of fractional reserve lending, we Banksters can lend ten times our deposits, or $10 billion, to Americans for mortgages, secured by real estate. To ensure we lend all this money, we will use introductory rates, or ‘sub-prime rates.’ The Prime rate is roughly is 5%, so we will lend at 2% and 2% on $10 billion is $200 million, or 20% ANNUALLY on your original investment of $1 billion. After five years, the interest rate will reset to prime. Some mortgage holders will stay at the new rates, some will foreclose, and some will sell, thereby the rate of return will be less consistent after five years, but worse case, everyone forecloses, we auction the houses valued today at $10 billion for 50% of their value, or $5 billion, less 10% in various closing/administrative fees, or $1 billion, and our profit on sale would be $5 billion in sales less $1 billion in fees less $1 billion investment equals $3 billion, or triple your original investment.”

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 16 of 24 October 1, 2009

“Sounds too good to be true,” barked some. “We were sold the same lie with the Tech companies in the 90’s and before that commercial real estate in the 80’s. Those bubbles crashed and we lost our shirts.” Others said, “With the tech bubble gone, this seems like our best option to make great returns.” A sucker chooses to be born everyday. The bankers got their funding; and they hunted down perspective buyers by filling our heads with sugar plums of shock... “Wow, we can get our $200,000 dream home for ~$300/month (2% interest, no principle).” Renters began buying, home owners began investing, and developers began building. Cheap Money = Increased Demand = Increased Bids on Houses = ... “Gee honey, $300,000 doesn’t seem so bad, that only increases our monthly payment by $150. What’s a $150 when we can afford our dream home? Besides $450/month is cheaper than renting.” Cheap, easy money drove up demand, which drove up real estate values (demand and price have a corollary relationship), which increased home equity for current home owners allowing them to secure substantial home equity loans almost overnight and homes basically became ATM’s for flat screens, stainless steel kitchens, boob jobs, vacations, etc. The initial investors were boasting, so enter more suckers. Everyone from School Pension Administrators to Infomercial Addicts got in on the ‘Sub-prime’ bubble. To summarize: home owning opportunities were created, real estate values increased, construction/developer jobs were created, high returns for investors... [SHANNON]: So what’s the problem? [SEAN]: The five years expired. The Mortgage from this example went from $450/month (2% interest, no principle) to $2,000/mo (8% interest, plus principle). And to boot, property/local taxes skyrocketed during this period. Like all pyramid schemes, the first-in were fine because the boom carried the value of their $200,000 home to $400,000, so when the rates converted they could sell at a profit. But as more couldn’t pay, supply of ‘for-sale’ homes exceeded demand, home prices fell and profit margins on homes became losses on sales/foreclosures. Investors went from 20% returns ON investments (interest) to losses and zero value return OF investment (principle). Only small amounts of interest income were gained to offset property tax payment requirements. Also, with the substantial increase in money supply, there is less demand for dollars (especially foreign demand), decreasing the Dollar’s value to buy everyday products like food. In summary: Working class folks are losing their homes; working class folks are losing their jobs; working class folks were slapped with the tab to bailout failed banks and with the tab of lost property taxes on foreclosed homes; and investors lost their principle. Remember, not all the investors were Bill Gates. School Districts invested retirement pension funds into these subprime investment ‘vehicles’. It was basically the same scam that Neil Bush (George W. Bush’s brother) and John McCain of the Keating Five pulled off in the 1980’s... then it was called the ‘Saving’s and Loan’ crisis. It featured the same delights and riches early on, and the same devastating blow at the end...same stock market crash, same poor housing market, same recession, same bailouts, and same higher taxes.

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 17 of 24 October 1, 2009


Bankster / Tyranny [IMG]http://i28.tinypic.com/6iuozt.jpg[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/6iuozt/3 [SHANNON]: Why couldn’t the banks just keep the lower rates? [SEAN]: That type of intervention would have been preferable to bailing out the banks while allowing the banks to continue foreclosing, but in the end, there were only so many new homes that could be built and sold. As the market peeked, and supply far exceeded demand, savvy investors sold their investments, leading to the tremors of 2007, panic of 2008 and collapse of 2009. With or without a reset date, the ‘housing bubble’ was doomed to die for the simple fact it was born. Pyramid schemes are NOT meant to be sustainable; they are meant to make the early droves rich. But this pyramid scheme, like all bankster pyramid schemes, has a kicker. At the end, they get to give the commoners the tab because they control the puppet politicians, our sworn protectors. “And the banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” - Dick Durbin, Senator D-IL, on WJJG 1530 AM's "Mornings with Ray Hanania" April 27, 2009) [SHANNON]: Unbelievable! Well, I’m sold. The corpo/fascist agenda is NOT good. But if we don’t have Capitalism or Socialism in America, then both should be alternatives to corpo/fascism, so what makes Capitalism a better alternative than Socialism? [SEAN]: From what I have said so far, what part of the corpo/fascist model strikes you as the most deplorable? [SHANNON]: It’s a system setup by and for the Banksters. [SEAN]: Well, the 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto states, “Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.” The Communist Manifesto goes on to say, “We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man's own labour, which property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity and in-dependence.” Communism, or Socialism, is a virtual gateway to corpo/fascism because it’s a system structured around a Central Bank which disallows ‘acquiring property’ or savings. Study the Soviet Union or any Socialist country and you find that these socially engineered societies require social engineers, a select few to control the destinies of the commoners. In every case, the engineers are faced with the problem: What do we do with those who don’t benefit the state and what do we do with those who refuse the state as their master? – Ten cent bullets and/or slave labor work camps are inevitably the answers. Socialists Stalin, Mao and Hitler killed more than a 100 million of their own citizens trying to answer that question. {*8*}


ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 18 of 24 October 1, 2009

Socialism Red Flag [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/1687qc6.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/1687qc6/4 [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/14xh2r4.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/14xh2r4/4 Regardless, my main argument here in this conversation is the banksters reign of power has been a reign of terror. The Federal Reserve is the enemy that must be abolished and any replacement government should NOT include any aspect of our current ‘Central Bank System’. That said, I have no qualms with diverse communities, but I don’t know where I’d fit into a ‘one-size-fits-all’ socialist society when I prefer common law to political or social law. “We hold that ALL individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they chose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they chose.” - Libertarian National Committee, Statement of Principles “The difference between libertarianism and socialism is that libertarians will tolerate the existence of a socialist community, but socialists can't tolerate a libertarian community.” - David D. Boaz In the end, I can only strongly recommend you watch the documentaries ‘Overview of America’ and ‘The Soviet Story’ {*9*} to see the darker side of socialism/communism. [SHANNON]: My idealist view of socialism excludes centralization and is basically a Farmers Coopt, a ‘self organizing collective’ of sorts. You work, you get to eat, sleep, be clothed and get internet access. No debt, no banks. [SEAN]: In the details, in the visualization, we again agree completely. No centralization. No globalization. I'd easily live in your town. I'm very partial to an ‘American Native Indian’ lifestyle with technology. The key to any good economy/ecology is staying local. Small communities can make mistakes too, but not to the extent they adversely affect the planet. [SHANNON]: That brings me to my last challenge, my last attempt to salvage my paradigm that the Democrats are the ‘lesser evil’. Obama’s Cap&Trade legislation, HR 2454, his New ‘Green’ Deal, is at least an attempt to improve our environment for current and future generations; isn’t this more positive than Reagan’s deindustrialization tax credit policies? [SEAN]: Assuming CO2 is an environmental hazard, which it’s not, and after we finish, I’ll also provide links to ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ and ‘Global Warming - Emerging Science & Understanding’ {*10*}, Obama’s Cap’n-Traitor legislation makes CO2 production cost prohibitive in the United States, further deindustrializing our nation, meanwhile, China and Russia go unrestricted and can affordably increase production to match worldwide demand. So, worldwide, there is NO CO2 reduction. Besides, the world’s largest polluter is the U.S. Military {*11*}. So ending the Oil’nam would significantly eliminate the Middle East’s exposure to depleted uranium rounds, reducing a true environmental and health threat. And I don’t hear Rockefeller’s puppet Obama calling for an end to the war, do you?

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 19 of 24 October 1, 2009

PICTURE DU babies [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/6r24pj.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/6r24pj/4 Monsanto’s GMO food and BIG PHARMA’s vaccines are the next two GIANT environmental villains destroying our environment, our health, with toxic agents and waste. I’ll also provide links to ‘The World According to Monsanto’ and ‘In Lies We Trust’ and ‘Vaccines - The True Weapons of Mass Destruction’ {*12*}. Obama has NOT offered any change from the Bush Administration’s policy here either. In fact, Obama’s HR 875 and HR 2749, ensure the collapse of the local farmer’s market and I have never seen vaccines pushed this forcefully on the public by the government and media. And I'm saying this in the wake of the 'Avian Flu', 'SARS' and 'Small Pox' scares of the Bush years. CO2 is a false environmental movement used to distract the well-intentioned and fool-hearted from speaking up against the true villains, while 3MIC continue to destroy the economy and environment, guaranteeing no one will have the means or health, eventually, to fight back. [SHANNON]: So the policy on everything from the environment to the economy is to first distract, then draft enemies/sheep, diminish the rebels, to forever dominate the docile? This makes me sick! [SEAN]: Policy is a good technical term. But what you described is a mentality, a methodology of these criminally insane vampires... [SHANNON]: Yeah, I certainly feel sucked dry. [SEAN]: Not by our chat, I hope? [SHANNON]: Well, umm... Everything is a lie, on purpose... to enslave us? This is heavy stuff. [SEAN]: This is heavy, but let me try to speak to what you are feeling. You ever hear of the five psychological stages of coping with death and dying? [SHANNON]: Yes, but I think you are going in the wrong direction here. Death is not better than sucked dry! [SEAN]: Seemingly, but here’s my point. Those stages are exactly the same as coping with any trauma, including the trauma of truth. First Stage - Denial; Second Stage - Anger; Third Stage Bargaining; Forth Stage - Depression; and finally the Fifth Stage - Acceptance. The worse part is right now, when a part of you is trying to be at each stage simultaneously. All I can say is don’t settle on denial just because you’re emotionally and intellectually overwhelmed. “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous.” - Carl Sagan, Fine Art of Baloney Detection Please understand, the shame is NOT in admitting you have been had by schemers; the shame is NOT admitting the possibility, NOT pursing the truth:

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

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“Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. And most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened.” - Winston Churchill And I too must remember that if you put a frog in boiling water, it hops out. If you put a frog in warm water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog boils to death. Just like if Hitler announced Concentration Camps for the Jews right after his election victory in 1933, the Germans of all ancestry would have revolted. But by first demonizing the Jews as ‘money hordes’ during hard economic times, then publicly denouncing them with yellow-colored ‘Star of David’ badges, moving gradually towards aggression and violence, by turning up the heat slowly, both the Jews and Arians were psychologically preconditioned to accept the death camps for the ‘trouble-makers’. As such, if the banksters reduced the average American living standard to Third World status overnight, we’d revolt, so it’s done over time. “The standard of living of the average American has to decline... I don’t think you can escape that.” - Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Chairman, Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, October 17, 1979 The evil the Nazis and banksters use against commoners are used gradually, allowing time to blind us to the boiling adversity, allowing time to shield the predators. Similarly, I must remember a fundamental barrier in convincing a new heart and mind to join our Debt/Slavery ‘Abolition’ movement is that we tend to throw our new audience in boiling water, showering them with ALL the searing information at once, and the instinctual reaction to run away can be expected. “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.” - Thomas Paine, Common Sense So I didn’t mean to suck you dry. We Abolitionists just don’t have hundred years or even a hundred days to show the virtues of Freedom, and conversely, the vices of Debt/Slavery. What was done over the last hundred years needs to be and can be reversed immediately. [SHANNON]: Thanks for sharing that. Understanding oneself is the surest path to truth. And this must be exactly like what the Slavery Abolitionists faced in the 1800’s. Trying to get the public to take a moment to consider a thing so common, so ingrained, so unobserved, was possibly the greatest human injustice. So getting back to these vampire banksters... please continue. [SEAN]: Yes, ‘sucked and dry’ is a part of the vampire myth, but another key aspect of the myth is a vampire can only enter your home if you invite them inside, which is likely only before you realize it is a vampire. And once you let the vampire in, denial and shock usually prevent immediate and appropriate retaliation against the fangs on your neck. Obama offered change. We hated the retarded cowboy, Bush II, so we invited Obama into the White House as an agent of change. We were desperate for a rescue. Obama’s handlers were counting on our division and distraction to not fully recognize what we got on February 17th, 2009, when President Obama signed the ‘Stimulus Package’ into law, which was another vampire in the house of non-representing. We got Count Porkulus - the cold, calculating architect of the American NON-recovery Act.

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 21 of 24 October 1, 2009

PICTURE Stop Porkulus [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/3535d9y.gif[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/3535d9y/4 Count Porkulus got in the door, by invitation, and has had the sucker public (half in denial, half in shock) sucking on each other over contrived, fake debate, ignoring real solutions. Example: Health Care Reform. Anyone who has been in a physician’s office in the last thirty years can agree there are major problems with the current Healthcare System and they are foremost: 1) Bureaucrats and Accountants make decisions, not Doctors, 2) Limited Time with Doctor, and 3) Skyrocketing Costs. Our system sucks and is getting worse, but replacing several GIANT Insurance companies, created by the HMO Act of 1973, with a consolidated GIANT single payer, forcing everyone to signup or face severe tax penalties and/or jail time, will only increase rationing of services and shortages of specialists even further. That’s why Canadians, Brits, Cubans, French, whom all have ‘single payer’ healthcare systems, come here for major medical procedures. The best system divorces BIG business from Government Bureaucrats and allows Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, you know actual healers, to compete with the Nazi white coats. “Today’s physician’s offices and public health settings are like the concentration camps of yester-year. And today’s vaccines are like the gas.” - Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 1997 The best care is NOT what is promoted as costing NOTHING, but is instead found in unhindered diversity of services, promoted by results and word of mouth, protected by independent consumer advocacy groups CERTIFYING/RATING their business (i.e. UL, AAA, Consumer Reports, etc). But the ‘Sicko’ Michael Moores and the ‘Everything is Fine’ Becks, the branch hacker talking heads of the left and right, the a$$ clown Goebbels of their masters, will NEVER question the one-size-fitsall monopoly scheme of passing the Rockefeller funded American Medical Association (AMA) test to become a licensed Medical Doctor (MD) {*13*}. Taking a test is NOT the mark of good care. It’s performing well. It’s NOT pez dispensing prescriptions. It’s healing. [SHANNON]: So if we continue to focus the debate on rising costs in this and other debates and efforts towards healing/services, we will get more healers/providers. [SEAN]: Exactly. We get more small/local business, resulting in service/cost competition, naturally increasing services while reducing costs. Instead, Obama's HR 3200 requires 50+ million Americans to join an HMO or be penalized/jailed, artificially reducing services and increasing costs. [SHANNON]: What about the argument, we are required to get auto insurance, why should health insurance be optional? [SEAN]: Bringing that argument to its logical end, favors NO ObamaCare. I can choose to get a car or I can ride my bike, or take a bus, or walk, etc. I can choose no car, thereby avoiding the need to get car insurance. Similarly, in a so-called free nation, I should be able to choose 'natural' healers and remedies, avoiding the slice and dice white coats and the need for 'health' insurance.

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 22 of 24 October 1, 2009

Furthermore, who benefits? We have a congress ready to pass legislation they neither wrote nor will read, giving their corporate supporters and funders 50+ million more customers, at gun point. [SHANNON]: So is that what we need to do with this information? Redirect the debate? [SEAN]: We need to dissolve ourselves from the ‘savior’ mentality. We need to recognize our own power and reassume basic human dignity by becoming political atheists, ignoring the distraction and division created for and by November Messiahs, and seek humanity’s salvation by action and networking. We need to realize that each one of us is the 'man' behind the curtain. We stay hidden, and the Republic continues its descent to a Totalitarian Dictatorship. We pull the curtain open and take action, he get our human rights, our human dignity and our human connection back. Do you know what fundamentally changed in the Soviet Union to bring a sudden end to their enslavement empire? [SHANNON]: An economic collapse? [SEAN]: In part, but dog walking is the generally accepted tipping point. The Russian commoners became so devastated by worsening economic conditions and so disgusted by the television propagandists saying everything was great that they began walking their dogs during the ‘news hour’ to avoid even the chance a lie would touch their ears. In doing so, they immediately saw how great their numbers were and how great their power could be if they simply united. Similarly, our greatest weapon is unity because we easily outnumber the select few 10,000-to-1, and since unity springs from open, honest conversations, we simply need to start talking to our neighbors again. Turn off the Beck/Olbermann right/left propagandists who are just like snake venom, where only 5% is harmful, but that’s the part that kills. They tell you just enough truth to get you hooked so they can sabotage you at pivotal moments so true change NEVER comes. Examples: Beck was consistently bashing the Federal Reserve System in August/Early September, 2008, but then enthusiastically cheered for the Banker Bailouts, stating on September 22, 2008, “I think the bailout is the right thing to do... the 700 billion dollar [bailout] you’re hearing about is NOT, I believe, only necessary, but is NOT nearly enough.” And Olbermann was against the oil wars, domestic wiretapping, and torture during the Bush years, but now enthusiastically cheers as these programs are expanded against foreigners and U.S. citizens. We need to take away their weapon of sucker punching us, their weapon of ‘Distraction by Division.’ We need to turn off the TV. We need to stop fighting each other and SpeakUp FightBack (.org) against the true commissioner, the real power, the banksters, or just like Reaganomics led to endearing, never before heard terms like downsizing, efficiency consultants, international corporations; Obamanomics will lead to new word creations like Obama’villes (formerly thriving cities, bulldozed for tents and jails), Soylent Green Goonies (youth and useful idiots enforcing Obama’s Cap&Trade, Census, Gun confiscation, Retirement Fund confiscation and Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations), Refuseniks (those refusing the vaccine death shots) and Amero’bamed (America, its name, people and currency, destroyed by design, destroyed under the guise of Obama, replaced by a New World Order). We unite in the streets or we will forever be conquered in front of the glowing television set/video games. So let’s go grab your father and JOIN the Second American Revolution.

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 23 of 24 October 1, 2009

PICTURE The Answer to 1984 is 1776 [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/2wfqvti.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/2wfqvti/4

PICTURE Zombieland [IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/wkk7jl.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/wkk7jl/4 [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/6zojuh.png[/IMG] http://tinypic.com/r/6zojuh/4 As promised, here are the links: ==========================================================

BIBLIOGRAPHY ========================================================== {*1*}

The entire ‘Rockefeller expose’ was mostly a paraphrase from Dr. Mary Ruwart’s classic Libertarian book ‘Healing Our World.’ She gives additional monopoly examples including thoroughly sourced accounts of the AT&T and Microsoft monopolies. It’s always the same game – forget the customer needs, just buy a politician.


Harry Brown’s, ‘The Great Libertarian Offer’ gives a complete analysis of what the Federal Government’s Budget looked like in the late 90’s verses what it could look like (based on historical precedent) under a Libertarian President. Tariffs would be a central revenue source.


‘West Germany: The Heart of Europe’, TIME magazine, 11/01/1963 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,875303,00.html D.R. Henderson’s ‘German Economic Miracle’ http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/GermanEconomicMiracle.html


Peter Symonds’, ‘Pakistan war fuels international tensions’ written May 12, 2009 covers Obama’s escalating war against Pakistan http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13577


The documentary, ‘Life on the Edge of A Bubble’, covers the history of Bankster created bubbles going back hundreds of years. An incredible account of the driving forces behind history, all, of course, is missing from Government schooling textbooks.


Money Masters: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-515319560256183936&hl=en#

ABOLITION: A LOVE STORY SpeakUpFightBack.org, by: Sean Edward C.

Page 24 of 24 October 1, 2009

The Capitalist Conspiracy: http://www.archive.org/details/the_capitalist_conspiracy1969 {*7*}

M. W. Walbert’s ‘The Coming Battle’ written in 1899, summarizes the battle the Foundersthrough-Lincoln had with the banksters to keep the 'old world' banks (Rothschild's, Warburgs, etc) from taking over the country, and concluded the Banksters would never stop until they had absolute control. The battle was lost in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act and the economy has been at their mercy ever since. http://www.archive.org/details/TheComingBattle


R. J. Rummel’s ‘Death by Government’ gives a detailed analysis of the body count governments have accumulated. Statistically, Hitler, a National Socialist, a Nazi, was a lightweight compared to Socialists Stalin and Mao.


Overview of America http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6732659166933078950&hl=en# The Soviet Story http://www.sovietstory.com/


The Great Global Warming Swindle (part 1 of 9) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TqqWJugXzs Global Warming - Emerging Science & Understanding (part 1 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFxxdH67kwY


Chapter 8 of Dr. Mary Ruwart’s ‘Healing Our World’ gives a detailed analysis of who and what is destroying our environment and documents how the U.S. Military and U.S. Government is the leader in environmental destruction.


‘The World According to Monsanto http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6262083407501596844&hl=en# ‘In Lies We Trust’ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6178289673018496169&hl=en# ‘Vaccines - The True Weapons of Mass Destruction’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6dffXhewVE&feature=PlayList&p=7024D52178F2B40E &index=0&playnext=1


Guylaine Lanctot’s ‘Medical Mafia’ dissects the origins of the ‘Medical Licensing’ system, and to say the least, the Rockefellers were heavily involved.

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