A Tangled Love Story

  • May 2020
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a Friends Forever Book “A Tangled Love Story”

A Tangled Love Story Summary: I was an averaged girl. Nobody ever paid attention to me. I was a geek. A fringie. -you know, those kids who’d be your friend whether or not your popular. Yup! I, Elaine Manson, was a fringie. WAS! Not until I transferred schools! I transferred to a class of 15 students! I befriended everyone just as those popular kids did in my old school. I instantly became popular. I befriended Emily, Nicole, Tori, and Allison. I worked day and night to be, and stay popular. It was like that. I had a boyfriend. He broke my heart. Could I love again? I’m starting to like this guy. But it seems like someone else likes him too. What should I do? Take action, with fear that my heart will break again, harder this time, or just

give up and let my heart remain broken longer. What should I do? And it’s not only me, Nikki, and Emily too. Lucky Ally and Tori, they don’t have these problems.

Chapter 1 The introduction and beginning. (a year before the present, a memory of Elaine Manson)

“El… hey! Psssst!” Tori was calling me through class. I daydream a lot. It was foreign language class. I usually fall asleep now. When I realized I fell asleep again, I sat upright quickly hoping no one will notice. “no use covering it up El, you fell asleep again. Class ended 5 minutes ago” Emily said behind me. She was right. The classroom was empty. I searched around for a clock. “it’s 11:35 ‘det. Lunch started 5 minutes ago.” that was Nikki (she doesn’t like it when we call her by her real name, Nicole…). She likes to call us ‘det as in shortcut to dudet.

Like the girl version of dude. “umm… sorry guys, I just get so bored with F.L. It’s not my fault teacher L. is so boring” teacher L’s real name is Lorena Lorenz. She is really the most boring teacher ever. “yeah, well don’t say sorry to us girl, we’re fine with it…. It’s Tori you should be saying sorry to. You know how she gets when she’s late for Lunch. it’s a miracle that girl is fit with the food she eats” that was Allison, but we call her Ally of short. She’s tall with beautiful long brown hair that she braids into a ponytail. She has pretty grayish eyes. I’m so different from her. I have brownish-blonde hair which I like to ponytail but instead of the back, I make it into the side. Like a retro look and I have green eyes. Tori has strawberryblonde hair that is short but with dimensions. It really Suits her baby-blue eyes. Emily has red layered long hair. She may have freckles underneath her hazel-brown eyes but it really looks good on her. Nikki has shiny-black hair that she cuts short until it only reaches her shoulders. She has pretty bangs that reach just above her eyebrows and pretty dark-violet eyes.

“yeah, what ever. So, where is she anyway?” “she went out to get a bag of chips in the vending machine outside, she’ll probably be back later” Nikki said. “anyways, teacher L told us to tell you that you’re gonna be the ‘escort’ of this new dude the whole day today El!” “yeah, whatever. Where’s the dude now Nik?” I was wondering if the dude might look cute…. Here’s the thing, Ally can sort of know what you’re thinking. It’s weird. It’s like telekinesis but it’s not. We’re just so close that we think alike you know? So here’s what she said “don’t fall in love with the guy El, he might be

trouble just like Kyle” usually it’s annoying when she does that, but this time, she’s right. I used to have a boyfriend named Kyle. He only liked me to get to Tori. Of course I dumped him when I heard him talking to his friends about it. When Tori heard it, she ignored the dude for ages. “c’mon, let’s go get the dude” I ushered them as I got out of my chair and picked up my bag, “no way girl, we have our plans. See you in our next class. Try not to ditch us for the dude, kay?” sometimes Emily says stuff so bluntly she doesn’t even know that it offended me. She said it cause she too has a boyfriend. Well not really boyfriend, just friends with benefits. She’s been crazy bout’ the dude for ages. “kk. See ya’ll in my next class. Its algebra right?” I told them as I walked to the main office. I stopped by my licker to drop off my bag. So there I was talking to the school secretary teacher Katherine. We call her teacher K for short. “umm… excuse me teacher Katherine, um.. I’m here cause teacher Lorena told me to guide the new kid around the school. Have you seen him? I was supposed to get him here.” I asked the teacher in my most innocent little kid voice and face. It always works. “oh, yes yes deary. His right over there. Be nice to him now. And thank you for giving your time for this kid. Bye now!” people think I’m a child even if I’m already 15. I may be the youngest of my friends. We’re all 15 but we’re

born on different months. Me on the 27th of December. Emily on the 3rd of November . Nikki on the 20th of September. Ally on the 13th of July and Tori on the 16th of February. I looked to the waiting area where a guy was sitting. He was different from all the other guys, in other ways he’s the same. I dunno. He just seems different. He has jut black hair. Fair skin and green eyes. He’s taller than me by a bit. Has a broad back. He’s wearing cargo pants and an violet cloth shirt. With shoes I think are converse. Rich huh? I went over and introduced myself. He must’ve sensed me coming cause he looked up. “hi, I’m your guide to school today. Nice to meet you…. Um….” “Justin” he said in reply tot my stammering. Justin… hmm… I like that name. “hi. Um…Justin. My name’s Elaine. Nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends. I think we’re in the same grade, so we’ll be having the same classes I think. You can ask me for, and about anything. C’mon let’s go to the cafeteria” I took my hand out to him. He ignored it and stood up by himself. “lead the way” he said. “so, um… how old are you? I’m 15” I said trying to start a conversation. “same” he replied. That was the only conversation we had all throughout the way. When we finally reached the cafeteria, I looked around in search of my friends. I found them in our table. The so called “popular table”. I guess they saw me coming cause they waved. I

went to them bringing my new found friend. When they saw the dude I brought, Tori immediately stood up and greeted him. Typical Tori to act all nice around a new dude. We’re popular cause we’re nice and fun. Not cause we dress awesome, or we’re rich or we’re mean. nope. It’s all cause of kindness. We only let the new kids sit on our table though. He sat beside me as I introduced my friends. “guys,” I said to them. “this is Justin. Justin,” I said. “these are Emily and Tori” I said pointing to them. “and this is Allison” I said pointing to her. “please, just call me Ally” she said in reply to my introduction. “and this is Nicole” I said pointing to Nikki. “no, please. Just call me Nikki. Really, I mean it.” she said. She hates it when you call her Nicole. She thinks you’re mad at her or something. “hi” Justin said shyly. A shy guy eh? I looked to Emily and Tori. It seems they think so too. Emily looks stressed. Hm… something must’ve came up. After lunch, I said good-bye to my friends as I went around the school with Justin showing him the school. I introduced him to most of the people who passed by us and told him about the school and its rules. They really picked the right girl for this. I’m popular so I know almost everyone. I’m really popular among the little kids cause I’m extra-friendly to them. Tori is good with

the guys. Emily is good with school work and it’s rules. Ally knows the rumors and the happenings around while Nikki has the trend thing going on. I do well with befriending anyone. Have a tense atmosphere going on? I can ease it up with my humor and friendliness. I actually got to know Justin a bit. Seems like he’s the best friend of Mike. The dude who is a FWB with Emily (friends with benefits). And was studying at another school until now when his family moved. Seems like he is in our subdivision. When I say our, I mean me, Emily, Nikki, Ally and Tori’s subdivision. We live in 1 big subdivision. He’s closer with Nikki though. I guess 6 houses down.

It was like that for a whole year. We became friends and we played games. We’re really close. He is the closest guy I ever had. My friends seem to like him too. Emily isn’t so happy-go-lucky anymore after he came here but she loosened up after a few months. Justin became popular with the dudes, ad just as he said, he’s Mike’s best friend. I have fun in our games and when we play, it’s usually only the 2 of us playing and the game is usually tag and it would last for weeks when 1 of us would finally give up. that’s usually me. I know its childish but it’s fun. People tease me that I like

him and stuff but I don’t. it also works vice versa. People tease him, but he doesn’t like me. Of course, we’ve had our fights and stuff but we always say sorry before the day ends. I like playing tennis while he likes soccer. It was like that for a whole year.

Chapter 2 Confessions and secrets hidden (present life of Elaine Manson) My life has been going great. It’s all thanks to my friends. I’m turning 16 now. I’m sitting under the acacia tree outside the school sitting with Emily. The soft green grass under us feels good and November’s wind is passing through us. This is one of the moments I’ll never forget. It seems so fake yet it’s real. It’s lunch time and it’s meat loaf day. I hate meat loaf so I packed a sandwich. Me and Emily are neighbors. She too, packed a sandwich. Tuna and sardines for her while I have bacon and egg. I looked to her surprised on what I see. She was crying. “oh Em! You’re crying! What happened. You can tell me!” I said comforting her. It was so sudden I didn’t know what else to say. “it’s nothing El, its just that I feel wrong inside” she sobbed more. I put my had on her back and patted it. “what happened Em? Yoou can tell me. Then, we can solve it together. You’ll feel better after you talk about it” stupid isn’t it? Well, I

didn’t know what to say. She was crying out of nowhere. What was I supposed to do? “promise me you wont hate me first” she said. Wow! It is bad. Its enough for her to think I’d hate her. “I promise. It cant be that bad” I said. “it is. And maybe worse” “what is your problem anyway?” “well…. It all…started last year” she said in between sobs “I really do like Mike but…. I feel like I like Justin too” I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. I don’t know why, but my chest started to feel heavy then. I don’t know why, but it’s a feeling I don’t like. “I really really like Mike but now I’m confused. And what’s more…” she continued “I was talking with Mike and I might’ve mentioned a feeling I have with Justin. I don’t know what to say. He just said nothing after that….” she said sobbing. “and I asked Justin if he liked someone. He started blushing and said he liked me” that was it. The pain in my chest grew and I feel as though I want to fall. I really don’t know why. I’m so annoyed now with this feeling. I don’t feel like crying. Its like guilt, but it isn’t. “umm.. Its okay Em. You’ll find the right choice to make. I believe in you. Pretend what Justin said never happened and also the one with Mike. Forget it and live on happily”. that’s all I could say.

After the day ended, I keep having that weird feeling in my chest. I really hated it. It gets worse every time I see Justin. I don’t know why. I’m just happy we weren’t having one of our games. He tried to talk to me butt I just walk away without saying anything. I feel guilty about doing that to him even of he did nothing wrong, but I just cant take the feeling. It is like a numbing pain. So, here I am now. In my bedroom sitting on my bean bag chair. I love beanies. I was hugging my teddy-dog that I had ever since I was 3. It still looked okay. It’s butt was a beanie. I really love it. It knows all my secrets and it’s been with me through joy and hardships. I was thinking everything through. I guess I really thought hard cause I fell asleep. I had a dream. It was more of a memory. I see Justin, me and my friends. We were together and happy. Mike was with Emily. She had the happiest smile of all. Then the scene changed. I see me when I was 11 with my so-called boyfriend Kyle. We were in a Ferris wheel. I was eating cotton candy. Then he looked me in the eye and said ‘I like you’. I smiled and I said I liked him back too. I can see my happy face. Then the scene changed into the time when I heard their conversation. I hear murmuring. Then

suddenly I see the smile in my face break. My heart broke. Then the scene changed again. I was with Justin. Playing one of our games. He was it. I was running from him. I hid behind the acacia tree. He found me and caught me. I was laughing and smiling. The smile I thought that never would be restored. Even my friends couldn’t make me smile that big of laugh that hard. I see myself falling into the grass laughing. Then the whole scene changed again. I was still with Justin. I was clumsy. Someone pushed me and I fell into the nearby stairs. My foot was sprained. I couldn’t walk. Justin got angry at the guy who pushed me and he ushered him to say sorry. Then he picked me up and lover’s-carried me to the nurse. I was crying hard. The nurse massaged it and she let it get better. Justin asked if I was okay, and I said yes. I smiled truly. He went out and my friends came rushing in. the were all over me. I gave them the best smile I could. Then everything changed again. I was with Emily. It was the Scene from today. She was talking to me about her problems and what Justin said to her. I saw my face. It was full of sorrow and sadness. Emily tells me about Justin’s confession and I see how my face breaks. That’s when it hit me. I liked the dude. I really liked the dude. How could I not have seen it! I was denying it all this time when it was true. I did like him! How could I have missed his features?

His attitude and charisma. How could I have not seen it?! I woke up and found that I was crying. How could I have not seen it?! But then I remembered what Emily said about Justin liking her back. I realized now what the pain in my chest was. Jealousy and grief.

Chapter 3 Birthday for Emily Surprise for Nikki (How Nikki met Kevin, the life of Nikki) “Nikki dear, would you mind doing some grocery shopping at Kurt’s supermarket would you?” that’s my mom. She always lets me do the shopping. “Mom! Why not let Kelly do it?” Kelly is my younger sister. “she’s old enough to do it. She’s like…11! Why not let her do it this time?!” I added. “Nikki! I asked YOU to do it. NOT her!” my mom said. She gets mad easily. “fine! But I better get paid for this. “thank you sweatie. Get the money from the Grocery Money jar” my mom put up that Jar ever since I was 10. I would be the one to shop always. I stammered down the stairs and took some money . I went out the door and put on my jacket. It’s cold at night on November. I took more money than needed. I just remembered Emily’s Birthday is coming up this weekend. It’s the 1st of November and it’s Thursday. We’re bringing her to the beach. which means a road trip. I need to prepare and I also need a gift. Elaine got hers already. She’s

getting Em a charm bracelet. Ally is getting her a mood ring. Tori wouldn’t tell me what she’s getting her. I’m planning to get her a new book. Emily is the only one of us, except Elaine, who likes reading. Elaine though can read faster. I arrived at the grocery. I bought the stuff mom wanted me to get, bread, milk, cereal and coffee. I got myself some chips, sodas a map of the place we’re going and some sunscreen. I also took some gum, candies, jaw breakers, jelly beans, gummies, chocolate and other snacks. I went over to the books and magazines section and took a copy of ‘seventeen’, ‘k-zone’, and ‘total girl’ I know some of those magazines are childish, but I like them. I took a cool looking book that was paper back and. I think it had something to do with love. Emily likes those books. Elaine likes Manga, Anime, Novels, classics and those fictional ones. I carried the magazines and the book towards my kart when I bumped into someone. I dint see who. My stuff fell on the ground so picked them up. “um… so sorry. Just had a lot in my mind. Anything I can do to help you. You know, as a sorry” the guy who bumped me said. I looked up to see a guy with a hat that said “summer in November”. he had broad shoulders and brown Hair. A great smile. He was as tall as her. “Kevin, nice to bump into you, I mean meet you…hehe” funny guy-wanna be huh? “Nikki, and I don’t need your help. I’m fine.

Thank you. Bye now”. I walked to my kart and put my stuff in it and I pushed it towards the counter. I paid and came out with 2 bags of grocery. As I was walking to my house I kept on thinking about the dude who bumped me. His name was Kevin. Hm…. Kevin….. I gotta remember him cause he was H-O-T Hot! Sizzling! God!! Was he muscular or what?! Maybe he works out 5 times a day or something. He wasn’t those types who are so full of muscles. He was the type who doesn’t have shown muscles but it’s just clear that he has them. I came back home and dropped the plastic bag with mom’s grocery in it and kept my plastic bag in my room. Me and my friends all got cell phones and private landlines. We got them for our 13th birthdays. I felt like calling but I decided not to. I just logged on to our private chat room and got Tori, Elaine, Ally and Emily. Our conversation went like this: Nikki_gal: Hey guys, guess what? I met a guy at Kurt’s! he looks soooo freakin cute! Jet hair. Broad shoulders. H-O-T HOT! Tori_luver: OMG Nikki! Did u make a move? F he s really that hot, than he shouldn’t be goin out free like that. Pls tell me u

made a move on him! How did u meet such a HOT guy like that?! Nikki_gal: I was doin some grocery for mom n I bumped in2 him. N, of course I didn’t make a move on him! I hardly knew him! Ally_cute123: Nikki’s right Tor, she hardly knows d dude. I hope he’s single though. Tori_luver: I hope I get 2 c that hunk of a man soon. Lucky Em, she found her so-called luv of her life. I wanna meet my Luv of my life 2! Mike_Emily: So called?! Wat do u mean so-called?! I’v luved him since d start of my life! Tori_luver: Den y aren’t u called BF GF huh? Y s it friends wid benefits? Ur obsessed girl! Look @ ur user name. Mike_Emily. Y not use ur other email? D Kitty_Emilly227? I liked dat1 better. Nikki_gal: Okay, anyway, I got d stuff fr our trip on sat. u pple got d stuff ready? Princess_Elaine352463: Yea, got them. Beach ball, swim suits, shades, Sodas, n I got d resort booked until Sunday night. We leave 8:00

pm sharp. 1 whole penthouse. Tori_luver: I hav d boys commin. I got Mike u know Em. I also got Jake to come and his Brother Cole to drive us there. I couldn’t get Justin to com though. He’ll listen 2 u El! Get him 2 com. I used my flirts wid him but he still wont go. Princess_Elaine352463: I’ll c wat I can do. Hey Ally, u got us d songs on a CD already? How bout d movies n pop corn? Ally_cute123: Yea, I got em’ all already. I even got d radio. Nikki_gal: Kk. Bye now. Gotta get som Zs. Then I logged off. I really had a great sleep. Sometimes my friends fight but usually Elaine will cool them down. I hope for a good day. Then I fell asleep.

Chapter 4

Justin, come to the beach (Elaine trying to get Justin to come. Friday. Only Half-day school.) I looked around the school. Where is he?! I don’t know how I got the confidence to even look at him after what I did and what I learned. I looked around all the heads until I finally found him. As I got nearer to him, my confidence sank. No! I have to do this. I told myself. 5 steps till I reach him. Here I am. “um…. Just, I’m sorry about yesterday. Just had something in my mind” I said. I didn’t really look him in the eye. I was looking at the floor letting my hair fall to my face. “oh, Elaine! You got me scared a little there when you suddenly showed up. Yea. It’s okay. Um… why aren’t you looking me in the eye?” “uh, it’s nothing. I just wanted to invite you to the party we’re throwing for Emily you know? Everyone is 16. Well, Emily is still turning 16. So will you come?” I gave my best shy smile but I still didn’t look him in the eye. “yeah, sure I’ll go. Wait! Are you coming too?” “yea I’m coming. Um, so be at Tori’s house tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp. Bye!” I said waving to him as I leave. Finally! Its over.

So, Saturday night came fast. I told the guys about Justin coming. And now, here I am in Tori’s room looking at myself in the mirror. The girls are fixing up the stuff. I was wearing a bikini. Periwinkle color of course. I was also wearing a malong. it’s a kind of cloth or covering. Its like a mix between a mat and a blanket. Its big and red with palm trees shaded black. I put it around my waist. Like a skirt. I put on a jacket over it and fixed my shades. I was also wearing those straw hats and slippers. My bag was already in the car. Only my purse is with me. It contains money, my cell and my address book. Emily was wearing a sundress with shades and a jacket wrapped around her waist like me. Nikki was wearing a tube top and short mini shorts. She too had a jacket wrapped on her waist. Ally was also wearing a tube top but she was pairing it up with long loose skirts. Still, with a jacket wrapped on her waist. Tori was wearing cargo pants over her bikini. With a jacket on her waist too. All of us were wearing slippers and shades. We went down to find all the boys present and staring. Mike of course staring at Emily, but it seems as though she’s not looking at him back. I followed her gaze and found it locked on Justin. He thought, was staring at me. It was flattering, but shameful too. We checked if we had all the supplies. Cole drove a jeep. It fits all of us and

more. When we arrived at the resort, people were already there. Dancing and partying. Its weird that we’re on the beach on November. Anyway. I fell asleep in the car. It was a long trip. Anyway, I woke to find my head resting on Justin’s shoulder. Most of us were asleep too. I woke everyone and we unpacked our stuff and got settled in our rooms. After that, we arranged ourselves in the beach. And we partied like we’ve never partied before.

Chapter 5 A familiar face on the beach (Nikki’s summer in November) We fixed our stuff and arranged ourselves on the beach. Tori and Ally with Cole and Jake on the beach. Elaine drawing a shell on her mat with Justin watching. Emily singing karaoke with some other people while Mike is watching her drunk. What is with my friends? Jeez! They all have some one with them! I headed back to the Resort . I must’ve spaced out again cause the next thing I knew, I bumped again on someone. I looked up to see who it was. Surprise surprise! It’s mr. bump! Kevin! “hey” he said. Seems like he recognizes me. “hey yourself” I said. I usually say that to people I meet. “hey, you’re that girl I bumped into at the grocery. Um… what was it….” I guess he was trying to get my name. “Nikki, it’s short for Nicole” I said with the best flirty smile I could d0. “um… yeah. Hi! Kevin” he said taking my hand and shaking it. “um… do you want to stay here or go out of all these noise. There’s a place over there where the music cant reach.” he said pointing to my left. Was he trying to get me alone or was he really trying to help. Either way, I’m fine with it

just as long as its far from here. “okay, lead the way” I said. He took me to a gulf. It was hidden from the rest of the beach by a patch of trees, but he was right. It was far from the noise. “you’ve been here before?” I asked him. He seems to know where he was going. “yeah. I come here every year. Just on different months” he said. It has a great view of the oceans. So, you’ll be here long?” he asked “no, just for the weekend” I said. “then you’ll probably need some company, how bout me guiding you all throughout your weekend. How bout it?” did a HOT guy actually ask me out?! OMG! And I do need company. “yeah sure. I’d like that” and we watched the sun set together.

Chapter 6 Confessions on a boat (Elaine with Justin) It was already dark. I was taking pictures of the wildlife here with Justin. We headed back to the resort. The girls’ and the boys’ penthouses were separated. we went on our separate ways when we reached them. When I entered the room, seems like the girls were already sleeping. All except Emily who was watching a movie. I sat down next to her and told her what I did. “OMG El, I totally forgot about Justin the whole time. Now I’m positive Mike is the one I love.” I felt relief with those words. “I kissed him so we’re officially BF GF now”. I guess it’s safe to tell her about my feelings for Justin. “okay Em, remember when I always deny that I like Justin, well, I think I’m starting to like him now. After I spent a day with him, he really is nice.” “OMG!!!! OMG!!!!! Oh El! I knew you would end up with him, OH! Look at the time! It’s 11: pm, better get some Zs, good night El” “night Em, oh, and Happy birthday. I hope you found our gifts. Hope you like them. Tori gave you new clothes you know….” “yea, I found them.

Well, night El” “night”. I couldn’t sleep. I checked the time. It’s 12 midnight now.. *click* *clunk* *click* *clunk* I heard noise outside my window. I looked to see what it was and found Justin throwing small rocks. “what?!” I whispered to him “come down! Want to show you s0mething” he replied in the same whisper. I was still wearing my bikini. I put on a tank top and some cargo pants. And a jacket on my waist. I slowly went down stairs and out the door. Justin was there wearing plain white shirt that looks more of an undershirt and I guess swimming trunks that go down to his knees. “c’mon” he said “where are we going?” “it’s a surprise” he said. He lead us to a boat. It was the kind of boat that runs on motor. We rode it to a gulf. The beach was filled with grass and flowers. It was hidden from view by a patch of trees. “I rented the boat and found this place. Thought you might like it” he said. I climbed out the boat into the grass. “oh… wow… its beautiful” I stammered. I sat on the grass. He did the same. “uh, El, I brought you here to tell you something” “yeah?” “um… a year ago, you were really kind to me when I was new. I’m grateful for that but um…” “yeah what is it?’ I asked. Then he said “um… I really like you. More than a friend”

I was shocked “really? I really like you too but, um, I thought you liked Emily” I said as I hid my face with my hair. “oh, you know about that then? Well, I just didn’t know what to tell her then. You know, you look really cute when you hide your face with your hair like that” then he took my chin with his hands and he kissed me.

So, that was it. Nikki had her love, Emily found hers and I found mine. It turns out Jake likes Ally and Ally likes him back. Cole and Tori are together. And I have Justin. This will be a weekend I will never forget. Life went on great after that. And so my Love Story is completed as all my friends too.

The End

A Tangled Love Story A FRIENDS FOREVER Book st (1 volume)

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