Abdur Rahim

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 413
  • Pages: 3
Before the Hon’ble Division Bench comprising of Mr. Justice Nazir Ahmad Siddiqui, Mr. Justice Muhammad Khalid Alvi of Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, Multan.

C. M. No. __________/2003 In R.F.A. No. 112/1996 In re: Abdul Rahim etc.


Ejaz Barkat etc.

Application U/s 22 read with Sec-151 C.P.C.

Respectfully Sheweth: 1.

That a Civil Suit No. 120/93 for Specific Performance of contract was pending in the lower court, which was decided on 10.3.96.


That aggrieved by judgment & decree dated 10.3.96, both the parties filed their relevant civil appeals U/s 96 C.P.C. before this Hon’ble Court titled below: (i)

Abdul Rahim etc. Vs. Ejaz Barkat etc. R.F.A. No. 112/96


Ejaz Barkat etc. Vs. Abdul Rahim etc. R.F.A. No. 116/96


That both the aforementioned R.F.A.’s were admitted for regular hearing by the Hon’ble D.B. of this bench.


That the instant R.F.A. was admitted on 16.6.96 whereas other R.F.A. on 24.6.1996.


That R.F.A. No. 116/96 has been fixed for hearing on 8.5.03 before this August Bench; but inadvertently R.F.A. No. 112/96 has not been fixed along-with above-said R.F.A.


That as the matter in between the parties is same, therefore, propriety demands that both the R.F.A.’s should be fixed and decided on the same day. It is, therefore, humbly prayed that both the R.F.A’s No. 116/96 & 112/96 be fixed and decided on the same day. Humble Applicant,

Dated: _______ Through: Mian Abdul Aziz Naseem, Advocate High Court, 123-District Courts, Multan.

Note: -

Office is requested to place this application with R.F.A. No. 112/96 and R.F.A. 112/96 be place alongwith R.F.A. No. 116/96 which is fixed for 8.5.03. Advocate

Before the Hon’ble Division Bench comprising of Mr. Justice Nazir Ahmad Siddiqui, Mr. Justice Muhammad Khalid Alvi of Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, Multan.

C. M. No. __________/2003 In R.F.A. No. 112/1996 In re: Abdul Rahim etc.


Ejaz Barkat etc.

Application U/s 22 read with Sec-151 C.P.C.

AFFIDAVIT of: Abdul Rahim S/o Malik Allah Diwaya, caste Jat Jangla, R/o Qutub Pur, Tehsil & District Multan.

I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of the above-titled petition are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been kept concealed thereto. DEPONENT Verification: Verified on oath at Multan, this _____ day of May 2003 that the contents of this affidavit are true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nothing has been kept concealed thereto. DEPONENT

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