Aabpa Panel Slides - Web 2.0 For Budget And Program Analysts

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  • Pages: 62

November 24, 2009 By:

Andrew Krzmarzick  GovLoop, Director of  Community Engagement



ANDREW KRZMARZICK GovLoop Community Manager ( ) 35 Phone: (202) 352‐1806 Email: [email protected] Blog: http://GenShift.com Twitter: @krazykriz Slideshare net/akrzmarzick Slideshare.net/akrzmarzick

Wiki @ GAO JoAnna Berry, Web & Data Librarian Shannon Finnegan, Senior Analyst

GAOWiki Facts 

As of 16 November 2009, 10:02am, the GAOWiki had 1,589 registered users editing over 1,775 articles.  

  

GAO has about 3,000 employees nation-wide The wiki exited pilot stage in January 2009

The Wiki has an average of 25,000 page views per week. Our total content is close to 8,000 pages Between 50-100 pages of new content are added weekly with spikes for new content teams such as the ARRA group (over 350 pages of content added during the week of 30 March 2009)

GAOWiki 

Uses the Media Wiki Open Source software  Open Source is easily obtainable, but is not totally free.  Still must have technical support and server space within the organization GAOWiki is open to all staff  Content groups must apply to obtain user names and passwords  Part of the application process is understanding the Guidelines for Usage  Applicants come to the GAOWiki Board to present their ideas

Governance of the GAOWiki 

GAOWiki Board  A group of heavily involved Wiki users meets monthly  Meeting schedule/Agenda/Minutes are on the Wiki  Sponsors training for new administrators  Answers questions about Wiki usage Guidelines for Usage  Allows for easy understanding of what content is and isn’t acceptable  Broad and specific enough to allow widest use of the technology  Edited and changed on an ‘as needed’ basis

Guidelines for Usage 

Prior to receiving a Wiki account, users must review the guidelines for usage. Generally, these guidelines outline: • • •

The type of content that can be placed on the Wiki. General best practices for users when creating and editing content. Security and access issues.

Guidelines where developed by the Board and have gradually evolved over time.

GAOWiki - Recovery Act 

Recovery Act comes to the GAOWiki

How the Wiki helped GAO’s Recovery Act effort: 

 

Bimonthly reporting requirement sparked innovation Started small, but then it snowballed Wiki helped us decentralize responsibility

GAOWiki Recovery Act – Day 1

GAOWiki Recovery Act–Feb 2009

GAOWiki Recovery Act–Nov 2009

GAOWiki Benefits Recovery Act Effort 

Dramatically increased the speed at which information could be disseminated for Recovery Act work 

Improved team collaboration especially between headquarters, field office, and individual state auditing teams 

Alternative to 20+ page group emails, just check the Wiki

Greater transparency for whole organization and its knowledge of the work

Provided information resource for staff moving on and off Recovery Act work, preventing the loss of key expertise  

New analysts get up to speed Old knowledge retained

Challenges 

Perceived Challenges  

Violation of Wiki Guidelines Using Wiki as audit documentation

Actual Challenges   

Organizational Culture Training Fear of being wrong

If You Want to Wiki…  

Pilot Governance by a core group of volunteers  

  

Establish rules of the road that consider organizational needs Best practices

Well-defined initial goals, what does success look like? Flexibility Top-down and bottom-up endorsement that meets in the middle

Questions? JoAnna Berry, Web & Data Librarian 202-512-2909, [email protected] Shannon Finnegan, Senior Analyst 202-512-2963, [email protected]

The Story


Why                  y

Millions of government employees  working on similar issues  but no safe place  ki i il i b f l to connect and share best practices.

? Solution: Online community.     Online community Hub to connect disparate conversations/events.   New technology leveraged to collaborate.

What is                  Find and contribute  b t  best practices ti Solve  government  problems

Connect with peers

Research  the latest  trends

? Learn about the  latest solutions

MISSION: “Connect Government to Improve Government” p

Founder • • • • • • • •

Do‐Gooder Do‐ Gooder:: 3rd Gen Public Servant, DHS Fellow, Multiple Gov Agencies Innovator: Co‐Founder, Young Government Leaders A Award Winner: d Wi 2006 Rising Star Award, 2007 and 2009 Fed 100 Winner Speaker: 25+ Conferences, Brookings, Harvard Kennedy School Author: Wikinomics, Federal Times, Public Manager Wikinomics  Federal Times  Public Manager Athlete: Used to be good at golf – 3rd in State Scholar: Miami (OH) and UPenn ( ) Gentleman: Likes Cats and Babies

Evolution                  Adding New  Features Passionate  Federal  Employee p y JUN 2008: GovLoop Launched JAN 2008: Idea Conceived

JAN 2009: Community Leaders

JUN 2009: 10,000 Members

Passionate  Volunteers

SEP 2009: 20,000 Members

President and CEO, Build Team Recognized  Need for More  Resources

Members 22 000 22,000 …and growing rapidly (over 20% growth per month) (over 20% growth per month)

 Obama Political Appointees

 30+ Federal CIOs and CTOs

 GSA Assistant Commissioner

 60+ State/Local CIOs

 Canada Deputy CTO

 125+ City Managers

 California CTO

 500+ Contract Specialists

Support “GovLoop GovLoop.com is a great  com is a great  community site for public servants.   It's pretty much their Facebook.” – Craig Newmark Founder of Craigslist.com

“New technologies and social networks  such as GovLoop are great for cross‐agency  collaboration and  public‐private partnerships.” ll b ti   d   bli i t   t hi ” ‐ Beverly Godwin, GSA Director of USA.gov and Former White House Office of New Media

Fe eatu ure es

Fe eatu ure es


Questions Steve Ressler Steve  Ressler President and CEO [email protected] @GovLoop

Andrew Krzmarzick Andrew  Krzmarzick Community Manager Andrew@GovLoop com [email protected] @KrazyKriz

Facilitating Government-wide Collaboration and Knowledge Management

The MAX Federal Community MAX Online Meetings

November 24, 2009 Sponsored by the Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business (BFELoB)

Five of the Ten “Common Solutions” of the Budget Formulation & Execution Line of Business Agency Budgeting Tools

Analytical Tools – Tools and services that facilitate analyzing and visualizing data.

Budget Execution and Financial Management Integration Budget Performance Integration

Collaboration - Tools and services that improve information sharing, communication, and collaborative work among government organizations.

Data Collection & Tracking - Tools and Services that capture, process, and manage data government-wide

Document Production - Document publication tools that automatically integrate numbers and text.

Knowledge Management - Tools and services that capture, organize, store, and share knowledge and experiences.

Human Capital (the Federal Budgeting Profession) Program Management (Coordination, Standards, Architecture) 2

Government-wide Scope (also Non-federal Partners)

Executive Branch

Government-to-Government Inter-agency


Policymaking, Management and Budget class of activities State, Local, and Non-Governmental Partners

 Government-wide Policymaking, Management, and Budget Class of activities  Available for use by agencies for and for any federal cross-government community  Interactions with state, local, & non-governmental partners using Enclave spaces


Based on an Integrated Service Oriented Architecture Components

Tools Collaboration & Info Sharing


• MAX Federal Community • Online Meetings


Gov’t-wide Data Collection, e.g.: •A-11 (President’s Budget) •Earmarks •Improper Payments •ITWeb •Outlay Plans •Others

Web Framework Workflow Analytical Tools / B.I. Publishing

Agency Data Collection, e.g.: • MAX Federal Community • MAX Collect – eBriefing

Security 4

The MAX Federal Community An Integrated Federal “Wiki” with 26,000 users


Example – The Budget Community


Collaborations Can Be “Restricted” to Any Combination of Users and Groups


Dynamically Updated Membership Lists - Generates E-mail Distribution List

o Use MAX Groups to restrict access to pages and exercises o Function as dynamically updated Distribution Lists  Cross-agency DLs o Self-administered & managed


Each Agency Has Its Own Space with Its Own Logo and Administration


Information Can be Dynamically Brought Together


Example: Highlights


Direct, Network-like Editing of Attachments in MS Office Applications

All File Versions Remain Available (with attribution & date stamp)


Threaded Comments Facilitate Communication and Feedback


MAX Federal Community Features

o Extensive Help Section o Fully-Indexed Search Helps You Find Your Content Quickly o Content Can Be Protected By Flexible Page Level Security Restrictions o Favorite Pages For Quick Navigation o Watch Any Page To Be Notified Of Activity Via Email


Government-wide Directory of all MAX Users


Dynamic Charts on Any Page


Create Drawings & Diagrams On Any Page – With Links to Other Content


Set Up a Workflow Process For Review and Tracking Move Document Through Review Stages Using Buttons

Track Status of All Documents or Projects Automatically Documents In Branch Review

Documents In Division Review

Documents In Agency Review

Documents Approved

Author Re-Draft

• Document A • Document F • Document N

• Document C • Document R

• Document B • Document N • Document Q • Document X

• Document L • Document M • Document Y

• Document O • Document Z


Knowledge Management - A Natural Extension of Collaboration  Knowledge Management is only effective when content maintenance is integral to an organization’s normal course-of-business activities.  By using the MAX Community for information sharing and collaboration activities, a content base automatically accumulates.  The Community’s powerful capabilities for organizing and multi-purposing content can then transform this into organizational knowledge Pages Attachments Comments

Knowledge Gardening

Diagrams 19

Summary - Robust Wiki Capabilities

Information organized into Spaces and Pages.

Pages can be put into a subject hierarchy or accessed across hierarchies through search.

Pages are easy to create and modify by anyone using either basic Rich Text or advanced Wiki formatting.

Layered access restrictions can be placed on any page or page families based on combinations of groups and individuals.  Administration of groups is delegated so teams can selfmanage.

Multiple Attachments on any page (maximum attachment size currently set to 100MB each).

Threaded Comments on any page.

Users can self-register to Watch any page to be notified by email of a change. 20

Government-wide Integration 

Provisioning: Single sign-on with all OMB’s government-wide data collection applications and the secure online meeting service.  Also used as a service by other government applications (e.g. Treasury's BFEM budget system used by 11 agencies)

Integrated content search across all agency and governmentwide community spaces. Search results honor individual user’s page restrictions.

Federal directory: a rolodex of thousands of user phone numbers, e-mail, organizations, and addresses.

Collaboration and knowledge management fully integrated with the BFELoB’s quick-turnaround government-wide data collection, tracking, and analytical capabilities. Integrating with agency HSPD-12 cards. Partnering with agencies on automated sign-on.

 


Government-wide Scope  Government-wide “Management and Budget Class”: Acquisition Budget E-Government Financial Management Grants Human Capital

IT Infrastructure Management Planning Performance Recovery

 Available for use by agencies for their own activities, and for any federal cross-government community Homeland Security Open Government

OSTP Councils Small Agencies

 Interactions with state, local, and non-governmental partners using Enclave spaces


MAX Online Meetings Government-wide Secure Real-time Screen Sharing


Dynamically Share Presentations


MAX Online Meetings  Share visual information to make conference calls (or any complex phone discussion) more effective  Draft documents collaboratively real-time  Permanent named rooms  Accessible by a single click of a link  Both pre-registered participants and ‘guests’  Secure - named users authenticated thru MAX Login  Cost effective shared service – economies of scale  FISMA compliant - fully certified & accredited  Will not be blocked by agency firewalls 25

Robust MAX Infrastructure    

FISMA Compliant Fully integrated provisioning (MAX IDs and MAX groups) Software is readily customizable and extendible Industry standard relational database (DB2) capable of large data volumes  Multiple redundant servers  Business Continuity at two geographically separate sites – Looking to partner with agencies on additional locations  Sufficient capacity for 100,000 users (4x current usage) – Architecture allows straightforward expansion through clustering and federation


Facilitating Government-wide Collaboration and Knowledge Management Sponsored by The Budget Formulation and Execution E-Gov Line of Business (BFELoB) BFELoB Organization and Contacts: LoB Executive Sponsor: Courtney Timberlake, Asst. Dir. for Budget (Acting), OMB Policy Lead: Andy Schoenbach, Chief, Budget Systems Branch, OMB Deputy Policy Lead: Phil Wenger, OMB Managing Partner: Tom Skelly, Director of Budget Service, Education Program Management Office Lead: Sandi McCabe, Education MAX Federal Community Lead: Emily Fort, OMB

Contact the Budget LoB at: [email protected] Learn More about the Budget LoB at: www.BudgetLoB.gov Visit the Community at: www.max.gov

(Federal government employees only)


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