A Time To Die

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,056
  • Pages: 2
A TIME TO DIE By Kevi Meru There is a time for everything under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die (Ecclesiastes 3). Death is decreed for all mankind. Adam and Eve were warned of the consequence of disobedience, which is death, but they failed to heed the warning seriously and brought death upon all humans down through the centuries. Still in mercy, God removed sudden death and showed them the way of salvation by way of sacrifice. An animal was killed, thereby shedding blood, to make a covering for the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Fig leaf was not enough. So now death is a curse and all humans are subject to it: we are subject to aging, death and decay. Death came about because of sin. To conquer death, Jesus came to earth and lived a sinless life. He paid the penalty of sin, which is death, and because He was sinless, He conquered death by His resurrection, and now Jesus possess the keys of hell and death (Revelation 1:18). For a believer in Christ, the final enemy to defeat is death --- at death he or she shed the physical body and rise with Christ in victory in spiritual immortality (1 Corinthians 15:26, 44). For the most part, the time that each individual dies is a mystery. People die of different conditions and in different circumstances and stages. Unless clearly revealed, it should never be presumed dying young or old is better. For example, in the Columbine shooting in a school in Colorado, a girl by the name Rachel was confronted by her assailants to give up her faith in Jesus Christ or die. She chose to die rather than renounce her faith. She is now in heaven and God used her testimony to speak to millions around the world. Beginning with the early Christians, many died under persecutions. Some were burnt, thrown to lions, murdered and the bodies given to the dog, tossed to the sea, etc. They did not get a proper burial. The Bible says that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God. So at death the spirit leaves the body to go to its eternal destination: some to everlasting shame and some to everlasting glory (Daniel 12:2). A friend who is a registered nurse in America faced a dilemma over the body of her deceased dad. Her brothers in the Philippines wanted his body be shipped overseas, but that would be too expensive --- she has three children who needed her income. Cremation would be both convenient and inexpensive. Her oldest son was a bit conscientious of a Christian body being cremated. I told him about the many Christians who died and their bodies were burnt, eaten, drowned or mutilated beyond recognition, and that a funeral service is mainly for the living to find a respectable closure and a loving memory. The family opted for cremation.


In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus contrasted the story of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Let’s call the rich man Larry for convenience. Angels are commissioned to help those who are to receive salvation (Hebrews 1:14). When Lazarus died, angels escorted his spirit to paradise called Abraham’s bosom. Either his stinking body was dumped in the trash and given to stray dogs and vultures and crows, or tossed into a lake or dirty stream somewhere. Larry too died and was buried with all ceremonial pomp and style. Many VIPs signed the beautiful guestbook, the priest performed the rite in dignity, and the camera man got a nice pay check. The local florist almost ran out of flowers. Befitting a Hollywood style funeral, the food at the reception was top notch. The five rich brothers thought they did an excellent job in organizing the memorial for their departed brother. None of them had any clue what happened to Larry in the afterlife. A reversal of fortune happened: Lazarus found himself in paradise and Larry descended to hell. Larry was thirsty all the time but all the wealth he accumulated and left behind could not afford him a bottle of water. “It is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). When Larry died, under the Law of Moses then, he was no longer under the protection of God and His angels, because Larry never repented (Luke 16:30). Demons awaited his dead and took his spirit away to hell. Hell was made for the Devil and his angels. When man sinned, he disqualified himself from the paradise of God and hence was not granted automatic access to paradise. A penalty must be paid, and Jesus paid it. So the only way back to heaven is through Jesus Christ who said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Remember, fig leaf was not enough to cover Adam and Eve. The fig leaf of religion and good works alone cannot bring salvation of the soul. Only the dead of Jesus on the cross can satisfy the demand of redemption. “For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Is your name written in heaven? Are you willing to be escorted to heaven by the angels of God? Then call on Jesus now from the bottom of your heart. Follow this prayer: Dear Father in heaven, I am a sinner and I fully rely on the name of Jesus who died on the cross for my salvation. Forgive all my sins and put them under the blood of Christ, and receive me into your light. I confess Jesus died and rose again and I welcome Him into my heart now. Thank you for your salvation. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. ___________________________________________________ If you have prayed the sinner’s prayer with all sincerity, then I rejoice with you. From now on, live a holy life and keep yourself in the love of God (Jude 20-25). For prayer request, please write to the address below. If you have any question and wish for a response, please include a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE). Or provide email if you wish a response through it. Yahweh International Ministries. 5917 Oak Avenue #343 Temple City, CA 91780-2020


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