A Taste Of Inner Sins

  • November 2019
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A Taste of Inner Sins

A Taste of Inner Sins

Inner Sins A collection of articles about the different aspects of sex based on the author's own personal experience. Speaking candidly about her life and relationships, of which some are of a sensitive nature, the author, Carrie White, seeks to inform and delight the following of readers she's collected throughout her erotic career. Download: 1 document (PDF), 403 KB Copyright: © 2006 Carrie White Standard Copyright License Edition: First Pages: 42

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Published 2006 Copyright © Carrie White 2006 http://www.hentracks.co.uk All Rights Reserved. You may pass this FREE e-book on to anyone you like providing it remains in tact, including this copyright note.


A Taste of Inner Sins

This FREE e-book contains teasers and tasters of Inner Sins, the new ebook from Erotic Writer & Reviewer, Carrie White, available to buy here. This e-book is an excellent accompaniment to Inner Sins!

About Carrie White Born in Gloucestershire and now based in London, Carrie White's erotic literary work is gaining an international reputation. She began writing professionally in the year 2000 and has been published in many web-based publications, printed erotic magazines and has also made various international T.V appearances. She often collaborates with fine art erotic photographers, producing high quality and original fiction. She self-published her first collection of erotic stories ‘Erotogenic' in July 2003 and has sold many copies through self-promotion and hard work. Since the year 2000 she has built her own website (http://www.hentracks.co.uk/ ) informing readers of her current writing projects and news, named Hentracks and then a couple of years later she began to work with Eva Almeida to review books and e-books. This, in turn, led to her successfully setting up her own reviewing service at Sexography (http://www.sexography.co.uk/) Along with all the above she now works with Stevie Burns on the Salty Witch Circle (http://www.yenrelish.com/), publishes her old stories and reviews on Crumpled Sheets and is a proud member of The Association of Erotic Artists.(http://www.associationoferoticartists.org.uk/)


A Taste of Inner Sins


A Taste of Inner Sins

High Priced Call Girl Fantasy or Reality? You decide! ;)

My mobile rings, signalling the start of another busy evening. I only work nights. My days are spent sleeping, bathing and generally getting ready for each night's play. As I answer the phone I'm already dressed to kill. Black suspenders, long leather boots, short leather mini-skirt that clings to my bum. My underwear is the skimpiest I can find: black thongs that barely cover my minge. On my top half I wear a black corset, leather. My breasts are forced together and up, creating an extensive cleavage that any woman would be proud of! In my hand I casually flip a short whip. I don't use this though. It's just for show. I carry with me wherever the phone leads, a bag that contains my massage oils, aromatherapy candles and plenty of towels.

The voice on the phone is female, very unusual in my line of work, but welcoming for a change. She sounds young to me, but obviously in tune with her body and her needs. Why else would she be ringing me? My clientele are select but they pay me well. I have no other work apart from my hobbies. Her wishes are clear. Plenty of pampering in every way but she does not wish to see me, nor I to see her. Very odd, but at the price I will quote, I'm definitely able to accommodate. It does occur to me that this could be almost impossible.

She gives me her address, time to call and then she hangs up. Very assured of her self. I just hope I can please her.

Soon it is time. In less than half an hour I have received 5 more phone calls. Not excessive numbers but enough to make this one of my better nights of work. The address she has given me is of a Hotel a few miles outside of London. I know it well. I have been there several times over the course of a year. I prefer servicing my clients at their homes rather than a Hotel. It's so much more comfortable and the clients are more likely to be relaxed. I never cater for people at my own place. That is my sanctuary, the place where I can relax myself and pamper my own body in readiness for my work.

I arrive at the Hotel. The key is where she said it would be: under the mat. I slowly enter the room. I cannot see anyone immediately and think I have the wrong room. I place my bag on the nearest chair and look around. Eventually someone enters from the bathroom. To my surprise it is a man. He is already dressed in a towel bathrobe. He stands just taller than me at 5' 10", dark haired, he strikes me as quite old. A sugar daddy? Perhaps. I wonder if my visit is a present from his loved-one.

Whilst I lay out my towels on the bed, he waits patiently for my command. I cover the whole of the bed. Oils can be so messy! I command him to lay face down on top of the towels. He does so.


A Taste of Inner Sins

I set up my candles and soon the room is filled with lavender and chamomile scents, designed to relax and calm. I sit astride his back and on his butt. My hands are covered in the carrier oil and chamomile. Chamomile is an excellent muscle relaxant and will help to ease any aches or pains my client may have. The palms of my hands slowly but firmly manipulate the muscles in his back. I travel from his neck down to the small of his back, using the whole of my hands and weight. The attention elicits small groans of pleasure and I smile, knowingly. Years of practice have made me an expert in my field.

I stop to change over to more stimulating oils. This will be in readiness for my intimate attentions. I use Rosemary, Lemon and Eucalyptus, each one designed to stimulate and give energy. For this I instruct him to turn over onto his back. This is why I use the towels. All the oils are left on his skin.

Carefully I untie the strings to my corset. Already I feel the juices in my pussy increase. My breasts become exposed, my nipples erect. Just to make sure, I tweak them some more. I'm sitting just above his penis. I hover, my pussy lips just slightly touching his groin. He's stiffening in anticipation. I use the stimulating oils to cover my hands and breasts. Provocatively I massage my boobs, squeezing them together and glancing coyly at him.

Climbing off the bed, I retrieve a condom from my bag. I stand over him and ask him to place the condom on his penis as my hands are covered in oil. The oil would rot the latex and would irritate me inside. Whilst he does so I continue to massage my breasts, my hands slowly wandering up and down my body, being careful not to touch my pussy. He watches me and in doing so makes a simple job into a mammoth task. Eventually he lies back down and I straddle him again. This time I rub my pussy up and down his latex-clad penis. I gyrate my hips and his hands reach for my breasts. With one swift movement I impale my self on his manhood. Ripples of pleasure course through my body and rest down in my groin. We continue to rock, and thrust as our passions rise.

The whole experience is intensely erotic; one of the best times of my career. In time his body jerks as he climaxes. I follow shortly after, perspiration forming small tracks over my naked, glossy skin. I collapse onto him, our breathing becoming rhythmic and synchronised as time passes.

I entangle myself from his embrace. The time has come for me to leave. He clambers up from the bed and I collect all my towels and oils. I quickly wipe away as much of the oil from my body as I can. I then put my coat on, collect my bag, pick up a white envelope on the bedside table and go towards the door.

Before I leave, I glance back and catch his eye. I know that he will be in contact again. Perhaps his girlfriend will join in next time.


A Taste of Inner Sins

Is Writing or Working within the Genre of Erotica Discriminated Against? To be quite honest, I never thought I would ever say this, but, yes, I think it is. Up until now, maybe I’ve been naïve but I’ve never had a serious problem with what genre I write in. But, now, unfortunately, I do.

Not only does it affect my writing and my website but it also affects my new book reviewing service because it has an erotic element within its name. It doesn’t seem to matter that my review service is not based entirely in the erotic genre but solely because the website name features the S-e-x word. Horror of horrors!

But, why should it be like this?

Should the choice to write erotica or any sub genre of it, relegate you to the outer circles of the writing community? Should you have to worry about posting on a writing forum about the important reviewing service you provide because the title of your website contains the word Sex, regardless of whether you deal entirely or not with the Erotic genre?

I understand that not everybody likes erotica or sex but it shouldn’t mean that authors or reviewers who provide a valuable service to the publishing world are pushed out and ostracized because their work is related to it.

My experience of this has just come to pass, this very day. Joining up and posting at a popular writing forum, I had my post of an offer I have currently running on my review site at http://www.sexography.co.uk promptly deleted by one of the moderators there. This, of course, annoyed and frustrated me. The reason given for the removal of my post was that erotic and/or adult posting was not allowed. Yet, not one mention of sex, erotica or adult was mentioned in the ad. Nor, is the site advertised as such. In fact, I am quick to point out as much as I can, that my review site is not a porn site despite its name and colour! So what prompted the deletion of the post? I can only imagine it was the name or domain at that my site resides.

Luckily, I’ve not come across that many problems with regards to this service and to clarify things, one other forum, namely Absolute Write has no problems whatsoever with the posting or advertising of this kind as long as it’s writing related and it’s posted in the designated category. I run a review service for books, e-books, blogs and websites and I currently have an offer running for the month of October. For reference, here is the post I made:

Buy One and Get One Free throughout October only!* One offer per person is allowed.


A Taste of Inner Sins

It's simple! Just buy an e-book or website review package and get another one absolutely FREE! Promo code to be given on Request: SexOct1 (In order to take advantage of this offer, you must quote the Promo Code on request.) When you submit your e-book/novel/website for review, just give me the promo code given above and receive 2 quality reviews in return. Just state which package you wish to receive for FREE and I will ask you for the additional information after I've received payment and your review submission form info. The usual review submissions still apply. *This offer is only available to independent authors. Even without this offer, Sexography can offer authors and writers a friendly review service with all genres accepted (your submission is guaranteed to be accepted but check out the FAQ for rules) and an extensive promotion programme for as little as $5 per review package. For more information, please check out Sexography at http://www.sexography.co.uk ~~~

Ok, yes, the promo code does include the letters S-E-X but it’s a code of reference for me; only letters in a specific order and shouldn’t imply that the service or site is erotic or pornographic.

The same could be said about whether an erotic writer should have their site categorized as adult alongside pornographic sites.

Let’s say you are an erotic writer or a writer of Romantica. How would you personally class your work or site? Would you mind if you were excluded from so many directories and resources because some people classed your work as Adult? Or, do you see this as an occupational hazard and really don’t care? As long as you can carry on writing in your favourite genre and it’s not illegal, then you can’t really see much of a problem.

But, what if you don’t want to be lumped along with all the pornographic sites? What if you rate the standard of your work and books as way above porn and you don’t feel that this occlusion is very fair? I know I do.

So where can you expect to receive problems?

Here is my list: •

Signatures. Not necessarily email signatures but forum or profile signatures. If the site doesn’t allow erotic or adult postings, your innocent signature informing others of what you do and where you do it, could


A Taste of Inner Sins

• •

cause your postings to be removed. The reason given that your post then contains adult content. Directories. You may only be allowed to list your erotic homepage if the directories you submit to are okay with adult listings. Look to see if the directory has a category heading of Adult sites. Article directories. If your article contains information about sex/relationships it could be classed as adult. Some article directories like website ones don’t allow adult articles. When I’ve completed this article, I’m going to have the exact same problems trying to get it listed. Topsites. You may be restricted to joining adult only topsites. This would mean your site would be in amongst all the sites advertising ‘teen girls suck dick’ or similar. Yuck! Self promotion of your erotic anthology, novel or article compilation. One of the areas I’ve come across problems in. I’m unable to list my erotic article collection in many e-book directories because it’s classed as adult. Web traffic exchanges. You have to join adult only web traffic exchanges so again your site is viewed in amongst all the fuck-me-harder sites. Classified Ads. Some free classified ad sites do not allow adult ads. Ironically, the same ad that was removed from the forum was accepted on a classified ad site. Review services. The same applies here.

And the list goes on…

So, what, if anything, can we do about it? Not a lot, I’m afraid, at this point. By all means try and submit your sites to directories that don’t allow adult sites or advertise your work as non-adult but don’t be surprised if it’s rejected. On the other hand, you may very well be surprised. ☺ ~~~ Carrie White has written a number of erotic short stories, self published a few of her own e-books and has been published both in print and online. Her story 'Casino' features in The Right Words Anthologized (Stevie Burns, 2005). More of her writing can be viewed at http://www.hentracks.co.uk. After reviewing ebooks for more than 7 years with Eva Almeida, she now runs her own reviewing service at http://www.sexography.co.uk reviewing e-book, blogs and websites.


A Taste of Inner Sins

Alone and Frustrated? So what exactly are your options? We’ve all been there. Alone and sexually frustrated, but whether it’s because you’re between relationships, just split up with your partner, having a break from the intensity of relationships or just too busy, it doesn’t really matter. We all have specific needs and it’s important that they’re met. So, what exactly are the options if you ever find yourself alone and frustrated? Read this article and discover some possible ideas as to how you can relieve those pent up feelings:

Books/DVD’s/Magazines Here you’ll be spoilt for choice with the variety on offer whether it’s pornography or erotica you prefer. Pick a quiet evening when you’re not too busy, take the phone off the hook and/or turn off your mobile, turn the lights down low, relax and while away a couple of hours in front of the box or with your head buried deep into a sexy book/magazine. Live out your fantasises by choosing from erotic novels, short story anthologies or erotic poetry. Most High Street bookstores will stock them. You can usually find them next to the romance section or under Psychology - Sex/Recovery. Gay and Lesbian titles can usually be found under their own heading in the fiction section. Or learn more about your body and/or how to achieve sexual gratification by reading non-fiction sex guides. Seriously, girls, have you ever really sat down and explored your vagina properly in front of a mirror? I know I can say I never have. Perhaps, you’ll discover that maybe you don’t know yourself all that well after all. If you prefer to keep your intentions private, then visit an online adult store or site like SouthCoastPleasure.com that will respect your need for anonymity and cater to your every desire.

Fuck Buddies So, what exactly is a ‘fuck buddy’? A fuck buddy is someone who you meet for no-strings-attached sex. There is no pressure to have any sort of relationship apart from a sexual one and you get to satisfy your sexual needs without the worry of chatting up a virtual stranger for a one night stand. A fuck buddy can be someone who you know on friendly terms but have no other chemistry with other than a sexual one. You both have to lay down ground rules first i.e. if it’s acceptable to sleep with other people at the same time, or even to find a more committed relationship. Be warned that things can get complicated but it also can end up working very well if you both understand exactly what the agreement entails. Find fuck buddies in personal ads or enter the words ‘fuck buddy’ into Google search engine.


A Taste of Inner Sins

Phone Sex Phone sex has vague similarities to cyber sex, the only difference being is that you’re exciting your chosen partner down a telephone line rather than typing sexy words into a chat program. Before I met up with my partner, Chris, I experimented with phone sex with both him and another man who I never got to meet. I didn’t do them at the same, though! Eventually, I decided that phone sex wasn’t for me as a sexual activity mainly because I did all the work and the other person got all the pleasure! I did this before I even started out as an erotic writer so in some ways it helped to establish that I had some degree of talent in the erotica genre. But, I quickly got bored and frustrated with the whole idea because I never received the same feedback. Trouble with me is that I’m too bloody good at my job! ;) Phone sex is particularly good with someone who sounds gorgeous over the phone. You often discover that if you meet them, though, they don’t match up to their voice and the whole experience is pretty disappointing. My advice is don’t meet up with a complete stranger you have phone sex with. Not only because of the safety factor but it usually ruins the whole sexual fantasy. Use your discretion.

Cyber Sex Similar to phone sex but…yeah, yeah, yeah…you get my drift, lol! Sexy words and instructions are typed out onto a screen via one of many communication methods. These can include email, instant messengers, chat rooms, message boards (though I haven’t seen many cyber chats there but it’s not impossible) and game rooms. You’ll be surprised just where and when these sorts of chats take place. It’s not uncommon to find people looking for sex in game rooms like Cribbage. This is a room on Yahoo I frequent regularly and I have been asked to cyber on a number of occasions. My problem is with this is that I’m in the room for one purpose only: to play a game of cribbage. If I wanted cyber sex I’d go into a private chat room. It’s a very popular request given to me especially when I reveal I’m an erotic writer. Yes, I do like writing stories but only stories and I’m not really that bothered about getting some strange person off when, again, I’m receiving nothing in return. I’ve read reports that some chat sites will ban cyber in their chat rooms which is fair enough. Apparently some people think it is very immature but if you get your rocks off this way, there’s no harm in at all. It should be done in appropriate places, though and game rooms and chat rooms where the act is banned are out of bounds. It’s surprising how serious people can take this sex act. Very often if you’re caught up in cybering with someone and you’re not keen or don’t show willing, they will abandon you to find someone else who will. Very odd especially if you thought you were getting on extremely well. Only recently I got chatting to this young female in Cribbage on Yahoo. She asked me all sorts of questions about my preferences and sexuality etc. Nothing fazed her until I refused to cyber at that point because I’d only had some fun an hour previous to coming online. Then she disappeared leaving me with an uncompleted game.


A Taste of Inner Sins

With cyber sex you can pretend you’re someone who you’re not. That’s okay as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Be careful though. It’s not uncommon to find out that you’re not cybering with a curvy female with 38DD breasts but a man with glasses, acne and BO. You have been warned! Common phrases that may occur: ASL? Age, sex, location. What do you look like? Describe your body i.e. 36, dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes, 5’10”, slim. Bi-Fem – Bisexual female What you looking for? Means what you are looking for online. I.e. sexy fun, chat or just friends. What are you wearing? Describe what you have on at that moment. Or lie if you so wish. Stats? Hip, bust and waist measurements. You can usually catch out the men because they frequently get this wrong! Do you have a pic? It’s not advisable to send a picture of yourself to anyone over the internet. Very often you will find your pic coming back at you from someone else several months down the line. Any pictures you do receive from someone will probably have been downloaded from a copyrighted source and are not of the person you are actually ‘chatting’ to. Stick with straight cyber.

Sex Toys The pièce de résistance of sexual gratification. You can use these together as a couple or on your own. Experiment with various toys that promise endless, powerful orgasms to find the one that really suits you and your body. Vibrators are good for producing intense sexual feelings wherever you use them. They vibrate (which is why they’re called vibrators!) and often have appendages attached to stimulate more than one part of your sexual anatomy. Do the ‘nose test’ if you can. The tip of your nose is extremely sensitive and an ideal way to find out exactly how powerful the vibration really is. When my nose receives enough stimulation the sudden urge to sneeze can suddenly take over. At that point, I know if said vibrator is really going to do the job it claims. Dildos are vibrators that don’t vibrate. Often shaped like a penis, they come in all shapes, sizes and colours. Clitoral stimulators are vibrating products that can even be strapped onto you or held in your hand. They’re designed for quick, easy stimulation of the clitoral area. Rabbit vibrators are taking the sexual world by storm. As SouthCoastPleasure.com says, ‘Dual action Rabbit vibrators have become so popular that just like real rabbits they have multiplied. The Jack Rabbit Vibrator from "Sex and the City" started it all and spawned a whole host of amazing Rabbit vibrators.’ Enough said.

So, with all the options above, you’d be hard pushed not to find something that would keep you satisfied for even a short length of time. Of course, that is not including the endless jobs you could do within the sex industry… Carrie White © 2006 http://www.hentracks.co.uk


A Taste of Inner Sins

Oral Sex: Giving and receiving Ah, oral sex. What would a gal like me do without oral sex? Probably spend half her time masturbating. That’s because I’m one of those women who cannot achieve orgasm through intercourse. I’ve often wondered why, you know, though. Could it be something deep within my past and childhood that prevents me from completely ‘letting go’? Or is it nothing at all? Just one of those things that maybe I have to learn to live with. It’s not really that much of a problem though I’m told that I’m the only one that my partner has not been able to make come through sex. Mmm, something tells me that maybe he’s not the sex god that he really thinks he is! Funnily enough I’ve not had that much experience in giving oral sex to men but I have been told I am a first class felatrice. Why is that? How can someone who has not done the deed very much be such an expert in the act? Ok, here are my tips…

Read the rest in Inner Sins!


A Taste of Inner Sins

Erotic Dreams Dream interpretation is a passion of mine and I’m hoping to include this subject in my very first erotic novel; something I have only recently become interested in. After dreaming several times of one particular situation, I figured I needed to find out just what my dream was telling me. Eventually, I found the reason why I was experiencing this dream over and over again. It had something to do with my past and my difficulties with my family. I sorted it out in my own heart and mind and the very next night, the dream failed to materialise. So from that moment on, I had added another interest to my repertoire.

I have had a few erotic dreams but they have never occurred night after night. As they are ‘one-off’s’ I can only presume they are a natural part of being a woman and a human being. Just as men have ‘wet’ dreams, women can also experience feelings of sexual excitement and orgasm and the occasional woman can ejaculate, but we’re just able to hide it better! It’s very uncommon, though, to hear of women having wet dreams at all.

I have had few intimate relationships so I believe that most of my erotic dreams stem from the fact I have not been able to play the field as much. I tend to dream of erotic encounters with men of whom I do not recognise. Sometimes it excites me to the point where I think I am no longer dreaming and then of course I can wake up rather frustrated.

I find that I cannot ‘force’ an erotic dream no matter how hard I try. It’s just one of those things if they decide to materialise and I’ve learnt to enjoy them when they do!

Read the rest in Inner Sins!


A Taste of Inner Sins

Thank you for downloading this FREE e-book! For more juicy articles, please consider purchasing Inner Sins at Lulu.com or buy direct from the author for $4.99. Click here to buy Inner Sins at Lulu.com. Or Click here to buy direct from Carrie White.


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