A Place For

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  • Words: 4,968
  • Pages: 8
Originally Published in January 2007 — updated in January 2011

Useful websites for more information www.fmpsd.ab.ca Fort McMurray Public Schools www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Fort McMurray Hotline, a single source for answers to all of your questions about the community. www.eventswoodbuffalo.com Your source for concerts and event listings in Fort McMurray. www.informwoodbuffalo.ca One-stop shopping site for service provid-

Welcome to Fort McMurray Public School District

ers in Wood Buffalo. www.fortmcmurraytourism.com A great source for the sights to be seen, tour operators and resources found in our

Brad contrasts his experience with that of others who

A Place for

choose to remain in a larger centre, hoping for their first


backyard. www.volunteerwoodbuffalo.ca

permanent position. I know someone who was in Edmonton for six years, going from temporary job to temporary job, he says.

Find out how you can get involved in the community.

The abundance of opportunities is what drew SueAnne Puhalski back to her hometown. There are lots of opportunities for anyone who comes here, says the

Lots of teaching opportunities in


grade one teacher in her first year at Dr. K.A. Clark

Fort McMurray Public Schools

School. It is a great place to begin your career. SueAnne noticed something else when she returned to

Those who have come before have a message for 2

Opportunities for promotion

those who are considering applying for a teaching


Wanted: Commitment to

position with Fort McMurray Public Schools.

Doing What s Best for

begin her teaching career. As the oil sands industry has grown, so too has Fort McMurray


Go for it! urges University of Lethbridge grad Meipsy


Schackleford, who joined the staff at Greely Road

$12,480 COLA takes bite out of


From fur trade to oil sands

School three years ago, where she now teaches grade


Experienced teachers eager

3 and assists other teachers as an Understanding by

accommodation costs

to help newcomers

Design coach.

6 7 8

Professional Leaning

All the positive rumours (about Fort McMurray) are


true. There are lots of opportunities. I think it is a positive

Frequently Asked

place to be. I tell people who are graduating from the

Questions (FAQs)

University of Lethbridge to come. It is better to come

Did You Know?

here to teach than just subbing elsewhere, she says. Brad St. Denis agrees. The University of Alberta grad, who grew up in Tumbler Ridge, BC came to Fort McMurray as soon as he completed his BEd in

Cost of accommodation in Fort McMurray comes as a shock for many newcomers. While other living expenses are similar, apartment rents and home prices are higher than in many other Canadian communities (see information box on page 5). In recognition of this, the Alberta government now provides a cost of living allowance (COLA) to public sector employees, including teachers and other school district staff. Currently, the COLA is $12,480 annually for full-

December 2005. Soon he was working as a Teacher on Call (TOC). As a TOC, I was working every day. Getting to know all the schools was great, he recalls.

time staff members, and is adjusted on a pro-rated basis for part-time employees. It is included as part of staff members paycheques ($1,040 a month). The provincial government has committed to

But his TOC career was to be short. By February 1, he

A Place for You


had a full-time position. This year he is teaching primary

providing this support as long as the accommodation

and junior high physical education at Thickwood

disparity remains. It will review the COLA annually and

Heights School.

make adjustments in value based on that review.




Opportunities for Quick Facts about Fort


vancement: Most promo-

McMurray Public

tions come from within Dis-


trict Principals Scott Barr and Dan

Dennis Parsons

Rizzuto are typical of about half the

CEO / Superintendent of

principals and vice principals in Fort


McMurray Public Schools. Both began their teaching careers in Fort McMurray.

Allan Kallal

What began as a future goal became It has grown a lot. I am amazed

many places. That creates a cohesive-

a reality because of the opportunities

how much it has grown. There is so

ness that keeps people together. There

here, Scott says. This is one of the places

much to do. It is a great little city, she

are many new people who have joined

where you can advance if you are willing


the school staff and we have become

to work hard.

Associate Superintendent (Business and Finance)

Phil Meagher

Trenly Calhoon, who came to

Chief Deputy Superintendent

Fort McMurray five years ago after

(Education and

teaching for three years in south-

Community High School, Johnny

the University of Alberta, and is now in his


eastern Alberta, agrees. There s lots

grew up in Abbotsford, BC and

sixth year as an administrator. During that

to do here. You just have to look for

attended both the University of

time he has been vice principal at

it. There are lots of clubs, lots of

British Columbia and Simon Fraser

Thickwood Heights and École Dickinsfield

opportunities for volunteering.

University before moving to Fort

schools, then in 2006 he became vice


principal of Westwood Community High

Amgad Rushdy Associate Superintendent (Human Resources and

There are also social opportunities. We are able to find a lot of people

close friends. Now in his fifth year at Westwood

It is a wonderful school, he says. I


our own age to do things with,

like how we are treated and the


Trenly explains. Everyone is in the

salary is excellent.

September 30, 2010 enrollment

same boat. You make your own

Full-time teachers

School and in 2010 he became principal of École McTavish Junior High School He believes that the key to his success has been the encouragement

f amily. People are good about that ‒

teaching at Westwood Community

and support he received from other

making you feel welcome.

High School, Megan Carnegie left


The opportunity to meet new


After a year and a half spent

Scott came to Fort McMurray fourteen years ago, following his graduation from

Fort McMurray. A year later, the

If you are paired with a good

people is something École

University of Alberta grad, who

mentor, something I was lucky enough

Dickinsfield School s Maggie Thibault

completed her student teaching at

to be, you will get support, he says.

likes about being in Fort McMurray.

Westwood, is glad to be back.

You get to meet a lot of new people,

I was absolutely thrilled to come

Administrators in other schools have also been a great source of help. There


the grade 5/6 French Immersion

back. It is such a warm community,

is good camaraderie among

teacher says. Everyone is excited

she says. You can come back and

administrators here. I am never afraid to

Part-time teachers

about being in a new place. They

everyone makes you feel welcome

pick up the phone, Scott says.

right away.

Dan was a little surprised when he was

want to meet new people. You get a


great social life. There is a lot going

Support staff

With so many people from so

invited to the district s staff recognition


evening . They recognized me for 15 years. That was a wake-up call. I had been

many different places, teachers create

here for 15 years! the University of

their own social units, says high

Alberta grad recalls.

school science and physical education teacher Johnny Dulku. There are so many people from so

A Place for You

January 2011 www.fmpsd.ab.ca



Bursaries are available Through a partnership with the Northern Alberta Development Council, the Fort McMurray Public School District offers annual bursaries of $3,000 for full-time undergraduate and graduate education students who plan to teach in District schools after graduation. Students He says that time has gone by

encouragement he has received from

quickly because he has been enjoying

other administrators.

what he s doing, which may have

In our district, you can pick up the

I moved here because I wanted to

must agree to teach in Fort

be in a bigger community, with more

McMurray Public Schools for

opportunities, she recalls. Here, I had

delayed his decision to become an

phone and ask questions. You always

the opportunity to become the vice

administrator. I was hesitant to make

know you have someone there to sup-

principal. I was able to do this more

the move because I enjoyed the class-

port you. You are never left by yourself.

quickly than would have been the case

Annalee Nutter, who has just

room, he says.

Annalee credits the leadership

principal, how does he feel about

pal at Greely Road School, represents

development that was available at


most of the district s administrators ‒

Greely Road School for preparing her

those who came to Fort McMurray after

to move into her current position.

I love administration! I love the team I work with, the staff I work with,

beginning their careers elsewhere and

the students I work with. I love what I

who were later promoted into their

opportunity. I would not have had the


current positions.

confidence to apply.

Like Scott, who Dan followed as

Fort McMurray, after fifteen years spent

School (he is now at principal at

teaching in Saskatchewan.

application form, visit the District s website at www.fmpsd.ab.ca and click on Careers .

Elsewhere I might not have had the

Annalee is now in her eighth year in

vice principal at Thickwood Heights

received. For more information and an


completed her fourth year as vice princi-

And now, after six years as a

one year for each bursary

Where to Shop As the community has grown in recent years, several large retailers

Westview School), he feels he has

have build new stores. Here are

benefited from the advice and

some of the places you can shop in Fort McMurray: The Brick

What teachers say about Fort McMurray Public Schools

Canadian Tire

Extra Foods tions) Very Satisfied


Very Dissatisfied





Save-On-Foods and

Drugs Zellers

place to work?





District level?

A Place for You

January 2011



Mark s

Work Warehouse - Rona Home

ties for staff development that were available to you during this school year at the


Sport Chek

Meat Shops How satisfied are you with the opportuni-


United Furniture Ware-


Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with Fort McMurray Public Schools as a

Safeway (2 locations)

Real Canadian Superstore -Mart


Sobeys (2 loca-





Ricki s

Le Chateau




Suzi Sheir

Support for New Comers For professional support and advice, Josie Lush is the go to

Fort McMurray Public looking for commitment to Doing What s Best for Kids

person at Central Office for teachers new to Fort McMurray Public Schools. In her role as New Teacher Coordinator, the veteran of 29 years in district schools says she is

Over the past few years, the Fort McMurray Public School

their education following graduation, or a successful

District has hired between 40 and 70 teachers a year, a trend

transition into the world of work̶our students are success-

that Superintendent Dennis Parsons sees as continuing.

ful. And they are successful because of the teachers who are

He says that the hiring reflects Fort McMurray s growth,

establishing the groundwork for their success, he says.

with the resulting increase in enrollment and the need to

So many parents and students recognize and appreciate

replace teachers who are retiring or leaving to take jobs

what the staff is doing for their children who attend Fort


McMurray s public schools.

many things for newcomers… mentor, organizer and helper . And, she adds, there is one thing she is not… I am certainly not their evaluator! Her position was created for

And what kind of teachers is the district looking for? Superintendent Dennis Parsons says, the teachers who will be joining us for the new school year should understand they will be part of a great group of people who are committed to doing what is best for kids.

plans developed by a new

towards students be hired to replace those who are retiring, as well as to fill vacancies that will be created as the community grows and more students enroll in Fort McMurray schools.

Our staff does great things for the students they teach. However you measure student success̶academic

the fall of 2007, to implement

It is important for the continued success of students in the District s schools that more teachers with similar attitudes

achievement, success in athletics and the fine arts, the value of scholarships received, the numbers of students continuing

I expect that those who will be recruiting and hiring teachers will be looking for more of the type of people who are dedicated to making students successful, Dennis says.

teacher induction committee during 2006̶2007. The Teacher

Calculate Your Salary ~ September 2010

Induction Program evolved to the point where, in 2008̶2009, it was expanded to include teachers in their second year. Josie says that the new teachers orientation to the district begins with a full-day session before the school year begins. Master teachers and administrators from the district


Cat 4

Cat 5

Cat 6




$65, 204





































process, classroom management





at all grade levels, and building





offer sessions on the evaluation

relationships with students . Step 1: Locate your position on the salary grid: Step 2: Add the annual Fort McMurray Cost of

Presently, several Friday after-

Living Allowance (COLA) (subject to income tax):

noons are set aside during the


Total Annual Salary:

school year for sessions on


individual program plans, writing


Teachers are paid in 12 installments on the last teaching Thursday of each month (July s payment is included on the June cheque) and on the last Thursday of August.


Prior to the annual teacher s convention, which is held in Edmonton, each teacher receives a Duty Expense Allowance of $822for travel and subsistence.


The grid shown here is for the 2010̶2011 school year. The grid will be adjusted annually based on Alberta average weekly earnings, in accordance with an agreement between the Alberta Teachers Association and the Government of Alberta.

report card comments, and parent/teacher interview tips.

A Place for

Accommodations Accommodations in Fort McMurray is expensive. Here are average apartment rental rates in Fort McMurray as of April 2010. Damage deposits are usually one month s rent. Bachelor Suite $1,406̶$1,500 One Bedroom

Fort McMurray—from fur trade to oil sand development and Big Spirit


Two Bedroom $1,980̶$2,500 Three Bedroom $2,245̶$3,000

Only four decades ago, Fort

transported it down the Athabasca River,

McMurray counted its population in the hundreds. Today, this cosmopolitan community has a

While Fort McMurray is seen as

bound for communities as far north as the

having a transient population, 35 per

shores of the Arctic Ocean.

cent of its residents have lived in the

Fort McMurray s population is

zero per cent.

community for eleven or more years.

population of 76,797 which is

made up of people who have come

expected to double over the coming

from across Canada and around the

of Fort McMurray s adult popula-


world. Fewer than half of those who

tion volunteer regularly, a figure

Most of this growth is driven by

The apartment vacancy rate tends to be close to

A recent survey found that half

live in Fort McMurray were born in

more than double the national

Northeast Alberta s rapidly

Alberta. Sixteen per cent of its residents

average. With this commitment to

expanding oil sands industry.

once called Newfoundland home. The

volunteerism, it is hardly surprising

Production from the Fort McMurray

average age of Fort McMurray resi-

that Fort McMurray has hosted

area meets 20 per cent of Canada s

dents is 31, with less than 5 per cent of

several major sporting and cultural

oil needs, a figure that is certain to

the population aged 60 or older.


grow over the next decades.

Room Rates Rents for a single room in a house range from $800 to $1,500 per month.

Source: Fort McMurray Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board

Forestry and tourism are also important aspects of the local economy. In earlier years, much of Fort

Real Estate Average

McMurray s activity related to the


fur trade. Traders first travelled along the Clearwater and

(November 2010)

Athabasca rivers more than two hundred years ago. The Hudson s

Single Family Dwelling:$686,471

Bay Company established a post in Multi-Family Dwelling (Condo):

1870 that it named for its chief


factor, William McMurray. Prior to road and rail links be-

Duplex: $539,719

ing established to northern Canada, freight destined for the

Mobile Home with land:

north arrived in Fort McMurray by


rail and was loaded on barges that Source: Fort McMurray Real Estate Board

A Place for You

January 2011




Fort McMurray Public Schools— Professional Learning Communities and growth From an enrollment of 13 students when it was established in 1912, the Fort McMurray Public

Generous Benefits

School District has grown to 5,200 students in twelve schools, all of which are located within Fort

The Fort McMurray Public School

McMurray. In the 2010‒2011 year, the District employs

District pays the full premium for a wide range of benefits that include:


312 full-and part-time teachers as well as 275

Experienced teachers support New Comers

assistants, custodians, maintenance workers, and central office staff.

Extended Health Care that provides a full

There is an ancient proverb that says, When the learner is ready, a teacher will appear.

tion drugs Life Insurance, based on two


Long Term Disability Dental Care that provides full reimbursement for routine treatments, 80% of major treatments, and 50% of orthodontic treatments


Vision Care that pays up to $300 for new glasses once every two years


Health Spending Account ($875 a year̶beginning Sept. 2011)


Alberta Health Care is available .To be eligible you

ment Program, kindergarten, French Immersion

McMurray Public Schools. Whenever there is something that a

and a variety of special education programming.

newcomer needs to know, an experienced teacher always is

Programming is also provided for English as a

there with advice and answers . . . sometimes even before the

Second Language (ESL) and for First Nations, Métis,

question is asked.

and Inuit students. Two alternative schools in the

times the teacher s salary


The District offers a full range of programming for students, including an Early Childhood Develop-

That certainly seems to be the case for teachers new to Fort

reimbursement for prescrip-


support staff, including secretaries, educational

I don t even have to go to ask for help. They come up to me

system are the Fort McMurray Islamic School, which

to offer support, says Thickwood Heights School s Brad St.

has 220 students in kindergarten through grade 8

Denis. It made it easy for me in my first year. They helped me

and the Fort McMurray Christian School with 120

find material for my classroom. And they are there just to talk

students in kindergarten through grade 9.


To meet the needs of a growing student Université de Sherbrooke grad Maggie Thibault agrees. The

population, the district has applied for funding to

people here are amazing. Always willing to help you out. You

build several new schools. Construction is under-

don t even have to think about it.

way on École McTavish Junior High School with

At Dr. K.A. Clark School, Sue-Anne Puhalski has had a similar

opening scheduled for September 2011. As well,

experience. They are welcoming of newcomers. They are so

the district has requested funding to modernize its

helpful. They understand what it is like to be a newcomer,

existing schools, most of which were built in the

coming here and not knowing anyone.

1970s and 1980s.

Several teachers credit the District s commitment to Profes-

Eight years ago, public schools in Fort McMurray

sional Learning Communities (PLCs) as enabling them to further

committed themselves to the concept of Profes-

their professional growth. Time is set aside most Friday after-

sional Learning Communities (PLCs). Time is sched-

noons to allow teachers to work with colleagues in their schools

uled for teachers to collaborate with colleagues from

or those with similar teaching assignments from across the

their own schools and from other schools within the


system. During these meetings, teachers focus on

With PLCs, you get so much help as a beginning teacher, says Westwood Community High School s Megan Carnegie. They will sit down and ask what problems you are having in

setting goals for improvement of student learning, refining instructional practices, and developing common approaches to assessing student learning.

your class. How can we help you solve them?

must be a permanent Dr. K.A. Clark School s Trenly Calhoon appreciates the weekly resident for 3 months

professional development. Our PLCs on Fridays are wonderful. We meet other grade 4 teachers. We get lots of ideas and you don t feel as alone. Being at one of the district s larger kindergarten through grade 8 schools, Trenly has been partnered with another teacher with several years of experience who is teaching the same grade. It is wonderful to have someone to go to if you

A Place for You

January 2011www.fmpsd.ab.ca



What are you looking for when you hiring?

What are my long-term job prospects with Fort McMurray

We took this question to principals for their responses. Here

Public Schools?

are some of the skills and attitudes they told us are important:  enthusiasm


          

Positive outlook. Initially, all teachers are hired on a probationary (full year, beginning in September) or a temporary (for a specified

teamwork involvement beyond the classroom

period of time or after the beginning of the school year) basis.


Successful completion of the first year with Fort McMurray Public

positive attitude

Schools will likely lead to a continuing contract.


As the community grows, so too will school enrollments, result-

student Focused

ing in a need for more teachers. And even if the student popu-

able to work in a collaborative environment

lation remains static, the District will still need teachers to re-

able to develop rapport

place those who are retiring or leaving the school system for

effective listener

other reasons.

empathy life-long learner

Does Fort McMurray have a public transit system? Fort McMurray has a bus system that links the different areas of

I have heard that Fort McMurray is an expensive place to

the community. The length of your journey and the number of

live. Is that true? What newcomers comment on most is the cost of

transfers will vary depending on where you live and work.


modation, whether renting or purchasing (see the information box on page 5). Once they get past finding a place to live, new-

What types of recreational and cultural

comers find that most other costs are in line with those that

available in Fort McMurray? Fort McMurray and area offer residents a wide range of cultural

people are paying elsewhere in Alberta (see the information

and recreational options, with more being added. Two state-of-

box on page 7 for grocery price comparisons).

the-art recreational facilities have just opened and others are

Does the school district have any teacherages? What does the district do to help teachers find accommodation? The district can provide some help to new teachers who require

under construction. The Syncrude Sports and Wellness Centre at Keyano College opened in September 2007. This field house-style facility includes a running track, gymnasium, and indoor playing

housing. Through its partnership with the Wood Buffalo Hous-

fields, as well as fitness and aerobic facilities.

ing and Development Corporation (WBHDC), the district has

This modern recreation centre is the location of one of the com-

access to transition housing. This consists of one-, two-, and

munity s three golf courses, a curling rink, tennis courts, an arena,

three-bedroom apartments and can be available for up to one

and playing fields. As Alberta s largest multi-recreational facility

year. If appropriate, teachers may be asked to share accommo-

this complex features new ice surface s, a 52-metre swimming


pool, a leisure pool, a hot tub area, a new public library, field

Monthly rents of between $1,100 and $1,800 are 25 per

houses, a running track, and other amenities.

cent below the local market value for similar units. The

Other Fort McMurray facilities include Keyano Theatre (which

apartments are managed by WBHDC, a municipality-owned


options are

hosts many live performances each year), one multi-screen

agency that was created to develop and manage affordable

movie theatre, two swimming pools, downhill and cross-

housing. Potential residents apply directly to the WBHDC.

country skiing areas, four arenas, three golf courses, a YMCA,

Applications will be processed, accepted, and housing

fitness clubs, fly-in fishing, boating, hiking, camping, and canoe-

assigned according to criteria set by the school district and


WBHDC procedures. Provision will be made for both single people and families, with units allocated in a way that is appro-

Can I student teach in Fort McMurray?

priate for the family composition.

Student teachers are always welcome in Fort McMurray Public Schools and it is an excellent way to introduce yourself to the

Is my spouse, who is not a teacher, likely to be able to find a job in Fort McMurray?

Over the past few years, Fort McMurray schools have hosted

Organizations in every sector of the Fort McMurray economy are hiring ‒ healthcare, government, oil sands companies, retail, banking, etc. There are lots of jobs available in Fort McMurray. In many cases, the District s human resources department staff and principals will be able to connect your spouse with recruiters from other organizations.

A Place for You

January 2011

school system. students from the University of Alberta, the University of Lethbridge, Brandon University, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. Upon completion of their practicums, many student teachers have either joined the District s list of Teachers on Call or have been offered teaching contracts with Fort McMurray Public Schools.




Fort McMurray Public Schools Beacon Hill School 210 Beacon Hill Drive ECDP̶Grade 8 202 students George Decker, Principal

Fort McMurray Composite High School 9803 King Street Grades 9̶12 666 Students Tony Zeglen, Principal

Timberlea School 107 Brett Drive ECDP̶Grade 8 728 Students Richard Thorne, Principal

Fort McMurray Islamic School 7211 Bulyea Avenue K̶Grade 6 210 Students Taj Mohammed, Principal

Westview School 407 Wolverine Drive ECDP̶Grade 8 423 Students Dan Rizzuto, Principal

École Dickinsfield School 201 Dickins Drive ECDP̶Grade 8 (English and French Immersion) 620 Students Janice Rushdy, Principal

Frank Spragins High School 190 Tamarack Way Grades 9̶12 120 Students Roxanne Fudge, Principal

Westwood Community High School 221 Tundra Drive Grades 9̶12 (English and French Immersion) Gary Kinnell, Principal

École McTavish (Opens September 2011) 352 Parsons Creek Drive Grades 7̶9 Scott Barr, Principal

Greely Road School 109 Greely Road ECDP̶Grade 8 200 Students Graham Abbott, Principal

Fort McMurray Christian School 190 Tamarack Way K̶Grade 8 120 Students Joe Champion, Principal

Thickwood Heights School 96 Silin Forest Road ECDP̶Grade 8 240 Students Paul Smith, Principal

Dr. K.A. Clark School 8453 Franklin Avenue ECDP̶Grade 8 526 Students Jeff Porter, Principal

How do I find out about vacant positions? The best way to get up-to-date information on vacant positions is to visit the District s website and click on Employment. How do I apply? Please APPLY to specific job postings on the website under Careers/Job Postings. There you will set up your profile and upload your documents. If you have any questions you can email Human Resources at

[email protected] Candidates must currently hold, or be eligible for, an Alberta Teaching Certificate. Successful applicants must provide a copy of their criminal record checks. District staff may contact former and current employers for reference checks. Only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.

Visit us on Face book

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Did You Know?

The Fort McMurray Public School District can be found on Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date news, photos and resources.

French Immersion is offered at École Dickinsfield School. As well, Westwood Community High School also offers a full French Immersion program in the Humanities, Math and Sciences from

The Fort McMurray Public School District is celebrating its 100th

grades 9-12.

birthday in 2012. We have two official theatre groups operating in our district: King

231 Hardin Street Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 2G2

Our art students showcase their work each year at the Keyano

Street at Composite High School and Cheepiyak at Westwood

Gallery during the Tri-High show.

High School.

Students are keeping old customs and cultures alive through

Fort McMurray Public School District offers First Nations, Métis and

the Full Circle Mentoring Program with Big Brothers and Big

Inuit Education.

Sisters and the Nistawoyou Friendship Centre. Fort McMurray Public School District offers a variety of second

Telephone: 780.799.7900 Fort McMurray Public School District is home to both a Christian

Fax: 780.743.2655

and an Islamic


High School, a unique learning environment with flexibility and

Website: www.fmpsd.ab.ca

A Place for You

elementary school. As well, to Frank Spragins

language courses including French, Cree, Japanese, German and

choices for students.

January 2011




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