A p p l i c a t i o nf o r c a r e e r s a t
T H E B R I G A D ES C H O O L S Pleasellll in all the detalls in your handwriting, All qformation will be o@td as stEtly confidenhal.
wouldyouliketo workat Whichof the BrigadeScfrools (pleaseindicateyourpreference) School J PNagar 1, TheBrigade @ Millennium,
Scltool,nearMetropolb, 2, TheBrigadeIntemational WhitdieldRoad :............. Malleswaram-Rajajinagar School@Gateway, 3, TheBrigade
i Positionapplied for: A. PERSONALDATA: 1. Nanre(Blocktetters) 2. Preent
3. C€ntactDetails
tandline: Email :
4. DateOf Birth
5. MarltalStatus
; Slngk/ManirdA/Vidowed CllckwhldrEreiis appticible)
oraceOf Birth:
6. FamilyDetails
7. Father's/ Spouse's/ GuardianbName
In caseof ernergencythe personto notify; Name
Address :
Relationship Phone No.
PleaseFixyour RecentPhctoEraph
9, PhysicalData
In casephysicallychallerged,pleasefurnishdetails: Haveyou had any majrrroperations/illnesses within the pastthree years?yes / no. if yes, give details:
10. Languages Known Pleasetick (underlinemothertongue)
ll, Mlscellaneous Data: *,: I ;; l:,tr:it
l) whetherln possesslon of pagspgr{vba? if so,passporVMsa no.and.dateof validity.
lf) Areya.lstaylngln rentsd.3ccsmmodaflon or own ? iii) Doyoupossesanymodeof transportation. If so,givedetails:
B. ACADEMICSAND TRAINING 1. EducationalQualifications;(Enclosephotocopiesof cefficates)
NameOf School/University
PeriodAttended From To
Course | | Degree/ | ctass I yearof Dipl-o1n-q- I Senf .1. pq.9sing.
2. Specialized Training(Enclose photocopies of certificates): NameOf Instltution
PeriodAttended To
Details OfTraining
3. Particulars of scholarshlp or speckdrnerftawardsrecefued :
4, Extracurricular adivities:
C. EXPERIENCE 1. Employment Par$qdarc (Pr6Gnt Emptoyment First) (Enclosephotocoplesof pf€tious ogedence cerUfiAes; appolntmentle$,erand salaryslip of presentemployer. please rf.ovlgf.separde sheet f the spaceprwlded for ernploymetridetail ls Insuffident) Name& Address
Duratlon From To
SalaryDrawn CTC/ annum
ReasonFor o"u*ot;rI
Leaving -__ I Leavinq
a) b)
_ l II
__---j I
2. Present$alary Dctalls:
8€,,P9l-!!9rr!h Baslc
Conveyance EPF(Employe/s Share) MedicalAllowance Allowance (PleaseSpecify) %
MonthlyGross(A) less:. (If any)(B) TotalDeductions NetSalary(A - D) Perks(If any,pl€6e sp€ctry) CarlTwo whcehr detalb:
Fuel/maintenance Entflements (lf anyspeciffi
D. GEilERALINFORUATION l. Haveyou anyrelations/acgualntarrc lo the servlceof dre BngadeGroup, if so:
3. Expected salary(CTC/ annum): 4. MinimumNotlcePeriod: Flnd,pleasefurnishPFNo. 5. If alreadya memberof Provident
..6, Howdid you cometo knowaboutthis vacancy? .
a) Nameof the Newspaper / Edition: b) Website c) Nameof the Magazine; d) Others(pleasespecify)
E. REFERET{CE: (Pleasegive the nameof two personswho know )ou but are not relatedto you, preferablysuperiors from your previousorganisation.) Name Designation Nameof the Organisation Address TehphoneNo./ContactNo. Landline
Howlonghashe/sheknownyou ? .............,.....,................ yea6,
Name Designdtion Nameof the Organisation Address TelephoneNo./ContactNo. Landline
. '
How.long hashe/she knownyou? ......,...............i.......,..... years. I herebycertify that the aboveinformaUonis true to the bestof my knowledge,i understandthat incorrect,fatse informationgiven in this form will renderme liablefor immediateterminationof employment. Place:
(Signature.Of Applicant)