A Mini Course

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  • Pages: 14
A Mini Course





MY BRIEF STORY Hello, my name is Margret Haysen Weir. I am a licensed Neurolomuscular Massage Therapist. I have been practicing for more than twenty-two years. I graduated in 1985 from Scherer’s Academy, owned and operated by Dr. Jay Scherer, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Let me start by saying that Life doesn’t always turn out the way you think it is going to be. I always thought I was different, not in a good way, but in a rather peculiar way. I was teased all through school. It was hard to maintain sanity, and I had extremely poor self-image. I felt that I was a failure, and I now know that is not true. It was through my introduction to massage therapy that set in motion the changes I have and am now still experiencing in life. When I was first introduced to massage, I was very uncomfortable, as I absolutely did not want to be touched nor did I want to touch others. I would have to excuse myself from class to go outside and scream! To make matters even worse, I could hardly bring myself to touch others. I wanted so badly to be a massage therapist, and I felt I really had some extremely difficult hurdles to jump. I was determined not to give up and this was the beginning of my New Life Story. My body has changed immensely, even though it was difficult to adjust. I have experienced so much pain in my body and spirit. I have experienced being so broken down where all I could do is cry, feeling totally frustrated and hopeless when I was unable to walk since I was so stiff that I could barely even breathe. I felt like I had been so beaten down and had been scraped off the pavement. When I was younger, I had experienced perfect health, ran five miles per day at least three times a week. It is truly amazing how life can turn on a dime. Suddenly and most unexpectedly I lost massive physical abilities. Life became such a challenge to even desire to stay alive. I developed neuropathy and possibly Muscular Sclerosis (MS). The Western Physicians have not fully determined my diagnosis, as it has become so complicated. Alternative Practitioners say I have a lot of heavy metals in my body. Whatever it is, I just wanted to die since I couldn’t do the things that I used to do. I asked myself on many occasions, why I should even bother to live. I asked myself how I could be of use to anyone and what good am I? My healing journey was greatly facilitated by learning to listen to my hands in the practice of Esalen Massage. I do know that through this practice, it has created the key to great improvement of my health and 3

total well-being. Creating is the key to living and that’s why I have written this book, “Listening with Your Hands”. I must say that it has been a long way home, and I am still on my journey of TOTAL health and well-being. This journey is a lifetime endeavor for all who walk upon this earth plane. Our spiritual well-being is the basis of all our experiences. As a demonstration supported by others, the following are quotes from Professional Practitioners:

“Best massage I’ve ever had.” Dr. Jack Copeland, MD – Marfa, TX “The Esalen style is the most fabulous massage I’ve experienced.” Dr. Robert Campbell, DOM – Santa Fe, NM “Her obvious expertise and innate healing ability is very deeply effective.” Dr. Carol Callen, DOM – Santa Fe, NM “I get a massage once a week and I feel so much better.” Amy Fagen , Business Owner– Santa Fe, NM "Haysen has changed my life in a profound way. She has a way to bring an awareness of the connection between my body, mind, and emotional spirit though her massage therapy and her caring hands." James Baker, School Teacher, Santa Fe, NM


Inside these pages, it is my intention that you will discover the following:


How you can stay healthy and perhaps avoid doctor visits Release tension headaches and stop taking over-thecounter medicines Get rid of insomnia and sleep well every night Reunite with your partner in a very intimate way Facial techniques that are easy to do and wonderful to experience Professional techniques that only the best therapists know

It is not my intention that this book replaces Professional advice, nor does it claim to be the cure-all for any diseases. It is a vibrational offering for you to align and accept in your journey for TOTAL wellbeing. I am confident that this offering will generate a better lifestyle on your journey.


What is Esalen Massage? Esalen Massage is a slow, flowing, stroke-massage that opens the sense of ease in a person. Esalen Massage also employs passive joint movements to enable sense of body space. A sense of body space is defined as a holistic versus an allopathic method of self-expansion. Esalen Massage specifically focuses on the body as a whole, rather than just one part of the body. This is the main difference from receiving a Swedish massage versus an Esalen Massage. For example, a long flowing stroke starting from the hand to the back of the neck and then coming back down to the arm and completing at the hand is done in one flowing motion. It establishes the connection from the hand to the head, with each procedure cascading to establish total connection. The person who is giving an Esalen massage is moving his/her body like the ocean in nature’s way of continuing flowing and ebbing of the tide. This is what gives the sense of expansion to the one who is receiving the massage. It is imperative that the person giving the massage stays focused to the continued flowing of motion in their own body and the flowing and sensing with the hands. Esalen Massage facilitates the releasing of letting go, allowing drifting even deeper into a state of relaxation where you can experience your definition of NIRVANA.

We are now ready to move on to the Procedures. Chapter 1 The steps in Chapter #1 boost the immune system. Ask the RECEIVER to lie on their stomach with their face in the faceplate. 1st Step: Cover the RECEIVER’s body with a sheet. You want the RECEIVER to feel comfortable and safe. The Giver then exposes the part of the body that they are going to massage. The GIVER puts oil on his/her hands and begins to apply the oil starting with the right foot and continues to apply the oil all the way past the buttocks and hip.


CONTOURING You are now going to use a method called Contouring. Contouring means to follow the outline/body figure in a smooth, even, and flowing motion using the whole hand. The left hand is placed on the right foot with the palm spread across the arch and the fingers lightly wrapped around the foot. The right hand is placed on the back of the calf just above the ankle with the fingers lightly wrapped. Using firm pressure, and with both hands in motion at the same time, follow the leg contour in an upward motion. The left hand will be contouring the inner side of the leg and the right hand will be contouring the outside of the leg. The left hand will stop at the top of the thigh (medially) just under the buttocks and the right hand continues to follow the contour up and push into the buttocks. BUTTOCKS PROCEDURE Now we are going to alternate the right and left hands pushing into the buttocks. Bend your knees in harmony with the alternating pressing motion. This forms an ocean wave from your body that will be transmitted into the RECEIVER’s body. Your hands will be moving together in the opposite direction. As the right hand is pushing up into the buttocks, the left hand will be pressing downward toward the thigh. Alternate your hands using this motion. Refer to Pictures 1.1 – Buttocks Pressing.


Figure 1.1 - Buttocks Pressing After the buttocks is relaxed, contour downward to the inner thigh with the left hand and the right hand will be contouring the outside of the thigh. You are now ready to knead the thigh. KNEADING Kneading is the same motion as kneading dough. However, kneading is combined with circular rubbing at the same time. The circular rubbing motion is as the pipeline motion of the ocean. Refer to Picture 1.2 – Kneading the Thigh


Picture 1.2 – Kneading the Thigh Continue kneading the medial area of the thigh until your hands tell you that the medial thigh is relaxed. Be sure to go up and down the inner thigh, kneading as you go. You will now go to the top portion of the thigh and perform kneading until this too is relaxed. You will then move to the outside of the thigh and knead up and down until the outside thigh is fully relaxed. When the thigh is fully relaxed, use contouring to move to the top middle portion of the calf. CALF Your body will be swaying in the movement of the kneading when applying this technique to the calf. Begin kneading in a circular motion. The motion is similar to that of the ocean as the waves are coming in and going out. Make sure to knead the whole big muscle of the calf. Be sure to knead from the top down to the ankle and back up again until the calf is fully relaxed. Once the calf is fully relaxed, it is time to Esalen the foot.


FOOT You may place the ankle on your knee, which is on the table, or you may place a pillow under the ankle, whichever is more comfortable for you. Placing the right hand on the arch of the foot and the left hand just above the ankle, at the same time, the right hand sweeps up the back of the middle of the calf and the left hand sweeps down across the toes. Using a sweeping motion, the hands will meet back together at the heel. Repeat this wave motion until the foot is fully relaxed. Refer to Picture 1.3 – Foot Position & Hand Positions. The steps for the Foot are very relaxing and stimulate the Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, and Gallbladder. Basically, these steps facilitate the whole body.

Picture 1.3 – Foot Position & Hand Positions


We are now ready to proceed to the ball of the foot. Remember, the foot is now either on your thigh or is positioned on a pillow. Cup your right hand under the dorsal (top) of the foot with the thumb pressing the ball of the foot. Cup your left hand on the outside of the foot with the thumb pressing the ball of the foot. Use a circular pressing motion. Refer to Picture 1.4 – Pressing the Ball of the Foot.

Picture 1.4 – Pressing the Ball of the Foot Spread the toes and massage each one until they are fully relaxed. Refer to Picture 1.5 – Massaging Each Toe.

Picture 1.5 – Massaging Each Toe


We are now ready to Esalen the Heel. You are going to contour up each side of the arch to the heel, pressing into the heel. Refer to Picture 1.6 – Contouring and Pressing the Heel.

Picture 1.6 – Contouring & Pressing the Heel We are now going to finalize the foot and leg protocols. Congratulations! You have completed the first procedure. If you find yourself drawn to an area on the foot and it feels that you need to massage longer, then by all means, go there. You are now listening with your hands, and will develop greater skills with practice. Remember, you don’t have to do it by the book! Get creative and have fun!!! Allow yourself to be the RECEIVER! It is great fun and fulfilling to experience both being the GIVER and RECEIVER. You can purchase the entire book go to http://tinyurl.com/6rapns To your health Haysen




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