A Drop Story

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,783
  • Pages: 12



This is a story in which water circulation is told in an easy way for young children.

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A Drop Story Hi, how do you do?..... You don't know me, do you?! Strange!! Although all the people everywhere use me and sometimes misuse me, live with me or let me say live because of me …. But they don't respect Or recognize me, except at the moment of need when they get thirst. Some scientists predict that I'll cover most or all of the low lands of the earth because of the Global Warmth which results in melting the huge Ice Mountains in the North Pole. Some other strategic experts predict that the coming Global War "World War III" will take place between countries because of deforestation, draught and lack of Me & my Family! I guess you know me now ….. Yes, yes you're right I'm the W.D. And this is my story …. Everyone knows that I'm the secret of life, I made and make man and animal move; and change from a place to another looking for me … and where I'm found on the earth surface; you may find different forms of life such as agriculture which means man's settlement in tribes, then societies and a village which may widen to be a city …. You may say that I'm the

base of culture …. But on the other hand if I go away and never comes back (Evaporate) all different kinds of life should vanish and Man and animal should move somewhere else looking for me. So without me, no settlement, no culture and no Life. RE: Excuse me, Mr. WD ?! WD: Yes ? RE: (shaking hands with it) Let me introduce myself..(slipping his Hand away) Oh! You're so wet … I'm a reporter from the Why, When and How News. WD: Welcome! RE: I'm sorry for interruption but I think the viewers may wonder about what's so important of { Don't misunderstand me } just a drop of water !!!? WD: Let me remind you first that you represent Why, When, How News. RE: You're right but I apply for other Question words News so I'm trying…. WD: Never mind, it's OK. But are there other Question-words?

RE: Oh, Yeah a lot… for example now you're in front of me as a Water Drop, but if it becomes hotter you may vanish …. Where do….? WD: Is it another news agency you work for ? RE: Ah.. Ha. Yes, No… let me ask where do you go or what shape do you form in? Please I really want to know. WD: OK. In very hot climates on the different surfaces of the world where you may find me in the form of a Sea, an Ocean, a river, a lake, or a water fall …etc. I evaporate, fly and goes up high with all the other drops where we condensate at the blue sky and form clouds . RE: Oh, it's a long journey, isn't it? WD: Yes, it is. RE: It's a dangerous adventure for a drop of water to evaporate to rise high up in the sky, then condensate and form clouds and fly moving above the earth. Do you feel romanticism in that? WD: It's a role in life I have to play to get and give life.. RE: Then, what? Please tell me.. What happens to you?

WD: It depends on the creator's mercy… I fly and move from here to there by the power and wind direction. RE: How do you see the world when you are up in the sky? Aren't you afraid of falling down? WD: I must fall down for the sake of life circle. If I'm kept in the sky as a cloud, one day you'll find no water on the earth… so I must fall down in the form of rain. RE: Then, how do you fall? And, Where do you go? WD: We get the order to fall, so we fall. RE: Where? WD: It's a matter of destiny, and to answer your Question I'm in need of some coffee; drink with me?! RE: OK. With little sugar, please! WD: Yeah.. But much water?! Ha.. Ha.. WD: Here you are ! RE: Thank you…. Ummm smells terrific.

WD: While drinking remember.. no coffee, tea or any soft drink without me !! RE: Of course, {Talking to himself} … (She so proud) just tell me now, how is falling from the sky is a matter of destiny? WD: You know we fall in the form of rain drops. RE: Don't you lose your life? WD: We give life wherever we fall onto. Where I'm found you always find life… RE: Yeah, and sometimes I may find death… I remember last year in India and Bangladesh where you fell heavily and caused floods which destroyed crops, collapsed homes and a lot of people drowned and died.. WD: It's a destiny of a land where rain came heavily, and over people's needs… But in some other parts of the world there are certain areas in which vast lands are known as deserts, they may pray for God to make it rain. RE: Why there is no justice … there is draught somewhere and floods somewhere else ?! Why?

WD: As I told you it's a matter of destiny.. But we are everywhere and ready for achieving the order to fall or keep flying in the sky RE: You may pass over a draught desert whereas you may fall into a sea or an ocean …??!! WD: You're right I may fall into sea and become salty seawater but I may also fall into a river and become fresh-water … RE: It's really strange … WD: What's strange? RE: Now, you're in front of me as a drop and may be in a moment you vanish and … WD: And evaporate in the form of steam?! Does it what you mean? RE: Oh, yes.. as a matter of fact I want to know more about you and the changes that happen to you … WD: Then, let me tell you my story. (Joking)Do you have enough time? RE: Of course I do, it's all yours! WD: So, let me start from being a cloud. After we fall as "Rain", I may fall into a river and become "fresh-water" run in a certain stream

and water plants and let animal and man drink to live. RE: But you said "May"… why? Is there other possibilities? And what are they? When you evaporate and vanish, does it mean that you're dead? WD: I'm always alive, but in different names (titles), forms, shapes, colours; I even come sometimes with different sounds. But, please don't interrupt me !! RE: Sorry for interrupting you! WD: When I become "freshwater" in a river, I feel very useful for all mankind and the different kinds of life, I irrigate crops, plants, flowers and trees. When you're thirsty , you drink me. RE: Si Si, Siniorita, so, if I drink you this is your end, if you're drunk, you're dead!! WD: Nein idiotanos, after you drink me I run into your bowel, then stomach, absorbed and run into your veins then vessels as blood (I'm red now) your body gets oxygen and vitamins through the red blood cells and the white blood cells which protect you against germs and microbes . RE: How can you run through my body?

WD: I'm pumped as blood by your heart and travel 90,000 kilometers. RE: How could I get rid of you or the unwanted water for the body? WD: Your body gets rid of the unwanted water through sweat or when you piss and again I vapor…. You interrupt me again!! RE: Sorry! Sorry, please complete.. WD: Where we stopped?! RE: You come down as rain, you may fall into river and become fresh water and I drink you… WD: Yes, you know that you get me even with the food you eat which couldn't be swollen unless there's water content in it. RE: Sure..Yes, and after that you're absorbed and become blood. I know, it's once said that the human body is about 70% of water. Oh, that explains. Afterwards my body disposes of you, you die! WD: I never die. You may die without me, but I'm always alive.

RE: Anyway, You've given detailed information about living in my body; after being drunk as fresh water from a river you fell into as rains…. OK, What if you've fallen at the top of a mountain? WD: That's a good question, but let me switch on the AC.; it's getting hotter and I may evaporate. Yea, if I fall on a mountain, sometimes the temperature at the summit is very cold, so I may freeze and become snow. At the poles there's snowfall and in heavy blocks I become an ice mountain (ice berg). RE: What if it wasn't very cold?! Let's say, Neutral or normal. WD: I may run down the mountain to come to a high end and become a Waterfall which gives an amazing view and gives different forms of life. "You know, man somehow, somewhere makes use of that falls by moving huge turbines to produce electricity. RE: Then what happens after running down a mountain? WD: I may run down the earth, forming underground rivers in which people may dug holes down the earth to get fresh water from wells.

RE: And you're pure in that case?! WD: Absolutely fresh and clean. RE: What if you don't go down the ground? WD: On the surface you mean…. I may run down to go into a big round low land to form a lake…. Or .. RE: Or go into the ocean, or… WD: Or into sea… But I never die. RE: Of course not; you'll evaporate again to form clouds, travel away up into the sky above the earth. WD: Do you know that the earth is known as the blue planet because of me?! RE: Madmoazill drop I'm really happy of the time I spent with you, and I'll always remember that I'm living because of you. Anything you like to recommend?! WD: Please, advice mankind to make a good use of me because without me man should die. RE: Of course I'll always remember that; and remind all others about it…. You're really the secret of life.

Dear viewers Thank you very much, wishing to see you soon on a different program soon.

Ayman Barghash 26 / 5 / 2007

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