Scientific writing by Name
: Wolte Makawimbang ,S.Pd.
: English Teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Tahuna.
: Kelurahan Dumuhung Kec. Tahuna.
Accepted and approved by the Principal of SMA negeri 1 tahuna Sangihe regency.
Tahuna. September 2005 The Principal,
Drs. Albert Kasilinsina. Nip. 131597601.
-iTABLE OF CONTENT APRIVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………………………i
TBLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………………..ii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………...iii CHAPTER I………………………………………………………………………………1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………...1 A. Background of Research……………………………………………………….1 B. Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………...1 C. The Purpose of the research…………………………………………………...2 D. The significance of the research………………………………………………2 E. The explanation of the term used……………………………………………...2 CHAPTER II …………………………………………………………………………….3 THEORITICAL CONSIDERATION…………………………………………………….3 A. Drills…………………………………………………………………………..3 B. Treatment and Hypothesis…………………………………………………….4 CHAPTER III……………………………………………………………………………5 THE METHOD AND PROCEDURE OF RESEARCH…………………………………5 A. Method………………………………………………………………………..5 B. Setting and Subject of research……………………………………………….5 C. Procedure……………………………………………………………………...5 D. Instrument……………………………………………………………………...8 CHAPTER IV……………………………………………………………………………9 THE DATA ANALYSIS AND THE RESULT………………………………………….9 CHAPTER V……………………………………………………………………………15 SUGGESTION AND CONCLUSUON…………………………………………………15
The aim of this research is to find out the suitable technique that can be used to overcome students’ problem in learning English pronunciation. This research is conducted at first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Tahuna. The data is collected by giving test, testing the hypothesis weather the students achievement are increased when they are thought by using repetition drill or the other technique. Some techniques had been tried in conducting the classroom action research. The result shows that the students’ ability in learning pronunciation have been improved by using repetition drill. Thus, it is very essential for English teachers to apply good technique in teaching and learning process. It is suggested to use repetition drill if the students are facing the same problem in learning pronunciation.
A. Background of Research. In facing the global era, we should prepare our generation to skillful generation. They have to be equipped with many kinds of skills and one of important skills is mastering English. It is essential because in the coming year many foreigners will come to our country. We can only communicate with them if we including our generation master English well. Realizing how important English is it become one of foreign languages that must b thought at school. However based on the writer’s experience as an English teacher, there are many students who find difficulty in studying this language although they have been studying it for several year. One of their difficulties is to pronounce English words or sentences. They always make mistake if they want to speak English, so it becomes a serious problem for them in learning this English. To overcome this problem, the writer would like to do a research that is called classroom action research. It is conducted in order to find out which technique is suitable to be used in improving students’ ability in learning English pronunciation, so that they can express their thoughts feelings, opinions, or ideas correctly by using English. B. Statement of the Problem. In teaching English Pronunciation, it had been known that the students got problem in producing English words or sentences. Based on the problem above, it has been done a classroom action research to determine which technique is suitable to overcome the problem. In doing this research the researcher was helped by a team teaching that consist the principal of SMA Negeri 1 Tahuna and the other English teachers. So the research was done collaboratively. The team teaching helped the researcher if there was a luck in conducting the research. They gave suggestions or salutations to find another alternative to solve the problem.
-1C. The Purpose of the research. The purpose of this research is are :
1. To try some technique in overcoming the students’ problem in producing English words or sentences. 2. To find the suitable technique that can be used to improve the students’ ability in learning English pronunciation. D. The Significance of the Research. By doing this research hopefully that : 1. The English teacher will use the technique found in this research when they face the same problem in teaching English pronunciation. 2. By using the technique above the students can produce good English words or sentences spontaneously. E. Explanation of the term used. Learning.
Enguine, C Kim and Richard D.K. ( 1983 ) said, “Learning is the changing of behavioral tendencies through experience”. (p.13)
Brown (19979) said, “Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something providing with knowledge causing to know or to understand. (p.7)
George D. Dien (1962) said, “Technique is the way we carry out The method. (p.3)
A. Drills. Marry Finocehiaro and Michael Bonomo said, “ Drills are central at all levels of learning” (p.1030. Winarno Achmad (19780 also stated, “ In order to obtain the proficiency and skills , drills on the subject being learned is important” (p.10). Drills belong to audio lingual method. These techniques are used to train the students in learning pronunciation. Multon William (1968) said, “Through thousands and thousands of hours 0f practice the adults of tinage students have built of a virtuous in the pronunciation of English sounds. This mascular habit so marvelously formed, that they almost automatically exclude the possibility of pronouncing anything but in English sound”. (p.17) From quotation above it is clearly seen that the mastery language can be formed through habit formation. It means that the students can also be accustomed to speaking English by train them to pronounce good words or sentences till become a habit. In this case teacher has a very important role in training the students. He or she has to be skilful to apply the method or technique that will be use for teaching and learning process. There are some kinds of drills that can be applied for teaching English pronunciation, such as repetition drill, discrimination drills, and alternation drills. To overcome the students problem in producing good pronunciation, it seems that repetition drill is suitable one to be used. In this case teacher becomes the model to pronounce the word or sentences and the students will repeat them, or we can use tape recorder, students will listen to it and repeat the words or sentences they heard. So they listen to good pronunciation and they also will produce good pronunciation. Repetition drill is always possible to be applied as long as it lead the students to the terminal goal of the lesson. However it should be used during the learning practice. -3B. Treatment and hypothesis. The hypothesis is formulated according to the treatment done in the class.
1. The first treatment using substitution drill. Hypothesis :
By using substitution drill, students’ achievement in learning
English pronunciation will be improved. 2. The second treatment using transformational drill. Hypothesis
: By using transformational drill the students’ ability in studying
English pronunciation will be improved. 3. The third treatment using repetition drill. Hypothesis
By using repetition drill students’ achievement in learning
English pronunciation will be improved.
A. Method. This research is called classroom action research. Stepehen Kemmis an Robin Metaggarat stae that this method is chosen in accordance with the purpose and the problem of research found daily teaching in the classroom. The data is obtain through observation, documentation, interview, students’ score and analysis. This research involves the principals and other English teachers as a research team. The research was conducted in three treatments or actions. A test was given after applying each treatment, so there are three time test during this research. Those test were given in order to know the students achievement in each treatment, it would be easier to determine which technique was suitable for solving the problem. B. Setting and Subject of research. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Tahuna, where the researcher is teaching. The subject of the research was the first year students. There were some parallel Classes but only one class was chosen to be the subject of the research. The class consists of twenty seven students. The class is possible to be the subject of the research because the students of the class do not have the same achievement. They are homogeneous in some characteristics beside they are also facing the problem in studying English pronunciation. C. Procedure. The procedure in doing the research will follow the system model Which is stated by Stephen Kemmis an Robin Mataggarat (1988) : 1. Planning. 2. Act and observed. 3. Reflection. 4. Revised Plan. (p.10). -5Before conducting the system model, it is important to do the following things : a. Forming a research team.
To find a way out problem, the head master of the school and other English teacher have been involved in this research. They worked together as a team to observe, analyze and give reflection toward the action done in the classroom. b. Pre observation before the action. While the teaching and learning process were going on , the team was doing the observe to see what problems were being faced by the students. Based on the observation, it was found that the students get problem in learning English pronunciation. The team suggested the teacher to making variation in presenting the material and using various technique of teaching. It was suggested to applying substitution drill first. 1. The first treatment. a) Plan. The First technique planned to be used was substitution drill. Hypothesis : By using repetition drill students’ achievement in learning English pronunciation would be improved. b) Act and observe. -
First act : Teaching by using substitution drill. Steps
: Preparing materials. Making a schedule of act. Observation was done by the team. Application.
c) Reflection. The team analyzed the result. It was not satisfy yet. The technique used did not improve the students’ ability in learning English pronunciation. It means that the -6hypothesis had not been accepted yet and the team suggested the researcher applying another technique.
d) Revised plan. Since the first act could not improve the hypothesis, the second act should be done. In this act another technique was applied. 2. The second treatment. a). The second technique planned to be used is transformation drill . Hypothesis : The students’ ability in learning English pronunciation would be Improved by using transformation drill. b). Act and observe. -Second act : Teaching by using transformation drill. Preparing the material. Team teaching monitored the activities and takes some notes while the process were going on. Application c). Reflection. After the team analyzed the result, It showed that the students’ achievement had not improved yet by using this technique. They still made many mistakes in pronouncing English words or sentences, so the team suggested using another technique. d). Revised plan. The second act had not improved the students ability in learning English pronunciation. The third would be done by using another technique. 3. The third treatment. a). Plan. The third technique planned to be used was repetition drill. Hypothesis : By using repetition drill the students’ ability in learning English pronunciation would be improve. -7b). Act and observe. Preparing the material for teaching and learning process.
The team kept monitoring and collecting the data while the teaching and learning was going on. Application. c). Reflection. The result of the third act as follow : Teaching and learning process run well. Students Could do the test well. Students score have been Improved. The team concluded that repetition drill can improve students’ achievement in learning English pronunciation. This technique is suitable to be used to overcome the problem. It means that the Hypothesis is accepted. D. Instrument. The instrument of the research are tests. They are used to collect the data. The test is given according to the treatment. There are three treatments applied in this research. so there are three times tests. Those tests are given because the result can be easily be quantified and they are analyzed by comparing t1, t2 and t3.
THE DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT The data is collected to prove weather the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. The data concerning the use of substitution drill, transformation drill and repetition drill. Those technique are used in different treatment and each treatment is given test to measure the achievement of the students. There are three times test in this research , so the data is obtained by comparing t1, t2, and t3. It is done to know which technique is suitable t0 solve the problem. The result of research shows as follow : Table 1, shows the result of test 1. Table 2, shows the result of test 2. Table 3, shows the result of test 3.
-9A. Table 1.
First act ( teaching by using substitution drill). Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
score 50 65 60 50 50 55 70 80 60 50 55 65 60 50 55 60 40 45 55 50 70 65 70 55 50 60 75 -10-
B. Table 2. Second act ( teaching by using transformation drill). Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
score 55 65 60 50 55 60 70 80 60 50 55
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
65 65 50 50 60 40 45 60 50 70 65 65 60 55 60 75 -11-
C. Table 3. Third act ( Teaching by using Repetition drill ) Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
score 65 75 80 70 65 70 80 85 65 65 70 75 75 75 65 75 55 60 65 65 85 80 80 80
25 26 27
75 80 85 -12-
D. Students’ score of first, second and third act. Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
First act
Score Second act
Third act
50 65 60 50 50 55 70 80 60 50 55 65 60 50 55 60 40 45 55 50 70 65 70 55 50 60 75
55 65 60 50 55 60 70 80 60 50 55 65 65 50 50 60 40 45 60 50 70 65 65 60 55 60 75
65 75 80 70 65 70 80 85 65 65 70 75 75 75 65 75 55 60 65 65 85 80 80 80 75 80 85 -13-
Based on the data that has been stated above, we can see the students’ achievement when they are thought by using three different techniques. It is clearly seen that the repetition drill is the best technique to improve students’ ability in leaning English pronunciation.
-14CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion. From this research a number of conclusion can be derived :
1. Repetition drill is the effective technique in teaching English Pronunciation. 2. It is very essential to take an action to overcome the problem occurred in teaching and learning process. 3. Teacher has important role in choosing the technique or method beside he or she has to motivate the students in learning activities. 4. Classroom action research can be used to find the most suitable technique to overcome the problem found in daily learning process. B. Suggestion. After doing this research it is suggested : 1. It is important for English teacher to do a classroom action research if he or she finds problem in teaching and learning process. It is conducted to find out the best technique that can be used to overcome the problem. 2. If the teacher find the same problem in teaching and learning process, it is suggested to using the technique found in this research to overcome the problem.
-15BLIBIOGRAPHY Bratt Paulston and Marry Newton Bruder (1976) , Teaching English as second Language: Technique and Procedure, Winthrop Publisher, Inc.Cambrige Massachuetts. Brooks (1964), Approach and Method in Language teaching.
Finocchiaro Mary (1976), Motivation in Language Learning, English Teaching Forum, Volume XIV. Lado Robert (1964), Language Teaching, Mc Grow Hill Book Company, Ltd. New Delhi