A Bomb Aftermath

  • May 2020
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Wastepaper Will Be Collected Wednesday Afternoon


WEATHER Considerable Clondiness, Showers Today, Tonight and Wednesday. Not Quite So Warm Wednesday, VOL. 61—NO. 131




BURLINGTON Population—21,830 One Paper To Every Occupied Dwellinz Unit In Bnrlinston



Tokyo May Be Next In Attack Line For Atomics

SolonsSure New Bomb To Shorten Nippon War

Censorship Puts Clamp On Damage To Seaport

Washington Seeks To Get Idea Of Destruction

Jses In Peacetime Are Also Cause For Elation

Japanese Official Report Declares Damage Great


Washington, Aug. 7—(AP) — Elated legislators todaj 'orecast that the atomic bomb vould shorten the Japanese var and might mark the trail 'or revolutionary peacetime ievelopment of cheap energy. President T r u m a n ' s anlouncement that the world's most destructive missile has jeen dropped on Japan found members of the senate mili;ai;y and appropriation committees ready to act on White Souse bidding as soon as conress reconvenes in October.

Washington, Aug. 7—(AP) •~- Tokyo or one 01 Japan's other great w-ar industry cities was believed here today to be next on the list for atoiriic bomb destruction. This was the view of officials trying to evaluate 'the possible effects of the terifying new weapon—both on bringing this war to an early end and on shaping the world of tomorrow.


EGROES CLING TO TENT 'CITY'—About 40 negro families, living in a tent colony (top) at Columbus, Ga., have refused to move into a new housing project (bottom) because it was built across town away from their home neighborhood. The families pay only $3.50 per month for tent space. Quarters in the housing project, 12 blocks away, would cost from $10 to ?25 per month. Health authorities say they will tear down the tent "city" Sept. 1. (AP Wirephoto).


SfJHERE ATOMIC BOMB WAS MADE AT OAK RIDGE, TENN.—This is an aerial view of one of the big factories at Oak Ridge, Tenn., near Knoxville, where the new atomic bomb vas developed. President Truman personally issued a statement through the White House Vug, fi, disclosing existence of the bomb, described as the most terribly destructive force ever larnessed by man. Tile disclosure was made just after the first atomic bomb was dropped m the city of Hiroshima, Jap sea port and army base. Note that the factory buildings have 'ew windows except on the top story. (AP Wirephoto).

Guam, Aug. 7—Iron censorship was clamped on deails of the atom bombing of Hiroshima by the U. S. strangle air forces today, but from the stunned enemy finilly came admission that the ;errific new weapon had done reat damage.

A Japanese imperial communique broadcast by radio Tokyo lintcd the Nipponese war lords were scurrying about, trying to determine what hit the Hiroshima army base. While meager U. S. disclosures From what has been announced said one bomb had hit with such publicly by President Truman and Mr. Truman suggested Congresdevastating force that the city was other American and British offisional establishment of a commishidden in a towering cloud of cials it is clear that old ideas of sion to control the production and dust, the Japanese talked of new national defense and security— use of the atomic energy which "bombs." Their use of the plural based even on weapons as modern ;ives the bomb its tremendous BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Oak Ridge, Tenn., Aug. 7 — London, Aug. 7.—(ff)—A highly indicated the blast was so shatteras the rockets Hitler used against destructive power. ing they could not believe only one responsible American source said (if) — Excitement continued London — are due to undergo radThe nation's strike total wa: Some Knew It bomb had struck. ical changes. today that UNRRA's program today following the dramatic re The fact that the bomb was beThe Nipponese communique said around the 64,000 mark today, as In its impact on peaceful purI through 1946 would require new velation that this war-created city a number of B-29s made the ating developed—one of the war's more than two dozen disputes cursuits, the newly harnessed energy contributions from participating is the home of the mighty atomi tack with "considerable" destrucbest-kept secrets—has been known still is some years from practical to some senators for more thai: tailed and halted production along nations of between 51,500,000,000 bomb. tion. The admission was typical Manila, Aug. 7.—(/Pi—American Manila, Aug. 7.—(«—The southuse, according, to official reports, the labor front. two years. For the first time since the vast of the Japanese habit of underestibut it may revolutionize industry ern Japanese port of Tarumi was and Filipino troops are developing Chairman Thomas (D-Utah) told With 23,000 idle at the Wright and $2,300,000,000. damage, because U. S. sourset afiame Sunday by more than a two-way pinch on Japanese hide a reporter the military committee Aeronautical Corporation plant in Details of the financial program I project was begun slightly less mating and trade of the future. ces indicated the great cloud of 400 Far East Air Forces planes in outs in northern Luzon in a relent will Announcement Is Clear Cincinnati, the metal working in- will be presented to the UNRRA than three years ago, Oak Hidge dust that rose from Hiroshima expedite legislation setting up Evidently with this in mind, he heaviest* fire raid yet mounted less search for Central Yarna dustries was the hardest hit. A conference here by Director Gen- residents numbering approximate- might have contained vaporized control commission so that President Truman made clear in by the Okinawa-based fliers against shita despite some rumors that the can be ready; to make a swif total of 43,000 were idle in this eral Herbert Lehman, he said. The ly 75,000, knew what was being 3uildings. his announcement of the new bomb a single objective. category. Several hours before the enemy transition from war to peace activ yesterday that the development of The entire target was engulfed the Japanese commander of the ities when the Pacific conflict ends One of the oldest stoppages on larger figure was reported to de-1 manufactured here and the over- communique was issued, the Osaka atomic power in this country is to n flames and smoke that billowed Philippines was killed in an air While seeing- the .possibility tha the.strike list ended--during the pend upon whether the council whelming bearing it was expected radio had given some suggestion .be kept .under .tight government 12,000 feet high, Gen. Douglas raid- - - - -^ •'•:.... " . = - - . • ' — - the bomb might shorten the wai last 24 hours, enabling about 2,700 grants Russia's request for ?700,- to have on the war with Japan. of the extent of the damage when MacArthur related in today's com- An estimated 6,000 Japanese control. t made a matter-of-fact announcematerially, Thomas said he coulc men and women to go hack to 000,000 worth of supplies. Because of its enormous poten- munique announcing the two-hour have been pocketed in three areas not guess whether it would elim work in Kentucky coal mines and It was learned that financial Surprise was complete and wide- ment that various trains in Hiroin the towering mountains. The spread when the secret was first shima prefecture had been cantialities for both war and peace, attack. affiliated jobs. questions would be discussed in inate the necessary for an invasion the use of atomic energy is a two- Planes of all categories in the U. S. Sixth Infantry division re- of Japan. A 29-day old strike which had executive session until the pro- released in Washington yesterday. :elled. sided problem. Here are princi- I'ar East Air Forces participated ported these enemy remnants had Thomas and Senator O'Mahone; closed four mines, six company gram has been whipped into shape. Newspapers sold here for a dol- The imperial headquarters compal points of both sides as devel- ncluding Liberator heavy bomb- been split into small groups in the (D-Wyo), a member of the appro stores and five recreation centers The United States' contribution to munique was amplified later by oped in official statements and in- ers, Mitchell mediums and Thun- vicinity of Antipolo, Mayoyao priations and military committees of the Consolidation Coal Company the organization's fund to date has lar each. One circulation man said Domei news agency dispatch 1,600 were bought from him with- quoting terpreted by those qualified to do derbolt and Mustang fighterbomb- and Hungduan. at Jenkins and McRoberts, Ky., amounted to about 72 per cent of Tokyo "informed quarters" Associated Press Correspondenl said Congress is certain to provide ended after a personal appeal by •s. so: in 35 minutes. the total. as saying that the bomb was parall the funds necessary for peace Russell Brines, with the 127th In Effect on the war with Japan . . Tarumi, about the size of SanPresident JJohn L. Lewis of the Thousands of workmen employed Ernest Bevin, Britain's new forachuted and exploded before It development of atomic energs Dropping of the first- atomic dusky, O.. is on the east shore of fautry regiment of the 32nd di time eign secretary, told the opening on the project heard the news with reached the ground. a possible replacement for coal United Mine, Workers. bomb on the Japanese army base Kagoshima bay on Kyushu island, vision, said three American anc as Lewis told the strikers, members session of the third UNRRA interoil and other power sources. one Filipino columns had made as much surprise — and exhilara- The dispatch warned the Japat Hiroshima 'Sunday night was opposite the often-Dom'oed IndusBoth insisted that any such de of the UMW and the affiliated uni- national council that liberated Eu- tion — as anyone else throughout anese people that its destructive new thrusts 55 miles northeast mainly a warning to the enemy. rial center of Kagoshima. ted construction workers that power cannot be slighted. It rerope must he succored during the velopment should be controled bj It is believed here that the city, Only one Japanese plane >at- of Baguio, and were developing a the government for the commoi "this strike is in violation of the next 12 months to prevent "dis- the country, but remained at their peated the communique's statetwo-way pinch on enemy holdouts which had a pre-war population ;empted interception. contract with the company." He ment that more than one bomb ease, anarchy and bloodshed." jobs without celebration. of all, an objective Mr. Tru of 318,000, was largely if not com- Other aerial attacks were an- belived to include Yamashita and good man seemed to have in mind it urged- the workers to "put their When newspaper extras hit the had been used, declaring a "few** nounced against enemy holdings his staff. pletely wiped out. grievances in my hands." TOe lad been dropped. streets in Knoxville, one woman Domei followed usual Japanese The Japanese have no adequate all the way to Jr.va and Singapore. Ifugao native scouts four days recommending establishment o walkout on July 9 resulted from defense against this weapon any- A Fifth Air Force Liberator on ago said Yamashita and been kill- the commission. what union officials said was a j declared, "I'm too close to Oak procedure in admitting only that "We must have a commission to protest against discharge of semore than against regular aerial Sunday sank a large transport and ed a month ago by an air raid or Ridge. I want to move away right houses, rather than military esa medium freighter in Tsushima the remote Kungdaun-Kiangkiang deal with the entire area of scien- veral workers. bombardment. tablishments, were damaged. It tific development," O'Mahoney as- Other stoppages ended during now." Another said. "Now we've straits between Japan and Korea. sector. Few See Quick End termed the bomb tactics inhuman been told everything." Few top officials here expect a Seventh Fleet Liberators hit the Two Japanese prisoners said serted. "That is the new post- the last 24 hours were at two Vuland said impatience at slow prothey had been war frontier. We must use what can Iron Works plants in Wilkessurrender at once. Mr. Truman southern Korean copper-smelting however, that Recollections of the manner in gress of invasion plans "drove the disclosed that new and even more ;own of Gunzan with 500-pound force dto act as litter-bearers for science is capable of producing for Barre, Pa., which had idled about Washington, Aug. 7.—(/P)—Even which the gigantic project, sprawl- enemy" to its use. Yamashita because he was wound if the atomic bomb shortens the the advancement of human beings, powerful atomic bombs are in the 3ombs Saturday night, causing at workers for three days, and ing over 59,000 acres of land, had Marianas-based B-29s today kept ed. The date they gave corre instead of destruction. The peo- 1,000 least one violent explosion. making. at the 10 plants of the Reynolds war by only nine days, its money sprung up occupied almost as much up the continual pounding of the The president and Secretary of Other Seventh fleet Liberators spends to the scouts' repovt of his ple as a whole must have access Metals Company at Louisville, Ky., cost will have been more than conversation attention as the ato- enemy empire with a noonday 125 death, but there was no evidence to it. It must not be held as prijustified. War Stimson gave little detail of ank a 120-foot submarine chaser and two at Richmond, Va., affect- President Truman announced mic bomb itself. plane strike at the big Toyokawa vate domain." the new weapon except that the ind damaged eight other small ves- of the accuracy of their story. ing 3.500 and 1,500 employes, resO'Mahoney said it seemed ap- pectively. Some 1,500 other em- the project has cost $2,000,000,000. People recalled that Oak Ridge naval arsenal, 37 miles southeast size of the explosive charge is ex- ^els off Formosa while Fifth Air On the other hand, two guer mushroomed from a rolling and of Nagoya castle. Returning airceedingly small. A London com- Force Liberators were harassing rillas said they had seen the gen palling that such developments as ployes of the company at New Treasury experts said today this timbered rural landscape into Ten- men said they bombed visually in eral alive and well in the Mayoyao the atomic bomb are often ob- York City and Glendale, L. L, re- represents the cost of less than mentator reported 'that the bomb Shanghai's Tinghai airdrome. nessee's fifth city with more than good weather and results were tained in the first instance for war mained out in a dispute over con- nine days of war, at the present is only one-tenth the size of the Thirteenth Air Force and Sev- sector recently. 300 miles of roads, 55 miles of 'excellent." rate of spending. blockbuster, although some observ- enth Fleet Liberators and Royal Brines reported that a column instead of peace. But he acknowl- tract negotiations. railway track, schools, churches, Their missiles were high exploU. S. war expenditures have ers here believe it may be heavy Australian Air Force planes con- which pushed off at dawn Augus edged that scientificic research for No new developments were re- averaged well over $7,000,000,000 theaters and recreation centers. sives, the 20th Air Force said — and bulky because of the appa tinued to support ground forces 4 from Highway 11 met strong war must continue along with ported in the other continuing There was so much mud on the presumably not atomic bombs. a month for the last two years. atus needed to tough off the on Borneo, blasted the runway at enemy resistance, while a secom peaceful developments. strikes and walkouts. In July the government spent project in the early days of con- Mustangs escorted the Superforts Miti airdrome on Java, sank three column on the floor of the twist charge. struction. . one newspaperman re- but found no air opposition. $7.395,000,000 on the war, a daily ing upper Agno river valley me Effects of atomic energy use in small vessels off western Borneo, average of about $239,000,000. At called, that Oak Ridgers always The 20th Air Force communique and made neutralizing raids on the rear guard forces four miles t< peacetime . . . took off their shoes before enter- today also reported a broad sweep (this rate $2,000,000,000 was spent the south. At the moment the use of this Celebes and Halmaheras. across the Tokyo area yesterday in about eight and one-third days.'ing a friend's house. new weapon is securely in the by 97 Iwo-based Mustangs which hands of the Allies. But it is exsmashed at nine enemy airfields, pected that in future years every rail yards, and shipping, and degreat industrial nation will develstroyed or damaged 25 grounded op it. aircraft. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Reliable authorities already are The Tokyo - Yokohama district The Yugoslav News agency said talking of the possibility that the was bombed and strafed about an today the merchant ship William United States could be attacked hour this morning by 40 Iwo-basPalmer, bearing relief supplies of San Francisco, Aug. 7 —(^ — by atomic rockets launched either ed American Mustangs. The new atomic bomb shook both the United Nations Relief and Refrom Europe or Asia. Some exMore than 400 Far East Air military city of Hiroshima and habilitation Administration, struck pect to use this as a new and dra- Washington, Aug. 7. — m — ident expect him to stand squarclj the Forces fighters and bombers cona mine at the entrance to Trieste the Japanese morale, enemy promatic argument, when congress re- President Truman, nearing home behind the high command if i pagandists indicated today in a harbor and sank in 30 minutes last verted the Kyushu port of Tarumi tain maintained contact with the By RELMAN MORIN turns, for enactment of national today with a satchel full of in- maintains that it still must have broadcast lifting some of the sec- Saturday. old soldier's regime throughout into a vast swirl of flame Sunday 7,000,000 in the army next June. service legislation. ternational agrements, will find on the devastating effect of The cargo consisted of 835 tons Paris, Aug. 77.—-(/P)—Adm. Jean 1940 through Spain and Swizer- with a two hour hammering with Future Possibilities the domestic pot boiling with Significantly, Secretary of War recy firebombs, rockets and bullets, of clothing, more than 1,000 tons Fernet told the court trying Mar- land. Stimson said recently the maxi- the new "diabolic weapon." The contention will be made problems. The bomb was dropped by para- of barley and 360 horses to be shal Petain for his life today that He said Petain and Laval were General, MacArthur reported tothat should an attack occur in First off Mr. Truman must com- mum rate of discharging men is chute yesterday morning, explod- used for breeding purposes, said Ihe old soldier approved secret at loggerheads within six months day. Pilots said the great fires were some future generation this coun- plete his manuscript for the radio now being carried out. in the air and spreading ex- the broadcast dispatch, reported negotiations with Great Britain in after the Vichy government was visible 30 miles. try would need millions of trained report to the nation he is expected Because most congressmen have ing destruction across the city, by the Federal Communications 1940 shortly after the French-Ger- set up and that Laval was arrested Eyewitness reports of the hiscitizens capable of taking control to make within the next day or gone home, Mr. Truman may not tensive on the night of December 13, 1940, toric blow struck at Hiroshima by government - controlled Do- Commission. man armistice. to prevent panic, to organize se- two on what happened when he face any showdown with them the The Palmer's crew was saved He said the marshal approved after Petain had consulted the the single, small atomic bomb were news agency said. curity and to prepare for resist- sat down with Generalissimo to tell the army to release more mei and several of the horses were cabinet of which he was interior withheld pending their release by the visit to England of Louis RouJapan's fear was indicated in an ance and counter-attack. Stalin, Prime Minister Attlee and until October. But he may have the War Department in Washinggier, and that he returned from minister. However, Senator Johnson (D- former Prime Minister Churchill. transportation workers and coal unprecedented series of adjectives able to swim ashore, it said. conferences with former Prime A woman's suicide leap before ton. Witnesses of a test blast in calling the attack 1'inhuman,' "wanColo), a member of the nfllitary The Big Three Potsdam com- miners. New Mexico July 16, however, rea subway train delayed the trial minister Churchill and former ton," 'destructive, 'bestial,' 'bar(ommittee, told interviewers al munique left unaswered such ques- Although now on vacation, Sec- baric' and 'designed to massacre Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden for an hour today because a juror lated that a steel tower was "va*enver last night ."the . atomic tions as the use to which G-erman retary of Interior Ickes is likely innocent civilians.' porized" by the incredible blast— was caught in the ensuing traffic with a working agreement. Domb ought to blow up peacetime prisoners are to be put, how Eu- to be an early White House caller American "impatience at the shock of which was felt for 250 The witness said Britain agreed jam. conscription x x x It ought to mean rupean relief may be handled and to discuss the coal problem. De- slow progress of the much vaunted to take no aggressive action against Peyrouton, who was moved from miles. whether newsmen actually are go- fense transportation director J. the end of big armies." Secretary of War Stimson In Argentina to North Africa by Gen. French colonies if the Vichy govOne of the most common com- ing to be permitted to report on Monroe Johnson, who has been invasion of Japan's mainland" was ernment would not attempt to re- Henri Giraud after the Allied Washington gave a hint of what ments heard in the capital after what happens inside Poland and "hollering" about the lack of rail- described as one of the main reasthe atomic bombing airmen over Morehead City, Aug. 7.—M>)— gatin control of territory held by landings, snid the Britis hestabroad workers, also may have a few ons for use of the bomb. release of the news abo,ut the ato- the Balkan countries. "The destructive power of the The North Carolina division of Gen. De Gaulle's Free French. lished contacts with Vichy be- Hiroshima had seen. The city, he mic bomb was that it greatly in- Senator Vandenberg (R.-MicJk) words for the president. weapon cannot be slighted," vocational rehabilitation continued Under the proposed plan, Fernet causg they were concerned about said, was quickly engulfed In "an creases the responsibilities of gov- called on the Big Three yesterday Mr. Truman also has some un- new the British would have re- the French fleet. He said noth- impenetrable cloud of dust and ernments to work together for to guarantee news freedom privi- finished business on appointments. admitted the enemy report, mon- its staff conference here today with said (smoke." the blockade if Vichy agreed ing came of tho exchanges. leges in those areas as a check on Secretary Byrnes wants to shake itored by the Federal Communi- national workers and medical men laxed world peace. not to help Germany in any way. When a juror asked about Vichy's The Japanese Domei agency In attending. up the State department, and Wil- cations Commission. Another piece of legislation for the freedom of elections there. Rougier has written a book anti-Jewish law, Peyrouton asked: a broadcast last night noted simpapparently is going liam L. Clayton may be the only Dome! quoted "informed quart- Subjects up lor discussion are about which military leaders are prepar- Mr. Truman 1 the negotiations, which of- "is this my trial or marshal Pe- ly that President Truman and Brited to argue would authorize the to have to say something about, the officials. Dean Acheson, another ers" in Tokyo as conceding that the fiscal affairs, mental tests, phys- ficial British statements branded tani's?" But he asserted that ish Prime Minister Clement Attfederal government to organize size of the army. Some legisla- survivor among present lop-rank new bomb had "considerable de- ical restoration, and reports on ac- a a distorted account. "racial laws were signed by all lee had announced the dropping of a reportedly structive power." Earlier, a Jap- tivities of the past year. ind promote peacetime scientific tors lately have been bearing assistant secretary, the bomb on Hiroshima. It was Marcel Peyrouton, former Vichy government ministers." research. It was such research down on the key that the army wants to be solicitor general, and anese imperial headquarters com- The conference, directed by minister and governor of Algeria, The trial, entering Its 14th day the first enemy reference to the 'hjit led eventually to development is keeping too many men in uni- it Is doubtful that he would stay munique used the same adjective Charles H. Warren, Raleigh, open- today told the court trying Mar- is expected to elose by the end of newest and most fearful weapon in the department even if Byrnes in describing damage to Hiroshi- ed here yesterday and will conform. ot Allied scientists. shal Petain for his life that Bri- r.cxt week. ma as "considerable." tinue through Friday. Capitol Hill frleud« of till pres- Wanted to retain him. 'CJONTINUED ON PAGE SEVEN

Tarumi Port Yanks Using Is Set Afire New Pincer During Raid OnYamashita

Strike Total UNRRAMust Excitement Hangs Around Put Billions Is At Peak 64,OOOJVIar Into Relief In Oak Ridge

Atomic Bomb Is "jCheap if It Cuts War By Few Day*

Yugoslav Agency Atomic Bomb Sunk At Trieste. President Is NearingHome; Shakes Jap's Says Relief Ship Fernet Says Marshal Petain DomesticPot WillBeFoun orale, City ApprovedSecret Agreement

Boiling WhenHe GetsHome

With Britain After Treaty

Rehabilitation Staff Session Is In Progress

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