911 Presentation Final 1

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The September 11, 2001 Attacks on the World Trade Center Looking beyond the images

By Lee

The Morning of September 11, 2001  8:46 am, American Airlines flight 11 slams into floors 9398 of World Trade Center (WTC) 1 (North Tower)  9:03 am, United Airlines flight 175 crashes into floors 78-84 of WTC 2 (South Tower).  About one hour later both collapse in an explosion of steel and concrete.

Video available from http://www.terrorize.dk/911/

The Media & Our Perceptions of 9/11 

Media coverage gave context to the image(s), thereby creating a coherent message or media artifact. The attacks on the WTC are communication icons, or artifacts, created via mass media. Jim Hoffman remarked,“Perhaps the most important single factor in ensuring the unquestioning acceptance of the official account of the 9/11/01 attack was the attack's shock. However, if that account had not been presented nearly fully formed by the broadcast and print media starting on the day of the attack, it might not have achieved such wholesale acceptance. The media was virtually free of any mention of the the numerous anomalies in the official account.”[911Research.com] Even the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) was all too ready to declare that, “We all know what caused the collapse. Shankar Nair, a contributor to the NIST investigation, stated on September 19, 2001, ”Already there is near-consensus as to the sequence of event that led to the collapse of the World Trade Center.” [ibid] Even so-called experts bought the packaged conclusion. See Towers of Deception by Barry Zwicker. Available from http://www.stoplying.ca/towers/

The headlines framing the images

Source: http://911research.net/

Moving Beyond the Image: Examining our perceptions 


1. Impact damage was asymmetrical, minimal, with the fuel burned off in several minutes. Frank De Martini, of the design team of the WTC, said that an impact of a commercial airliner would be like sticking a pencil through mosquito netting [Rowe 2006]. 2. Reports of Explosions: firefighters, and others, reported hearing and seeing explosions before impact and collapse [Hoffman, Rowe 2006, Shafquat 2006, Griffin 2007]. 3. Sudden Collapse: symmetrical, vertical, near free fall, explosive (from the top down), plumes of debris or squibs, exploded from top down, unexpected by the FDNY and others [Shafquat 2006]. Violated the law of conservation of energy [Jones 2006]. 4. The Debris: pulverized concrete, steel sections hurled 500 ft, the debris was only a few stories high, and pools of molten metal were found everywhere. 5. WTC 7: symmetrical, vertical, free fall, fell in its footprint, fell from bottom top, squibs, no plane impact, kink in middle, 300 ft away from WTC, buildings closer did not collapse, small fires, molten steel found, minor damage from WTC 1.

Collapsed to Dust

QuickTime™ and a MPEG-4 Video decompressor are needed to see this picture.

 Fell at near free fall speed (under 15 seconds).  Concrete pulverized in seconds  200,000 tons of steel gone and shot out at explosive speeds.  South Tower collapsed first, though hit second

Source: http://loosechange911.com/

Collapsed to Dust

WTC 2 (South) fell in 57 minutes after impact. This tower was hit second WTC 1 (North) fell 103 minutes after impact. Second steel-framed skyscraper to collapse, allegedly by the media and government, due to fire Source: http://911Research.wtc7.net/

Molten Metal



WTC 1, 2, and 7 all had pools of molten metal weeks after 9/11 burning at temperatures of 1800º C. [Jones 2006, Shatquat 2006] Photos show slag around edges Odd shaped steel without cracking Steel pulled out from Ground Zero was dripping with molten metal [ibid]. Thomas Eager of MIT said that fire, from jet fuel (or any source), cannot melt steel [ibid]. The government did not test for explosive residues on the steel [ibid] Physics professor, Dr. Steven Jones of BYU, tested the WTC molten metal and found traces of incendiaries.

 Fire doesnt account for this [ibid]. Source: http://www.journalof911studies.com/; http://plaguepuppy.com/

Molten Metal  Iron melts at 1535º C (2795º F); Steel at 1510º C (2750º F). Molten iron was found at Ground Zero.  The fires in the Towers were weak fires of below 800º C. By smoke and fire color (along with testimony) we know the fires were small and weak. [Jones 2006, Griffin 2007, Hoffman].  Loring Knoblauch, UL's CEO, told staff that UL had certified the steel used in the WTC. UL tested the steel under NYC code and it performed “beautifully.” [Hoffman]  Why was there molten metal (mostly iron), sulfidized and warped steel?

WTC Building 7  Collapsed at 5:20pm  No plane = no jet fuel  Fell vertically, symmetrically, free fall, on footprint, kink in the middle, squibs.  Fell in classic controlled demolition form: bottom down.  Pools of molten steel in basement. Source: http://911research.com/

Does fire from the impact best explain these facts? 



No steel framed skyscraper building has ever collapsed due to fire [ibid]. The fires were weak, diffuse fires [ibid]. Jet fuel burns at a maximum of 1500º F (815º C). Steel melts at around 2800º F (1537º C). Steel temperatures in the impact zones probably got no hotter than 600º F [Hoffman]. FDNY Chief Orio Palmer reported from the 78th floor that the fire could be knocked down with “two lines.” [ibid] Photographs, and 9-1-1 calls show that people were alive in and around the impact zone John Skilling, lead engineer of the Towers, said, “"our analysis indicated the biggest problem would be the fact that all the fuel would dump into the building. [But] the building structure would still be there.” [ibid]

In 2005,the 32-storied Windsor building in Madrid, Spain burned for nearly 24 hours and did not collapse

Source: http://www.infowars.com/articles/world/madrid_to wering_inferno.htm

What can explain the presence of molten steel and the explosive collapses of WTC 1, 2, and 7? Controlled Demolition

Controlled Demolition 

To bring a skyscraper down you have to carefully plant explosives in key areas. The goal is to create gravitational force to cause the structure to fall straight down.

Takes planning and time. Can be done remotely via radio signal

Kink appears as the core columns are pulled

Explosives on floors create squibs or plumes of smoke and debris

Only in controlled demolition do you find pools of molten metal.

Creates clouds of pulverized concrete

Always leaves a chemical trace of the explosives used

Planned to fall on its footprint to avoid damaging other buildings and making for easy clean-up Source: http://www.wtc7.net/demolition.html

Controlled Demolition: Characteristics 

David Ray Griffin notes, “No building exhibiting all the characteristics of controlled demolition has never not been a controlled demolition.”

1. Sudden onset

2. Straight down (vertically)

3. Near free fall speed

4. Sliced steel

5. Pulverization of concrete

6. Dust clouds

7. Horizontal ejections (squibs)

8. Demolition rings

9. Sounds of explosions

10. Pools of molten metal Source: http://www.wtc7.net/demolition.html ; http://911research.wtc7.net/reviews/kevin_ryan/newstandard.html

Controlled Demolition: Demolition Thermites 


Tests on the steel show that the metal was melted by the use of thermites, thermate, or superthermite. Steel as examined by Dr. Steven Jones of BYU [Jones 2006]. Thermites [aluminum powder + iron oxide] are incendiaries that can cut through steel in 2 seconds. It is an exothermic chemical reaction used in controlled demolitions. The reports of explosions, molten metal pouring from Tower 2, the subsequent molten metal found and the chemical residues support the hypothesis. The presence of sulfidation on steel columns unexplained by FEMA [Griffin 2007, Jones 2006]. Images from http://www.journalof911studies.com/

Ask yourself which theory best explains the evidence? Fire or Controlled Demolition.

Painful questions: Things to keep in mind Two quotes

“When we act mindfully, we can overcome automatic assumptions and biases. By expending a little effort, we may be able to override automatic processing and achieve more control over perception.” -Sarah Trenholm, Thinking Through Communication, page 49

“This lifes dim windows of the soul Distorts the heavens from pole to pole And leads you to believe a lie When you see with, not through, the eye.” -William Blake, The Everlasting Gospel (1818)

Learn to see through, and not merely with, the eye The victims of 9/11, and America, deserve the truth, no matter how painful

Suggested Films, Books, Websites Films:  911 Mysteries  Improbable Collapse  911 Revisited  Loose Change, 2nd Ed. Books:  9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, by David Ray Griffin.  9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott.  The Terror Conspiracy, by Jim Marrs. Websites:  http://911research.wtc7.net/  http://911truth.org/  http://scholarsfor911truth.org/


Blake, William. (1818). The Everlasting Gospel. Retrieved October 2006, from http://www.english.uga.edu/wblake/EverlastingGospel/egtp.html


Berger, Michael (Director). (2006). Improbable Collapse. [Motion Picture]. (Available from http://www.improbablecollapse.com/ )

Griffin, David Ray. (2005). The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.


Griffin, David Ray & Scott, Peter Dale (Eds.). (2007). 9/11 and the American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out. Northhampton, Massachusetts: Olive Branch Press.

Hoffman, Jim. 9-11 Research: 9-11 WTC Videos. Retrieved 2006 from  http://911research.wtc7.net/ and  http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/videos/index.html


Jones, Steven. (2006). Why Indeed Did The World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse? Journal of 9/11 Studies, volume 3. Retrieved September 2006 from: from http://www.journalof911studies.com/

Jones, Steven. (2006). ISU Physics Department Talk: What Caused Not Two but Three  World Trade Center Skyscrapers to Completely Collapse on 9/11/2001? Retrieved  September 2006 from  http://worldtradecentertruth.com/volume/200609/DrJonesTalksatISUPhysicsDepartment 9-11 Blogger.com. William Rodriguez and Greg Szymanksi Interview. Retrieved October 2006,  from http://www.911blogger.com/2005/10/william-rodriguez-and-greg-szymanski.html PlaguePuppy.com. Plague Puppy Video Archive. Retrieved October 2006 from  http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/video%20archive/ Rowe, Korey & Bermas, Jason (Producers), & Dylan Avery (Director). (2006). Loose  Change 2nd Edition [Motion Picture]. (Available from  http://www.loosechange911.com/ ) Shafquat, Sofia (Producer/Director). (2006). 9/11 Mysteries. [Motion Picture]. (Available from http://www.911weknow.com/911-mysteries-movie.html) Terrorize.dk. Retrieved October 2006 from http://www.terrorize.dk/911/ Trenholm, Sarah. (2005). Thinking Through Communication: An Introduction to the  Study of Human Communication (4th ed). New York: Pearson.

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