In a conversation with Philip on 4/2/04,1 learned the following: Philip recently spoke to a reporter who apparently has FBI sources on the Riggs Bank investigation, Here are the details from his conversation with the reporter. July 2001: \) receives $50,000 from a Riggs account held in the name of the Saudi Armed Forces. 8 days later]
[transfers $50,000 to National Commercial Bank, Jeddah
September 1, 200ij an ATM
from a different ATM
peposits $10,000 into his checking account at Fleet through \5 minutes later: a large sum (perhaps $10,000) is withdrawn from the same account
\r 5, 2001: $25 debit purchase is made fromf
"Destination Europe" in Portland, ME
September 11, 2001: $100 debit purchase is made f(oml American Airlines
Fleet account for
The reporter makes the general assertion that there Weri; a number of puzzling transactions involving Saudis in Boston. : i One individual lists the same apartment as I Is alleged to be associated with\KSM.
Iph) who is a "bad person." i ;;
here were also regular payments frpm\ Saudi gn^qifrimpnt armnni at Riggs tr> bad person." The backstory is the investigation of Riggs for not ftjjng SARs. It is now filing them for transactions in earlier years, including mentipited above. The reporter's sources also say the 9/11 staff has be£n briefed at least generally about the Riggs bank investigation, fl believe this is the information you two received during the Rupper/Courrier interview; Team 1A may also havit received some information.] I told Philip this investigation was pn-gding .and therefore had not been perceived to be part of our mandate. He suggested we probe.tfte i§Sue. Philip has left it to us to decide if/how to bring Team 1A into the picture. \
9/11 Personal Privacy
Fleet account for an enti