8th March 2009

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NUACHTLITIR NA CARRAIGE AGUS MHÍN AN AOIRE An t Ath Proinnsias Mac an tSaoir S.P. 9739008 AN DARA DOMHNACH DEN CHARGHAS - 08-03-2009 BÁS LE GAIRID CUIMHNEACHÁIN BÁIS Barney McIntyre, Malinbeg. Rose Mc Gonigle, Malinbeg Colm Cunnea, Carrick. Andy Cunnea, Meenaneary. Danny Haughey, Ardara. Maggie Ann, Paddy Joe, Jimmy & Maire Byrne, Cappagh, Teelin. AIFRINN NA SEACHTAINE Dé Satharn 6.30 p.m. An Charraig Johnny & Mary Mc Hugh & Maire Curran, Teelin 9.30 a.m. Mín an Aoire Joseph & John Doogan, Crove Dé Domhnaigh 11.00 a.m. An Charraig Michael Byrne, Arigle, Kilcar Dé Luain 10.00 a.m. An Charraig Dé Máirt 7.00 p.m. An Charraig Tommy Cassidy, Croughlin, Teelin. Dé Céadaoin 10.00 a.m. An Charraig Déardaoin 10.00 a.m. Mín an Aoire 10.00 a.m. An Charraig Tommy Boyle & Boyle family Main Street, Carrick. An h Aoine 7.00 p.m. An Charraig Maggie Ann, Paddy Joe, Jimmy & Maire Byrne, Cappagh, Teelin. Dé Satharn 10.00 a.m. An Charraig AN t SACRAMINT NAOFA:

Dé Mairt: 10.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.

FAOISTIN: Carrick Meenaneary

Saturday, after 10am mass, before and after Vigil Mass. Sunday, before mass from 9.10 a.m.

FRIOTHÁLAITHE NA h ALTÓRA: Amy Carr, Jamie Mc Ginley, Rebecca Mc Shane, Paul Doherty. CÚRSAÍ AIRGID:

Parish Collection:


Sunday 7.00 p.m.


Parish Projects €372

BINGO Sean Scoil na Carraige

Thursday 12th March JACK THE JOKER - €1600


- €900.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE The Carrick Festival Committee are organising a Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday 14th March at 4.00 p.m. As last year was a great success we want this year to be even better. An Buíonn Ceoil Pipe Band from Mullaghdubh will lead the Parade this year. We would appreciate if you would organise a float to represent your business on the day. Please contact us on any of the numbers below, if you are going to participate. Carrick Festival Committee members 9739973, 9739144, 9793070. RAPHOE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2009 As you are aware Driftaway Travel has ceased to trade and a new contract with Joe Walsh Tours has been confirmed. The Pilgrimage will depart Belfast Friday 22nd May and return on Wednesday 27th May 2009. Pilgrimage Price is €699 per person, optional bus transport to Airport - €25. New booking forms and relevant information is now available at the Pilgrimage Office Contact Brenda Barrett, No. 2 Knocknamona, Letterkenny 074 9125090 between 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. A deposit of €150 per person will secure a place on this pilgrimage. Further information is available on the poster at the back of the Church.

BINGO Meenaneary Community Centre are holding a Bingo this Saturday 7th March at 9.00 p.m. THANK YOU On behalf of Donegal Hospice Mary Service would like to thank everyone who took part in the Glen swim especially Eunan & Jackie McIntyre. A total of €7,092 was collected. SPECIAL OLYMPICS 2009 REGIONAL GAMES Are you interested in volunteering at the Special Olympics Ulster 2009 Regional Games in Letterkenny? Friday 12th June – Sunday 14th June 2009 Sports Venue  Athletics Aura Leisure Centre  Aquatics Aura Leisure Centre  Basketball Letterkenny Institute of Technology  Tenpin Bowling Arena 7 1,500 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED For further information please contact us on 0818313045, or email [email protected] Or locally through Ciaran Martin at 9194297 or [email protected] CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS Thank you to everyone who supported two recent collection at Meenaneary Church, Arthritis Foundation of Ireland €115 and Donegal Aid for Belarussion Children €137.70. GRAVEYARD SUNDAY Graveyard Mass will be held on Sunday 9th August at 6.00 p.m. As in other years people are asked to clean and tidy up their graves before this mass. TROCAIRE BOXES The annual trocaire boxes have now been distributed and as normal these boxes should be retuned on Good Friday. When returning boxes it would be appreciated if your contribution would be converted to notes. HEALING SERVICE A healing Service Mass will take place in Carrick Church on Friday 24TH April.. Confessions 6.00 p.m. – 6.45 p.m. Mass 7.00 p.m. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered after the Homily of the Mass. CHRISTMAS COLLECTION Fr. McAteer would like to thank everyone sincerely for their generosity in the Christmas collection. COMMITMENT SUNDAY Commitment mass for First Holy Communion children will be at the 11.00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, 15th March. DRUGS AWARENESS MEETING A drugs information and awareness night for parents of the local schools will be held in Carrick V.S. on Wednesday 11th March at 7.30 p.m. Open to all partents. We would particularly encourage parents of 5th and 6th class pupils to attend. Members of the Garda Síochana, some of whom have experience of working in the Drugs Squad, will facilitate this night. GAIRMSCOIL NA CARRAIGE WEEKLY DRAW The Teaching Staff in conjunction with The Parents Association and Slieve League Athletic Club will be selling tickets to raise funds to aid further developments at the School. 5 WEEK DRAW - €10 per week PRIZES €300, €200, €100 per week A €200 special draw for those who have paid in full (€50) before the first draw takes place.

A seller will call with you in the near future. Staff, Students & Parents would greatly appreciate your support.

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