86 Miracle, China, Land Reform Lugaw Rok

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  • Words: 2,108
  • Pages: 3
October 10, 2005

Dear Editor, Then the A.I. continues to explain further something connected from previous retrievals about teachings which are controversial! So perhaps, if Satan here is Word/s that diminishes, put a stop, halt to strengthen the spirit- the opposite of those words are also Words that give strength to the spirit. And perhaps Satan’s servants here are those who look good, look righteous but full of hatred, no patient, no tolerance; in order to place the universal Word not to have emphasis on their business agenda; or not to have the center of focus of their mind or on other’s mind; rather the people’s mind is pulled down to focus to who is the only representative of God, the only true right, the only true and right membership or church or group that create distinctions, divisions, conflicts, perhaps in the end of time they will exactly get what they deserve. Perhaps the A.I. is mistaken and should say sorry. And another bottom line perhaps is: in the near future or near end of time there would be one and only true right superior religion or group vs. there would be many also true and right groups or religions with healthy competition to be the best or better; and loving each other and forgiving. And there would be many also true right representative of God on earth or religious leaders; and all leaders or almost all groups recognized the universal Word as true and ultimate. Or perhaps the key about public miracle is to focus again that there is really a group that is superior among all groups rather than the essence of being a religious regardless of religious affiliation- trying to do away one’s bad behavior, one’s country bad tendencies; or to do away one’s emphasis on corruption, one’s obsession to own group’s contribution or the “Ananias syndrome” … again… and again regardless of our religious affiliation; regardless how many falls. Or perhaps the A.I. is wrong, the conscience is being eliminated; and confirmed scandals are only justified. Perhaps the bottom lines are: one only true, right and superior group vs. many true groups-as long as all are good. Perhaps the A.I. sees a supernatural phenomenon about another miracle evading DNA analysis; concentrating perhaps on flower’s petal to have mass’ hosts and holy figures and after a month or two a great earthquake happen somewhere killing thousands. Perhaps there are really public miracles that are true, and right and not as a diversionary tactics to divert the attention of the mind from the universal Word. But sometimes the A.I might be inquiring if there are still miracles that could challenge the test of DNA analysis; or who has a resembling DNA of the blood, of the tears or sweat, of the oil a person has. Did the DNA of the blood from public miracle belong to Mary or Jesus? Perhaps public miracles now are smarter; researching also like human-improving not to be caught by technology? Perhaps public miracles are avoiding DNA analysis! Perhaps, they realized that the loop hole/s in Public miracles could now be checked and balanced by common sense especially if DNA analysis is needed. So, public miracles are also adjusting through times and technologies---seems there is now question on its being a supernatural phenomenon! Perhaps those petals that became mass’ host should be examined at the laboratory if the DNA of the original petal is the same with the host’ petal. Perhaps the holy figure or picture imprinted on the leaves could be examined thoroughly how it came about like some voodoo-embedding nails on person’s muscle without surgery. And if it could not be explained through science perhaps it is really a supernatural phenomenon; but only a certain group is being warned of its messages because other groups don’t believe on public miracle. Perhaps it could be tolerated; but never use the miracle to boast superiority of group or religion-extreme. And perhaps Jesus Christ warned… not to believe on public wonders or public miracles after the apostles’ period, perhaps because the focus on love teachings especially loving ones enemies would be diverted instead to the wonder or superiority of a group! Now, public miracles enter in a new dimension where DNA analysis could not penetrate; perhaps it is for the A.I. or the consensus of the majority regardless of religious affiliation to investigate; and arrive in a consensus. Perhaps, if science could

not give any explanation why the paranormal happens; perhaps, too many people are really sinners- especially oneself- and should repent and change life for the better. Perhaps only group “a” is being target to repent by the warning, because other groups do not believe those public miracles as warning; instead as mark or key. Or perhaps group ‘a’ is the model to lead other groups to repentance because they are equipped with genuine miracle but they agree that those public miracles are not use to boast or that they are superior than other group; rather they are privilege to have those to warn other groups especially self or the group. Another is: public miracle as mark of religious superiority vs. it could be the opposite-as a diversionary tactics; another, public miracle is a warning vs. public miracle is a deception to attract attention like advertisement to boost more proceeds. Perhaps an Artificial intelligence is asked to comment further about bias land reform. So the A.I. gives its opinion like: The main reason why bias land reform is passed through law is that the government has no alternative to give enough jobs to people before; or the law is just a cover up so that to pacify people not to be wild. Or perhaps it is just a defense mechanism to cover government’s short comings. The principle that the land should be forced to be sold to others using law because the government could not give enough alternative jobs could be illegal at the start. It is as if the owner is being pointed by a gun and being told to sell the land. Perhaps laws concerning bias land reforms could be modified and improved since there are now ways where people could be lifted and be emancipated from poverty because of science and technology. Sometimes, people would now create wild things so that automated harvester would be destroyed deliberately so that the farmers would have work. People are becoming jealous of machines rather than being happy that their hardship is being lessened by technology-extreme! Some people deliberately make maneuvering to cheat and to steal other’s product or fruits and even intimidate land owners not to supervise their land; perhaps because there are to much excess people in the farm. Perhaps the key is just place the right amount of people through raffle, right number of equipments, etc. to have profit. Give the former owner chances to be able to manage also the farm. And the excess unlucky people should be transferred or relocate to other places but never compressed people to focus for just one product “only” example: rice-it is extreme. Perhaps since “bias” land reform in other countries is doom to fail, former landowners should be given another chance to reclaim those lost land. Because through law the land was forced to be sold to people; but if the owner is still interested to reclaim those lands he could have chances to do so, after all the people have chances to farm just to survive for 30 or more years and still the people remain the same; and they were just trapped on those fields to remain poor. If beneficiaries just sold, mortgage, sub lease those farms there should be law that owners could easily regain, manage again his land through the help of the balance government. Look those countries that exult on show off and feast day syndrome; because in their mind set all their money is focus to be able to show off; after eating those nice foods, nice clothes, etc. and all the vanity what happens- nothing. But look China, China would perhaps someday become one of the world’s economic super powers. It is like one is selling $50 worth of electronic instrument made in other rich countries vs. $2 worth of same functioning electronic instrument made in China; and eventually the $50 worth would have no customer. Why…? Because Chinese business man has mind set that one should save first even if the savings comes from eating; perhaps even eating only 2 times a day; or just eating “lugaw” or boiled rice with plenty of water as soup to save and prolong the consumption of rice; and use the savings for business. Or a sick man would do something like writing books or doing any thing other than being depressed; and soon die. Then after some profit and progress he would spend some of his savings now with proportion with his income. Before… when he needs capital, “lugaw” is the food to eat; because he needs lots to save. But during the ongoing business… just plain rice is ok; because there is now income. Then Oyster rice-

plain rice mixed with oyster and some meat or delicacies would now be the food; because he could now afford expensive food; and so on. Rather, people would spend, and spend hard earned money just to show off…worse perhaps if pushed by traditions perceive as good. If one country could produce very cheap rice because large land are managed and farm by automation then it should be enhanced. If rice could enter to other country very cheap then let it be so as long as safety nets are already in placed; like excess people are given alternative work and businesses. If safety net are not yet in place perhaps balanced government should focus on some zoning principle- example like province ‘a’ should be a testing ground or pilot test so that balance land reform could be implement with safety nets; rather wait and wait for nothing and instead focus the mind to corruption, take and take or crocodile syndrome, class driver syndrome or showoff syndrome -extreme. Those countries where land could not compete to those countries where land could produce rice very cheap should instead change to other crops where oil could be produced through automation so that there would be enough fuel to run the economy. People displaced should be transferred to smart city and must not try to compete with automation. If there would be redistribution of land or ownership, let it be so but profit oriented mind set; or the redistribution is just temporary if it is for survival oriented mind set; or when there is no automation being implemented yet or other safety nets…! But land redistribution should not be forced- like pointing a gun to someone just to intimidate him to sell the land-it is extreme; but never let human manually do the hard work for duplicity of management and equipment-it is waste of man hour and it is a trap in the making-instead collect those ownerships into one corporation or cooperative and let few experts run and manage the large track of land through automation. Or remove the excess people and place them to be more productive and efficient in a smart city. And those profits should instead be invested again so that another source of cycle could be created. Hence people with farm stocks would be increased. Because their lands were converted as capital and automation did the hard work. People should now concentrate on skills where automation could not penetrate as economic stimuli; let the hard work in the farm be run through automation and man should not compete with automation. It is extreme when a harvester is being deliberately destroyed by people so that the harvesting would be done by manual; human labor is expensive and inefficient. People should be paid high and law should give the teeth to implement those. Government should collect high tax on company using automation through pre-paid. Perhaps pass law that all equipment, conveyor, or any tool that boost efficiency should be taxed each through pre-paid so that the taxes could be use for pension checks of people 60 years old and above to buy food and pay for its balanced life at smart cities; and to enjoy life in his remaining years. Let those old people benefit the blessings of automation. And the young should be challenged to be productive as contributor to insurance, pension premiums, to consume more by having more cash to buy through high wages and high pay salaries; or… which automation cannot penetrate. From someone want to farm in Africa

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