83. Environmental Challenges

  • December 2019
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374 Emporium Current Essays Emporium Current Essays 375 ^ fifOl? _i:rlim-VJ!-JLi.;" Homo Sapiens' struggle against nature has reached a point where ultimate result will be a complete disaster - a disaster beyond any calculations. It is only because nature is the name of a balance, so created by the Creator and revealed in the Holy Quran: "Hath thou not seen that unto Allah pay the adoration whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the hills, and the trees, and the beasts, and many of mankind," (22:18) and further elaborated:*"It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit" (36:40). Human beings collectively, for the first tie felt that the balance of the planet is in danger, in June 1992 in Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro where more than 150 nations had assembled to discuss the problem of environmental degradation. The pace with which this degeneration took place was very alarming. Whosoever is responsible for environmental decay is not the issue to discuss but the point is that every living species on earth has got affected. As a super-specie, it is the responsibility of every human being to arm himself to meet the challenge of maintaining balance in the universe. The damaging elements for environment are distributed to two broad categories - air pollution and water pollution, though there is also soil pollution Both have varied degrees of effects on animals and plants. The effects of air pollution on plants and animals may be measured by the following factors: (a) interference with enzyme systems; (b) change in cellular chemicals consequents and physical structure; (c) retardation of growth and reduced production because of metabolic changes; (d) acute, immediate tissue degeneration. These factors are cause of the pollution through acid gases; products of combustion and products of reactions in the air. Water pollution is hazardous for the species in water. It has been observed with great satisfaction that international community has seriously decided to attend to environmental problems. It has to be done, because no one dwells in isolation in this global village. The air that blows in the US also moves into Canada and to other continents across to the oceans; the

incidents like Chernobyl and Bhopal also affect the adjacent areas. Thus, realisation is essential to build an environment, where no one could say, "it is not my business." In fact, this is everybody's job. In Pakistan, combined with pollution of every kin the deforestation of green hills by timber Mafia and usage of wood as a fuel for small industries like tobacco and brick kilns, and also by the genera! consumers especially in the rural areas has made the conditions even worse. The problems of environmental degradation can be slowed down by a wide ranging afforestation programme. And by taking measures to control industrial and municipal wastes, water pollution can also be controlled. Entire globe is our concern, but Pakistan is our obligation. Happily the realisation has made its inroads in our society and for the first time in the history of Pakistan, the government looked serious in its efforts to control the menace of pollution. Asif AH Zardari, former MNA, has termed it a crusade against degeneration of environment. The seriousness of the government is reflected from the establishment of Environment and Urban Affairs Division (E&UAD), Pakistan Environment Protection Council (PEPC) and Provincial Environment Protection Agencies (EPAs) in all the four provinces. The task, no doubt, is gigantic and requires extra-ordinary efforts to accomplish it. Recently, the E&UAD circulated among the NGOs a draft of the proposed Act entitled "Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1995" to get their views, so that before making it a law, it could be trimmed accordingly. Notwithstanding minor judicial and technical lacunas, it is a wellthough-out document encircling each and every aspect of the environment. Once it is implemented fairly, it would surely help reduce environmental destruction. ^ It was already in the air that Mr. Asif AH Zardari has planned to launch some sort of campaign with respect to environment, but is nature was not clear to the general public until July 12, 1995, when some 250 NGOs were invited to take part in a seminar at National Library Auditorium. It was a sort ofmela of the NGOs, where this scribe was also present. There was a perception among the NGO community that it would not produce any positive results, as provincial EPAs would function with prejudices, likes and dislikes, Obviously, it was a hasty conclusion. Better we leave it for time to prove, but what brought the rejoicing moments for naturelovers was a news item in national newspapers about setting up of a Task Force for Environment and Afforestation. Senator Vaqar Ahmad Khan was appointed as Chairman of the Task Force. The writer is not a member to the Task Force, but in a bid to see the376 Emporium Current Essays things from a very close angle, made its way into the meeting room. The members are, no doubt, having vast experience in their respective fields. To bring in healthy attitudinul changes, it is pertinent to keep a check on the Division running the business, but unnecessary criticism should not be made, as it might lead the entire process to suboptimisation.

The afforestation drive has to be mainly carried out by the big companies and corporations like PIAC, OGDC, PTC, scheduled banks, etc. They have to plant saplings in blocks and also on avenues. The role of the NGO, is still not clear. They are being asked to monitor the plantation but modalities for such monitoring are still ambiguous. It was-for this reason that the efforts of the NGOs have not yet been channelised for the afforestation drive. The past experience of the NGOs regarding their performance is also an obstacle to establishing a smooth relationship. The PEPC intends that NGOs should do, whatever they can, on voluntary basis. This strategy of the E&UAD and PEPC has ignored the ground reality that how a non-profit organisation can devote time and efforts without some compensation. At the same, the purpose of a NGO is not to accumulate money like a commercial organisation, but just to meet its day-to-day expenditures. However, this confusion can also be overcome by a process of refinement -- to get rid of those NGOs who have previously been tested and are found unreliable. Opportunity to new NGO in making contribution in this important national campaign should not be denied. Lack of direction to resolve this problem is resulting in commercial firms filling up the vacuum. National Highway Authority is an example where 21 plantation companies have been engaged to plant saplings on contract basis. Of course, dedication like NGOs cannot be expected from commercial organisations. The over all most due to commercial profit factor will also be higher. From all, what has been observed on and after 1996, uptil now, it appears that it is the Environment and Afforestation Task Force who role will be significant in future, subject to its effectiveness, which is luckily in sigh. Former senator Vaqar Ahmed's appears to be a guarantee that he-will be able to mobilise the potential of the Task Force. The members of the Task Force, however, cannot function well until and unless a smooth flow of information of the progress from all over the country is fed back through impartial monitoring. This can be done through a permanently functioning centre with necessary infrastructure. The centre should be run on modern management style. It must function with vigour and skill which can only be ensured if services of some Emporium Current Essays 377 dynamic researches and experts are engages. A compete data-bank would help know the ground realities and formulate future policies on a continues basis. The allocation of funds for meeting above said objective is an inescapable need and should be mode. The members of the Task Force should also conduct random sample survey of the area where an organisation is engaged in afforestation campaign. Without an active participation of the NGOs this gigantic task will not be accomplished. One fears, this afforestation campaign might go to dogs like Social Action Programme (SAP) where the NGOs were not actively engaged on a large scale. The methodology of hiring or acquiring services of the NGOs is globally accepted and its importance should realised.

There is also another problem which must be tackled by the E&UAD, PEPC and Task Force collectively. It is related to mobilising mass awareness. Unfortunate aspect of the currentlylaunched afforestation drive is that publicity or mass awareness programmes have not been designed according to the psyche of the masses. The programmes should bring out long-and short-term interests of the common man and his future generations, keeping in view seriousness of the issue an active involvement and interest of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari in afforestation and re-efforts taken by the officials of Environment and Urban Affairs Division including Task Force, the following steps are recommended: *" NGOs should be involved in active plantation and monitoring. *** The Task Force for Environment and Afforestation should be equipped with an effective Task Force Centre for its efficient functioning. •** A proper and smooth system of data-collection should be introduced a monitoring must be done to keep a check on the whole affair. A continues process of research and discovery must go side by side, as it is a crash programme with long-term implications. •^ The Task Force may consider to establish a model plantation scheme in a selected area for others to follow. *" Presently, two methods of plantation have been adopted, i.e., block-afforestation and avenue-afforestation. It is suggested that a third model or system should also be introduced, i.e., in-house plantation. This procedure ensures 100 per cent results as safety of the sapling becomes the responsibility of the house owner. This system has been successfully adopted and implemented by Rotary Club of Islamabadw 378 Emporium Current Essays Cosmopolitan in village Tamma and Jadala in the outskirts of Islamabad. Task scribe has visited the village as a part of research on the models for afforestation. ** The Capital Development Authority (CDA) should provide at least three saplings to every house in Islamabad, and twenty to forty saplings, or according to the capacity, to all the schools in the Federal Capital. This list can include hospitals, colleges, universities, hostels, railway station, police stations, bus-stands, public parks, etc. they can also be done by Rawalpindi Cantonment Board. Similarly municipal corporations, district councils, town committees, union councils can also be mobilised in every nook and corner of the country. The district management can also contribute. ** Mass awareness campaign should be launched through both formal and informal means of mass-communication. The programmes on TV failed to produce an impact on public. The youngsters were ignored and provincial EPAs were seen obliging particular groups. The young generation should be encouraged by inviting them on TV along with experts. This will give them, psychologically, a sense of participation. Timing of these programmes should be between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm. The informal means must be

utilised viz., mosque, churches, hujras, otaks, community centres and also leaflets, brochures, pamphlets, etc., must be utilised. Services of a mass communication expert should be hired. The renowned writer Edmund Burke had once said: "The only giving necessary or triumph of evils is for good man to do nothing." Are we in earth of good people ? is a question that must make us feel that w are the custodians of resources for our next generations. We must adopt such system, technology and approach which could ensure that our exploitation of natural resources should not disturb the future generations. This is called sustainable development and w must pursue it. Let's join hands to work for a cause - the noble cause of environmental protection and afforestation.

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