8234621 French Corset

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THE SUNDAY CALL. HERE! YOU CAN MAKE A FRENCH CORSET FOR $ 2.35 �jfte perfect as % (Jei?uii^ e pari5iai7 Bit of pollou// jfye^e Dir^etiops a9d U/itl7 a i||i�|l||i You <Sai) '5au? 7T\o9ey. Is not writtpnfor the woman of cour.tcr willnot be able to tell you whethdross reform. It has no interest for er you prefer pink or blue. The ribbon is i her who prefers to wear a ;�otato to be a double-faced satin, two inches Back gathered about the neck. For wide. Be sure itIs heavy to avoid stretchit's all about that bewitching little pick-ingout of shape. You willneed flveyards, pocket, the French corset, and how to at a* cents. koop your money out of its hands. Don't economize on your lacing cord, as You non-reformers who listen, how a silk one costs only 25 cents, and the ribmany times have you seen your purses bon demands good findings. Ten cents' collapse Is enough Your when the French corsrt hnd laid worth of whalebones hold of them? Twfive or fifteen dollars is stf els need not be bought; take them from nothing to sper.d for that Lit of steel aii'j Romn old corset, in which they have ribbon and lace. And ifyou are one whose grown to fit you. Eyelets will have to be purse flattens faster than itfillst then you punched, at the cost of 23 cents. Aleather have seen the time when the cost of a dealer will do the work neatly. Now corset left you hatless or bootless or then, IfJohn Insists upon seeing an itemEO-.nJess. All because you must have the ized account, ought this to shock him? perfect Five yards ribbon at 33 $175 Parisian outline. One cents silk lace Of course, you must. Who blames you? ~. 25

"Whalebones ; 10 But did you know that you can have it For punching eyelets 25 for the price of $2 35 and an afternoon's Total X $2 35 labor? The chances are you have sewing silk "Tape," you say. No, not tape, by any in the house. Get it out and you are means; but satin ribbon, the best on the ready to begin. market. Tou may have ~uch a corset ss If your steels are too long, file them is-paying Van Ness avenue twelve or down. Eleven Inches is the required more dollars for. and at such a price as length. . makes you think that something Is wrorp. Cut ribbon to same length in half and But Just try and see. Come back on your cover the steel3, the corded edges Infront. ewn daftness for damages if,after read-Overcast strongly with buttonhole twist, ing these directions, you can't produce a. as most of the Strain comes on the steel. corset that any tailor In town willbe willThe eleven-Inch strip is numbered 1. ing to fit your next suit over. Next cut out numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5. Cut First of all. make up your mind before two of each Inorder to save time, as both you start out to shop what color you want Bides are exactly alike. Baste them upon your corset to be. The girlat the ribbon 1in order. Ifthere is any extra length Professor Le Brae of Antwerp WillCome to Cal5=forela to Solve '.the Flystery of Life.. Continued from Page 3. . ever seen one suffering from the feebleness of senility. In fact, they appear to Itlvelyin the way of prolonging human have no death except that of accidental life�the most valued, the only' thing of

r, or Intentional 5 violence.. real worth In the who!e of our possesLife, the dearest posses sions. of all of our sions. Is, for some unaccountable reason, something, the least prized. A man willalways risk In a negative way science has done for ithas conquered diseases which interfered for the his life to save his hat and apo-' with life, but court plexy to-recover normal body, healthy to begin with, fort-a collar button. unate disease, With certain death staring and without accident or us all in the face, fcience can do nothing, and is powerless who is there that gives any. time to to arrest Its steady inarch to the grave. the care of his body with the object,of preserving its life and f It is well known that the' body has usefulness? Wo the power of renewing Itself; that every paint our houses, cover our guns with years preventive, pictures. seven each one of its molecules Is rust varnish the replaced by a new one. Thus there Is sheath our 'ships '. with copper.' and tar their rigging�all. to no reason why an old body should not the end that their

be �s good as new. Sharks and some Inanimate substance may bo preserved. lap the top and bottom pieces or 2 and 5 over the center ones. This makes the proper curves at the bottom. The side piece or 6 comes next. Cut four of this kind, as they are doubled to gain extra strength. Put together In the same way as you did the front pieces, number 6 lapping over 4 and 2 over 3. There are only three pieces that form the side back. Baste 7, S and 9 to side. part 6. lapping 7 and 9 over 8. -Now you are ready to use the last and third large piece, or number 10. Fit the, pieces upon 10 as they were fitted upon 6. The fullness, which is made by the small pieces," form3 the necessary fullness to flt over the hips. After the side is well basted together stitch on the machine. '.This must be done or else you willbe forever in a state of ripping. At this stage of the manufacture the front steels are the only stiff part of the garment. Stitch the sides or number 6 into five whalebone slips, about threefourths of a-Inch apart, and cut the whalebones down to flt. Insert and. turn over edges. *The back or 10 la divided Into four parts. Be' sure and leave the second space from the back vacant. This must be used for the eyelets. The finishing' touch is ready. Make what is left of your ribbon into the most chic bow that you know how to make and catch itIna Frenchy, flyaway fashion in front. .Ifyou have any friend In the millinery business get her to make the bow, for bowmaking Is an art that few amateurs ever master. Ifyou must have more frllla and fur

belows, a yard of lace and baby ribbon may be stitched at the top of the corset. Liace at 40 cent* will do very well and still keep below the three dollar mark. This corset willfltany waist from twenty to twenty-six inches. IfItshould prove too large, number 6 may be trimmed off. "Who says we can't copy Paris fashions upon our home sewing machines? hypnotism and otAer mental forces, has opened paths which may lead to results in regard to our knowledge of the wonderful lite principle within us that willbe " accounted .the most marvelous accomplishment of all.time. What adds more interest to the search, as far as the popular, mind �is concerned, is the fact that the life principle Is now supposed by the t most advanced scientists to be a ponderable agent� a thing having a concrete, existence capable of being",measured .and possibly controlled. ��"According to these 'recent discoveries it la the'potency of this life spirit that moves. our bodies and enables us to perform that the. muscles are our^ labor; ,mere inert and powerless tools, Incapable of movement, in themselves except as '. nToyr^ ��*;v " this "subtle fluid.-which is lnVvislble and intangible. To illustrate this .the steam engine is taken as an example. .'The engine itself;has no power. The steam in the' boiler Is Invisible. Ifa stirring rod is .introduced through a pack

ing box.Itcan be freely moved about la vapor. According, then, to the invisible both sight and feeling, there, la nothing: there In the boiler. Yet this tmfeelable. invisible something that we call steam, can move the lifeless parts of the engine w/vh"a. power which;will overcome all earthly resistance, crushing rocks and scaling mountains. Ayet more Intangible force is the electric current 'which energizes the dynamo, doing Its work when properly adjusted and controlled without noise, heat or any form of atmospherlo disturbance. Shut off the steam, stop the electric current, and the engine and dynamo are both "dead." No more dead, though/ than;they were beforeIn reality�merely that the energy has departed. So in the human body Itis the unseen energy which has the, real strength and does the work. . In the coarser cells of the Batrachoseps the working of this force may be studied. Its true nature discovered, and In time It may be brought under control as steam and electricity have .been. other Inhabitants of the tea. as far ub But our bodies that have earned us., all Is known, have no time limit set upon we have� the only home of our soul .on their lives, but live and LittleHiss Peary Was Born v*ry bulk they become fco Other; White Child in the

grow until from earth-rwe leave them.^ to.be preyed upon Farther North Than unwieldy-that by weather and time, and seem to take Any World.

they surpass all of their, prey In slzo delight in-"torturing our-corporeal frames bo much that it can dodge and escape with clothes Jkii&t Incommode and hinder, t? ITTLE Marie Aknighito Peary, not seen her since she was 11 months old.

Then, daughter An Eskimo named Keshu was the first their clumsy motions.' weakened with foods that poison, or;at best 'half; of the famous explorer, from lack of substance, they In turn ar� nourish and corrupt;. with"drinks that ln the answer, and remember that each mis-cmlnence, ; attacked by smaller but more vigorous flamo and rasp, Is confronted: by.half a dozen :yet 'unsettled. .When such very plain and , otherywbite^child in the world, dur-^ Marle In her arms. He recognized the with numbing narcotics doing will snap brie of the 'little fibers of' higher, and �more distant which ;material, problems yet Ing one of her.father s expeditions to nnd\c hild at once, notwithstanding the chango enemies and destroyed. that short circuit the nerves, waste their were:all as this are to be the none-too-sturdy thread of life."I." unsuspected .before. wonder, that the impon-the pole.' Her: birthday occurred on Sep. that a few years had made in her appearScience ha* taught u� to feed ourselves precious life currents and wear out the Until the study of these large-celled lise-So little,�in:fact.:Is known, of:life that solved. It Is,no ternber 12, 1S93, at Anniversary Lodge, ance, and �he.danced "about her so vigoragency Peary's headquarters of delight and kept up for mu&cular strength, for warmth pro-human derable 'we.call,life,Is'stillInan then Lieutenant' -In ouslyinhisexcess dynamo. --Nature Is indeed kind was commenced; possible ards it-had seemed as itris,not to even 5Intelligently, unknown.realm �;'awaiting the'icoming of Northern Greenland. ,;, such a succession ofshouts that Marie at ducing, for brain work, but for life pro-to us to"permit alf this and stlll^ work though the search for tho essence of life,. theorize upon it.. -\" '� ,',, �Twice since Marie has visited the coun-nrst was somewhat alarmed. But perhaps ducing there has -been found no food, be-faithfully trying to repair the damage; Its nature or origin, was hopeless. : �"�Itsome pioneer discoverer. try of her birth.-once In'the'summer of memories. Ion:; forgotten.-came back to ' '� �IsdifficulttoIconceive how.littlewe *,'With-next'spring.'when theBelgiansci-

1&97and once again this year. herandsoothed herfeara. .cause wedonotknow whatlifeIs. but she does take a.littlesatisfaction in more know,',fortso Itwas on the" subject was Investigated '^the^ much has been" discovered entist arrives ;here, will�" begin the 'most July 20 last that-Marie; and her: mother Keshu was quickly followed by all the It Is a notable fact that migratory ani-giving uk twinges of pain as a:reproof. � from, N.F.,' on farther away it Beemed. as' difficulties] recently as though"' science sailed St. Johns. the. inhabitants of Cape York who were abla that it seems Important: experiments: In;biology that mals, and particularly, birds which rpend Do not blame your luck, then, when somestanch ship the Windward.to join Lieu-to jump along the ice, and .they gathered not singly but in' ever-broadening arose had;everything;In';its grasp, yet'�the"very jbeen!''made.,.The-work;of�re-tenant Pearyinthe frozennorth. / Inaringaround"Marie,their their summers in the north and winters thing hurts you, but say, rather, vistas, plied on' each as 'mountains,, faces shin "What other simple;question cent*; years In chemistry of vegetable But-it.is principally with her visit In ing with pleasure and all ejaculating In of.whether ,the 'earth is a and Inthesouth, seem never togive,evidences haveIdone to bring on this deserved range upon range, the.^traveler, i: globule.with,a� 1897 that:these �few.lines are� concerned, chorus. "Na,na.nana.nana!" whichIsan -where molten thin; crust;onlit, animal,substances, in electricity d old a�c, and certainly no person bu punishment?" Think and you will find ho accomplishes' the coolness, of;the Her arrival was the signal of a great eel-Eskimo greeting of welcome and expres as ascent of each or a solid suhere of moderate ia rarer forms, and particularly in teleDathy. ebration among the Eskimos, who bad slve of great delight.�Ledger Monthly..

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