8.1 English Year 5.docx

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 355
  • Pages: 1
AKTIVITI PEMBELAJARAN ABAD KE-21 Round Table Think Pair Share Hot Seat Pembentangan Hasil Sendiri Role Play Gallery Walk Three Stay, One Stay Peta I-think Deklamasi Sajak / Nyanyian Tandakan / pada ruangan berkenaan



Kelas / MP


MASA Tajuk

Saving Spending Sharing

Standard Kandungan

2.2Demonstarte understanding from linear to non linear text 3.2 writing using appropriate language, form and style

Standard Pembelajaran

.2.2.1 pupils will be able to read and express ideas, sequencing 3.2.1 Able to transfer information from linear text to non-linear text and vice versa

Objektif Pembelajaran

Pupils are able to read and understand the the substitute table from the non linear text and demonstrate their understandings to written form.

Kriteria Kejayaan



1. Teacher shows a substitute table on things to buy 2. Pupils practices reading the table 3. Pupils read with correct pronunciation. 4. Teacher explains how to understand reading a table 5. Pupils engage in pairs reading he questions and answers – drilling activity 6. Pupils presented the work in pairs and individually 7. Teacher concludes the lesson.

Pupils able read using correct pronunciation


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Buku Teks Powerpoint Carta

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Internet Buku Cerita Model

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Projektor Lain-lain


Pendidikan Alam Sekitar


Kreativiti dan inovasi


____/____ orang murid dapat menguasai objektif pembelajaran dan diberi latihan pengayaan/ pengukuhan ____/____ orang murid tidak menguasai objektif pembelajaran dan diberi latihan pemulihan. Aktiviti PdP ditangguhkan kerana _____________

 

________________________________________ Catatan

PEMBELAJARAN ABAD KE-21 Berasaskan Murid Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Kemahiran / Proses Pemikiran Aras Tinggi Kemahiran Hidup Berkumpulan Komuniti Pentaksiran Formatif Belajar Untuk Kehidupan Tandakan / pada ruangan berkenaan TAHAP PENGUASAAN (PBS) TP6 TP5 TP4 TP3 TP2 TP1 Tandakan / pada ruangan berkenaan ARAS PEMIKIRAN Mencipta Menilai Menganalisis Mengaplikasi Memahami Mengingati Tandakan / pada ruangan berkenaan PENTAKSIRAN DAN PENILAIAN Latihan bertulis Hasil kerja Kuiz Pembentangan Soal Jawab Pemerhatian/lisan/soal jawab Lembaran kerja Drama Projek Tandakan / pada ruangan berkenaan I - THINK Peta Bulatan Peta Buih Peta Buih Berganda Peta Pokok Peta Dakap Peta Titi Tandakan / pada ruangan berkenaan

Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan : …………………………………

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