80s Fashion Tops

  • November 2019
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Summer or Winter, Spring or Fall, sweatersare always popular. The designsin this leaflet, if worked in cotton, will be perfect for warm sultry days; worked in wool or acrylic and layered over a favorite blouse, they are sure to provide just the right amount of warmth for cooler days. Four designs are featured with instructions written for Snort Weight. Yardage is also included for ease in choosing your favorite yarn. We hope that you are pleasedwith the designsin this leaflet and that you find the instructionseasy to follow. If you have any questionsor comments, we would enjoy hearing from you.

4a-ut---+--''6 Design Department



Back Post double crochet chain(s) double crochet(s)


millimeters singlecrochet(s) stitch(es) FPdc yarn over * - work instructions{ollowing * as many more times as indicatedin addition to the first time. ( ) or [ ] - work enclosedinstructionsas many times as specifiedby the number immediatelyfollowing or contains explanatoryremarks. work even - work without increasingor decreasingin the establishedpattern.

sc st(s) Front Post doublecrochet YO

Work around post of stitch indicatedin row or rows below. insertinghook in direction of arrow (FiS. 2).

Fig. 2

INCREASING Increasesare made by working two stitchesof the established stitch into the same stitch, making two stitchesover one of the p r e v l o u sr o w .

MEASURING When measuringa garment, it is important to lay the piece flat on a hard smooth surface.Fig. 3 illustrateshow to measure from the bottom edge of a piece and also how to measure from the beginningof the Sleeve shaping.

Fig. 3

GAUGE Correct gauge is essentialfor proper fit of garments. Hook sizesgiven in instructionsare merely guides and should never be used without first making a sample swatch approximately 4" square in the stitch, yarn, and hook specified.Measure your swatch, counting stitchesand rows carefully.If you have more stitchesper inch than specified,try again with a larger size hook; if fewer, try again with a smallersize. Keep trying until you find the sizethat will give you the specifiedgauge. DO NOT HESITATE TO CHANGE HOOK SIZE TO OBTAIN CORRECT GAUGE. Once proper gauge is obtained, measure width of garment approximatelyevery 3" to be sure gauge remains consistent.

RIBBING Work first row in back ridge of second chain from hook and in each chain across(Fig. Io). Fig. la

FINISHING Make a habit of taking care of loose ends as you work. To keep loose ends from showing, always weave them back through severalstitchesor work over them. When ends are secure,clip them off close to work. Weaving Seams With right sidesfacing you, hold edgestogether. Catch one strand from each edge, being careful to match rows (Fig. 4) Fig. 4

Work additionalrows in Back Loop Only (Fig. Ib) of each stitch across.

Fis. lb

O1985 by LeisureArts,P.O. Box 5595, LittleRock.AR722lb

Printedin U.S.A





(161/z-17lzl(18Y2 -19t/z-201/z)'

I l3'

All measurements are approximate . next sc, dc in next 3 sc, YO, insert hook from front to back in skipped sc, YO, pull up a long loop even with last st worked (FiS. 5) and complete as a dc (Slant st made); tepeal f r o m * a c r o s s ,d c i n l a s t s c : ( 1 6 - 1 7 ) ( 1 8 - 1 92 0 ) S l a n t s t s . Fig. 5

Size: Finished Measurement:

32 33'

34 35'

36 37"

38 39'

40 4L' Place a marker to mark last row as right side. (Loop a short piece of yarn through any stitch.) Row 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in each st across: (66-70)(74-78-82)sc. Repeat Rows 2 and 3 for pattern until piece measures approximately\2" from bottom edge (Fig. 3, page I), ending by working Row 3; finish of{. SLEEVE SHAPING R o w 1 : C h 4 l o o s e l y ( S l e e v e,) t u r n B o d y , d c i n f i r s t s c , w o r k acrossin pattern, ch 5 loosely (Sleeve). Row 2: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch and st a c r o s s :( 74 - 7 8 ) ( 8 2 - 8 6 - 9 0 )s c . Row 3 (Slant st row) : Ch 3, turn; work Slant st acrossto last s c , d c i n l a s t s c : ( 1 8 - 1 9 ) ( 2 0 - 2 I - 2 2 )S l a n t s t s . R o w 4 : C h 1 , t u r n ; s c i n e a c h s t a c r o s s :( 7 4 - 7 8 ) ( 8 2 - 8 6 - 9 0s) c . Repeat Rows 3 and 4 until Sleevesmeasureapproximately (8Vq-81/z)(83/+-9-9r/+)", ending by working Row 4; finish off .

Size Note: Instructions are written for sizes32 and 34 in first parentheseswith sizes36, 38 and 40 in second parentheses. Instructionswill be easierto read, if you circle all the numbers p e r t a i n i n gt o y o u r s i z e . MATERIALS Sport Weight Yarn, approximately: ( 9 - 1 0 )( 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 )o u n c e s , l ( 2 6 0 - 2 8 0 ) ( 3 1 0 - 3 4 0 - 3 7 0g)r a m s , ( 9 0 0 - 1 0 0 0()11 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 - 1 3 0 0 )y a r d s l Crochet hooks, sizesF (4.0 mm) and G (4.5 mm) or sizes needed for gauge Yarn needle GAUGE: With larger size hook, 2 Slant sts :


BACK RIBBING With smallersize hook ch 12 loosely. Row 1: Sc in back ridge of second ch from hook and in each ch across(Fig. 7a, page 7): I1 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in Back Loop Only (Fig. 7b, page 7) of each sc across. Repeat Row 2 until (60-63)(65-68-70)rows are complete.

FRONT Work same as Back.


BODY Row 1: Ch 1, sc in end of each row acrosstop of Ribbing :ncreasing(6-7)(9-i0-12) sts evenly spaced(see Increasing, pase 7): (66-70)(74-78-82)sc. Change to larger size hook. Row 2 (Slantst row - right side): Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), turn; * work Slant st as follows: skip


Sew Sleeve and shoulder seams leaving a (10 10)(701/z-701/z-71) " Neck opening. Matching rows, weave Sleeve and side in one continuous seam (Fig. 4, page 7). NECK EDGING With right side facing and using smaller size hook, join yarn with a slip st at shoulder seam, ch 1, sc evenly around entire Neck opening; join with a slip st to first sc, finish off. W o r k S l e e v eE d g i n gi n s a m e m a n n e r . Weavein all varn ends.


g Ya-$ t/z)(9s/a-9 -9 V+) "


(l8Vz-19Yz-20t/z)' (L6 Vz-171/z) I


All measurements are approximate

Size: Finished Measurement:

32 33'

34 35'

36 37 "

38 39"

Row 2 and ALL wrong side rows: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sr across. Row 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in first (8-4)(6 8 4) sc, * work Froni Post double crochet (abbreuiated FPdc) as follows: YO. :r=e :e:r hook from front to back around post of st directly belor,,,' st (Fig. 2, page I), YO, pull up a loop even with last st worked and complete as a dc (FPdc made), skip sc beh:rc FPdc (now and throughout), sc in next 11 sc; repeat from r across,ending last repeat by working sc in last (9-5)(7-9 5t sc R o w 5 : C h 1 , t u r n ; s c i n f i r s t ( 7 3 ) ( 5 - 7 - 3 )s c , * w o r k F P d c around post of FPdc two rows below, sc in next sc, work FP< around post o{ same FPdc two rows below (Raised Y-stitch made), sc in next 9 sc; repeat from * across,ending last repeat by working sc in last (8-4)(6 8-4) sc R o w 7 : C h 1 , t u r n ; s c i n f i r s t ( 1 4 - 1 0 ) ( 7 2 - 7 4 - 7 0s) c , * w o r k F P d c , s c i n n e x t 1 1 s c ; r e p e a tf r o m * a c r o s s ,e n d i n g l a s t r e p e a lb y w o r k i n gs c i n l a s t ( 1 5 - 1 1 ) ( 1 3 - 1 5 - 1 1 s c) . ( 1 3 9 ) ( 1 1 1 3 9 ) sc, * work Row 9: Ch 1, turn; sc in first FPdc around post of FPdc two rows below, sc in next sc. \('o FPdc around post of same FPdc two rows below (Raised Y-stitch made), sc in next 9 sc; repeat from * across,end:r l a s t r e p e a tb y w o r k i n g s c i n l a s t ( 1 4 - 1 0 ) ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 1 0s) c . Repeat Rows 2-9 for pattern until Front measures approximately13" from bottom edge or desired length to underarm (Fig. 3, page 1.), ending by working a right side row. SLEEVE SHAPING R o w I ( l n c r e a s er o w ): C h 1 , t u r n ; 2 s c i n f i r s t s c , s c i n e a c h , acrossto last sc, 2 sc in last sc: (68-72)(76-80-84)sts. Nofe.'We have used markersto distinguishbetween the Sleevesand Body. Where markers are indicated,place a shor length of contrastingcolor yarn between the stitches.Move :r from row to row as you work. Row 2 (lncreaserow) : Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, place marker, work acrossin establishedpattern to last sc, place marker, 2 sc in last sc: (70-74)(78-82-86)sts. Rows 3 and 4 (lncreaserows): Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc. sc in each sc to marker, work acrossin establishedpattern.to marker, sc in each sc to last sc, 2 sc in last sc: (74 78) (82 86 90) sts. . Work even until Sleevesmeasureapproximately (8Vs-8r/z)($z/+-9-9r/+) ", ending by working Row 2 or Rotr'6 o Body; finish of{.

40 41"

Size Note: Instructionsare written for sizes32 and 34 in first p a r e n t h e s ew s i t h s i z e s3 6 , 3 8 a n d 4 0 i n s e c o n dp a r e n t h e s e s . Instructionswill be easierto read, if you circle all the numbers p e r t a i n i n gt o y o u r s i z e . MATERIALS S p o r t W e i g h tY a r n . a p p r o x i m a t e l y : ( 1 0 - 11 )( 7 2 1 3 - 7 4 ) o u n c e st,( 2 8 0 - 3 1 0 () 3 4 0 - 3 7 0 - 4 0 0 )g r a m s , ( 1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 )( 1 2 0 0 - 1 3 0 01- 4 0 0 ) y a r d s l C r o c h e th o o k s , s i z e sF ( 4 . 0 m m ) a n d G ( 4 . 5 m m ) o r s i z e s needed for gauge Yarn needle G A U G E : W i t h l a r g e rs i z eh o o k , 4 s c :

1",5 rows :


FRONT RIBBING With smaller size hook ch 12 loosely. Row 1: Sc in back ridge of second ch irom hook and in each c h a c r o s s( F i g . l a , p a g e 7 ) : 7 7 s c . Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in Back Loop Only (Fig. l b , p a g e 1 ) ol each sc across. R e p e a tR o w 2 u n t i l ( 6 0 - 6 3 ) ( 6 56 8 7 0 ) r o w s a r e c o m p l e t e .

BODY Row 1: Ch 1, sc in end of each row acrosstop of Ribbing increasing(6-7)(9-10'12) sts evenly spaced (see Increasing, pase 7): (66-70)(74-78-82)sc. Change to larger size hook.


;Work sameas FrontthroughRow 1 of Body. Changeto largersizehook.



Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Place a marker to mark last row as wrong side. (Loop a short piece of yarn through any stitch.) Repeat Row 2 until Back measuressame as Front to underarm, ending by working a right side row. SLEEVE SHAPING R o w I ( l n c r e a s er o w ) : C h 1 . t u r n : 2 s c i n f i r s t s c . s c i n e a c h sc acrossto last sc, 2 sc in last sc: (68-72)(76-80-84)sc. Rows 2-4: Repeat Row 1, three times: (74-78)(82-86-90)sc. Work even until Sleevesmeasuresame as Front, ending by rvorking a wrong side row; finish off.

Sew Sleeve and shoulder seams leaving a ) eck opening. ( 1 0 - 1 0 )( 7 0 1 / z - 7 0 1 / z - I"1 N Matching rows. weave Sleeve and side in one continuous seam (Fig. 4. page 1). NECK EDGING With right side facing and using smaller size hook, join yarn with a slip st at shoulder seam, ch 1, sc evenly around entire Neck opening; join with a slip st to first sc, finish off . With wrong side facing, work Sleeve Edging in same manner' Fold Sleeve once and tack in place. Weave in all varn ends.




(8 Vq-8 Vz\(83/a-9 -9 Vql'


All measurements are aPProximate

BACK RIBBING With smaller size hook ch 12 loosely. Row 1: Sc in back ridge of second ch from hook and in each ch across(Fig. 7a, page 7): 11 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in Back Loop Only (Fig- 1'b' page 7) of each sc across. Repeat Row 2 until (60-63)(65 68-70) rows are complete.


Size: Finished Measurement:

32 33',

34 35',

36 37',

38 39"

Row 1: Ch 1, sc in end of each row acrosstop of Ribbing increasing(6 7) (9 10-12) sts evenly spaced (see Increasing, page 7): (66-70)(74-78'82) sc. Change to larger size hook. Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout). turn; dc in next sc and in each sc across: (6670)(74-78-82) dc Place a marker to mark last row as right side. (Loop a short piece o{ yarn through anY stitch.) Row 3: Ch 3. turn; dc in next dc and in each dc across: (66-70)(74-78'B2l dc. Repeat Row 3 until Back measuresapproximately72r/2" from bottom edge (Fig. 3, page I); finish off . SLEEVE SHAPING R o w 1 : C h 2 4 l o o s e l y ( S l e e v e ) t, u r n B o d y , d c i n f i r s t d c a n d in each dc across,ch 26 loosely (Sleeve). Row'2: Dc in fourth ch from hook and in each ch and dc across: (114-118)(122 726'730) dc. Row 3: Ch 3, turn; dc in next dc and in each dc across. Repeat Row 3 until Sleevesmeasure approximately (81/s-81/zl (83/s-9-9Vs) " ; finish off .

40 41',

Size Note: Instructionsare written for sizes32 and 34 in {irst parentheseswith sizes36, 38 and 40 in second parentheses Instructionswill be easierto read, if you circle all the numbers pertainingto your size MATERIALS Sport Weight Yarn, approximately: ( 1 1 - 7 2 ) ( 1 3 - 1 4 - 1 5o) u n c e st,( 3 1 0 - 3 4 0 () 3 7 0 - 4 0 0 - 4 3 0 )g r a m s , ( 11 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 () 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 - 1 5 0 0 )y a r d s l Crochet hooks, sizesF (4.0 mm) and G (4.5 mm) or sizes needed for gauge Yarn needle -- 7" GAUGE: With larger size hook, 4 dc



Repeat Rows 3 and 4 for pattern until Front measures approximately72r/2"; finish off . SLEEVE SHAPING R o w 1 : C h 2 4 l o o s e l y ( S l e e v e ) t, u r n B o d y , d c i n f i r s t d c , work acrossin establishedpattern, ch 26 loosely (Sleeve). Row 2: Dc in fourth ch from hook and in next 22 chs. work acrossBody in pattern, dc in next 24 chs: (717 -121)(725-1,29-133) dc. Row 3: Ch 3, turn; dc in next 23 dc acrossSleeve, work acrossBody in pattern, dc in each dc acrossSleeve. Repeat Row 3 until Front measuressame as Back; finish off.

RIBBING Work same as Back. BODY Row 1: Ch 1, sc in end of each row acrosstop of Ribbing i n c r e a s i n g( 9 - 1 0 ) ( 1 21 3 - 1 5 ) s t s e v e n l y s p a c e d : ( 6 9 - 7 3 ) ( 7 7 - 8 1 - 8 5s) c . Change to larger size hook. Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), turn; dc in next sc and in each sc across: (69-73)(77-81-85)dc. Row 3 (Wrong side): Ch 3, turn; work Front Post double crochet (abbreuiated FPdc) as follows: YO, insert hook from front to back around post of next dc (Fig.2, page 1),YO, pull up a loop even with last st worked and complete as a dc (FPdc made), * work Back Post double crochet (abbreuiated BPdc) as follows: YO, insert hook from back to front around post of next dc, YO, pull up a loop even with last st worked and complete as a dc (BPdc made), work FPdc 3 times; repeat from * acrossto last 3 sts, work BPdc, work FPdc, dc in last st. Row 4: Ch 3, turn; dc in next st, * work FPdc, dc in next 3 sts; repeat from * acrossto last 3 sts, work FPdc, dc in last 2 sts.

FINISHING Sew Sleeve and shoulder seamsleaving a ( 1 0 1 0 )( I 0 t / z - 7 0 r r z - 1 1" ) N e c k o p e n i n g . M a t c h i n gr o w s , w e a v e S l e e v ea n d s i d e i n o n e c o n t i n u o u s seam (Fig. 4, page 7). NECK EDGING With right side facing and using smaller size hook. join yarn with a slip st at shoulder seam, ch 1, sc evenly around entire Neck opening; join with a slip st to first sc, finish off. Roll Sleevestwice and tack in place. Weave in all yarn ends.



( 8Vq-8t/z\ ( $ s / + - 9 - 9 t / t ) '


(l 6 Vz-17thl(l8l/z -L9t/z-20Vzl'

I 13',

All measurements are approximate

Size: Finished Measurement:

32 33'

34 35'

36 37'

38 39'

40 41'

Size Note: Instructions are written for sizes32 and 34 in first parentheseswith sizes36, 38 and 40 in second parentheses. Instructionswill be easierto read, if you circle all the numbers pertainingto your size. MATERIALS Sport Weight Yarn, approximately: M a i n C o l o r - ( B - 9 ) ( 1 0 - 1 1 - 1 2o) u n c e s . l(230 260)(280-310-340)grams. ( 8 0 0 - 9 0 0()1 0 0 0 - 11 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 )y a r d s l ContrastingColor - one ounce, - (30 grams, 100 yards) for all sizes Crochet hooks, sizesF (4.0 mm) and G (4.5 mm) or sizes needed for gauge Yarn needle GAUGE: With larger size hook, 4 sc :


1", 5 rows :


BACK RIBBING With Main Color and smaller size hook ch 12 loosely. Row l: Sc in back ridge of second ch from hook ani in each ch across(Fig. 7a, page 1): Il sc. R9w !: Ch 1, turn; sc in Back Loop Only (Fig. lb, page 1) of each sc across. Repeat Row 2 until (60-63)(65-6g-70)rows are complete.


Row 1: Ch 1, sc in end of each row acrosstop of Ribbing increasing(67)(9-10-12) sts evenly spaced (sie Increasiig, page 7): (66-70)(74-78-82)sc. Change to larger size hook. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Place a marker to mark last row as right side. (Loop a short piece of yarn through any stitch.) Repeat Row 2 until 52 rows are complete. SLEEVE SHAPING Row I (lncreaserow) : Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in each sc acrossto last sc, 2 sc in last sc: (69-72)(76-90_84) sc. R o w s 2 - 4 : R e p e a tR o w 1 , t h r e e t i m e s : ( 7 4 - 7 g ) ( g 2 - g 'gOO ) sc. Repeat Row 2 of Body until (40-41)(42_43_44)rows are complete. SHOULDER SHAPING R o w l : T u r n : s l p s r i n f i r s t ( 6 - 7 ) ( 7 - g _ gs) c , c h 1 , sc in samest arc :n each sc acrossto last (5-6)(6_7_7\sc. o . 16 6 r, - i 0 - 7 2 - 7 6s) c Row 2: Turn: slipst in first (7-7)(8-99)sc, ch 1, sc in samest and in each sc acrossto last (6-6)(7_7-B)sc; finish off: ' c 2 - 5 4 ) ( 5 6 - 5 8 - 6 0s) c .

FRONT Work same as Back through Row 1 of Body. Change to larger size hook. Rows 2-14: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Place a marker to mark last row as right side. No/e; Change colors as follows: Work last sc before color change..tolast step (2 loops on hook), with new color, yO pull through. Cut ContrastingColor and second Main 1nd Color after last row of each 8 row stripe. Rows l5-22: Ch 1, turn; sc in first tZb_St)(33-35_37) sc; with ContrastingColor sc in next 8 sc; using second ball of Main C o l o r s c i n e a c h r e m a i n i n qs c . Rows 23-30: With Main Color ch l, turn; sc in each sc across.

Rows 31-38: Ch 1, turn; sc in first (24-26)(2g_20-32)sc: ri-:rh ContrastingColor sc in next 18 sc; with Main Color sc in eaci: r e m a i n i n gs c . Rows 39-46: With Main Color ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Rows 47-52: Ch 1, turn; sc in first (Ig-2I)(23-25_27) sc: r,..ith ContrastingColor sc in next 28 sc; with Main Color sc in each remaining sc. SLEEVE SHAPING Rows l and 2 (lncreaserows): Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc. work acrossin establishedpattern to last sc, 2 sc in last sc: ( 7 0 7 4 )( 7 8 - 8 2 - 8 6 )s c . Rows 3 and 4 (lncreaserows): With Main Color ch 1. turn: 2 sc in first sc, sc in each sc acrossto last sc.2 sc in last sc: (74-78)(82-86-90)sc Rows 5-10: With Main Color ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across Rows 11-18: Ch 1, turn; sc in first (Ig-20)(22_24Z6t sc: r{-:r,.. ContrastingColor sc in next 38 sc; with Main Color sc in each r e m a i n i n gs c . Rows 19-26: With Main Color ch 1. turn; sc in each sc across. R o w s 2 7 - 3 4 : C h 1 , t u r n ; s c i n f i r s t ( 1 3 1 5 ) e 7 - 1 . gZ I t s c : u : r r ContrastingColor sc in next 48 sc; with Main Color sc in eacr r e m a i n i n gs c . Rows 35-(40-41)(42-43-44):With Main Color ch 1. rurn: .c ::. each sc across. SHOULDER SHAPING Row 1: Turn; slip st in first (6 7)(7-B 8) sc. ch 1. sc :n sarre :: and in each sc acrossto last (5-6)(6-7-7) sc: (64 66)(70-72.76) sc. Row 2: Turn; slip st in first (7-7)(8-8 g) sc. ch 1. sc in same s:r and in each sc acrossto last (6-6)(7-7-S)sc: finish of{: (52-54)(56-58-60)sc.

FINISHING Sew Sleeve and shoulder seams leaving a ( 1 0 - 1 0 )( 7 0 1 / z - I 0 1 / z - 1"1 N ) eck opening. Matching rows, weave Sleeve and side in one connnuous seam (Fig. 4, page 7). NECK EDGING With right side facing and using smaller size hook. join )\la:n Color with a slip st at shoulder seam. ch 1. sc evenlu arouni errtireNeck opening; join with a slip st to first sc. finish o: Work Sleeve Edging in same manner. Weave in all yarn ends.

Photographylocation courtesv of Jolly Roger's Marina: Lake l4aumelle. AR

we have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and c o m p i e t e . W e c a n n o t . h o w e v e r , b e r e s p o n s i b l ef o r h u m a n e r r o r , t y p o g r a p h i c a l m l s t a k e so r v a r i a t i o n si n i n d i v i d u a lw o r k . G a r m e n t s m a d e a n d i n s t r u c t i o n st e s t e db y J o A n n B o w r i n g . M a r g a r e t Bredrow. C a r l a C o c h r a n . V i r g i n i a H o g a n a n d M a r y E J l e nM o r o a n



,w^iri l',' ii'lr I l

I il"





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