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Abate: to decrease; reduce Abdicate: to give up a position, right, or power Aberrant: deviating from what is normal Abeyance: temporary suppression or suspension Abject: wretched, miserable; pitiful. Abject sounds like Reject...hopeless person is always rejected Abjure: to formally give up held belief; renounce(give up abandon) upon oath. Abscission: the act of cutting things off ; the natural separation of a leaf or other part of a plant. ab + scission = scissor separates two things by cutting dem Abscond : to depart secretly Abstemious: moderate / restricted in food and drnk...marked by astinence and restraint Abstinence: the giving up of certain pleasures Abysmal: very bad Accretion: growth in size or increase in amount Accrue: to accumulate; grow by additions Adamant: uncompromising; unyielding.. a + diamond : diamond is a very hard substance and hence we can't break it easily. Similarly, adamant person is one whom we can't persuade easily. Adjunct: something added, attached, or joined Admonish: to caution or reprimand, warn, firm rebuke : He admonished the child for his wrong behaviour. Adulterate: to corrupt or make impure Aesthetic: esthetic, relating to beauty or the arts; aes sounds like ash-aishvarya.so,everyone appreciates the beauty of aishvarya. Affected: pretended; artificial; phony Affinity: fondness; liking; similarity Aggrandize: to make larger or greater Aggregate: amounting to a whole; total Alacrity: cheerful willingness; eagerness; liveliness; enthusiasm. Alchemy : medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation Allay : to lessen; ease; soothe Alleviate: to relieve; improve partially Alloy: a combination; a mixture of two or more metals Allure: the power to entice by charm

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Akin: similar.. Amalgamate: to combine into a unified whole Ambiguous: unclear or doubtful in meaning Ambivalence: the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes Ambrosia: something delicious; the food of the gods Ameliorate: to improve, better, meliorate, Imli laaeyo re to improves the taste of sambar. Amenable: agreeable; cooperative; suited Amen in arab = I agree... Amenity : something that increases comfort : civic amenities.. Amulet: ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits. You will be never late in exams if u wear this amulet. Anachronism: something out of the proper time Analogous: comparable, similar, analogy, akin.. Anarchy: absence of government; state of disorder Analgesic: medication that reduces or eliminates pain Anodyne: something that calms or soothes pain; analgesic; Ann will not die from pain if she gets some aspirin. Anomalous: irregular; deviating from the norm... A(not) + nomal (normal); someone who is not normal Antecede: Precede. This invention anteceded this one. Antecedents: something that comes before; precede; preceding events or circumstances that influences what comes later; early life; ancestors; ascendent; Antediluvian: prehistoric, ancient old person.. Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are OLD... very Old.. Antipathy: dislike; hostility Apathy: indifference Apex: the highest point Apogee :the point in an orbit most distant from the body being orbited; the highest point Apothegm: a terse, pithy saying, consice, witty saying.. A POTHI contains many short stories. Appease : to calm, pacify, placate Appellation: name, title or designation to distinguish with others Apposite: strikingly appropriate and relevant; apt suitable; matched; appropriate; most suitable

apposite=> opposite of OPPOSITE i.e. perfectly

Apprise : to inform, make aware, apprize. One who will inform will get the prize (apprise) Approbation: praise, approval Appropriate: suiatable and apt; to take possession of for one's own use, invasion..

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Apropos : relevant Arabesque: ornate design featuring intertwined curves; a ballet position in which one leg is extended in back while the other supports the weight of the body Archeology: the study of material evidence of past human life Ardor: great emotion or passion; intensity, DOR (hindi movie) in which Gul Panag actress was very Passionate about finding the killer of her husband Arduous : extremely difficult; laborious Argot: jargon, lingo, cant( jargon of criminals), a specialized vocabulary used by a group like of mafia bhais, popet wagera...goat say meh meh only other goats can understand its lingo. Arrest: to stop; to seize; halt ; take into custody -->collar Artifact: item made by human craft Artless: guileless; natural Ascetic: one who practices self-denial Asperity: severity n roughness on surface like mirror stone; Something that is harsh and hard to endure like weather; sharpness of temper; Aspersion: slander; false rumor; to defame Assiduous: diligent; hard-working, persistent effort, sedulous,..eg. her assiduous attempts to learn French Assuage: to make less severe Astringent: harsh; severe Asylum: place of refuge or shelter, a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person..sounds like a-slum, refuge look like slums..The family sought asylum in a cave to escape the pack of wolves Atavism : in biology, the reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence; In man return of a char/trait after a period of absence; Remember as Avatar.. Attenuate: to weaken Audacious: bold; daring Austere : stern and strict, simple self denial. Eg. 1. The matron’s austere expression was enough to terrify the children into silence. 2. The monk devoted himself to an austere life in the forest. Autonomous: self-governing; independent Avarice : greed, cupidity, insatible desires for wealth n material possestions. a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a family where a greedy member of family kills the patriarch to obtain his wealth...so that he can become a waris of family's wealth Aver: to affirm; declare to be true Avocation: secondary occupation Avuncular: being or like an uncle in kindness, benevolent and tolerant. avUNCULar..uncle... Eg: She loved the avuncular way in which he patted her head each time she came to meet him.

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Axiomatic: taken for granted; self-evident truth Bacchanalian: pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry banal: commonplace; trite; hackneyed; cliche; phrase culled in meaning by repition. ALl those who use Repeat the same act will be BANned baleful: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments, menacing banter: playful conversation. light teasing..joking Bard: poet; bard sounds like bird--imagine a poet writing a poem on bird; or poet having beard. bawdy: obscene, unchaste, vulgar, indescent. Item girls showing body in songs it means its vulgar bedizen: to dress in a vulgar, garishly, and tastelessly, showy manner, decorate tastelessly; bed(bad)+zen--few bad girls who came out of that ZEN car were dressed up garishly. beatific: blessed, blissful, heavenly, experienceing or bestowing celestial joy, Beautiful beats makes one feel heavenly blissful behemoth: huge creature; anything very large and powerful, a person of exceptional importance and reputation, magnate; he word "mamoth" a large huge creature belie: to contradict; misrepresent; give a false impression; Eg: the document drafted in such a way as to belie her actual intentions. belie ~ lie means something false. beneficent: kindly; doing good bifurcate: to divide into two parts, cleave, BI meanes 2..furcate means parts... blandishment: flattery, act of urging, BLAN (like PLAN) + DISH (food) = PLAN a DISH to FLATTER somebody... blase: bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned, indifference, blase sounds like baass (enough, stop now)!! so when u had enough u get bored and say baass!! bolster: to give a boost to; prop up; support bombastic: pompous; using inflated language boorish: rude; insensitive bovine: cowlike, remain calm, placid n dull, unexcitable, bov(boy)+ine(ninesounds like boy nine..so a nine year boy is generally very innocent and placcid so cowlike....and they are generally very slowthinking brazen: bold; shameless, audacious, insolent (casual disrespect),,,Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and brazen! broach: bring up a topic for discussion, open up; When YOU appROACH a girl for the first time, You need to BROACH. bucolic: characteristic of the countryside; rustic; pastoral; short poem on rural or pastoral life...bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"... burgeon: to grow and flourish...burgeon ~ burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow) burnish: to polish, smooth n shiny; like furnish: polishing and rubbing to make it shine.. buttress: to reinforce; support.. give ur butt some support n rest by sitting..

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cacophonous: unpleasant or harsh-sounding cadge: to beg; sponge....cadge....sounds like cage....some1 in d cage begging to get out callous: pachyderm, thick-skinned; insensitive (impt), hardened, unfeeling... callous sounds like KHALLAS(Hindi), so jiski sensitivity khallas ho gayi hai.....Eg. He had worked in hospital for som many years that he was callous to the suffering of the wards.. calumny: false and malicious representation; defamation, aspersion, slander..calumny, sounds like kalmuhi, which is a harsh remark given by a saas to her bahu. So its a kind of slander... ALUMNI--imagine urself slandering n defaming some of ur cllg ALUMNI canard: false rumor; deliberately misleading story.... Remember Kannad movies...their fighting is so unreal..false... so remember canard as being a false portrayal. canon: an established set of principles; a basis or standard for judgment; a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired... relate it with CANON xerox machine....used for copying SET OF BOOKS cant: insincere talk; language of a particular group cantankerous: irritable; ill-humored capricious: fickle, whim, fanciful, unpredicatbale impuslsive changes in one thinks... ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car captious: faultfinding. First word that comes to mind -Captain, who will always find and call attention to Faults which must be altered....Eg. The tutor was so captious that the students found it extremely difficult to continue there. carping: persistent petty and unjustified criticism; fault finding..Car+p(ark)+ing; Many people find faults in ur carparking style... If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain... carping... cardinal: of foremost importance, cheif, fundamental, primal. cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body carnal: of the flesh or body; related to physical appetities ... girl tells 2 boy in hindi- "mere naal (with me in punjabi) aana ho to car carnal honi chaiye" Eg: Men is taught and trained to suppress his intimate carnal desires. cartography: science of making maps and charts caste: any of the hereditary social classes in Hindu society; social stratification castigation: punishment; chastisement; criticism cataclysm: a violent upheaval(turbulence, agitation) that causes great destruction and change...calamity, catastrophe, tsunami, earthquake, french revolution... catalyst: agent that causes change while it remains unaffected and unchanged. categorical: absolute; without exception; unqualified.. assume that there are two categories A & B and you have to put an object in one of them..now when you put that object in a category..you are ABSOLUTEly sure that it belongs there. caucus: smaller group within an organization, a closed political meeting... cau + cus sounds like can discuss..... lets get together in a group and discuss about who will be elected ... causal: involving a cause and effect relationship.. Eg. The committee examined the casual factors for the accident and prepared a detailed report.

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caustic: burning; harsh; stinging; causing corrosion; sacastically biting.. caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or buning celestial: concerned with sky or heavens; sublime centrifugal: moving away from a center or authority.. the division of Europe into warring blocs produces everincreasing centrifugal stress centripetal: moving or directed toward a center ... The petals of a flower are bound by a bud in the center, thus bending towards the center..Unifying...Eg: Meditation is believed to move from physical relaxation to the centripetal forces in one’s soul and relax both. champion: fight for a cause; to defend or support; Champions are like super man who has capability to support and defend there friends.. Eg: The winning team had many champions to cheer and support them at the contest chasten : to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue chicanery: trickery; fraud...Chicni chupdi baatein karne wala will DECEIVE you! chivalry: the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry toward women churlish: rude; boorish.... CHURLISH- if u chk the word,,and see,u will find hurl in the middle..hurl is somthing negative,, bad..etc.. circuitous: roundabout, deviation fr a straight course in speech etc...puzzling....the explanation was circuitous and puzzling", "a roundabout paragraph clamor NOISY

: noisy outcry.. CLAMOR rhymes wit glamour....whenever de crowd sees a glamour girl they become

clairvoyant: one who can predict the future; having foresight; fortuneteller... take it like this.......clair----clear for voyant derive meaning from voyage which means a long journey so clairvoyant is a person who can take a clear journey into the future and see whats in there

clique : a small, exclusive group with common purpose...sounds like 'click'..imagine that u click on a picture in which small grp of people are there cloister: to confine; seclude; monastery or convent; closed or where sisters are resides.....

cloister....close+sister...where sisters (nuns) are getting

coagulate: thicken; congeal, clot coalesce: to cause to become one; combine; fuse ... coal- combination of wood and charcoal. coda: concluding part of a literary or musical composition; something that summarizes or concludes codify: to systematize; classify; arrange (law, rules) as a code.. codes have to be in order. So codifyinfg the codes makes some sense. cognizant: informed; conscious; aware collage

: artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements

commensurate: proportional.. gaurav asked.. come and see the rate. it'll be equal to the rate of the cheapest product. compendium: brief, comprehensive summary

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complacent: self-satisfied ... placement ... hogaya ab i am fully satisfied with myself

complaisant: overly polite; willingness to comply with the wishes of others.. com + plais(please) + ant come and please the a(u)nt..lol compliance: conformityt in fulfilling the requirements; readiness to yeild; submission... After lot of complaints police took severe action against hin and at the thief decided to consider compliance. compliant: yielding complement: something that completes or makes up a whole, consummate, make perfect.. compunction: uneasiness caused by guilt conclave: private/confidential meeting, con (conference) + clave (cave); we are going to organize a secret conference (meeting) in a cave. conciliatory: overcoming distrust or hostility.. soothing concoct : to devise/invent, made up by mixing or combining (ingredeints) coct for coktail my mixing... concomitant: event/situation existing at same time concurrently in same place , accompaniment...con(together) + comitant(sounds like commitment)..so if we have committed to each other, we'll go together. condone : to overlook voluntarily; forgive, excuse, ... if u use condom u will be forgiven by health and family welfare department confound: to baffle; perplex; mix up, confuse, puzzle, CONfusion FOUND == CONFOUND congenial: similar in tastes and habits; friendly; suited to your needs... con(same)+genial(gene jaise). Having same kind of genes. If genes are same then the nature and tastes may match. conjugal: pertaining to marriage, in Indian music we have JUGALbandi, which is harmony of 2 different intruments...can imply marriage frm it.. Eg: conjugal bliss.. connoisseur: expert in matters of taste; expert knowledge or training conscript: draftee, a person forced into military service.. By writing script we make some events to occur forcefully. consecrate: dedicate, vow, devote for a high purpose.. Con + Secrate (sounds like SACRED).SACRED is "holy". It,refers to holiness when one dedicates his life to "god"...Eg: We shall consecrate our lives to this noble purpose..Eg: She consecrated herself to Lord Krishna. contend : to assert, compete.. He contended that Communism had no future" contentious: contention, quarrelsome; causing quarrels, causing controversies..If everyone around you is content and you are not, you might start thinking of something to make them less happy. contiguous: touching; adjacent, neighboring; connecting without a break.. Each state in the United States is touching/adjacent to another; they are all continous, which sounds similar to contiguous continence: self-control; abstention from sexual activity.. sounds like "abstinence" which is to stay away or to restrain. contrite: very sorrowful for a wrong; seeking forgiveness... contrite - I din do it rite .. so he is regretful contumacious: disobedient; resisting authority, rebellious... Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient

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conundrum: riddle; diff prblm, puzzle with no solution.. SPLIT AS CO - nun - D - rum. Making a nun DRINK rum & solving a difficult riddle is the same. convention: practice widely observed in a group; custom; accepted technique or device converge: to approach; come together; tend to meet convex: curved outward concave : curving inward convivial: occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company, festivity, gay...somewhat close to carnival which also implies festivity convoluted: twisted; complicated, intricate, wrangled.. Digital Signal Processing, Convolution theorem was very hard to understand!! coquette: woman who flirts..woman says to man "COCK DE"... just decipher... copious : abundant; plentiful, ample, rich....By copying in an exam, some get a LOT of marks cornucopia: horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance, profusion... corn + copia copia is similar to copius meaning plentiful, cornucopia thus means plenty of corn(grains/fruits). cosmology: study of the universe as a totality; theory of the origin and structure of the universe covert: hidden; secret... Covert sounds like "covered [covert = cover + t or covered + t] and something which is covered can be considered a secret. covetous: avaricious, eagerly desire of things other ppl having... covetous = split it as cove(love) + to + US ; because of excessive greed and the love for money covetous people go to USA..Eg: the child was covetous by nature and wanted to take the toys belonging to his classmates. cozen; to mislead by trick or fraud; deceive...my cousin cozen me and stole my zen craven: Cowardly... Ravana was a coward man!!! he proved it by taking away Cita/Sita in absence of Ram. credence: acceptance of something as true; belief; relate as Evidence : when u have evidence for something.then it has to be.."believable and should be accepted as true" credo: any system of principles or beliefs; creed.....every breed has it's own creed/credo daunt: to discourage; intimidate; dishearten dearth: Scarcity, paucity, insufficient in amount or number..dearth = death + r (reason) reason for death is scarcity(of food, shelter,health) thus dearth is scarcity debauchery: Corrupt, profane, make intemprate Eg: a vicious newspaper can debauch public ideals..de + bauch (when pronounced sounds like boss)...so you think that your BOSS IS morally corrupt. decorum: proper behavior, propreity, defame: to malign; harm someone's reputation default: to fail to act deference: respect; courteous regard for another's wish

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defunct: dead, no longer existing. de (means without) + funct(function)..so something without a functioning is considered DEAD...Eg: the lawyer sought to examine the books of defunct corporation. delineate: to represent or depict, describe in vivid detail, delineate sounds like alienate, and if you are attacked by aliens, you would describe the event in vivid detail in order to make people believe you! demographic: related to population balance demotic : pertaining to or for people... demo means relating to people like in a democracy. demur: to express doubt; question or oppose, a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings (in law)...sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object! denigrate: to slur someone's reputation; defame; DENIGRATE=DENY+GREAT.so if yu deny someone is great ,it means you BELITTLE him denizen : an inhabitant; a regular visitor; dwell, acclimate; word rhymes with the word citizen (which can be related to the above meaning) denouement: outcome of the events; unraveling of the plot of a play or work of literature...de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report. deride: to mock..speak with contempt, ridicule...DE mujhe ek aur RIDE de, else i'll MAKE FUN OF you, RIDICULE you. derivative: something derived; unoriginal desiccate: to dry completely..dehydrate, arid, lacking spirit, lifeless,...desi cake is always dried up. desuetude: state of disuse ie. no longer practiced or inactivity...de sue can be remembered as Disuse. desultory: disconnected; rambling...marked by lack of regularity of plans or purpose...jumping...anshuman...Deresult...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to nothing. deterrent: something that discourages or hinderence..DETER + RENT. A high rent IS ALWAYS A discouraging factor FOR TENANTS. detraction: the act of taking away; opposite of attraction diaphanous: transparent; thin, clear, insubstancial Eg: they saw the burgular through the diaphanous curtain...Eg: sexy night gowns are diaphonous" .i.e transparent diatribe: bitter/thunderous verbal attack..dia+tribe:the lower ranked tribe(in caste division) always face thunderous verbal attack from upper caste people dichotomy: division into two usually contradictory parts...a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses..DICHO-'two'+TOMY-'cut' so CUT INTO TWO diffidence: shyness; lack of confidence..This word sounds similar to Confidence but is opposite in meaning. So, Diffidence means lacking self-confidence diffuse

: to spread out..

digression: act of straying/wandering from the main point...diversion...dig+reason: if u go deep inside the reason, then what will happen that u will moved from the main subject. dirge: funeral hymn

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disabuse: correct from a false impression, undeceive..correcting a false impression without abusing so disabuse ;) discerning: perceptive; exhibiting keen insight and good judgement..di-screening. A DUAL SCREENING PERSON, WHO KEEPS ON SCREENING EVERYTHING AROUND TWICE( VERY OBSERVANT, ALERT) discomfit: to make uneasy; disconcert, loose one composure..defeat..remember as DISCO(dance) + FIT(fight), I lost in both of them. DEFEATED. discordant: not in tune discredit: to dishonor; disgrace, defame discrepancy: difference between, lask of consistency...eg: police noticed some discrepencies in his description of the crime and did not beieved him.. discrete: constituing a separate thing; distinct discretion: quality of showing self-restraint in speech or actions, prudence, ability to adjust actions to circumstances...veiwers discretion recommended.. ingenious: clever, displaying genius or brilliance.. ingenuous : naive, candid, unsophisticad.. disingenuous: not candid, crafty, not naive, sophisticated.. disinterested: unpredujiced; objective disjointed: lacking order or coherence; dislocated..lacking continuity...DIS (not) + JOINTED (connected)...so disjointed is disconnected or scattered. dismiss : put away from consideration; reject disparage: to belittle..make less...express a -ve opinion...dis-opposite, parase-praise so if u don't praise 4 someone u criticize him. disparate: dissimilar..disparity.. disguise: an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something; dissemble: to pretend; disguise one's motives...make believe with the intent to deceive... dissemble = not resemble i.e disguise disseminate: to spread; scatter; disperse...dis + seminate seminate could be taken as seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place. Hence disseminar could be understood as the scattering of people dissolution: termination or disintegration of relationships b/w persons..; debauchery, looseness in morals..dissolution is the opposite of resolution. When you make a resolution you make a promise, when you make a dissolution you BREAK or dissolve the promise! dissonance: discord; lack of harmony distend : to expand; swell out distill

: extract the essential elements

distrait: inattentive; preoccupied...the TRAIT of DIStraction diverge : to vary; go in different directions from the same point

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divest : to strip; deprive; rid..defrock..di + vest; (A vest is a type of collarless sleeveless upper-body garment. ); divest is to remove it. divulge : to make known something that is secret document: to provide with written evidence to support doggerel: poor or crude or comic verse..WHO LET THE DOGS OUT.............ISN'T IT FUNNY.......SO SOMETHING COMICAL......THIS WORD IS ASSOCIATED WITH COMICAL...SO A COMIC ..SONG..COMIC VERSE dogmatic: stating opinions without proof, positive...code of beleifs accepted as authoritative... dormant : inactive, impassive dross

: waste; worthless matter,dangerous matter to be removed, impurities..


: to deceive; trick

ebullient: exhilarated; overly enthusiastic eclectic: selecting from various sources effervescence: state of high spirits or liveliness; process of bubling as gas escapes effete : lacking of strenghth or vitality, feeble; decadent : marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay...effete...ef+fete..feet...so when you walk for longer distances on your feet, you feel completely worn out......as if you are lacking in power (defeat) dissident: person who disagrees about beliefs doctrinaire: dogmatic; unyielding efficacy: effectiveness; efficiency effrontery: shameless boldness rudeness insolent; audacious, presumptuousness..for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and argues...in a rude manner. affront: insult effront = insulting and rude... disrespect... Presumptuous: audacious, Going beyond what is right or proper because of an excess of self-confidence or arrogance, egoism : the tendency to see things in relation to oneself; self-centeredness egotistical: excessively self-centered; conceited elegy

: poem or song expressing lamentation

elicit : to provoke; draw, to generate, arouse, educe, deduce..... implicit - which is understood .. explicit means specifically told/derived so elicit - explicit elicitation: act of eliciting construe: interpret, make sense of..construe = construct + true messages from indirect references; e.g. if i construe your message correctly... solicit: request urgently n persistently, seek, elixir : a substance believed to have the power to cure ills, philosphers stone ( alchemist, all metals to gold )... lix-resembles licks(tongue lick)..an animal licks its wound to cure it. Licking in animals is a kind of curing or nursing

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Elysian : delightful; blissful, heavenly, divine,...) Elysian sounds like "Alice in..." wonderland, which is like heaven emaciated: thin and wasted..gaunt, haggard,...mausi eat something u r so emaciated embellish: to adorn; enhance embroidery: embellish emollient: toiletry ointment/cream for soothing; mollifying...break it like e + moll, now moll = mall, so in summer we go to a mall because of its centralized 'AC' for a soothing climate. empirical: derived from observation or experiment rather than theory, practical...emperical formula-a formula can b stated after experiencing the validity of its results. emulate : to imitate; copy encomium: a formal expression of praise, eulogy, panegyric,..May be in future we have to praise a new metal named 'Encomium' which will be more precious than Platinum. endemic : inherent; belonging to an area...to local area...disease or some specific.. enervate: to weaken...if someone ATE your ENERGY (ENER+vATE), you would be WEAKENED or tired engender: to cause; produce enhance : to increase; improve entomology: the scientific study of insects...ent(sounds like ant...and ants come under insects)+ logy(means study)..so studying about insects enunciate: to express or state clearly, lucid, .... "A NUN SHE ATE"..u enunciated so clearly dat "A NUN ate smth" ephemeral: short-lived; fleeting; evanescent. epistemology: branch of philosophy that examines the nature of knowledge, theory of know.... epitome : a prototype example plus also a abstract, paradigm.. epitome,at d end it sounds like TOM-remember tom n jerry r d "perfect example" of EPIc. equable : steady; unvarying; serene, tranquil ( state of peace and quiet) .. an equable climate...Equable rhymes like Equally stable, any one who is equally stable is not easily irritated equanimity: composure; calmness, placid, tranquil...equanimity = equal + enmity. To fight the enemy you need to be composed and temperamental, else he'll beat you. Magnanimity: generosity; nobility, largesse.. magNANIMAous, NANI MA in hindi, is always "generous" to us equivocate: intentionally use vague language errant

: mistaken; straying from the proper course

erudite : learned; scholarly.. profound knowledge...taken from rude+ite...in olden days people who were higly educated were basically very rude...as they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people. esoteric: hard to understand; known only to a few essay : to make an attempt; subject to a test..tentative attempt..during a test you write an essay to try and prove you know the material

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estimable: (1) possible to estimate (2) admirable, deserving of respect or high regard.. firstly estimable -> estimate, able to calculate... secondly, estimable->esteem.. and esteem means respect. ethnocentric: centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own group n considers it superior... etiology: study causes or origins ( of disease, circumstances etc) etymology: origin an history of a word eugenics: study of factors that influence the hereditary qualities of the human race and ways to improve those qualities eulogy

: high praise to a death person

euphemism: use of agreeable or inoffensive language in place of offensive language euphoria: feeling of extreme happiness euthanasia: mercy killing evince

: to show plainly; be an indication of

evocative: tending to call to mind or produce a reaction exacerbate: to aggravate; make worse exact

: to force the payment of; demand and obtain by authority

exculpate: to clear of blame; vindicate execrable: detertable; abhorrent exhort

: to urge by strong appeals

exort exotic exigency: crisis; urgent requirements existential: having to do with existence exorcise: to expel evil spirits; free from bad influences expatiate: to speak or write at length expatriate: to send into exile expiate : to atone for explicate: to explain;interpret;clarify expository: explanatory extant

: in existence; not lost

extemporaneous: unrehearsed extirpate: to root up; to destroy extraneous: not essencial

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extrapolation: the act of estimation by projecting known information extrinsic: not inherent of essential facetious: humorous, cleverly amusing in a tone, banter...FACETIOUS ~ face + t + (ser) ious; if you ever face any facetious remarks, you should not take them seriously facilitate: to make less difficult, make easier..when you provide FACILITIES(facilit+ ate).. it makes things less difficult. factotum: a person who does all sorts of work eg a servant; a handyman...Factotum=Fact + totum = factory + total - We can remember it like doing all(total) the work in the factory fallacious: based on a false idea or fact; misleading, deceitful..fallacious.split it like fallac+ious...if you just concentrate on fallac..it look like FALSE,......so THINK that SOMETHING is based on a FALSE OR incorrect notion..... fallow

: plowed but not sowed; uncultivated...

fatuous :foolishly self-satisfied..devoid of intelligence..focus on 'fat' in this word ..for some foolish people fat people are generally foolish...faLtu bolne wala - foolish n insane! fauna : animals of a period or region..living organism..Fauna & Flora sound similarly. Fauna = animals <> Flora = plants flora

:plants of a region or era..Fauna & Flora sound similarly. Fauna = animals <> Flora = plants

fawning :seeking favor by flattering..gain favour by cringing or flattering...sounds like FAN, he flatters submission or fear...

2. Show

feeble : lacking stength or vigor eg. feeble body...pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness, "a feeble excuse"; "a lame argument"...feeble minded...sounds like FREE + BAL -> FREE(without) from BAL(strength in Hindi) -> WEAK felicitous: suitable expressed; wee-chose; appropiate...felicitous sounds like felicitation... in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks.. feral : wild and menacing; "a pack of feral dogs".. feral , we can remember like fear+all =>we all will fear seeing a wild animal. Menacing: baleful: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments, something that is source of danger.. fervor, fervent : warmth, hot and intensite emotion.. RELATE FERVOR TO fever-BODY BECOMES WARM & AND YOU GET warm attention when u have fever ardor : heat, passion, zeal.. ardent: strong enthusiasm, glowing or shining like fire.. fetid : having a bad smell, malodorous, nausea, noisome...when fat people "bomb", its all stinking and foulsmelling .. just to remember noisome: offensively malodorous, noxious...when you fart in a silence its noisome which spreads out foul smell in a room,,,..noise in nose... fetter : to bind; confine..a shackle for the ankles or feet...when divided fett+er....fett sounds like FEET....SO your feets are tied with something like a chain .....and thus you restrained to go somewher

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decree: a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record..rule, decide with authority.... fiat

; arbitray order; authorization, decree...Imagine a fiat in which a commander is giving command.(

fidelity: loyalty; faith...ook for the root word fid...means faith, belief..so words like fidelity, confide, diffident, bonafide, fiduciary..all have fid in it and all these words are related to involving trust or faith, similarly fidelity. filibuster: use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block passage of a law...a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes...filibuster they fill the speech with bursts. finesse : to handle with a deceptive or evasive strategy; refined in performance...subtly skillful handling of a situation... fissure

: crevice...a long narrow opening,,crack... fissure - fission, means split the nuclei- so a crack

flag : to droop; grow weak and feeble..white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble fledgling : beginner; novice...young bird.. rhymes with duckling.. a young duck thus referring to inexperience flourish: 1. act of showing gesture by waving etc... 2. to grow, prosper...3. embellishment or ornamentation.. flout : to treat scornfully, contemptuous disregard..FOUL + OUT. When a batsman is given out by foul, the batsman shows his contempt to the umpire...A bird asked me if it could FLY in the room, I replied bluntly-FLY OUT. flux : 1. flowing; a continuous moving..( electric flux : the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area) fLUX, the LUX company keeps changing its soap varieties, thers LUX pink, LUX black, LUX gold etc foment : stir up, instigate, agitate, arouse...Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a milk shake. forbearance: patience..good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence...split it as FOR+BEAR+ANCE...'for'getting the 'beer' frm de shop we shld have PATIENCE forebears : 1. ancestors..2. refrain or resist fr dng something... forestall: to prevent by taking action in advance..Fore means before. Stall means to stop. Hence Forestall == Before Stop. i.e to stop something before it happens. formidable: menacing; threatening..inspiring fear...Being Formadible is not a commendable job ! You should never threaten anybody but should treat with love and friendship ! forswear: renounce; repudiate, abandon.. formally swear to renounce..disavow.. founder :to sink; fail completely; colapse....founder = fo + under = go + under = sink fracas

: a loud noisy quarrel; brawl....Imagine a Freak Ass having a noisy quarrel with people.

fractious: quarrelsome; unruly; rebellious..when u get a fracture, u get cranky,irksome fresco

: a painting done on plaster...Fresco = Fresh + Coat. A fresh coat of paint.


: ornamental band on a wall...

froward : stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient...froward rearrange the words you get forward, a person who is very forward in not accepting any new norm frugality: thrift..economical : avoiding waste...

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thrift: parsimony.. fulminate: to attack loudly; denounce...fulminate=full of mennace means creating mennace evrytime fulsome : so excessive as to be disgusting...You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise.. fulcrum: the pivot about which a lever turns fusion

; union; synthesis


: ineffective; useless; fruitless...futile is not fertile.. hence not fruitful

florid : ruddy; reddish; flowery..flo(wer) + rid(red)sounds like a flower that is in a red color.. Also, florid ~ flowery (french) gainsay : to deny; dispute; oppose,,,take challenge...she has (Gain)ed weight but is not (say)ing it which means, she is denying the fact. gambol : to frolic; leap playfully...gambol rhymes with gamble (gambling)....so de game of gambling is played in a highly spirited fashion by a set of ppl. garrulous: very talkative; wordy gauche : coarse and uncouth; clumsy, boorish, lack of social polish... geniality: cheerfulness; kindliness; sociability...like a genie who is always cheerful and nice... gerrymander: to divide an area into voting districts in a way that favors a political party, divide unfairly..Relate it with Jerry of 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon in which Jerry divided everything partially with Tom and quarrels with him... so possessing a Jerry's mind - Gerrymander glib : fluent in an insincere way; offhand...artfully persuasive in speech...articulate...split the word into go library. Someone who goes to teh library very frequently obviously is very articulate and thus fluent,slick,diplomatic with people goad : to prod; urge on..goad?sounds like god?..everyday when we pray?we always URGE to god ,to give us courage to face all the hurdles and obstacles in life...goad tells you to "GO And Do [it] gossamer: sheer; light and delicate; like cobwebs, spider web.... SOUNDS LIKE gussa..mar de yaar..gussa mat ho.....take things lightly....light lena sikho..yaar..that's how you advice your friend. gouge : to tear out (eyes); scoop out; overcharge..relate it wid ""gao ge"(in hindi as we pronounce singing) ->IndianIdol ->Anu Malik-saying agar tum aisa bekar gao ge to main tumhari ankhen bahar nikal dunga (by digging/ scooping action)! Can he use a chisel also in doing so?! grandiloquent: pompous; bombastic gregarious: outgoing; sociable, always in grp...remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together... similarily AGGREGATION -> GREGATION ->GREGARIOUS so always in group n social... grouse

: to complain,... my ROSE Gone some where...i gave COMPLAIN in the police station

gullible: easily deceived... guileless: free of cunning or deceit; artless... guise

: outward appearance; false appearance...Disguise means a false appearance...therefore GUISE ! :)

gustatory: affecting the sense of taste...relate it to gusto..in mnemonic it says guests..so wen guests come u relate n your cookin is affected by their sense of taste..

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halcyon : calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous...halcyon sounds like "halka"...in hindi this word is used 4 "soothing or peaceful"...like in song "halka-halka sa ye nasha"... hallowed: holy; sacred, blessed, consecrated...Hallowed would make you remember the hindi movie "Hello" in whick Katrina Kaif was GOD holocaust: mass destruction (fire, killing jews...)...holocaust - conc. on (caust) - we read it as caustic ... caustic is something that causes burning sensation , acidic ... holocaustic is extreme of caustic that is fully destroyed by burning .. harangue: long forceful criticism sppech, pompous speech; tirade..HARANRGUE can be split as har + ang + u + e....so when YOU are ANGry with HAR(her), she is subjected to a long or intensive verbal attack harrowing: extremely distressing, painful; agony....harrow - sounds like sorrow and sorrow leads to agony, herbivorous: an animal that feeds mainly on plants hermit: sadhu, one who lives in solitude..retired fr soceity.. hermitage: home of hermit... hermetic: 1. tighly sealed like hermits solitude... 2. obscure, mysterious, occult..hermetic = her + met so when i met her she was OBSCURE and MYSTERIOUS by nature... so it didn't worked out :P heterodox: not widely accepted..departure from accepted beliefs or standard...heterodox--hetero-means different+ dox --means opinion, so different or many opinions hedonism: pleasures has utmost impt...he(is)don... and obviously has strong devotion to pleasures of senses.. hieroglyphics: a system of writing in which pictorial symbols represent meanings or sounds; wirting or symbols that are difficult to decipher hirsute : covered with hair, hairy...some one who wears a hir(hair)+sute(suit)....so someone who wears a suit of hairs to look like jamvant( a hindu mythological character)...who was very hairy)... histrionic: characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected.. histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical homeostasis: tendency of a sys. (like human immune system) to maintain relative stability... homage : praise, honor, tribute..Homage = Home + Age; In our culture, we respect the aged persons of our home. homily : sermon; serious warning....homily = home becomes silly....when you get a warning from your parents you take it as an unwanted homily (sermon)... Sermon: an address of a religious nature...a moralistic rebuke...preaching... hyperbole: purposeful exaggeration for effect...hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak)..so someone who gives the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically. iconoclastic: attacking cherished traditions idolatry: idol worship; blind or excessive devotion.... idol..ideal....god ram is a ideal man....and we WORSHIP and devout to him. igneous : produced by fire; volcanic...igneous rocks... imbroglio: intricate n complicated situation; an entanglement... Imbroglio = I+M+bro+gigolo = I am brother of a gigolo (male prostitute).. which can be a very embarrassing or difficult situation.

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immutable: inchangeable impair : to damage; injure(making apart so injure :P), make worse....impaired - diminished in strength, quality, or utility; "impaired eyesight"...Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, Impair is to Injure. impassive: showing no emotion, inactive..poker face: a face without any interpretable expression (as that of a good poker player) ... impecunious: poor; having no money...not having enough money to pay for necessities...pecu (read as pesu means money). impec(s)unious who doesn't have money. impede :to hinder; block the passage, occlude...relate it with stampede.in a stampede there is great obstruction impermeable: impossible to permeate impervious: incapable of being affected; impossible to penetrate..im(not)+pravesh(enter) so unpenetrable.. imperturbable: not easily disturbed..not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure....imperturbabble--im + pertur (like tur tur) + babble ( just talking foolishly..). So, the person who never do any tur-tur and never babbles is a very cool, calm and peaceful guy impinge : to strike; encroach...advance beyond the usual limit.... im + pinge (pinch). When someone pinches you they infringe on ur privacy and they touch u. implacable: inflexible; incapable of being soothe (im + placate)..pleased or calmed down.. implausible: unlikely; unbelievable..having a quality that provokes disbelief... implausible rhymes with impossible....something that is impossible is unlikely implicit: implied; understood but not stated elicit: derived by reason..deduce a solution or meaning... explicit : told on face.. explode : collapse outword.. implode : collapse inward violently imprecation: curse-->maledicion; damnation( curse, bloody )...im + Precation. im and precaution. U must take precautions before cursing someone, else it may back fire. impute :to attribute the fault to; assign...relate to a particular cause or source...The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness"...Impute and attribute has the same rhyming ending. inadvertently: carelessly; unintentionally....without knowledge or intention...without getting an idea from the advertisement we end up buying wrong product i.e. inadvertently incarnate: having bodily form..carnal...Incarnate=In+Carna(l)te thus in carnal or in flesh as carnal=flesh.... so something in flesh or given bodily form, or personified inchoate: imperfectly formed or formulated.. only partly in existence...2. rudimentary, just begun, elementary... inch(o)+ate i've "just begun" to eat an inch incongruity: state of not fitting...lack of harmony...disagreement... Inconsequential: insignificant; unimportant incorporate: introduce something into another thing already in existence

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incursion: sudden invasion indeterminate: uncertain; indefinite...not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance.. indigence: Poverty...Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen indolent: habitually lazy; idle, sloth.. insolent: adudacious..shameless...sounds like insult-ent => A person who insults evryone is UNRESTRAINED, IMPRUDENT AND SHAMELESS ineluctable: not to be elude, avoided, evade, or escaped; inevitable....Suppose a course is compulsory in a particular semester. So you are unable to 'elect' another course. inert

: unable to move; sluggish

Ingenious: clever, showing skill...genius se ingenious. Ingenuous: naive and trusting; lacking sophistication,,candid nt able to hide feelings... naive and young ppl are generally genuine... Inherent: firmly established by nature or habit innocuous: Harmless..in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless.. Insensible: unconscious; unresponsive.. Insinuate: to suggest; say indirectly; hint, imply...sinuous" means winding like a sine or snake, complicated and insinuate means to understand, say indireclty, hint.. Insipid : lacking in flavor, taste or intrest..bland, vapid, dull...n+ sipid(spell it as spit..) ,we spit when the FOOD LACKS FLAVOR : or it is TASTELESS. insouciant: indifferent; lacking concern or care...insouciant: sounds like In-soup-ant or in-sauce-ant. Suppose the waiter serves you a soup with an ant in it and he is not even concerned about removing it, is insouciant. Insularity: narrow-mindedness; isolation or detached...we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are ISOLATING the wires from the environment.. insuperable: insurmountable; incapable of being surmount, unconquerable...the root SUPER reminds us of superman, who is unbeatable Intangible: not material, cnt touch.. Interdict: to forbid; prohibit..INTER(between) + DICT(speak) = when you speak in between, you PROHIBIT someone else from speaking. internecine: deadly to both sides..mutually destructive...Necrophobia =Fear of dead, Necromancy=Magic with dead,Inter-necine=Both of them die.(the fighters) interpolate: to insert; change by adding new words or material..graphics...INTER(between) + POLATE(like plate) = INSERT the plate BETWEEN two other plates. extrapolate: projection, conjecture...To estimate the value of a variable outside a known range from values within that range by assumin... interregnum: interval between reigns or govt..gap in continuity..reg stands for king or kingly styles (e.g. in regicide,regalia etc.) so inter regnum = in between two kings(referring to their ruling period)..

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Intimate: marked by close acquaintance association or familarity, closeness, someone to whom private matters are confided, wife, close frnd.. 2: hint eg: she intimated rather stating her preferences.. intractable: not easily managed...stubborn...things which can not be brought in the right track... opposite of tractable. intransigence: stubbornness; refusal to compromise... introspective: contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings..introvert, self examing...inspection on onesef.. Inundate: to cover with water, deluge, flood, overwhelm..I+NUN +DATE....I asked the NUNs for a DATE and i was FLOODED with letters from christian societies for violating the social norms. overwhelm : arge someone with too many tasks, deluge, overcome by superior force....eg:The gigantic army overwhelmed its enemy... Inured : hardened; tough, accustomed; used to..ingrained..inured to alaskan cold..someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH Invective: verbal abuse..ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.... Inveigh : to disapprove; protest vehemently..veigh sounds like weigh... a person passionate about their weight would protest and complain if they were overweight Inveigle: to win over by flattering or coaxing..urging... Inveterate: confirmed; long standing or habitual...In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning Invidious: likely to provoke ill will..INVIDIOUS OR ENVIOUS...creating envy or ill-will among people...focus on word in+VIDIO.....when tahalaka showed a VIDIO of few tainted ministers , it ROUSED ILLWILL in the whole country. Irascible: easily angered Irresolute: unsure of how to act; weak..(IR)not knowing... how to make resolutions. Itinerant: wandering from place to place (labor); unsettled....itni sari ants kahan par jaa rahi hain ... wander kar rahi hai Itinerary: route of a traveler's journey..path...guidebook.. Jaundiced:havind a yellowish discoloration of the skin; affected by envy; prejudice...Jaundiced as we know is yellowed .. so when our eyes are also yellowed we cannot see correctly .. hence pejudiced Envy: a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another.. Jaunt: trip, short journey taken for pleasure..excusion, expedition, junket...Journey to your AUNT's place J-AUNT Jibe

: to be in agreement....ji.....BA....ji ba.(for mom) when we agree with them in some matter..

Jocose : fond of joking; jocular, characterized by jokes and good humor..jesting....OCOSE = JOKE + OSE .The suffix OSE indicates this is an Adjective, therefore pertaining to jokes juggernaut: huge froce destrying everything in its path... this word came into use from the British rule. On the day of festival a british officer saw the crowd and mispronounced Jagannath as juggernaut. Junta : group of people united in political intrigue...A military dictatorship is a form of government wherein the political power resides with the military... To overpower government , junta( hindi) has to come together Intrigue: a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends, schemes...

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Juxtapose: place side by side...juxta..just next+pose..(place)..so place something just next to something. Kudos

: fame; glory; honor, praise....KUDO(to jump in Hindi). one JUMPS with joy on recieving an HONOUR


: likely to change...LABILE is something LIABLE TO CHANGE

Laconic : using few words, breif to the point...LAC..LACK, SO LACK OF WORDS in her speech, specify that she used very few words to portray her ideas Lambaste: to trash verbally or physically, scold, reprimand.... lamba st(ick) se pitai karna... beat badly with a long stick.. Lame: crippled..stupid... Lascivious: driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires, lewd... Lassitude: lethargy; sluggishness Latent : dormant; (pathology) :not presently active.."latent infection", "latent diabetes"...)....potentially existing but not presently evident or realized..."a latent fingerprint", "latent talent"...Latent heat can be seen as heat which is "HIDDEN". Laud

: praise

Lethargic: inactive Levee : 1. en embankment that prevents a river from overflowing 2. a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court)... levy : the act of drafting into military service... impose and collect eg. levy tax....sounds like 'Navy' a branch of Army. Imagine you are 'Recruiting' new soldiers in Navy. Levity : light manner or attitude..lacking seriousnes...lev(leave)+it+y(.yaar)..you casually leave things without any seriousness Liberal

: tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition; broad-minded..free...

Libertine: a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained...debauch..LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral. Libido

: sexual urge or desire...

Lilliputian: extremely small..lilliputian is a also a brand of clothes for small childrens.... Limn : to draw, describe, delineate..make potrait... limn--lime..imagine u r tracing the shape of or drawing the picture of lime tree. Limpid

: clear; transparent..limpid...lucid...liquid which is transparent...

Lucid : bright; clear; intelligible..when u LOOK(luc) the ID of micorsoft employee...u will " clearly,tranparently understand,that he is clever n inteligent pellucid: crystalline, limpid..allowing light... Linguistic: pertaining to language Litany : lengthy recitation; repetitive chant..litany = light (lit ) + many (any) ; light as many candles as possible and pray along with the father (repeat the prayers aft father) ... not much meaningful but hope it helps you ! Literati: scholarly..well-educated, literary people; intellectuals who are interested in literature...

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Litigation: legal proceeding Log: record of a voyage; record of daily activities Loquacious: talkative Lucre: money or profits.. 'LUCK" people with luck have lucre....Pronounce it as 'Locker'.and Lockers in banks store money. Luminous: bright; brilliant; glowing Lustrous: shining,,bright...burnished..sometime brilliant too.. Machiavellian: crafty; double-dealing machinations: plots or schemes Maelstrom: whirpool; turmoil Malign

: to speak evil of,disrespect...Ma(bad) Lign(language) bad language

Malinger: to feign illness to escape duty Malleable: capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionate Maverick: dissenter(a person who dissents from some established policy), someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action, orthodox, irregular, rebel.. Meddlesome: interfering, Inclined or having a tendency to meddle or interfere in other people's business..officious..meddle(middle)+some..so when two people are talking WE SHOULD NEVER INTERFARE IN MIDDLE OF THEIR TALKS Megalomania: delusions of power or importance.... mega means big .. mania means craze.. for doing things... therefore MEGALOMANIA means a CRAZE for doing things in a BIG way with a show of wealth and power etc...hitler jaise... Menacing: baleful: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments, something that is source of danger.. Menagerie: a variety of animals kept together for exibhition..Sounds like manager, Most managers are like wild animals trying to bully people. menagerie is a place where such animals are kept. Mendacious: dishonest, lie Mendicant: beggar, pauper..Men+die+cant= men die because they can't work so they beg to survive Meretricious: gaudy (flashiness, showness)..specious; flasely attractive..like a merit (meret) certificate.. flashy and attractive in a way.. but of no REAL value... Mesmerize: to hypnotize metamorphosis: change; transformation meteorological: concerned with the weather Metaphysics: a branch of philosophy tha tinvestigates the ultimate nature of reality Meticulous: very careful; picky; fastidious, marked by extreme care in treatment of details...meticulous craftman...it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam.

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Microcosm: a small system having analogies to a larger system Mettle : courage to carry on; endurance.. Sounds like metal and metals are obviously strong. So, can be related to a strong courageous person. Mettlesome: full of courage and fortitude Fortitude: strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage Militate: to work against..Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed Minatory: threatening; menacing, sinister...min (men) + atory (eater) = A maneater is considered as dangerous or threatening to human being minuscule: very small minutia : petty details..a small or minor detail...eg: he had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code" misanthrope; one who hates humanity; one who dislikes others miscellany: mixture of writtings on various subjects...(noun) an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc...Miscellany is similar to Miscellaneous which consists of the stuff that cannot be categorized into any specific area, essentially because it contains a mixture of various stuff. miscreant: villain; criminal...MISCREANT=mis+create..so god created them by mistake. Who? The VILLAINS misogynist: one who hates women mitigate: alleviate; to become less severe mnemonic: realated to memory; assisting memory modicum : limited quantity,small or moderate..modicum and moderate had "mode" in common...and "cum" means small in hindi. mollify

: to soothe

monolithic: solid and uniform; constituing a single, unified whole, massive rigid n uniformity.....MONO(SINGLE) + LITHIC (related to ROCKS) --> like a SINGLE ROCK --> SOLID and UNIFORM monumental: massive..He was awed by the monumental size of the Pyramids....like a MONUMENT, monuments are BIG and IMPRESSIVE illhumor: an angry and disagreeable mood ...bad temper; irritability or surliness morose : ill-humored; sullen(dark), gloomy..he dont like rose NO-ROSE-,SO HE IS ILL HUMORED motley : variegate..varicolored...many colored; made up of many parts..a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England...eg: Rose wanted the painters to motley her room in hues of blues and greens...sounds close to the few words of the song " more rang de(ley) basanti" medley : mixture.. a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources...Medley sounds like Melody: melody = tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase. Potpourri: a hetrogeneous mixture, medley.. multifarious: many sided, many aspects, greatly diverse.....MULTIFARIOUS=MULTI+FARIOUS,farious rhymes with various...so both multi and various means de same...VARIED and GREATLY DIVERSIFIED

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: worldy as opposed to spiritual; concerned with the ordinary..boring..evryday...

Muse : think, ponder, malediction: curse..MALEDICTION=MAL+DICTION. MAL means 'evil or ill' and DICTUM is 'saying'. So to say something evil is to CURSE. necromancy; black magic..conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying...necro means a dead body.. hence necromancy means dealin with the dead.. negate

: to cancel out; nullify

neologism: new word or expression neophyte: novice; beginner nexus : a means of connection; a center...a connected series or group...remember naxalites. They have groups and connections with each other. nonplussed: puzzled, bewildered, baffle...It is a plus to know what to do - and bewildering to be non-plussed nostalgia: sentimental longing for a past time nostrum : medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness..patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable...put rum in the nose.....to cure cold.... :D nugatory: trifling; invalid, of no real value...nugatory law..No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless. obdurate: stubborn obsequious: overly submissive, servile manner, fawning, toady...ob + SEQUI + ous .. sequi means sequence where one thing "follows" the other.. and servants follow what their masters say.. quiscence...::: obsequy : funeral ceremony, the last office for the dead.. obviate : to make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent the occourence, thwart..The laser treatment obviates the need for surgery...Obviate : A-void-it occlude : to shut; block the passage, obstruct, hinder..when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or BLOCKED on them. occult : 1. relating to practices connected with supernatural phenomena....2. Eclispse, hide fr view ...... diffiCULT to understand or see...supernatural... odyssey : a long, adventurous voyage; a quest officious: too helful; meddlesome, free ki advice dete rehna...OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING. olfactory: concerning the sense of smell...ol(oil)+factory...so people are CONCERNED ABOUT THE SMELL THAT COMES FROM THE OIL FACTORY. oligarchy: form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders... governed by few wealthy ppl the ruling class....In line with Anarchy Monarchy and Oligoarchy (Oligo means few), matriarchy(run by a women) and patriarchy(run by a man)

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onerous : burdensome onomatopoeia: formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the actions they refer to....onoma (name) + poi (poet).. names that a poet uses to express natural sounds.. opprobrium: public disgrace; disrespect, contempt...If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame. ornithologist: scientist who studies birds... oscillate: to move back and forth ostentatious: showy; pretentious..intended to attract notice and impress others..oSTENTATIOUS....read it as Stuntatious....Stunts...you perform stunts to attract attention, showy. overweening: presumptuous; arrogant, excessive/exaggerated.. a person who wins over and over can be arrogant.. eg: He had a witty but overweeening manner, Overweening ambition was the cause of his downfall. paean

:song of joy or triumph; a fervent expression of joy

Paleontology: study of past geological eras through fossil remain Pallid

: lacking color or liveliness

Panegyric: elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise Paragon : model of perfection or excellence paranoid Partisan: one-sided; committed to a party, group or cause Pathological: departing from normal condition Patois

: jargon; a regional dialect

Paucity : scarcity paupas: Pedantic: showing off learning Pellucid: transparent; easily understood Penchant: inclination Penury

: extreme poverty

penjure Peregrination: wandering from place to place Peremptory: imperative; leaving no choice Perennial; present throughout the years; persistent Perfidious: faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy Perfunctory: superficial; performed really as a duty

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Perigee : point in an orbit that is closest to the earth Permeable; penetrable Perturb : to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious Pervasive: spread throughout every part Petulant: rude; peevish Phlegmatic: unemotional; calm in temperament Phoenix : anything that is restored after suffering great destruction Physiognomy: facial features Piety

: devoutness

Piquant : pleasantly pungent; attractive Pique

: fleeting feeling or hurt pride

Placate : soothe; pacify Placid

: calm

Plaintive: melancholy; mournful Plasticity: pliability; condition of being able to be shaped or formed Platitude: stale; overused expression Platonic: spiritual; theoretical Plethora: excess; overabundance Plumb

: to examine deeply; determine the depth

Plummet: to fall; plunge Plutocracy: society ruled by the wealthy Porous

: full of holes; permeable to liquids


: poerson who affects an attitude to impress others

Pragmatic: practical Prate

: to talk idly; chatter


: meaningless, foolish talk


preliminary statement




principle; law


to cause to happen; throw down from a height


rash; hasty; sudden; done without deliberation

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forerunner; predecessor


to supersede; appropiate for oneself

Prehensile: capable of graspin Premonition: forewarning; presentiment Presage : to foretell; indicate in advance presumptuous: rude; improperly bold Preternatural: supernatural; beyond the normal use of nature Prevaricate: to quibble; evade the truth Primordial: original; existing from the beginning Pristine: untouched; uncorrupted Probity : honesty; high-mindness Problematic: posing a problem; doubtful Prodigal: wasteful; extravagant; lavish Profound: deep, not superficial Prohibitive: so high as to prevent the purchase or use of, forbidding Proliferate: to increase rapidly Propensity: inclination, tendency Propitiate; to win over, appease Propriety: correct conduct, fitness Proscribe; to condemn, forbid, outlaw Provident: providing for future need, frugal Puissant: powerful Punctilious: careful in observing rules fo behavior Pungent : penetrating, caustic, to the point pusillanimous: cowerdly Purport : to profess, suppose, claim Quagmire: marsh, mire: a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot , difficult situation..Take into consideration the First three words QUAgmire. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sinks under your feet. Quail : to cower, lose heart...flinch: draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf"....it sounds like jail..so when u think of jail u shrink back in fear Quaint : odd, old fashioned..picturesque..

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Qualified: limited, restricted Qualm : sudden feeling of faintness or nausea..scrruples... 2. misgivings..his qualms of conscience has becone so gr8 that he abandoned his plans....opposite of Calm...Qualms=consciousness alarms you(about a possible fear or misgivings). scruples: hesitation, uneasiness.. Fearing that her husband had become involved in an affair, she did not scruple to read his dairy... Query

: question

Quibble : 1. to argue over insignificant and irrelevant details...2. equivocate play with words....KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA HAI?, you OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to the authorities.. Squabble: minor quarrel, bickerng....while playing scrabble, children fight with each other on minor issues...Squabble=Quarrel+scribble Quiescent: inactive, still..causing no symptoms..quies(QUITE)+scent(in hindi shant means quite)..so someone who is quite or shant for a period of time. Quorum : number of memeber necessary / min to conduct a meeting...We require a quorum of ten in order to proceed....quorus is a group of people singing a line. The minimum number of people required for singing is one quorum (singular) anecdote : is a short tale narrating an interesting or amusing biographical incident. Raconteur: witty, skillful storyteller...a person skilled in telling anecdotes.."reckon" means think. raconteur is one who thinks (writer/storyteller) Rail : to scold with bitter or abusive language...crticize..rail sounds like rail or train so when you missed your rail, your father scolded you for not reaching on time. Raiment : fine or decorative clothing..Raymond the complete man... Ramification: implication, consequence...the act of branching out or dividing into branches,,Bhagwan Ram and his brothers were subdivided, i.e., two were sent to the jungle and while the other two stayed in the kingdom. So, ramification means subdivision.

Rarefied: refined..of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style...rare(,,very less)+fied(..like field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE.. Rationale: fundamental reason Rebus : puzzle in which pictures or symbols represent words...re+bus, if we decode this word, it has 'bus' instead of the picture of the 'bus'. However the meaning of 'rebus' is other way round, where pictures are used for words. Recalcitrant: resisting authority or control Recant

: retract a statement of opinion..disavow..abjure..

Recluse : person who lives in seclusion and often in solitude... sounds like seclude...re+close . Closed=hermit Recondite: abstruse, profound, diff to understnd..recon-dite:recon sounds like reckon which means guess...if a question is DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND u will GUESS the answer Redoubtable: formidable, arousing fear..redoubtable can be re+doubt(able)..so if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR

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Refractory: stubborn, resisting ordinary methods of treatment Refulgent: brightly shining, resplendent, beaming, radiating..refulgent sounds like detergent.. use detergent to make things shine Refute : to contradict, disprove...refute rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or incorrect..you refute it or disapprove Regale

: to entertain...Regal is a famous movie theatre in Delhi,so REGAL+E(entertaintment)

relegate: to consign or assign to an inferior or lower position..eg. If you fail to submit the report today, you will be relegated"...divide it like rail+gate. Earlier station Master is now appointed as a watcher of rail gate. so, in worse position. Demonstrate : to show... remonstrate: to object, argue or protest..censure severely or angrily... renege : to go back on one's word, deny.. apni baat se mukarna...renege sounds like re-regage:when u want to re-engage it means that u ve denied ur previous engagement reparation: amends, compensation, given somethng to fix..compare it with making repairs repine : fret, complain..express discontent... Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine.. Reprisal: retaliation...revenge... reprise : repetition, especially of a piece of music..recurrent action.....REPEAT PERFORMANCE because it has got PRAISE...is RE-PRISE reprobate: morally unprincipled person...ep(repeatedly)+rob+ate.. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values.... reproach: to find fault with, blame...divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN if you are not SATISFIED or you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK.. Reprehensible: It sounds like opposite of apprehensible and apprehensible sounds like derived from appreciate..so reprehensible is something which is not appreciated. repudiate: to reject as having no authority..disown..disavow...repud(refused)+iate(to eat) = refused to take anymore or acknowledge rescind : to cancel...annul (to make void like annul marraige..)....rescind reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and rescind is to cancel an agreement. resolution: determination, resolve resolve : determination, trait of being resolute...firmness of purpose.. 2. find the solution... reticent: nor speaking freely, reserved, reluctant reverent, reverence: expressing deep respect, worshipful...reverent-divide as river end i.e we bath in the rivr end as a part of worship riposte

: retaliatory action or retort...answer back verbally..counterattack...re pose..


: excessively ornate... ro(w)+coco- you arrange and decorate coconuts in a row.


: protocol, a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type...

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: Regret..rueful...sorrowful, dejected......RUE sounds like ro(weep)...so mourn

ruse : trick, crafty stratagem... ruse: re+ use, in a shop the shopkeeper reused the old goods, which is deceptive....subterfuge: 'sub taraf fuse', if you see electrial fuses everywhere its certainly a misrepresentation, and not the true nature of connections---subterfuge. r u fuse?ruse.. both are deceptions.Sounds odd though. Sage: Wise salacious (very impt) : lascivious, lustful..moral loosness...salacious involves SALA who is salacious for his SALI. Salubrious: Healthful salutary expecting an improvement or promote physical well being, favorable to health...relate to SALUTE..so you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE savage:

attack brutally and fiercely, barbaric..beast...

salvage : save from ruin, destruction, or harm...SAlVAGE -- SAVAGE -- savage is to destroy and salvage is completely opposite to that..... sanction to approve, ratify, permit sardonic disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornfully mocking....people always mock at them making jokes. so remember as sardonic MOck: treat with contempt..eg The new constitution mocks all democratic principles....2. imitate with mockery and derision; "The children mocked their handicapped classmate" sartorial pertaining to tailors...sounds like sari tore and you need a tailor to fix it, thus sartorial pertains to tailoring.... shirt+(making)+(tuto)rial so, pertaining to tailors or tailoring satiate : to satisfy..remember with s-ate, so when we have completed our food,we are satisfied to full..(pet bhar kar khaana... saturate imbue througout, soak thoroughly... saturnine: Gloomy..Saturn = rahu, rahu = makes wrong things happen in one's life (astronomically) so meaning = gloomy, unhappy, morose.Just remember saturns rings-->glommy,dull,faroff planet . satyr: a creature that is half-man, half beast, with the horns and legs of a goat... 2.man with strong sexual desires..SAT+Yr. = Any 1 who SAT AT HOME FOR A YR. becomes a half goat n half man.... (u sit for 2yrs, u becum full goat/beast :P) martyr : one who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion savor : to enjoy, have a distinctive flavor or smell...SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You savor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat. Schematic: relating to or in the form of an outline or diagram...SCHEMATIC or SIMPLISTIC - simplified or in the form of a diagram. secrete :produce and release substance into organism... SECRETE and EXCRETE which are rhyming words, mean, to produce and discharge a substance... 2 place out of sight; keep secret; "The money was secreted from his children" sedition: behaviour prompting rebellion...resistence to authority...SEDITION or OPPOSITION which are rhyming words refer to words or actions inciting rebellion. Sedulous: diligent, assiduous... marked by care and persistent effort.....to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent

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seismic : relating to earthquakes sensual :relating to the senses, gratifying the physical (sexual) senses sensuous: relating to the senses sentient aware, concious, able to preceive..Sen(ses) + ENT) -Able to see or feel things through senses. Sentient = Sen(ses) + ENT (ear,nose,taste) servile

:submissive, obedient

sextant : navigation tool that determines latitude and longitude... For proper sex, you have to be in proper longitude and latitude to each other..(Sorry for scurrilous mnemonic) shard :a piece of broken glass or pottery... s + hard..it is very HARD to join the broken FRAGMENTS OF POTTERY. sidereal relating to the stars....we dont know which side of a star is real... it's a sidereal question simian : apelike, relating to apes...simian like simi(lar)/SAME + an ( only one) and nearly similar to mankind is the monkey or ape and that is why simian. simile : a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with `like' or `as'....simile = similar sinecure well-paying job that requieres little or no work..7 crores ... baithe baithe hi 7 crores mil jate ... singular unique, extraordinary, odd sinuous: winding, curved or curving in and out, intricate, complex...eg sinuous mountain path....Two things: 1. "sin()" uous - like a sine wave, twisting and winding 2. "sin"uous - a person who commits sins (by being dishonest). skeptic : one who doubts sobriety Seriousness..sobr..sounds like SOBER..AND a sober person is always serious about his life, therefore seriousness is the state of being sober. sodden : thoroughly soaked, drench, saturated...wet..You got SOaked by a suDDEN shower. SO+DDEN. Solicitous: concerned, attentive, eager..full of anxiety and concern,,,solicitous parents...solicitous abt future...Solicit means to request earnestly for something, but if you have to wait for it to happen then you are liable to become solicitous. Soliloquy: literary or dramatic speech by one character, not adressed to others... soliloquy?.soli(soul)??.loquy(root..loque..means..talk or speech)?now we must have seen in a play or movie?.a person talking to his soul??(talking to himself that is audible to everyone of us) solvent : able to meet financial obligations...2. to solve...3.a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem...3 solvent, 1 sounds like solve (able to solve debts, pay bills). 2 sounds like dissolve (able to dissolve other substances). 3 sounds like solve(an answer solving or telling how to solve). somatic : relating to or affecting the body, corporeal... affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit...etymologically "SOMA" means body...and thus the word SOMATIC soporific sleep producing...100(soo) puri kha kar I felt soporific. sordid :vile, filthy, contemptible and corrupt.. split it like SOR+DID..sor..sounds like sour..WE all have heard of AVARICIOUS and dishonest FOX....who once SAID A VERY FAMOUS LINE THAT WE ALL REMEMBER.....these grapes are SOUR..when we generally know that fox are quite greedy, mean , filthy

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specious :seeming to be logical and sound, but not really so.. deceptively pleasing...Like the movie "Species" about an alien woman who looks human but has other plans... spectrum: band of color, broad range of related ideas or objects.. spendthrift person who spends money recklessly... Spendthrift is actually a misnomer...split it as SPEND+THRIFT. Thrifty means, careful use of resources, so a spendthrift should actually mean someone who carefully spends money, but it means SOMEONE WHO WASTES MONEY. sporadic Irregular... squalor : filthy, wretched condition, sordid dirtiness...squalor~parlour; Girls wil never go to a parlour than is squalor (that is in neglected state, leftover hairs,used wax,spilled sticky facial mask spread in the floor -> looks like filth !) staccato marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply...staccto can be split as stac(k) +cat+to....when the cats in the stack(shelf) were asked to make sound wat u heard was A DISCONNECTED SOUND stanch :to stop or check the flow of liquid / blood...stanch~kaanch (peice of glass) ; kaanch chubta hai to khoon behta hai jise hum rokten hain (or we stanch it !) stentorian: extremely loud..sTEN + TORIAN {TONIAN} take it as tone ! so having ten tones which is like very loud stigma : mark or brand of disgrace or inferiority..mark , stain... Stigma (STICK + MAA) Imagine someone hitting his MAA with a STICK. How disgraceful it will be !!! stint: supply sparingly and with restricted quantities...'stin't is moderately 'stin'gy...eg: "sting with the allowance" stipulate to specify as an essential condition in contract or agreement....give gaurantee or promise... stolid: having or showing little emotion...In STOLID take out the 'T' It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions. Stratified: arranged in layers..strata : layers... stricture : something that restrains or narrow passageway, negative criticism...STRICTURE rhymes with strict sir...so a sir who is always strict CRITICEZES SEVERELY. And also constricts (limits) strident : loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy..s+TRIDENT= the OBEROI 'n TRIDENT hotel waz occupied by terrorists...'n dey wer loud n harsh der on ppl...hostages strut: to swagger, display to impress others...ymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out. stultify deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless ...look stupid... Stultify sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man and fails then he looks stupid.Stultify=stunt+failed. stupefy :to dull the senses of, make stun, atonish, numb, amaze, astonish.... stygian :dark and gloomy, hellish subpoena: notice ordering someone to appear in court subside : to settle down, grow quiet substantiate: to support with proof or evidence substantive


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subsume : to include, incorporate, encompass..subsume~assume; I was so confident of my debating skills that i assumed that my name will be subsumed(included) in the finalist lists ! subversive: intended to undermine or underthrow, especially an established government.. invert (to place upside down), convert (to modify into another shape),. subvert is to "destroy something". succor :relief, help in time of distress or wat or diff situation..This word sounds like Shakkar/(Sugar) in Hindi.. we usually go to our Neighbors when our sugar gets over... So in a way we seek their assistance in the time of difficulty. suffrage : the right to vote... sundry various..assorted: consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds;...SUNDARI (beautiful girl) ke peeche SEVERAL boys pade hai :P supersede

to replace, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated

supplant to replace, substitute..uproot, take place....SUPer PLANT---Due to advances in agriculture, govt. is replacing all plants with SUPer PLANTs. suppliant beseeching: begging, entreating: ask for or request earnestly; ..God, please SUPPLY me what I wANT.. a humble request! supplicant one praying humbly for something...akin to suppliant. i.e., one who is suppliant (asks something humbly)....SUPPLy me I CANT get it on my own. supine lying in the back, marked by lethargy...remove 'u' => spine... lying on BACK facing upward.. as good as no resistance supposition

the act of assuming to be true or real..assumption, hypothesis...

syllogism a form of deductive reasoning with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion i.e conclusion derived from 2 premises...Change the "s" to "c" and you'll find the word "logic." sylvan related to the woods or forest..rustic...a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods....sylvan...an aid to Veerapan who lived in the woods. tacit

: silently understood, implied

taciturn :reticent, habitually reserved and uncommunicative..meaning of tacit = silent. so meaning of tacit + urn = taciturn = silent person , untalkative talisman : amulet, a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease tangential : peripheral, irrelevant, digressing taut: tight.. under tight tension...no slack ...slacken to reduce... tautology : unnecessary repetition..(logic) a statement that is necessarily true; "the statement `he is brave or he is not brave' is a tautology" taxonomy: science of classification (of plants or animals) tenet : belief, doctrine.. TENET rhymes with TENANT...so the tenants were given a set of DOCTRINE by the owner before they could occupy the house tenuous : weak, insubstantial, slight significance..thin n slight.. this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN...

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terrestrial : earthly, commonplace theocracy : government by priests representing a god..theo(means god)+cracy..(goverment...)..goverment by god.....or religious people... theology : the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth....eg theological system... thespian: an actor or actress..a theatrical performer...do you remember thespis.....the first person in universe who appeared as an actor on the stage in a play....so thespian..means .pertaning to drama or play. timbre : voice tone color.. the distinctive property of a complex sound... Timbre reminds us of timber or wood. Also most of our traditional musical instruments are made of wood.In cricket when a batsman gets bowled , it hits the timber and produces a distinguised quality sound called "timbre". tirade : long, violent speech/denuncaition, verbal assault.. In Trading job, if something goes wrong, they will scold you toady

: flatterer, yes-man..

tome: book, usually large and academic.. Tome= To cut (A cut part of a large book here) Dichotomy: Cut into mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities. Appendectomy: : surgical removal of the vermiform appendix Epitome:To cut into a summary , a perfect model. torpor

: torpid: lethargy, dormancy, sluggishness, listless...sounds like tapori, who is very lazy

torque : a turning or twisting force..recoil : backward force..TORQUE and ROCK (as of in dance) are rhyming words. They both refer to a production of an oscillatory movement. tortuous: having many twists and turns, highly complex, tangle... a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning tout : to promote or praise energetically..someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit...tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote) tractable: obedient, yielding.. transcribe : copy or rewrite in diff scrpt..convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, especially messenger RNA..Derived from the word TRANSCRIPT which means copy made from original. transgression : act of trespassing or violating a law or rule, wrongdoing, going beyond limit...(transcribe + gre) transcribe means copy, so copyin in gre is a violation of law transient : temporary, fleeting translucent : partially transparent travail : work, especially arduous work..travail ~ travel - If want to get a chance to travel overseas, you have to travail in your company. travesty : parody, exaggerated imitation, caricature, mockery, .. travesty = trans + vest... change in clothes.. imitation but a poor one treatise : article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly... A TREATISE or a THESIS is a written book or document on a subject.... focus on TREATI..almost same as TREATY...now remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a formal written document tremulous :trembling, frugal, timid.. TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words mean, quivering or shivering with fear.

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trepidation : fear and anxiety truculence: aggressiveness, ferocity..truc(sound like truck) + cull(means to kill animals) + ance(hence).. the truck driver culled some of the animals without permission, hence the villagers are angry with him and are agressively barring him from entering the village...TRUCULENCE and DEFIANCE are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both the words mean - to be defiant (someone who does not listen to others and does what pleases him) and aggressive. rendezvous: with simi gerewal( a meeting planned at a certain time and place) tryst

: agreement between lovest to meet, a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers),

tyrant: a cruel and oppressive dictator, autocrat tumid : swollen, distended, man with large talk, pompus... tumid has the first three letters common with TUMOUR, which is a swollen mass or ball of cells. So tumid is swollen, or distended. turgid

: swollen, man with large talk, pompous..People always tell tragedies by overblowing them...

turbid : muddy, opaque (cloud cnt see frwrd), in a state of great confusion, cloudy, mirky murky (dark gloomy cloudy) tutelary :custodial: providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding...Tute Le Rahi" mam jab tutorials leti hain to v r in her custody... but she is very sweet like an angel. uncanny : myterious, strange, supernatural influences... un + cann(CAN'T).....something which you CAN'T understand and explain, is always mysterious to you. undulating: Moving up and down like waves; Forming a series of regular curves feign: not genuine, make believe with the intend to deceive. unfeigned: not false, genuine ... un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact. untenable: indefensible, incapable of beign defenses or justified, unsupportable..a child un(der) ten not able defense himself they need parents maintenance (under+ten+not able) untoward: adverse, not favorable, troublesome, unfortunate.. conditions which are not towards me are = untoward..Eg: untoward circumstances prevent me from being with you on this festive occasion. usury: a practice of lending money at exorbitant/illegal rates..usury - think U r SURety (collateral), will you pay the exorbitant rate of interest... for your friend (who wanted you to be his collateral) vacillate: to waver, oscillate... sounds like OScillate..so something which moves from one position to another position vacuous : empty, void, lacking intelligence.. vacuous can be seen as vacuum which means, a region empty of matter. valedictory: pertaining to a farewell... vapid: tasteless, dull, lacking taste or flavor or tang, insipid..... vapid sounds similar to rapid... If you cook in a rapid manner, you may spoil the taste of the food, or say, when you eat rapidly..you may not get the taste of the food. variegated: having a variety of colors vaunt: to boast, bragged, highly publicized...This much vaunted project proved a disappointment when it collapsed...same mabt vaunted movie...

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venal: mercenary(materialistc, money), corruptible, capable of being bribed... Eg; venal policeman.. venal: ve = we(wealth) is like Nal(hindi : means the tool inserted in horse nose to control him) for him i.e u can control him by money : corruptable vendetta: prolonged feud marked by bitter hostility.... vendetta = when + death + accurs (occurs). so ask urself a question that WHEN __________ OCCURS DEATH OCCURS. u ll answer when a fight or conflict occurs death occurs. VEN conflict occurs DEath (A)occurs. venerate: to adore, honor, respect.. ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. you TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT . veracious: truthful, accurate... verbose: wordy.. vertigo: dizziness.. vexation: irritation, annoyance... viable: practicable, capable of developing, capable of life or normal growth and development... SURVIVABLE ! got it? Eg: the infant, though prematurely born, is viable and has a good chance to survive.. vindictive: vengeful, unforgiving, ill will agnst others, hurt.. vindictive=win+addictive obsessed about winning ...so always having ill will against others virtuoso: someone with master skills, expert musician,, A VITUOSO (skilled artist) is a MAESTRO (master of any art)... One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso visage: face, appearance, aspect, countenance,.. VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face. viscous: thick, syrupy vitiate: spoil the effect of, make inoperative..corrupt morally.. Vitiate is similar to contaminate and they both mean - to spoil, to pollute. eg: the fraud vitiated the contract. vituperative: using or containing harsh, abusive censure vivisection: dissection(cuting), surgery, or painful experiments performed on a living animal for the purpose of scientific research.. vivus= to live (see vivid ) + section from secere=to cut off anythings on the model of dissection vogue: prevailing fashion or practice volatile: tending to vary frequently, fickle vortex: whirpool, maelstorm, center of turbulence..Vertex is the higher point .Vortex is lower point caused by the whirlpool. warranted: justified, authorize,.. Before the judge issues injunction, you must convince her this actions is warranted.. wary: careful, cautious..Wary and worry sound the same... you become wary (cautious) if you have too many worries in life. waning: to decrease.. welter: toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way, confused, bewilder, turmoil(confusion,strife)...remember it as 'world tour'. so you are planning for a world tour, but 'confused' as where to start from, because there are quite a lot countries to be covered. Hence 'confused due to multiple things

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whimsical: fanciful, unpredictabl Whine: tears, cry, whining.. wistful: sadly, deeply and seriously thoughtful, pensive.. Wistful : like full of waste; Becoming sad; while rememberin Zenith: highest point..star zealot: one who is fanatically devoted to a cause

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