7th Sea - Regional Additions

  • June 2020
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Avalon Balig In theory a puppet state of King Piram, Balig appears more impoverished than it actually is, all for the benefit of the Breg tax collectors. With its main city of Canguine under a Sidhe curse, it has become a haven for pirates and other ne’er-do-wells. When purchasing the Courtier Skill, Balig Heroes automatically gain Sincerity at Rank 1, but purchasing the Noble Advantage costs 3 extra HP. Breg If there was a revolt against Queen Elaine, it can be certain that the county of Breg will be near the centre of the plot. King Piram quietly plots against the current rule, still burning about his defeat during the unification of the Three Kingdoms. Heroes from Breg may purchase the Donovan School for only twenty HP. If they do so, however, they must take a Hubris for which they only receive 8 HP. Camlann The ancient seat of power for Avalon, Camlann is a land ruled by its passions and marked by influence from Inismore. With the Sea Dogs and Explorer’s Society based out of the port of Cardican, a naval tradition complements their abilities in Sidhe Glamour. If you are a Glamour sorcerer, you receive two extra points of Glamour Knacks during hero creation, but you receive five fewer HP than usual and must take a 1-point Obligation Background, representing a Sidhe whom you owe a favor. Gaavane The small province containing the sacred Grumweald forest is under the direct control of the powerful and mysterious Derwyddon. Few outside of the druidic orders know exactly what transpires insides its wooded borders. Residents of Gaavane may purchase the Druid school for 5 HP less. However, if they do so, they may not purchase the Firearms Skill or the Streetwise Skill at Hero creation Lothian The people of the northern Avalon province of Lothian are as wild and untamed as the rugged countryside, no doubt due to their historical connections with the Highland Marches. Duke Carlyle cuts a very distinguished appearance when in Elaine’s court, with his thick kilt and even thicker accent. You receive the Hunter Skill for free, but you may not purchase the Courtier Skill under any circumstances.

Lovaine The largest province of Avalon contains both its current capital of Carleon and the former Montaigne capital of Luthon. Steeped in Glamour since the return of Elaine, it is here that you are most likely to spot the Sidhe or one of a number of fantastical beasts. Residents of Lovain receive twice as much income as normal and receive one Free Raise when performing Reputation actions in the Triple Kingdoms. However, all checks to resist the effects of Glamour have their TN’s raised by 5 Percis As the nearest coast to Montaigne, the county of Percis has had a long tradition of trade that has caused it to grow rich. It is also now populated by dozens of Montaigne emirgés, calling in old favors to escape the terrors of the Revolution. All Percis’ Heroes speak Montaigne for free, but purchasing Glamour costs two higher HP than usual.

Inismore Carrig The estate of the O’Toole family is the most powerful in Inismore, and if it were not for the O’Bannon it is likely an O’Toole would run the nation. Spurned by the Sidhe, the O’Toole family constantly look for new allies and resources to take the power they see as rightfully theirs. Whenever more than one of your dice explode during a single roll, your GM receives a Drama die that may only be used against you. You gain the Scoundrel Advantage for free. Donegal The Lynch family control the lands around the capital of Tara and have traditionally been blessed with powerful Glamour sorcery, either from their connection to the Sidhe or the O’Bannon. If you are a Glamour sorcerer, you receive two extra points of Glamour Knacks during hero creation, but you receive five fewer HP than usual and must take a 1-point Obligation Background, representing a Sidhe whom you owe a favor. Dreenan Formerly a prosperous area under the Avalon lords, the estate of the O’Brien family has deteriorated into crime and poverty in recent times. The ruling family still has a tradition of sending its sons to Thean universities and so become advisors to the High King and other important figures. Dreenan natives receive the University Advantage for free. However, they may not purchase any Swordsman Schools from any nation other then the Triple Kingdoms.

Leister A lightly populated and very traditional area, the MacKennas are well known for their love and patronage of the arts. Leister residents receive the Artist Skill for free, but they receive 100 G less income each month.

The Highland Marches Clan MacDuff The ruling clan of the Highland Marches since the victory of Robert the Dark over the Avalon lords, the MacDuffs are staunch supporters of the united rule of the Three Kingdoms. Minor members of the family often serve as ambassadors or generals in the army of the nation. They receive twice the normal monthly income and the Noble Advantage for only eight points. However, they may never hold political office and may not take the Merchant Skill under any circumstances. Clan MacBride The firmest opponents to the alliance with Avalon, the MacBride brood constantly debates against the MacDuffs in Parliament. Some are even thought to be taking more drastic steps than simple discussion. The MacBrides receive the Courtier Skill for free, but receive one fewer Reputation die (minimum 1), when in Avalon, Inismore, or the Highland Marches. Clan MacCodrum A minor family that would not be noted except for their strong relationship with selkies, a type of marine Sidhe that is thought to be behind their strong tradition as sailors and fishermen. You gain the MacCodrum Heritage Advantage for only 4 points, but you must take a 1-point Vow Background, representing your alliance with the Selkies. Clan MacDonald One of the strongest of the Highland clans, the MacDonald are sworn enemies of the MacLeod and seek any way of overcoming their Sidhe protection. With a strong military background, they stood firm against the Montaigne invasion but have more recently lost to the MacLeod. MacDonalds begin the game with a 2-point Defeated Background, and purchasing Glamour costs them two extra HP. In exchange, they receive the Spy skill for free and may purchase the Indomitable Will Advantage for only 1 HP.

Clan MacIntyre Viewed by many as an anachronism or the worst stereotype of a Highlander, the isolationist MacIntyre keep to their rural valley and have little exchange with the other clans. You receive the Hunter Skill for free, but you may not purchase the Streetwise Skill under any circumstances. Clan MacLeod As enemies of the powerful MacDonald clan, the only thing keeping the small MacLeod estates intact is their close alliance with the Sidhe. However, this familiarity is rapidly making them distrusted by most of the other Highland clans. If you’re a Glamour sorcerer, you receive two extra points of Glamour Knacks during hero creation, but you receive five fewer HP than usual and must take a 1-point Obligation Background, representing a Sidhe whom you owe a favor.

Ussura Gallenia The peoples of Gallenia are nomadic, with thousands of miles of open country that has remained unchanged for centuries, to call their home. They are traditionally open and welcoming of travelers, even so far as giving them their own bed to sleep. The Gallenia are very horse-wise and many say that they are all but born on the saddle of a horse. Must take Background: Traditions 2 or spend 4 HP not to have it, and choose a birth season. (Winter) May take the Buslayevich Bowman School for 5 HP less then normal (Spring) Gain Ride skill for free (Summer)You are an exceptional rider, whenever you use the Ride, Mounting or Trick Ride knacks, you get a Free Raise.(Autumn)You have a well-trained horse, even among your people; gain a free unkept die (+1k0) when working with it. Traditions (Background) Following the Old Ways of offering food, shelter and friendship is not some archaic foolery to be bandied about by the old women of the people; it is the right and truthful Way of things. You will follow the tradition of the Old Ways of offering food, shelter, friendship and even your tent to the strangest of wanderers. You will greet such travelers with a hearty welcome, warm smile and a generosity fitting the nature of your Traditions. The number of points you invest in this background determines how far (no matter how strange or undesirable the person might be) you are willing to go along with the Old Ways.

Molhyna The homeland of immortal Koshchei, Molhyna is remote, even for Ussura, and its crops and fishing industry are its only real ties to the rest of Matushka’s domain. As of late, Molhyna has suffered greatly under ill born tyranny and Kosars raids. Most recently the revolt of the Kosar has brought about even more hostility, tension and outright war to the region. Lose one Reputation Die when interacting with the world outside of Molhyna. You may purchase the Worldly Arcana, but at the cost of 12 HP, and choose a birth season. (Winter) Receive Cold Climate Conditioning for free and 1 free Rank in the Survival Knack even if you do not have a Skill that has it. (Spring) Gain Hunter Skill for free with one additional free Rank in Fishing (Summer) If you purchase Spy you gain 1 free Rank in Sincerity. (Autumn) Kosar raids have made you wary; gain Heavy Weapon or Archer for free. Pavtlow The jewel of Ussura, Pavtlow is the social and cultural epicenter of Matushka’s domain. It is a city of great architectural achievement, cobbled streets and political intrigues the likes of which would be unimagined by the Montaigne. When dealing with any foreign Court (save Vesten) you have a +5 penalty to your TN due to their perceived notion of your backwardness. Also when dealing with any overtly “rural situation” you have a +5 penalty to your TN as your urban upbringing is of little use, and choose a birth season. (Winter) Gain Courtier Skill for free (Spring) Any time someone tries to pull something over on you because they perceive you as backwards, you know how to deal with it. Gain a free unkept die (+1k0) to resist social manipulations and Repartee. (Summer) Gain Falconer Skill for free. (Autumn) University Costs 1 HP for you. Rurik This grand province was, until the recent march of Montague’s army, one of the richest and most prosperous of the Knias Douma. It has the best access to the Trade Sea and secures ambassadors (and trade) from Avalon, Eisen and Vendel alike. Taxes are high, but Rurik peasants secure about twice the yearly wealth of their counterparts in other Douma do. If you take Arrogant, Greedy, Proud or Righteous Hubris you only receive 6 HP. Taking the Altruistic, Fortunate, Passionate and Victorious Virtues cost you 14 HP. Choose a birth season. (Winter) You receive either the Merchant or the Servant Skill for free and you gain 1 free Rank in Drive Sleigh. (If you get both during Character Generation, you only get the free rank for one of them.) (Spring) Gain the Guide or Hunter Skill for free. (Summer) Receive 4 HP to be spent on Languages; gain Falconer Skill for free. (Autumn) Receive half again your monthly income and starting funds.

Somojez Somojez, the “Wall of Ussura,” is a land composed nearly completely of mountains, whether it is the Drachenburg Mountains or the Bolshoi Mountains. The people of Somojez are a hardy and stoic people who have a formidable trust in the Ussuran Orthodoxy tenants. The people of Somojez are, in general, the most adamant about their faith in Ussuran Orthodoxy. You receive one less die (-1k0) when dealing with members of the Vaticine Church and the Objectionist Church as well as with the Church of Avalon in any social manner, including Repartee. Choose a birth season. (Winter) Gain the Guide Skill and 1 free Rank in Climb (Spring)You gain the Sensitive Bones Advantage and a free Rank in any one of the Hunter Skill’s Basic Knacks if you purchase the Skill. Note that this cannot raise your starting Knacks above the 3 Rank limit. (Summer) You speak Eisen and Crescent for free (Autumn) You are wise in the ways of the Bushka Gora and Gora Bolshoi and receive a Free Raise when dealing with or within these specific mountain ranges. The GM may decide whether this bonus is appropriate under special circumstances. Veche The lands of Veche seem to be nothing less then the physical representative of nature’s (perhaps even Matushka’s) dark and predatory temperament. Veche still bleeds under the sword and presence of dark tyranny and is an unkind land filled with Kosar raids, sadistic overlords, and bloodfeasts. The dark and tyrannical evil that has blanketed the lands has all but smothered the Heroic qualities of Man in Veche. You must spend 13 HP to gain a Virtue. Should you take the Cowardly Hubris you only receive 7HP. Choose a birth season. (Winter) You may take the Dobrynya School for 5 HP less (Spring) If you take Rash (with the caveat that you must spend 2 Drama dice to trump the GM when he activates your Rash Arcana) you get 15 HP for it instead of 10. (Summer) You may take the Cursed, Fear or Lost Love Background at 3 for free. (Autumn) You may take Foul Weather Jack for 2 HP instead of the normal cost if 5 HP. Fhideli The Tibesti are a fiercely independent wanderer-people who are known as Fhideli by the Ussuran. They travel about Ussura (and sometimes Eisen, when the “Iron Land” is not embroiled in a thirty year war) in brightly colored wagons. They are known for their festive music, daring acrobatics as well as their trickster hearts. Lands other then Ussura nearly always view them with scorn and treat them like the criminals they view them to be. It is said, however, that Matushka favors the Tibesti and often comes to them and shares their fires. * You must take the Scoundrel Advantage. When you interact with anyone outside of Ussura you receive +10 to the TN. This is due to the fact that most everyone has an ill view of your people. If the GM feels that the specific person or people you are dealing with know you and will judge what you say based on you, he may allow a reduction in this penalty or offer no penalty at all, but this is a situation-by-situation call.

* You may not take the Courtier Skill under any circumstance during character generation (you may take it after character generation with the GM’s approval, of course) and you must spend at least 4 HP on any assortment of the following Skills: Acrobat, Artist, Criminal or Performer Skill. * Each Vitzi (clan) has two possible options in addition to a special, if minor, favor from Matushka: Basulade If a Pyeryem Sorcerer you can re-roll, once per scene, a failed attempt to transform into or out of the spirit skin of a Cat. * 01-50: Gain 1 free Rank in Musician if either the Artist or Performer Skill is taken and gain the Musical Ear Advantage for free. * 51-100: Gain 1 free Rank in Drive Carriage if either the Servant or Merchant Skill is taken and gain the Barter Advantage for free. Curara If a Pyeryem Sorcerer you can re-roll, once per scene, a failed attempt to transform into or out of the spirit skin of a Bear. * 01-50: Gain Fencing or Heavy Weapons Knack for free and receive a superbly crafted sword of your tribe’s making. Receive a 2 HP discount on one of the blade types listed in the Castillian Blade Advantage (Castille™, page 102). Note, that this is not a Castillian blade, but one of your people’s works, and the use of the Castille book if simply from a mechanics point. * 51-100: You may take the Dracheneisen Advantage. (This will likely have repercussions should you go into Eisen.) You may not purchase Eisen Nobility at Character Generation. Munit If a Pyeryem Sorcerer you can re-roll, once per scene, a failed attempt to transform into or out of the spirit skin of an Eagle. * 01-50: You may purchase the Adaptable, Intuitive Perceptive or Uncanny Arcana for 6 HP. * 51-100: You gain Fortune Teller for free as well as 1 free Rank in Cold Read. Ursari If a Pyeryem Sorcerer you can re-roll, once per scene, a failed attempt to transform into or out of the spirit skin of a Wolf. * 01-50: Gain 1 free Rank in Animal Training either the Falconer or Performer Skill is taken and gain the Animal Affinity Advantage for free. * 51-100: You may purchase the Pyeryem Sorcery for 5 HP less then normal. Musical Ear (2 pt. Advantage) You gain two free raises to all checks involving the composition of music or the playing, from memory, of pieces before heard. Also one free raise to determine any pattern or unnatural influence (Sorte, Invisible College Code, etc.) in the music heard.

Kosar These brigands and marauders of mainly Cathayan ancestry give their loyalty only to themselves and do not bow knee or neck to the Gaius or the Knias Douma. The Kosars are a dangerous, selfreliant people who rarely travel outside Molhyna. Although few would dare say so, to many Ussuran the Kosar are worse then even the lowliest slave. * Kosars rarely travel form their homeland, so you must get your GM’s approval before selecting a Kosar Hero. Matushka does not hold your people in favor and her blessing (Pyeryem Sorcery) can only be allowed with your GM’s approval. * You must take the Scoundrel Advantage. You receive +10 to the TN to interact favorably (for you) with anyone outside the Kosar people who does not like or trust you (which is everyone). If the GM feels that the specific person or people you are dealing with know you and will judge what you say on you, he may allow a reduction in the penalty or offer no penalty, but this is a situationby-situation call. * Roll percentile dice (%) or choose with GM’s permission: 01-20 You have Indomitable Will at no cost21-40 You have Combat Reflexes at no cost41-60 You have Legendary Trait at no cost61-80 You have a trusted friend among the Fhideli people (Fhideli Connection 3)81-100 You have Pain Tolerance at no cost

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