7th Latin American Leadership Forum Agenda

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April 27 - 29, 2009 Westin Galleria Hotel Houston, Texas

The 7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum World-Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now! The Americas look set - finally - for a major push in strategic infrastructure project creation. Infrastructure investment programs are underway in all major countries. Central governments are deficit spending to push projects forward. Development banks are participating with technical assistance and funds. New ways of thinking about infrastructure -- ‘mobility’ drivers, ‘inter-modal’ drivers, smart grids and ‘unbundled’ water project development are all creating new projects and new demand for equipment, technology, financing and engineering. NOTE: In this new public finance model a critical role is played by equipment and technology suppliers jointly with trade finance and supplier credit executives. The 7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum hosts the Top 50 projects in the Americas. The projects offer opportunities over the next 12 months, selected through a rigorous process of discussion with local business and government communities coupled with intense in-house analysis. The structure is fast-paced. Project decisionmakers present their projects to a group of 500+ infrastructure executives, through Rapid project presentations (50 in total, 10 minutes apiece), Pre-scheduled private meetings (up to 15 per registrant, with project developers, sponsors and VIP’s), Keynotes on emerging trends in engineering, finance, mobility, technology, etc. Targeted workshops Special events - welcoming reception, luncheons and breakfasts that allow people to develop rich networks.

MONDAY | APRIL 27, 2009 Registration & Pre-Conference Workshops 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Early Registration - Galleria Ballroom Foyer Westin Galleria Hotel • 5060 W. Alabama Street, Houston, TX

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

WORKSHOP: Strategic Investment Opportunities in Guatemala - San Felipe Room Participants: Pronacom, Invest in Guatemala and project directors from Ministry of Energy and Mines, National Commission of Electric Energy, and Guatemala City’s Urban Planning Trust. Moderators: Julio Estrada, Executive Director, Pronacom Mario Marroquín, Executive Director, Invest in Guatemala The objective of this workshop is to present the investment frameworks in place for infrastructure investment in Guatemala, focusing on priority projects and priority sectors that will increase Guatemala’s infrastructure competitiveness. The workshop will present Guatemala’s National Competitiveness Program (Pronacom) and Invest in Guatemala’s plans to attract foreign direct investment.

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


4:45 pm - 5:45 pm

CG/LA’s 2009 / 2010 Infrastructure Market Outlook - San Felipe Room A special session presenting CG/LA’s country by country and sector by sector assessment of the Latin American infrastructure market. Based on CG/LA’s 3° Annual Rankings Report of Infrastructure Competitiveness in Latin America, and our Global Infrastructure Demand Model. Note: This workshop is reserved for sponsors and registrants who have purchased the 3rd Annual Rankings: Infrastructure Competitivenes in Latin America Report. To purchase the report and reserve your spot at this workshop, email: [email protected]

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Welcoming Reception - The Monarch Room (24th Level) A welcoming reception honoring the project presenters, Forum sponsors, and registrants of the 7th Annual Latin American Leadership Forum. Welcome to Houston!

TUESDAY | APRIL 28, 2009 7:30 am

Registration and Continental Breakfast - Galleria Ballroom Foyer

8:30 am

Welcome to the 7th Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - Galleria I & II Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC Building World-Class Infrastructure Projects to Increase Competitiveness in the Region Welcome to Houston Jeff Moseley, President, Greater Houston Partnership

8:45 am

Top Strategic Infrastructure Projects - “Transforming Competitiveness” The Top Transformative Projects in the Americas. The projects that will transform the region’s competitiveness. The world has changed and the global economy demands creative and transformative infrastructure projects that will boost regional and local economies, create jobs, and set the tone for long-term competitiveness. Moderated by: Felipe Perez, Vice President of Structured Finance, Grupo Bancolombia • Argentina: Strategy of the New Argentine Railway Development • Brazil: Super Port of Açu • Colombia: Highway Ruta del Sol • Guatemala: Expansion of Container Terminal at Puerto Santo Tomas • Mexico: Multimodal Corridor Mazatlan-Matamoros • Paraguay: Concession for Rehabilitation and Operation of Route #2

9:45 am

Top Urban Massive Transit Projects - “Mobility for Productivity” The Top Mobility Projects in the Americas. Urban infrastructure requires new highly innovative projects that meet key urban challenges. Safe and comfortable mobility is increasingly critical to economic productivity. Moderated by: Carlos Esquiroz, Deputy Director of International Affairs, Metro Madrid • Argentina: Buenos Aires Strategic Infrastructure Plan • Brazil: Sao Paulo: Opportunities in Time of Crisis • Brazil: Key Infrastructure Projects in the City of Sao Paulo • Colombia: Strategic Public Transportation System of Pasto and Santa Marta • Costa Rica: Metropolitan Electric Train • Guatemala: City Transmetro Northern Side

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


\10:45 am

Trend Keynote - “Financing Challenges in Turbulent Markets” Hans Schulz, General Manager of the Structured and Corporate Finance Department, Inter-American Development Bank Presented by: Sylvia R. Garcia, Commissioner Harris County Precinct Two, Texas.

11:00 am

Top New Infrastructure Projects - “Green Productivity in the Americas” The Top Green Projects in the Americas. Visionary projects in clean energy projects in electricity generation, transmission and distribution. Moderator: Antonio Juan Sosa, Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF • Brazil: CPFL Energy: Baldin Bio-Mass Cogeneration Project & Foz do Chapeco Hydro Generation Project • Haiti: Jatropha Biodiesel Development • Mexico: Wind Farm Galectra • Mexico: Oaxaca Wind Farms II, III, IV • Nicaragua: Geothermal Plants of Caldera de Apoyo & Volcan Mombacho Special CAF Green Energy Project of the Year Award Presented by Antonio Juan Sosa, Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) is sponsoring a project of the year award, recognizing the infrastructure project that is most innovative in the generation, transmission, distribution and/or financing of electricity.

12:00 pm

Top Water/Wastewater Projects - “Building a Healthy Society” The Top Water/Wastewater Projects - Water and wastewater projects are increasingly high priorities for Latin American governments, and not just because these projects are efficient job creators; increasingly water and wastewater projects are tied to public health. New ‘unbundled’ financing approaches point to new technologies and new ways of building solid management systems into public enterprises. Moderator: Omar Del Valle, Director of Business Development, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC • Brazil: Vale do Sao Francisco Irrigation PPP • Dominican Republic: Water Loss Reduction Program • Mexico: Aqueduct “El Zapotillo” • Mexico: Water Treatment Plant “Atotonilco” • Peru: Concession of Large Consolidation Works and Infrastructure for Irrigating Pampas

1:00 pm

Top Oil & Gas - “The Energy Powerhouse - Self-sufficiency and Integration” The Top Oil & Gas Projects. Projects range from giant new opportunities (Brazil & Mexico), areas that have been under-invested for a decade (natural gas in Argentina), and new investments (Guatemala). Moderated by: Warren Weissman, Chief of Corporate Finance Division, Structured and Corporate Finance Department, Inter-American Development Bank • Brazil: Industrial Cluster for Suape Port • Brazil: Cascade and Chinook Fields in Gulf of Mexico • Guatemala: 12 Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration Bid Zones • Mexico: Chicontepec Oil Field

2:00 pm

Luncheon Keynote Address Alberto Aleman, CEO, Panama Canal Authority Building the Greatest Project in the Americas - Equipment, Technology, Engineering, Finance and Project Management. Where we are, and what is next?

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


4th Annual Project of the Year Awards Each year the Leadership Forum presents Leadership Awards in five categories of infrastructure, Including: Engineering Project of the Year Job/Opportunity Creation Project of the Year Finance Project of the Year Water / Wastewater Project of the Year Strategic / Transformative Project of the Year 3:30 pm - 5:45 pm


Private Meetings (Galleria III & IV) Workshops (San Felipe & Westchester)

Private Meetings & Strategic Projects Workshops

Throughout the Forum (Check Private Meeting Engine for Available Times) The Leadership Forum is designed to maximize ‘relationship throughput;’ the private meeting function is the critical structural element for accomplishing this rich-networking priority. The Infrastructure Network Community (INC) feature is live as soon as you register. This allows you to build build relationships, solve problems and make your numbers...immediately. The Meeting Manager will go live on April 2nd, 2009, allowing registrants to pre-schedule meetings (up to 15, each 15 minutes in length) with project developers, sponsors, and other registrants. Each sponsor and project presenter has their own designated meeting space. New this Year! Afternoons are reserved for Private Meetings and for Strategic Workshops. Schedule your workshop for the afternoon of the 28th or the 29th.

SPECIAL BREAKOUT SESSION Business & Project Development Roundtables 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

WORKSHOP. Colombia: Project Finance Opportunities and Access to Deal Flow San Felipe Room Sponsored By: Grupo Bancolombia Moderator: Felipe Perez, Vicepresident Structured Finance, Investment Banking, Bancolombia With the participation of: Luz Maria Correa, President, Grupo Condor Inversiones S.A. Menzel Aman, Commercial Vice President Cican, S.A. Juan Carlos Acosta, General Manager, Contecar S.A. The workshop will focus on current infrastructure opportunities in Colombia and it will address different perspectives from highways, airports, and ports. Risk and risk management will be discussed as well as the advantages and benefits of ongoing projects in Colombia in order to increase infrastructure investments over US$10 billion. This workshop presents a great opportunity for those investors interested in doing business in Colombia. Some of the following topics will be also address: Political stability and the associated economic benefit Current capital markets growth and sovereign rating outlook The key focus on infrastructure: roads, ports, tunnels, and airports Colombia’s PPP program Future deal-flow

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


4:45 pm - 5:45 pm

WORKSHOP: Collateral Management in Infrastructure Project Finance San Felipe Room Moderator: Rafael Cardenas, Agency & Trust, Citigroup This workshop will address the management of project cash flows, account structures and collateral in order to mitigate risks on both the Public and Private sector sides for long-term participants in infrastructure project finance transactions. The workshop is moderated by Citigroup executives involved in the management of long-term infrastructure projects in Latin America. The workshop is relevant to project sponsors, equity partners, lenders, portfolio managers, and any party related to the administration of project finance transaction.

4:45 pm - 5:45 pm

MINISTERIAL WORKSHOP: Building The Right Projects, Developing the Right Models (By invitation only) - Westchester Room For Public Sector Officials Only Moderator: Antonio Lopez Corral & Norman F. Anderson This workshop aims to discuss two concepts: leadership to strengthen national capacity to build the future, and structuring the right financial models for the right projects. Antonio Lopez Corral was the Director General of Spain’s PPP and concession projects throughout the period of rapid infrastructure build. Currently, he is a professor at the Universidad Politecnico de Madrid, and international advisor on infrastructure to governments around the world, including Russia, Bulgaria and Paraguay.

WEDNESDAY | APRIL 29, 2009 7:30 am

2° Day Registration & Continental Breakfast - Galleria Ballroom Foyer

7:30 am

Special Breakfast (Space is Limited) - San Felipe Room “Financing Feasibility Studies” The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) Francisco Wulff - Director of Infrastructure Analysis & Policy The ProInfra Fund: CAF’s US$50 million fund to finance feasibility studies in the region. Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Jean-Marc Aboussouan, Chief of Infrastructure Division, Structured & Corporate Finance InfraFund: IADB mechanisms to support the preparation of infrastructure projects and feasibility studies.

8:30 am

Opening Remarks - Galleria I & II Norman Anderson, President & CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

8:45 am

Top Electricity Projects - “Revitalizing the Matrix” The Top Electricity Projects in the Americas. In light of the events of 2008, countries around Latin America - notably Chile, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Peru and the countries of Central America - are seeking to diversify their energy generation sources. Moderated by: Jean-Marc Aboussouan, Chief of Infrastructure Division, Structured and Corporate Finance Department, Inter-American Development Bank • Mexico: Cogeneration Plant of Salamanca • Mexico: Increased Output Capacity of Manzanillo I, U1 & U2 • Nicaragua: Hydroelectric Pajaritos • Paraguay: Yguazu River Hydro Dam

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


9:45 am

Top Smart Grid Infrastructure Projects - “World-class Access” The Top Smart Grid Projects (Electricity Transmission, Digital Infrastructure). Extending Connectivity, Regionally for both Telecommunications and Electricity Transmission Lines. Latin America has advanced in telecommunications but the region still lags by other connectivity measures. Transforming the economy from one based on liquids to one based on electrons, will require massive outlay of “smart” digital technologies. Moderated by: Francisco Wulff - Director of Infrastructure Analysis & Policy, CAF • Guatemala: Concession for Electric Transmission Service 2008-2018 • Guatemala: Expansion of Electric Generation System 2008-2022 • Peru: Broad Band C at 1900 Mhz • Peru: Transmission Line Zapallal-Trujillo

10:45 am

Panel Dicussion “Building Cities of the Future” Moderated by: Satvinder Sing, Regional Director (Americas), IE Singapore Sponsored by: IE Singapore, Surbana, and VT Systems This panel will discuss Singapore’s urban development and how it has changed over the years. It will address the country’s collaboration with China and India in the case of Suzhou Industrial Park, Ascendas Industrial Park in Bangalore, Tianjin Eco-City. Surbana will present the elements of good urban planning and VT Systems will feature on the solutions and instruments available to enhance urban development.

11:30 am

Top Ports & Logistics Projects - “Making the Region Work, Together” Top Ports, Logistics & Intermodal Projects. Local connectivity and regional integration will be critical to building world-class competitiveness in the region. The challenge for the Americas is to build a logistics system that supports an increasingly successful manufacturing and agroindustrial base. Moderated by: Anand Hemnani, Senior Vice President & CIO, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC • Costa Rica: Concession of the Rehabilitation of the National Railway System and its Logistic Centers • Mexico: Guanajuato Inland Port • Mexico: Second Container Terminal at Port of Lazaro Cardenas • Peru: Concession of Second Regional Airport • Peru: General Port Terminal San Martin - Pisco • Paraguay: Concession of the Modernization & Operation of International Airports of Silvio Pettirossi & Guarani

12:30 pm

Trend Keynote - “Mexico Infrastructure, Building the Right Projects” Alonso Garcia Tames, General Director, National Infrastructure Bank (Banobras) Mexico

12:45 pm

Top Highway Infrastructure Projects - ¨Connecting the Region” The Top Highway Projects. The development of highways, beside their impact as urban and rural connectors, they play an strategic role for economic integration and for the development of strategic multimodal projects. Moderated by: Rafael Cardenas, Vice President, Agency & Trust, Citigroup • Brazil: Concession of the 3rd Lot of Federal Highways • Brazil: PAC - Main Opportunities for Investment in Infrastructure • Brazil: Municipal Heavy Equipment Procurement Project • Mexico: Pacific and Northeast Highway Packages • Mexico: Connection Mitla-Tehuantepec (Route Oaxaca-Salina Cruz)

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


1:45 pm

Top Tourism and Logistics Infrastructure Projects - “The Region’s Other Gold” The Top Tourism & Logistic Projects. Tourism is one of the strongest growth drivers - and job creation mechanisms - in the Americas. Nearly every country has major, world-class, projects on the drawing boards - projects that require huge investments in highways, airports, water treatment, electricity, digital infrastructure and other ‘systems of systems.’ Moderated by: Omar Del Valle, Director of Business Development, CG/LA Infrastructure • Argentina: Rehabilitation of Passenger Rail System and Commuter Rail • Brazil: World Cup Urban Complex - Porto Alegre • Mexico: Lake New Teques • Mexico: Renaissance of Huatulco Bay • Mexico: Sea of Cortes Nautical Stairways • Mexico: Airport Riviera Maya

2:30 pm

Lunch Session & Ministerial Panel Discussion: “Changing Infrastructure Trends in Latin America” Featuring: Juan Schiavi, President of Railway Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment, and Services, Argentina Daniel Chain, Ministry of Urban Development, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina Andres Escobar, Deputy Director, National Department of Planning, Colombia Aristides Fernandez, Secretary of State and President of National Energy Commission, Dominican Republic Moderated by: Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Private Meetings (Galleria III & IV) Workshops (San Felipe Room)

SPECIAL BREAKOUT SESSION Business & Project Development Roundtables 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

WORKSHOP. Strategic Multimodal Corridor Mazatlan - Matamoros. Fidenoreste (Northeastern Infrastructure Development Trust) San Felipe Room Moderators: Jorge Reynoso, Secretary of Economic Development State of Durango, President Fidenoreste Claude Cortes, Master Specialist in Transport, Cal y Mayor & Associates The panelists will discuss the scope of the project, the investment opportunities involving the Port of Mazatlan, the Mazatlan-Durango Highway, and the inland ports of Durango and Torreon (among other components). They will also discuss the long-term social and industrial impacts that the project will have on the northern states of Mexico. Fidenoreste is the Northeastern Infrastructure Development Trust. It was created to analyze the competitiveness of the region, the areas of opportunity, to oversee the consolidation and implementation of economic clusters, and to create strategic information studies in water, energy, information technology and infrastructure for the development of the region. The members of Fidenoreste are: Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Durango and Tamaulipas.

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!


4:45 pm - 5:45 pm

WORKSHOP: Strategic Infrastructure Opportunities in Mexico - San Felipe Room Featured Participants: ProMexico, Banobras, and Project Directors from Pemex, SCT, CFE, CONAGUA and FONATUR Moderators: Jorge Lopez, Director of International Promotion, ProMexico Federico Patiño, Director of Investment Banking and Fiduciary Delegate of Fonadin, Banobras The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of Mexico National Infrastructure Development Plan, key players and projects. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss with Mexico’s infrastructure leaders on topics such as financing strategic infrastructure, public private partnerships, and overall the strategies to increase expenditures on infrastructure to generate jobs and create a platform for long-term competitiveness. ProMexico is the Mexican Federal Government institution in charge of strengthening Mexico’s participation in international economy. With this objective in mind, it supports the exports of Mexican companies and companies based in Mexico, it also coordinates actions to attract foreign direct investments to national territory. ProMexico was established on June 13, 2007 through Presidential Decree, as a sectoral public trust under the Ministry of the Economy, and operates through a network of 52 offices in Mexico and 35 offices in 19 countries.

7° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum - World Class Infrastructure in The Americas - The Opportunity is Now!

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