7th June 2009 Dinner Dance Programme

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Commemorates June 10th 2009

PORTUGAL DAY The poet Camões, the Portuguese Communities and 29th Anniversary of the P


Portuguese Association in Guernsey Dinner – Dance, Sunday 7th June 2009 at the Carlton Hotel, St. Martins P


Programme 19.00 – Reception 20.00 – National Anthem - Speeches 20.15 - Dinner 22.15 – Dance 00.30 – Ends

Live Music with TONNY JARDIM and other entertainers! Tickets £24.00 Smart Dressing required! rd

All reservations and choice of the Menu must be handed up to 3 June 2009 Cheques payable to “Portuguese Association in Guernsey”P


Reservations please Contact: Elvio Pires Tel: 231058 Vitor Figueira Mob: 07911741217 Carlos Aguiar Mob: 07911720520 Carlos Gomes Mob: 07781133393

Portuguese Association in Guernsey Dinner – Dance Sunday, 7th of June 2009

Commemorates Day of Portugal the poet Camões, the Portuguese Communities and 29th Anniversary of the Portuguese Association.

Menu Entradas (Starters)

Bolo do Caco, Pao com Chourico, Manteiga de alho, azeitonas, rissóis e pasteis de bacalhau (Home made Madeira bread and chorizo bread, Garlic butter, olives, shrimp croquette and cod fish cake) &

Crème de Legumes (Cream of vegetables)

Prato principal (Main course)

Help your Buffet: Rolo de espada no Forno á Madeira com batata assada (Oven baked Scabbard fish with roasted potatoes)

Frango assado á Piri-Piri (Piri-piri style roasted chicken)

Alcatara de novilho assada no forno (Roast beef)

Perna de Porco á padeiro (Roast leg of pork)

Selecção de Legumes cozidos, batata frita, assada e batata nova cozida (Selection of vegetables, fries, Roasted and New Potatoes)

Vegetarianos Por favor encomende com antecedencia de 48 horas (Vegetarians) Please pre-order with a minimum 48 hours notice

**** Cannelloni de espinafres com queijo ricotta (Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni)

Buffet de sobremesas (Dessert buffet)


Leite Créme (Crème Brule) Tarte de chocolate negro (Dark Chocolate Tart) Tarte de melaco e ovos (Treacle Tart) Salada de Frutas (Fruit Salad) Toffee Cheesecake Profiterole Tower, Chocolate Sauce Seleccao de queijos (Cheese selection)

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