7 Learning Outcomes End O

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 557
  • Pages: 2
For this term I have done the following things for each section

7 Learning outcomes

Identified own strengths and areas for growth

Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Demonstrated how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Shown commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Demonstrated the skills and recognised the benefits of

Creativity I learnt how to stay focus on my playing everyday consistently. I practiced on sight reading and other techniques which could be dull to spend time on. However, I could still be more efficient on practicing, this means have more lessons. I now can sight read a lot quicker which is an challenge undertaken. During this process I felt the urge to just quit as it could be dull to practice on sight read. However I didn’t, and this has had a significant improvements on my piano playing. I accomplished my goal of improving my improvisation and I am still working on chords. These are all planned as I plan on when I have piano lessons and when to practice. Constantly checking with Mr. Porter what I can do to improve on my playing and having one music lesson every week. I occasionally skipped practices to spend time with friends. However, I tired to avoid that as much as possible, for it stalled my improvements on my jazz piano playing. I achieved this goal and had better self control after this CAS experience

Action I have gained more confidence from skating. Area of improvements would be to play less games, so I could spend more time skating Learning how to do ollie is a big challenge and now I am able to do it.


I should be more active and constantly seeking out to do more service, e.g. playing in more school concerts. I demonstrated improvements as at the end of the process I had confidence playing in front of large audience Playing in concerts demonstrates that now I challenged myself. Playing in front of public could be scary. I felt the urge to just skip playing because I was very nervous, however I conquered that.

I learnt how to ollie my self with the help of internet. These activities all need my self to initiate and plan.

I asked to perform myself and were initiating the collaboration between other members of school who could also play music.

Constantly checking online with what I can do to improve my skating.

I haven’t skip any of the concerts which I agreed to participate in. This requires great commitment.

Skating with friends would help me to have less fear for falling. This allowed me to enjoy skating

When playing in school event I learnt how to communicate better and how we would sound better as a team.

working collaboratively

Demonstrated engagement with issues of global significance

Recognised and consider the ethics of choices and actions

more and even improve on my techniques faster. I participated in concerts which gathered fund for MEDAIR, a charity which focus on immediate support for natural disasters and areas in need of help MEDAIR helps people in need. By contributing to them, I had realized that one person could do a lot just by taking simple actions. The money collected will be used on saving lives and it means a lot to me.

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