Student Learning Outcomes References

  • November 2019
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Student Learning Outcomes References Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing. New York: Longman. Avery, E. F. (Ed.). (2003). Assessing student learning outcomes for information literacy instruction in academic institutions. Chicago: American Library Association. Chizmar, J. F., & Ostrosky, A. L. (1998). The one-minute paper: Some empirical findings. The Journal of Economic Education, 29(1), 1-8. Clark, R., & Harrelson, G. L. (2002). Designing instruction that supports cognitive learning processes. Journal of Athletic Training, 37(4 Supplement): S-152-S-159. Dugan, R. E., & Hernon, P. (2002). Outcomes assessment: Not synonymous with inputs and outputs. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28, 376-380. Ewell, P. (2003, July/August). The learning curve. BizEd, 28-33. Forehand, M. (2007, July). Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved August 6, 2007 from ndex.php?title=Bloom%27s_Taxonomy Gratch Lindauer, B. (1998). Defining and measuring the library’s impact on campuswide outcomes. College & Research Libraries, 59, 546-570. Iannuzzi, P. (1999). We are teaching, but are they learning: Accountability, productivity, and assessment. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 25, 304-305. Jenkins, A. (1996, June 27). How to write learning outcomes. Retrieved August 1, 2007 from mes.html#top Mann, B. L. (2006). Selected styles in web-based educational research. Hershey, PA: Idea Group, Inc. McGinley, L. (2004, October). Working definitions. Retrieved August 1, 2007 from Summer2005Institute/index.htm on 8/1/07

UT Southwestern Medical Library—October 2007

University of Central Florida. (n.d.). Assessment for optimal learning: Classroom assessment. Retrieved July 23, 2007 from selectingmethods.html Weinstein, D. (2006, January). Outcomes assessment is here to stay, get faculty buy in. Academic Leader, 1-2.

UT Southwestern Medical Library—October 2007

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