666 - Mark Of The Beast

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 11
-Convincing Evidence-

A man’s number


he wild beast also has a name which can represent a number. This can be calculated with intelligence as explained in the following scripture: Revelation 13:16-18 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

As already discussed in previous pages newly interested ones are compelled to make a baptismal vow to an additional name beyond those commanded by Jesus Christ. So what is the extra name given in the baptismal vows made by Jehovah’s Witnesses? “God’s Spirit Directed Organization”

An organization requires committees arranged in an administrative structure with assigned supervisory duties. These committees are usually filled with a specific number of men, ……………. a man’s number! Coincidence?

-Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

-Convincing Evidence-

In order to verify the number we only need to understand how “God’s spirit directed organization”, is organized! This is explained on page 109 of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses, Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom” book where it describes; “the most significant organizational readjustments in the modern day history of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” A facsimile of page 109 can be found on a following page.

In the second paragraph it says; “Starting with 1st January 1976 all the activities of the Watchtower Society and of all the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the entire world have entered under the supervision of six administrative committees of the government corps.”

This is the first six………….. 6

Then, we read on: “In harmony with that arrangement, on February 1, 1976 changes had been put into effect in all branch offices of the Society around the earth.”

This is the second six………….. 6

-Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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There is also another committee which handles all of the problems in local congregations with the following functions and responsibilities: 1. Presiding Overseer 2. Secretary 3. Accountant 4. Ministry School Overseer 5. Service Overseer 6. Literature Department Overseer This is the third six…………..



-Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

-Convincing Evidence-

Page 109 “Jehovah’s Witnesses Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom” -Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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So to recap, the name of the wild beast is: “God’s Spirit directed Organization” Its number is a man’s number. The number of men used to organize “God’s spirit directed Organization”. The number of its name is:


Some may contend that this number is 6 and 6 and 6 and not six hundred and sixty six. The following scripture dealing with ancient Israel’s organization should help reconcile any concern: Deuteronomy 1:15 So I took the heads of YOUR tribes, men wise and experienced, and put them as heads over YOU, chiefs of thousands and chiefs of hundreds and chiefs of fifties and chiefs of tens and officers of YOUR tribes.

This calculation was discerned by a faithful anointed and loyal chosen one named Sas Gavril who lives in Romania. Some of his writings have been translated from Romanian into English and are available on the Internet at the following url: http://putinthesickle.blogspot.com/ The words on these pages however, are being written and distributed from Canada. Therefore Satan’s Unrighteous Deception is being exposed by two -Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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reports. One coming from Canada (the north) and another from Romania (the sunrising). You can be certain these two reports will be very disturbing for Satan and the weeds he has planted inside of the Kingdom: Daniel 11:44 “But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.

These two reports are what signify the start of the “war of the great day of God the Almighty”. The ones who need to be most concerned about their desolation are all of those kings without a kingdom who are presently walking upon this earth. Recent Jehovah’s Witness publications report that approximately 9000 of these kings have identified their hope by partaking at the memorial celebrations held in Kingdom Halls throughout the world. These are the ones who are the target of Satan’s great rage as the end of the world approaches. The present conditions inside of what was once God’s True Kingdom reveals that Satan’s annihilation is having great success. Satan really is devoting many (not all) to destruction! The war of the great day of God the almighty is well underway. That God will be the eventual victor is evidenced by those who can see through Satan’s Unrighteous Deception and use the words of their witness to save some of the others. -Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

-Convincing Evidence-

The mark of the beast So how does a person get the “mark of the beast”? Please consider the following scripture: Revelation 13:16-17 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name.

If the mark of the wild beast has to do with its name then how does someone get marked by its name? The mark is received through baptism which compels the interested one to make a vow of loyalty, an act of veneration to the name of the wild beast: “God’s Spirit Directed Organization”. Only after this mark is received can the one with the mark begin to have bible studies through the “house to house ministry” and sell Satan’s Unrighteous Deception in order to buy more people with it. Others who perhaps were baptized prior to the change of baptismal vows still have the mark as they are part of the organization (name) and so are included in the number. The number of its name! Some readers may still be conditioned to think the buying and selling has to do with the everyday mundane purchases that people have to make, such as -Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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groceries. If this is the case then please consider the following scripture: Zechariah 11:5 “This is what Jehovah my God has said, ‘Shepherd the flock [meant] for the killing, 5 the buyers of which proceed to kill [them] although they are not held guilty. And those who are selling them say: “May Jehovah be blessed, while I shall gain riches.” And their own shepherds do not show any compassion upon them.’

The buying and selling is occurring to God’s own flock and being condoned by shepherds (weeds) who have no compassion. The buying and selling being referred to in Zechariah Chapter 11 is in regard to people, not groceries! Also consider that it does not matter whether the person is small or great, rich or poor, free or slave. They cannot start a Jehovah’s Witness Bible Study until they are baptized and receive the mark of the wild beast. Only then are they considered to be a part of Gods Spirit Directed Organization and able to fully associate with other Jehovah’s Witnesses while participating in their religious and social activities.

-Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

-Convincing Evidence-

Forehead or Right Hand


hy is the mark on their forehead or in their right hand and how does this have anything to do with a Jehovah’s Witness baptism? It does seem to indicate some randomness between whether the mark is received in the right hand or forehead. What would determine where this mark is received? Whatever the cause, it must leave the person in some predicament where the mark is randomly received and yet can only be in either one of two places on a person’s actual body. This predicament must also have something directly to do with baptism if it is to be something to do with the number or name of the wild beast, God’s Spirit Directed Organization. Also consider that according to scripture a person is to be deceived into getting this mark. The mark of the wild beast cannot therefore be a literal or visible mark on the forehead or right hand otherwise the person would be well aware of receiving the mark! Please consider that another very important Jehovah’s Witness doctrine exists in regard to baptism which has a great deal to do with the receiving of this mark. Jehovah’s Witnesses insist that in order for a baptism to be valid the candidate’s body must be completely immersed under the water! If the candidate’s body is not completely immersed then those in attendance may not recognize their baptism as being valid. One of the most important functions of the attendant who is in the water and assisting with the baptism is to make fully certain that the very last parts of a baptismal candidate’s body are completely immersed under the -Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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water. Not until the very last parts of their body are under the water can the baptism be valid and the candidates receive the mark of the beast. So depending on how a candidate either leans forward or backward it is either the persons forehead or their right hand which goes under the water last and the baptism ceremony is now thoroughly completed. Please spend some time at a baptismal ceremony carefully watching the proceedings and convincing yourself the truth of this statement. A search on the Internet and youtube.com should provide video examples of baptisms which you could immediately examine. Is it coincidence that either a person’s right hand or forehead is last to go under the water? Is it coincidence that until this happens a person is not able to have a Jehovah’s Witness bible study which they initiate by selling Satan’s Unrighteous Deception from door to door and buy more people with it? Has the reader reached the point where the sum total of all these coincidences is far too overwhelming to ignore? Please consider the unlikelihood of these discernments being manufactured by the writer. Spend time wondering at how all the things being written in this book fall so easily in to place while being fully supported by scripture and real events happening in our own recent history! How does a person get rid of the mark of the beast? The best way to get rid of the mark is to begin exposing Satan’s Unrighteous Deception inside a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A person loyal to -Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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Jesus Christ will eventually be invited to a Judicial Committee Hearing where they can request a baptism according to the way Jesus Christ commanded! They will likely be asked if they renounce their Jehovah’s Witness Baptism. If you do this then you will be disfellowshipped. An announcement will be made in front of your hometown congregation that you are no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The wild beast itself will have removed the mark! You will be persecuted and lyingly spoken about by your congregation, family and friends for taking this stand. Jesus Christ is coming soon with his angels to judge every person in the world. When you finally stand in front of Jesus Christ for your personal judgment however, consider what you will now say to him in your own defense. Your loyalty to the king of the entire universe will have been fully tested and proven. You will be able to stand in front of him with no shame having suffered a great deal for taking a stand in his name! See the Video – Calculate 666 See the Video – Forehead or Hand Get the Whole Book!

-Concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgement-

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