6.1 Because They Died

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  • Words: 10,715
  • Pages: 42
' Note: I suggest you re-read 5.17 before you read this. Also, to get a feel for the new characters, I suggest you take a look at the casting presented in "JwLost's Season 6" Spoiler/Update Post.

Previously On Lost:

Season 6 Episode 1 "Because They Died"

The volcano erupting in 5.17. The Returnees making it back to the island in 5.17. The Smoke Monster Battle in 5.17. Keamy's attack on the Barracks in 4.9. Claire, Locke and Christian in Jacob's Cabin in 4.12. Christian Telling Locke that LOCKE was supposed to move the Island in 5.8. The DI gassing everyone in front of the Temple in 5.17. Annie moving the Island in 5.17. 1) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. The camera is focused upwards in the trees as it then pans down to Hurley who is trailing Sawyer, Jack, Kate, Aaron, Kaname, Sayid, Daniel, Jin, Sun and Richard as they make their way to the Temple station as seen in 5.17 when they encountered the Smoke Monster. The scene is much the same, but plays out very differently. Claire isn't with the group. Sawyer: So, you mean to tell me that you guys have been gone for 4 years.... and a little over 5 days has passed here? Kate: Yep... that pretty much sums it up... Jack stops dead in his tracks and turns around to look at Sawyer. Jack: So... Claire... she... never came back? Sawyer: No.... I haven't seen her since, well... that day she left the baby behind. Miles... he said she walked off with her... dad... Jack's eyes dart up to Sawyer's and he pauses thinking for a minute. Then he looks back to Kate. Jack: Her... dad?

Kate's eyes widen and looks back to Jack. The two exchange a moment of "what?!," because Jack knows now that they share a father. Just then, the camera pans to Hurley, who is still bringing up the rear, as we hear the sound just like we did in 5.17: The Smoke Monster!!! The entire group turns and sees what the camera is now showing. They all look horrified as they are all looking at Hurley and behind him is the Smoke Monster. Towering about 40 feet in the air with the electrical pulses flashing inside of it with the "taxi cab meter" sound clicking away louder than ever. Hurley, unaware of what's behind him, looks at everyone looking at him with huge eyes and complete horror on their faces. Hurley: Dudes... I'm moving like... as fast as I can... Just then, Sun blurts out: Sun: Hurley, RUN!!! Hurley turns and sees what is going on. His face drops and as he turns back to run he falls and trips. Everyone else turns and runs except for Jack, who turns back to Hurley and rushes up to help him up! The Smoke Monster lets out a horrible howling noise as it springs into action and a smoke pillar comes out and hovers over Hurley as he looks up at it shielding his face and cowering in horror. Jack finally reaches Hurley to help, but not quick enough! The Smoke Monster wraps the pillar of smoke around Hurley's body and lifts him into the air about 20 feet then hurls him across the jungle!!! Hurley hits a tree with a THUD! and falls to the ground below!! Kate screams and runs over to him. Kate: Hurley!!! Oh my God!! Hurley!! Kate flips Hurley over and his face is completely bloody!! She looks on and screams: Kate: No!!!! Hurley!!! Jack turns back to see Kate's horror then looks up at the Smoke Monster who is now ripping trees out of the ground and hurling them towards the rest of the group as they run away!!! The camera is focused on Jack as he snatches up Aaron and grabs Kate's hand and starts to sprint away from the smoke monster. Behind him is Richard and Daniel as Daniel turns and screams: Daniel: What the hell?!!? I though... I thought I fixed that back in '84!!! Richard: Apparently not!!

The Smoke Monster throws a tree towards Sun and Jin and Jin manages to grab Sun out of the way right before the tree hits her!! They both fall to the ground and Jin looks at Sun and says: Jin: You ok?! Sun: Yeah... Sun looks up and her face turns to dismay as Jin says: Jin: Ok.. let's g... Jin's cut off in mid sentence when suddenly the Smoke Monster, with a smoke tentacle wrapped around a tree, slams the tree down right on top of Jin crushing him instantly!!! Sun just sits there staring at where Jin was a second ago speechless with her eyes bulging out of her head. She looks upwards at the Smoke Monster as it backhands her with a smoke tentacle flinging her across the jungle directly into a log where there is a broken branch sticking out of it!!! The branch impales her through the stomach!!! She lays there pinned up against the tree with the branch sticking out of her!!! Sawyer turns to see what the hell is happening and he sees that Jin and Hurley are dead and Sawyer turns and begins to fire rounds into it from his rifle!! The Smoke Monster halts for a moment right over-top of him as his face changes from rage to extreme panic. He turns and begins running as he screams: Sawyer: You son of a bitchhh!!!!! Jack sees that Sawyer is in trouble and he turns to run back towards him as the Smoke Monster is reaching out to grab Sawyer!! Jack: Sawyer!!! Jack runs, full force, right into Sawyer knocking him over and Jack lands on top of him as the Smoke Monster narrowly grabs him!! Sawyer looks up at Jack as he says: Sawyer: Doc... Jack: Don't mention it... Sawyer:

No... Jack!!! The Smoke Monster grabs Jack by the leg and flings him into the air grabbing him by the arms on one side and the legs on the other side. Kate turns around and screams: Kate: Jack!!!! Sayid looks upwards and charges towards the Smoke Monster firing the automatic rifle into it as he runs right into its smoke! There is a bright FLASH inside the Smoke Monster and Sayid is sent flying back out with black soot on his face. He lands beside Sun as she looks down at him, still impaled on the branch, with blood coming out of her mouth. Sayid isn't moving! He's dead! The camera focuses back up to the Smoke Monster with Jack in it's grasp as it appears to pull on him in both directions. The camera pans around to everyone else and Kate is screaming bloody murder. Just as the Smoke Monster begins to really pull and Jack screams out in pain, Vincent comes out of the jungle and runs up to the Smoke Monster barking his ass off and growling ferociously!!!! The Smoke Monster lets out a giant howl as Kaname rushes up to Sayid's body and grabs the gun. He turns towards the Smoke Monster and begins firing, but he doesn't know what he's doing and he loses control of the gun! Bullets go flying in the direction of Vincent and the Smoke Monster and one of the stray bullets hits Vincent!! Vincent falls over, not moving!! Kaname: Damn it!!! Richard looks on in complete horror at the absolute carnage happening around him as Kaname accidentally drops the gun leaving it land on the ground aiming directly at him as it goes off shooting Kaname several times in the chest!!! He falls over, dead!!! Richard: No!!! No, no, no!!! Kate turns and looks up at the Smoke Monster as continues to pull Jack's body in two directions and Jack screams out in pain to Sawyer, Kate, Aaron, Richard and Daniel below: Jack: Run!!! Save yourselves!!! Just then, with a mighty thrust, the Smoke Monster pulls Jack one last time!! Jack's body is torn in half as the Smoke Monster SCREECHES! louder than ever!!! Kate turns to Daniel and they all book it into the jungle!! Kate and Daniel run into the jungle leaving the Smoke Monster behind brooding over it's victory. Kate turns to Daniel with tears and fear on face: Kate: They're all... they're all... dead!! Richard and Sawyer, with Aaron in his arms, are standing at the edge of the jungle looking back on the Smoke Monster and all the bodies laying around. Richard shakes his head as he looks over towards Sun, still alive, but gravely injured. He looks at all the

casualties and he leans up against a tree and slides down. He sits there for a minute as the Smoke Monster continues to howl. He finally looks down and pulls out a little notepad out of his pocket. He opens it and it reads "107." He shakes his head then puts his head in his hands. Richard: Damn it... damn it... Just then, the DI, in their yellow Bio-hazard suits, come out of the jungle with guns drawn on the both of them. Sawyer sees this and he sits Aaron down and says to him: Sawyer: Run! Go find Kate...er... mommy!! Aaron takes off into the jungle as the DI rush up to the two men and knock Sawyer unconscious with a billy club. The head DI woman takes off her hood and it is revealed that she is a straight haired, to her shoulders, blond woman in her mid-late 50's. She looks at Richard and turns back to the other DI guys. She says: DI Woman: Go get the Asian woman... she looks salvageable. She turns back to Richard and just looks at him as he looks back and shakes his head in disbelief at what had just happened. The woman looks VERY angry and she grabs the club out of the DI guy's hand and hits Richard in the head with it as the music builds and the camera cuts to:



There is a fire burning as the camera pans around to Sawyer, Miles and Claire all laying around the fire. Sawyer and Miles are asleep, but Claire is awake and holding Aaron. She stares into the fire and she looks rather strange, like she isn't completely with it. As she looks into the fire, we begin to see Christian Shephard's face through the fire on the other side. Claire darts her eyes up and there he is, standing across from Claire: Christian Shephard. Claire: Dad?! Christian holds his finger up to his lips shushing her. Claire looks at Miles and Sawyer. Miles' is facing away from the situation, but his eyes are now open. Claire quietly says to herself: Claire: I musta hit my head harder than I thought...

Christian: Much harder than you thought. In fact, you have a subdural hematoma that is beginning to bleed into the outer portions of the skull. The pressure in your skull is going to build to the point where your brain tissue will become so severely damaged that you will die. Claire, looking confused and horribly worried, looks at him and says: Claire: What the hell... what can I do?! Christian: Come with me. Claire gets up, still holding baby Aaron, and beings to walk towards Christian, who has turned and is leading the way into the jungle. Claire follows. Miles turns and watches as Claire walks off with Christian. Claire and Christian reach a point deeper in the jungle when he turns back towards her. Christian: Let me see my grand-child. He puts his hands out as if to hold Aaron. Claire just looks at him and finally says: Claire: What? You just expect me to hand my baby over to you? Where... how did you... Christian: I'll explain all of that later, but now... please. The baby. Claire reluctantly hands Aaron to Christian. Christian takes Aaron and looks at him briefly. He then sits Aaron down on the leaf where Sawyer later finds him. Claire: What do you think you're doing? Christian: He'll be fine. James will find him in about an hour. Claire: What is this... what's this all about?! Christian turns and looks at Claire and smiles. Christian:

You belong to the island now, Claire... come with me... Claire looks angry and upset. She looks back at Aaron and begins to walk towards him. Christian turns and looks back at her. He then turns his focus into the jungle where we can faintly hear the Smoke Monster's clicking noises. He turns back to Claire. Claire bends down to pick up Aaron, but as she does this, she falls face first onto the ground. Christian walks over to her and bends down beside her. She is dead. Christian looks up into the jungle and says: Christian: It's ok, she's ready...take it from here. Just then, we see a wisp of Black Smoke snake its way through the trees towards Christian and Claire as the flash sound begins... 3) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE CLEARING. DAY. Claire is laying face down in the middle of a small field in the jungle. The camera is focused directly on her eye as she opens it and blinks a few times. Then, she shoots her eyes open and stands up in a hurry. She turns in circles looking for something frantically. Finally, she stops and screams: Claire: Aaron?! She hears something in the jungle across the way and she takes off towards the noise. The chase music builds as she runs through branches and tall grass until she finally gets to what is making the noise. She looks down and we see it: 5 year old Aaron is sitting on the ground playing with some rocks and a stick he found. Claire looks down and smiles and breathes a sigh of relief. She sits down next to Aaron and looks him in the eye. She spits on her hand and wipes Aaron's face with it to remove some dirt. Aaron looks at her and says: Aaron: Where's mommy? Claire looks down then back up at Aaron. Claire: What if I told you that I was your mommy? Aaron: You're not my mommy... Claire looks down and flashes a half smile at him. Claire: You got so big... you are such a big boy now...

Claire plays with Aaron's hair as he looks back down and continues playing with his rocks. Claire stares at him for a minute then it dawns on her what has just happened. She quickly looks up and around the area as she jumps to her feet and grabs Aaron up from the ground. Aaron begins to frown and looks like he's about to cry. Claire: Shhh... shhh... come on, let's go find Ka (sigh)... your mommy.... Aaron stops crying as he and Claire take off into the jungle. The camera pans down to where Aaron was playing and we see that the stones he was playing with are very similar to the black and white stones that Jack took from Adam and Eve in season one. 4) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Kate and Daniel are walking through the jungle and Kate looks terrible as if she has been crying. Daniel looks really panicked and as twitchy as ever. Suddenly Kate turns and starts running back in the direction they came from. Daniel runs up behind her and stops her. Kate: We have to go back!!! Daniel: We can't! And please... Kate... please... be quiet! Kate: They have them!!! They have Aaron!!! Daniel: I know you are upset, but listen to me... Kate slaps his hands away from her and beings back. He stands there unsure of what to do. He finally says: Daniel: If you go back and are caught...then who will rescue them... rescue you? Kate stops dead in her tracks. She turns around and looks at Daniel. She rushes up to him and says with anger in her voice: Kate: I am NOT the leader of this Island... do you understand?! I never wanted the job... Locke was crazy... simple as that! Daniel pauses and looks at Kate sincerely. Daniel:

Well, then... why'd you come back? Kate knows the reason and looks down. Daniel: He said you have to save them... maybe he meant Jack and Aaron. Kate looks up at him slightly annoyed. Kate: Are you always this logical? Daniel: No, believe me... I'm the... I'm the least logical guy I know... Kate: So then, what's the plan, Mr. Illogical? Daniel: You tell me, you're the leader. Daniel smiles and Kate finally cracks a small smile. Kate: Well, I guess we find Ben. He'll know what to do.... right? Daniel: You know him better than I do. Kate: Yeah, but... you spent like... 10 years with him here, didn't you? Daniel: I avoided him at all costs... something... about that guy... bothered me... Kate: I know the feeling... come on, which way's the Orchid? Daniel motions in the direction they were coming from. They take off towards the Orchid. 5) INT. ORCHID. DAY.

Ben and Widmore are standing near the machinery. The elevator is coming down the shaft and they both look at it then back at Annie. Ben: That's probably your niece. Widmore: Well, I can't let her see her mother like this... Ben: My God, you actually have a heart in there, don't you? Widmore: I wouldn't count on it... Widmore looks at Ben then rushes off and begins unstrapping dead Annie from the chair. The elevator finally reaches the bottom of the shaft and the doors open. The camera is focused on Ben's face as we hear the doors open. Ben's expression changes from expectant to surprised. Ben: Who the hell are you? The camera pans around to reveal a man, white hair, mid-60's (played by Ben Stein). The man opens the elevator gates and confidently walks out into the hallway. Man: I'm Clark Maxwell... you must be Benjamin Linus... I've heard, well read, much about you. Ben's eyes shift back and forth over Clark Maxwell trying to figure out who the hell he is as Widmore walks out and into the hallway. Widmore: Who the bloody hell's this? Ben: Clark Maxwell...apparently... The camera pans over the three men showing the animosity in their faces. Maxwell looks smug and sure of the situation whereas Ben looks rather uneasy and Widmore has his typical stone face on. 6) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Kate and Daniel are making their way to the Orchid in silence. Finally, Kate looks up and says:

Kate: Who are those people... Daniel: I believe that was the Dharma Initiative. Kate: But, we stopped them... didn't we? Daniel: I thought so... this is... well, unexpected. Kate: Well then, that light... it was like when the Island moved five years ago, right? Daniel: Right, but... there was a difference... a very big difference. Kate: And what's that? Daniel: Whoever moved this Island, they didn't turn the wheel this time. Kate: The wheel? Daniel: Didn't Ben tell you how he did it the first time? Kate: No... Daniel: He turned a wheel, a wheel from... well, that's not important, but the wheel works as, well, like a sink faucet would work. You turn it one way and the water flows. You turn it the other and it's shut off. Kate: Yeah... thanks, I know how a faucet works...

Daniel: Well, instead of water, this faucet controls the flow of electromagnetic energy. Kate: I thought that's what the Swan was for... you know, the purple light. Daniel stops in his tracks, his eyes widen, and he turns back to Kate with a look of complete urgency in his eye. Daniel: You saw... you saw the purple light? Kate: Yeah, about a month before we left the Island... why? Daniel: Kate... tell me... is the Swan Station still there? Is it still doing it's job?! Kate: No... you mean, Richard never told you about it? Daniel: Kate, if I knew about this, I wouldn't have come back here! Kate's tilts her head and looks at Daniel really confused and a bit frightened as the music builds. 7) INT. SWAN STATION. DAY. The camera pans around the station. It is exactly how we remember it. It shows the main room with the kitchenette, the little exercise area with the bike, the bookcase, the gun vault, the hallway to the hatch ladder, the wall where the mural was painted, but the mural isn't there. Finally, it shows the living room area. On the couch is Sawyer, just laying there and he appears to be sleeping... or passed out. He has a gash on his head. Suddenly, we hear it: The Alarm Sound from the Computer!!! The sound wakes Sawyer. He opens his eyes and looks around. He sits up and realizes that he is in the Swan Station. He quickly looks left and right and tries to make sense of this. He rubs his head and notices blood on his hand as he looks down at it and says: Sawyer: What the... He stands up and walks around the Swan Station looking at everything. He turns towards the computer room and slowly walks towards it was the alarm beeping gets louder. He finally makes his way into the room and his face shows he is more confused than ever. The

camera pans around and we see it: The massive machine in the middle of the domed room next to where the computer should be. It is the same machine that we saw in 5.1 when the "Incident" took place killing DI Casey and taking off Pierre Chang's arm!!! Sawyer walks over to the railing and looks down a staircase leading to the bottom of the machine. He then looks up at it towards the ceiling at it as it starts to make strange noises. He looks over to where the computer room should be, but it's not there. He doesn't know what to do so he turns around runs to the doors leading out of the Swan into the jungle. He tries to open them, but they are locked. He can't budge them. He then runs down the hall to the hatch ladder. He looks up and it appears to be sealed off at the top. He begins to look more panicked as he runs into the main room again. Above the door-frame to the room with the massive machine we see it: The Countdown Clock. It is just under :55 seconds. He looks around and just starts shouting: Sawyer: Hello?! Anyone there?! What the hell am I supposed to do?! There's no... there's no computer to press the button!!! Sawyer turns around and looks around really unsure what to do. The countdown clock reaches :30 seconds! Sawyer turns back around and looks at the clock in a panic as the music begins to build and the camera cuts immediately to black. --commercial-8) INT. STAFF STATION. DAY. The camera opens up with a shot of the Staff Station, this time all cleaned up and white and minus the secret lockers over the surgery room. This is the same as we saw it when Annie gave birth to Charlotte and when Kaname delivered himself from his mother. The camera is showing the hall when all of a sudden the station is filled up with shouting and lots of action as someone is being wheeled down the hallway on a stretcher with doctors and nurses all around them. One doctor is a white doctor in his mid-late 40's with grey hair and a Swedish accent. Another is an Asian woman in her late 30's with a British accent. Lastly there is a nurse in her early 30's, white with brunette hair. They wheel the stretcher down the hall and into the surgery room and lift the patient off of the stretcher and place them on the OR table. Through all of the commotion and fast paced scene we finally see that the patient has dark hair and then when the female doctor beings ripping the shirt off of the patient we see that it is Sun!! Swedish Doctor: Get her vitals on da screen! The nurse fumbles with the machinery, but looks rather confused. She aimlessly looks up at the doctor and says: Nurse: Doctor, I don't... I don't know how to use this equipment! Asian Doctor: Move! Get out of the way.

The Asian Doctor begins to hook up the wires and heart monitoring devices to Sun and switches on the monitor. Sun's heart-rate is very fast as if she is going into shock. The Swedish Doctor looks at the nurse and says: Swedish Doctor: Get out! Come back ven you learn to use ze machines! The nurse looks down, upset and begins to walk out of the room. Nurse: Sorry, Dr. Berger... Swedish Doctor/Dr. Berger: No time for sorry, now go! Asian Doctor: Hans, she's going into shock! Dr. Hans Berger: Damn! Heart rate?! Asian Doctor: Dropping... Dr. Berger: We must open her... to stop ze bleeding. Asian Doctor: Here, Doctor... The Asian Doctor hands him a scalpel and he takes it and we see him slice open Sun's torso. Dr. Berger: Clamps! The Asian Doctor looks up at him a bit confused. It then dawns on her and she rushes to the other side of the room and grabs the clamps. She comes back and inserts them into Sun. Asian Doctor: Her heart's stopping! Dr. Berger:

Get vis blood out. The Asian Doctor grabs the suction tube and beings sucking the blood out of the way just as the heart monitor beings to flat-line!!! Dr. Berger: Epinephrine shot... now! Directly into ze heart! The Asian Doctor looks around, but realizes they don't have that. Asian Doctor: There is none! Dr. Berger looks up at her a bit pissed off at the lack of Epinephrine. Dr. Berger: Then you must make note of that!!! No time for mistakes!!! Asian Doctor: Sorry, Doctor! Dr. Berger: Paddles! The Asian Doctor wheels over a cart with shock paddles to revive Sun. She applies to lubricant to Sun's chest and then charges the paddles and hands them to Dr. Berger. Dr. Berger: Clear! He shocks Sun, but to no success. Dr. Berger: Higher voltage! The Asian Doctor ups the voltage. Dr. Berger: Clear! Doesn't work again. He does it one last time. Dr. Berger: Clear!

The last shock worked and Sun's heart-rate stabilizes. He looks at the monitor and looks relieved. He looks back at the Asian Doctor. Dr. Berger: You need to update your nurse on vis machinery... we can not have another mistake like vis one! The Asian doctor shakes her head and looks down at Sun. She looks worried for her. Asian Doctor: Is she going to be ok? Dr. Berger: Nej. It looks like both her kidneys have been punctured. Asian Doctor: Well, we could just... He cuts her off angrily. Dr. Berger: Nej! You know ze Rules! Owen vants vis done by ze book! The Asian doctor shakes her head reluctantly. Asian Doctor: Then, she'll need a transplant... we don't have time for that... we don't have a donor or enough qualified staff! Dr. Berger: ... ja, we do. He looks at the Asian Doctor rather in a shady way. The Asian Doctor looks down at Sun as if she knows what the doctor is implying. Asian Doctor: Fine. The camera pans on the Asian Doctor, but she doesn't seem happy about what is about to be done. 9) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT.

Claire and Aaron and making their way through the jungle. Claire has put Aaron down and he is walking hand in hand with her and she keeps looking down at him and smiling. Out of nowhere, she bends down and gives him a big hug. She lets go and he just looks at her blankly. She smiles at him then they start back on their way. Claire looks down on him as they walk. Claire: Aaron... has Kate been a good mum to you? Aaron: Yes. Claire: Do you love her? Aaron: I love mommy. Claire: Did she ever... tell you about me? Aaron shakes his head "no." Claire looks up in the direction they are going and a tear forms in her eye. She brushes it off. Claire: Well... you and me, we're going to get to know each other really well... ok? Aaron: Ok. Claire: We're going to be spending a lot of time together from now ok, ok? Aaron shakes his head yes, then he looks back down past Claire and his eyes light up. He takes off running and Claire tries to stop him. Claire: Aaron! Come back here! Claire looks up and sees what Aaron saw: Kate and Daniel are walking out of the jungle towards them. The camera cuts to Kate as she spots Aaron and her face lights up. She and Aaron run towards each-other and Kate grabs him and swings him around into a hug. Kate:

Aaron!! My God! I thought they took you!!! Claire just stands there across the way staring at Kate and not exactly in a happy way. Kate notices Claire and her face becomes more serious. Kate: Claire! You... you had him this whole time?! Claire: Yeah, I saw him and grabbed him... Kate: Well, where were you taking him? Claire: Away from those.... people.... Kate: Well, you scared the hell out of me! Claire gets rather upset and marches towards Kate. Claire: He's MY son Kate! Kate: Then why'd you just leave him?! Claire: I had no choice, but I never told you to take him off this island!! Kate: I thought you were dead! We all did! I did what I had to! I kept him safe! Kate sits Aaron down and walks towards Claire in a threatening manner. Claire: Well, Kate, I'll take it from here, thanks! Kate: I don't think so... it's not that easy... Claire:

Well, he's not your son, Kate! Daniel steps up and interjects between the two of them. Daniel: Um, guys... this really isn't the uh, the time for this... Claire looks at Daniel like "back off!" Daniel slowly steps backwards and puts his hands up like "Ok, I'm done." Daniel: It's just that... we really need to get to the Orchid... Claire backs down. Claire: Fine. Kate: Let's go, it's gonna be getting dark soon... Daniel turns and leads the way as Kate follows and Aaron rushes up and grabs her hand. Kate looks back at Claire as Aaron clings to Kate's hand. Claire just stands there as the camera pans around to her and then we see it, behind her is Christian Shephard! Christian: You see, she's trying to take your son from you... Claire spins around and looks at Christian with a shocked and confused expression. Claire: Dad?! Claire looks at Christian as the flash sound begins... 10) --FLASH-- INT. JACOB'S CABIN. NIGHT. Claire is sitting on the rocking chair with Christian sitting across from her at the table. Claire looks smug and slightly chubbier (as we saw her in Locke's flashback). She looks across at Christian with a half smile on her face. He looks at her. Christian: Don't worry, the bloating will go away after a while. Claire looks at him, unfeeling to what he had just said.

Claire: What is it I have to do? Why do you need Aaron off the island? Christian: It is very important for him to be raised by someone other than his mother. Claire: Why? Christian: It's just the way it is. He needs to be away from the island... the only way to do that is to separate him from here. Claire: And that means to be separated from his mother? Christian: Yes. When he returns here, one day... he will be key in ensuring the island's complete and tota.... Christian is cut off by the sound of footsteps outside. He looks at Claire then back at the door. Christian: This must be John. Sit there and say nothing. Christian sits back as John walks in. The camera cuts to the outside of the cabin and focuses on Hugo and Ben for a moment as Hugo searches his pockets. The camera cuts back to the inside of the cabin. Locke: Move the island? How does one... move the island? Christian: It's very simple John... tell Ben what I said then he will lead you there. Once there, he will show you a... wheel. You turn that and the island moves. Locke: It just moves... like that? Christian: Just like that, John.

Locke: Fair enough... what about the guys out there? Will they move with us? Christian: John, you won't have to worry about the men on the boat. Just make sure you move the island. You. Locke: I got it. Then what? Christian: Worry about that after it's done. Go, now! There's no time to waste. Locke looks at Christian then at the floor. He looks over at Claire and she gives him a little wave. Locke walks out of the cabin. Claire turns to Christian and says: Claire: Why him? Christian: Because, we need him gone. John Locke can't be on this island when the time comes for Aaron to complete his task. Claire looks at Christian and unleashes a great smile as the flash sound begins... 11) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Claire is looking at Christian in amazement. Unsure of what to say. Claire: How are you... Christian: That's not important. You need to get him away from Kate, Claire. You need to be the one to raise him, not Kate. Claire looks at Christian unsure of what to say. Christian says these things to her in the same way he said them in the previous flash, but instead of telling Claire she needs to let someone else raise Aaron, he reverses it and says that Claire is the one who needs to raise him. Claire: That's what the psychic said, the one in Australia! Christian:

Well, Claire, Richard Malkin is a very wise man... Get him away from Kate, Claire... It's for his own good. Daniel and Kate turn around and see Claire looking off into the jungle seemingly talking to herself. Daniel looks at Kate a but worried. Daniel: I think she uh... I think she may have lost it. Kate: Yeah... Kate looks down at Aaron and pulls him in tighter towards her as if protecting him. Kate: Help keep an eye on her... all right? Daniel: Sure thing... Claire! Come on! We need to go! The camera cuts back to Claire. She looks towards Daniel and back to Christian, who has turned and is walking back into the jungle. Without turning back he says: Christian: Don't let her take him from you, Claire... Claire turns back towards Kate and Daniel and then starts off towards them while looking back at where Christian just was. She catches up as Kate says: Kate: What is it you need to know from Ben? Daniel: I need to know where Annie moved the Island.... Claire: Who's Annie? Kate: Yeah... who's Annie? Daniel:

I'll tell you on the way, but what I really need to find out is what Ben said to Desmond before we left. Kate: What do you mean, why? Daniel: Because hopefully it wasn't what I think it was... Kate looks at him blankly. Daniel: ... I hope he didn't tell Desmond to destroy the Door Station in Tokyo... The camera watches as the four of them make their way up the side of the mountain towards the Orchid. 12) INT. PAIK MANSION. SEOUL SOUTH KOREA. NIGHT. Desmond is sitting in an armchair in Mrs. Paik's mansion. He has a look of absence on his face as the camera zooms out revealing several Korean men walking around in front of him wearing emergency service type outfits. The camera pulls back further as they lift up a stretcher with Mrs. Paik on it and lock the legs in place. Desmond looks on as one of the EMS workers zips up a black body bag over Mrs. Paik's body. Ji Yeon walks up to Desmond sitting in the chair and looks over towards Mrs. Paik's dead body. Ji Yeon: 할머니 ST: Grandma? Desmond looks down at her and puts his arm around her. He pulls her closer and says: Desmond: Ay... He has no idea what she just said. A Korean man comes up to Desmond and says: Korean Man: 어제 밤 언젠가 그녀가 심장 마비로 사망했다. 당신이 할 수있는 일은 아무것도있다. Desmond looks up at the man and shakes his head as if he doesn't understand. The Korean man puts his hand on his chest and gestures as he says: Korean Man: Heart Attack.

Desmond mindlessly shakes his head and looks at Ji Yeon. He then stands up and walks over to the fireplace and looks at a photo of Jin and Sun. He leans up against the fireplace and puts his head in his hands. He says to himself: Desmond: Ay, brotha... what've you gotten yourself into now? He looks back at Ji Yeon, who is now just staring at him. He looks at her as if he knows that she is his responsibility now. He looks down, then he pulls his phone out of his pocket. He pulls out a piece of paper with a phone number on it. He dials. Desmond: Hello, you don't know me, but... I think you maybe the only person I can trust.... and... I need your help... The music builds and the camera goes to black. ---commercial--13) INT. LAX AIRPORT. LA. DAY. The camera is focused on the doors to Gate 2 as they open. People come walking out and eventually we see Desmond walking out with Ji Yeon and into the waiting area. Desmond sits Ji Yeon down and she takes his hand as they walk through the terminal to the exits. The camera cuts to outside the airport focused on the doors as Desmond and Ji Yeon walk out and look around as if they are being picked up by someone. Desmond looks around until he sees someone holding a sign that says "Desmond" on it. The camera focuses on the sign then pans down to reveal who is holding it: It is Nadia! Desmond walks over to her and stops in front of her as she puts out her hand and he shakes it. She then crouches down and shakes Ji Yeon's hand with a smile on her face. Nadia: And this must be Ji Yeon! It's so nice to meet you! Ji Yeon smiles and shakes her hand back. Desmond looks down at Nadia. Desmond: She speaks no English... none, I have no idea what she wants... Nadia smiles and looks back at Ji Yeon and says: Nadia: 내 이름은 나디아입니다. 배고프지 않니? Desmond smiles at Nadia as she stands back up. He laughs. Desmond:

You know Korean?! Nadia: I had a lot of time on my hands while pretending to be dead, Mr. Hume... I know many languages... Desmond: Please, it's Desmond. Nadia: Desmond. Desmond: I'm so sorry to ring you out of the blue, but... I just didn't know what to do. Before Sayid left... Nadia looks down. Desmond: ... he gave me your number. He told me to keep an eye on you, for him. Nadia: Well, Desmond, it looks like it's you who's in need of a watchful eye. Nadia smiles and Desmond smiles back. Desmond: Ay, I suppose you're right... Nadia walks towards her car and as she does this, she waves them to come along. Desmond picks up Ji Yeon and the three of them get into Nadia's SUV and pull away. 14) INT. ORCHID STATION. DAY. Clark Maxwell, Ben and Widmore are all still standing around staring at each other. Maxwell, who constantly speaks in a very bland and monotone voice, finally says: Maxwell: I know she's here... where is she? Ben: Who? Maxwell:

Jeanette, Annie, Staples-Lewis... 43 years old. American. Former Dharma Initiative Worker circa 1979. Formerly married to David Staples (he looks at Widmore), your half brother. Gave birth to Charlotte Staples-Lewis, 25. Moved to the United Kingdom and divorced David Staples 2 years after Charlotte's birth. Remarried P.W. Lewis and had two daughters with him. Sarah and Chloe. Later kidnapped by you (looks at Ben) in 1996 and brought back to the island to complete that machine (looks at the Orchid Chamber). Held captive here since and then later used again, today, to move the island and it's inhabitants to another place and time. Ben and Widmore look at each other, a bit stunned. Maxwell, smugly looking back and forth between them, says: Maxwell: And what time and place have you asked her to move this place exactly? I assume you didn't use the wheel because you needed to move both the people AND the island to the same place. So where is that gentlemen? Widmore: It seems to me that you have it all figured out, Mr. Maxwell, so why don't you tell us? The elevator to the Orchid begins to move back up the elevator shaft. Ben and Widmore take note. Maxwell doesn't bother looking behind him to the elevator as he says: Maxwell: I told them to send me down first to talk to you two men, as a civilized human, before they sent the cavalry to come in and... well, pardon my French, kick your asses all over this subterranean time machine. So, please, I implore you, where did you ask Ms. StaplesLewis to move the island? Ben pulls his beating stick out of his pocket and Maxwell sees this. Maxwell pulls out a stun-gun and shoots an electronic dart into Ben's neck!! Ben falls down and is severely shocked and sent into convulsions until he finally stops twitching and just lays there passed out. Maxwell turns to Widmore. Maxwell: Do you need this too? Let me know because it's only charged for two rounds. I already used one before I came down and that was my second. So, I'll need to find an outlet somewhere down here to charge it before I can shoot you as well. Widmore half smiles and shakes his head. Widmore: No, no... that will not be necessary. I will cooperate, however, you will need to tell me just who it is you are. Maxwell:

I believe I asked you a question first, Charles. Where did you tell her to send you? More importantly, did she survive the move? Widmore: No, unfortunately, she passed shortly afterward. Widmore begins walking down the hall towards where he put Annie's body. He turns his back to Maxwell as he is walking and Maxwell picks up his stun-gun and points it at Widmore. Maxwell: Well, that's most unfortunate for Charlotte. Widmore keeps walking without turning around. Widmore: Yes, well... she will get over the loss soon enough. Maxwell: No, what I meant is now that Annie's dead, we'll have to run an array of impossibly painful tests on Charlotte to see if she has the same gift as her mother. Widmore's face changes instantly to anger as he swings back around and begins to charge towards Maxwell. Maxwell simply lifts his gun a little higher and shoots Widmore! Maxwell: Looks like I was mistaken. It holds 3 charges after all. Widmore drops to the ground and he too is electrocuted and finally passes out. He walks down the hall to the Chamber and looks at it. He looks over and sees Annie's dead body. He then looks back at the hole in the Chamber from when Ben blew a hole in it. Maxwell: My, my... they really did a number on you, didn't they? 15) EXT. JUNGLE. LATE AFTERNOON. Kate, Aaron, Daniel and Claire are walking towards the Orchid and come to a stream. They all stop and Kate walks over and cups her hands in the water and takes a drink from it. Daniel stops and looks around him. He looks up into the trees and towards the sky. Daniel: Hm... Claire: Hm...? Hm.. what?

Daniel: It seems like... it seems like the light is... right. Claire: The light is right? What... is the light ever wrong? Daniel looks at Claire very seriously. Daniel: The light most certainly can be wrong. Kate walks over and she looks at Daniel strangely. Kate: What are you talking about? Daniel: When I first got here...in 2004... I noticed the light didn't scatter correctly... Kate: Yeah, I remember you saying that. Daniel: It didn't scatter correctly when I was here in the '80's either. I didn't notice until now, but... it did scatter right when I first got sent back to the Island in 1978... Claire and Kate just look at each other. Claire: What do you mean by scatter? Daniel: There's no distortion in the spectrum... it's as if... we're in complete sync with the time from the outside. Daniel looks around in amazement. Kate and Claire kind of just look at each other and then they hear it: Voice: Welcome back, Kate! The three of them turn around and see it: It's Juliet! She's just standing there watching the four of them.

Kate: Juliet... I never thought I'd say this, but... it's so good to see you! Kate and Juliet hug. Juliet smiles at Kate and she looks over at Claire. Juliet: Claire, you're... alive?! Claire looks down and then around as if she's hiding something. Claire: Yeah... I'm alive... Juliet nods and looks back to Aaron. Juliet: Who's this? Kate: This... is Aaron. Juliet shoots a look up at Kate. Juliet: This... this... is Aaron?! Kate: 4 years really flew by, didn't it? Juliet: I'd... I'd say so!..... Daniel: The island, well, the people on the island were moved forward to 2009... Juliet: Yeah... I got it, time-travel... Daniel: Well, I wouldn't call it that... It's more... Juliet:

Let me stop you... I don't really care. The point is, we need to get a move on. Kate: We're headed to the Orchid. Juliet: Me too, care if I join? Kate: Please... They start walking again towards the Orchid. Juliet: I need to find Richard... I have an important message from... Juliet pauses. Kate looks at her. Kate: From who? Juliet: You wouldn't believe me if I told you... Kate: Who, Juliet...? Juliet: The Island. Kate looks at Juliet like, "Oh no, not you too..." They keep walking and Kate says: Kate: Well, you won't find Richard where we're going... Juliet: What, why? Kate: They got him. Juliet:

They? Kate: The Dharma Initiative. Juliet stops. Juliet: What?!... They just all look at her. Juliet: Well, that's not important... what's important is that I need to speak to Richard, and I need to speak to him now! Claire looks at Juliet as she says Richard's name. The flash sound begins... 16) --FLASH-- INT. JACOB'S CABIN. NIGHT. The scene continues from the last flash with Christian and Claire in the Jacob's Cabin after Locke left. Christian: ... Aaron to complete his task... Just then, Richard walks into the Cabin. Christian turns and looks at Richard sharply. Claire looks over. Christian looks angry as he says: Christian: How did you... Richard: I followed Locke and Ben. Christian: But... Richard holds up a small vile of what looks like the Holmium dust that surrounded the cabin in "Man Behind the Curtain" and the very same vile that Richard placed in front of little Locke when he tested him and asked him to choose an object in "Cabin Fever." Christian sees the vile and his expression changes. Christian: You have my attention.

Richard: If you don't want to repeat history, then you will do just as I say, you understand? Christian: But, history can always be changed... you, of all people, should know that by now, Richard. Richard: Not when you're held prisoner in time, you of all people should know that, Jacob. The music builds. Christian's face turns to anger. Christian: This... I, I am not Jacob. Richard: Something is going to change and you are going to let it change. Christian: What's that? Richard: She (looks at Claire) can not die. Christian: Why do you say that? Richard: Because if she dies, then they all die... you mean, you don't know? Christian squints his eyes as if he's unsure of what Richard is talking about. Richard: My God... you can't see it, can you? You don't know what the future holds for the Island, do you? Christian: What do you want, Richard. Richard: I'm changing it. It's the last change I can make... I have to set things right.

Christian: And I suppose you want to make a deal. Richard: I change this and it gives you an opportunity... an opportunity that will allow you to see what the future holds for the Island. Christian: And that is? Richard: If Claire lives, then Hugo Reyes lives. He'll set things right for both of us. His life will benefit both of us, regardless of who's right and who's wrong. Christian: John doesn't leave the island, does he? That's why I can't see the future. Richard: That won't change... as much as you want it to, that won't change. Christian ponders for a second. He looks back up at Richard after a moment. Christian: It's a deal, Richard. Claire will live, but you better make sure, for your sake, that you get it right this time. This is your last chance after all. Richard looks down and he turns to walk out. Without turning back he says: Richard: And if you interfere with this, I swear to you, I will personally kill Hugo Reyes myself... and we will both be screwed. Without another word, Richard walks out of the Cabin and Christian looks at Claire. She looks back up at him. The camera focuses on Christian's face, one that doesn't look too pleased with the situation, as he looks back at Claire and the music builds then black. ----commercial---17) --FLASH-- EXT. BARRACKS. DAY. The scene opens on Claire as she wakes up from a nap. She looks around and rubs her eyes. She hears something from outside. She can faintly hear Sawyer screaming her name. She opens the window and she looks out. Her face changes to horror as she looks on and sees men standing in the jungle shooting at Sawyer as he tries to make his way towards her house. Just then, the Redshirts are getting picked off as Claire hears a knock on the back door to her house. She runs to the door and opens it. It's Richard. She swallows and says:

Claire: Who the hell are you?! What's going on out there?! Richard: Let's go, now! Claire: What? Who are you?! Richard: I'm here to save your life and you need to get out of this house because in about 20 seconds it's going to be blown to hell. Claire looks at Richard and then she looks back. Richard grabs her arm and the two run out the back door of the house. They make it half way across the clearing when BOOM!!! The house explodes!!! The camera pans back to Sawyer as he screams: Sawyer: Claire!!! The camera cuts back to Richard and Claire as they turn back and run into the jungle. Claire stops and slaps Richard's hands off of her. Claire: What the hell was that?! Who's trying to kill me?! Richard: Very bad people. And listen, Claire... you need to play along. It's very important that you do exactly as I say, understand? Claire: What, why?! Richard: You need to go back to Ben's house, get Aaron, and leave with them. Do you understand? Claire just looks at Richard strangely. Richard: You will eventually split off from Ben, Locke and Hurley. After that, I will come and get you. Claire looks at Richard as if he is insane and turns to go back out towards the house. He grabs her.

Richard: If you don't do this... they'll kill Aaron. He'll die. I saved your life, Claire. You owe me this... do you understand? Claire: Yeah... I... Richard: Good, now go. I opened up the back bedroom window of Ben's house. Go in and just act like you were there the whole time. Claire nods and she turns to run back towards Ben's house. Richard makes his way into the jungle a little further. He bends down and picks up a walkie talkie. The camera pans down and there is a body of one of Keamy's men laying there. Richard pulls out a piece of paper and it reads "108: Save Claire. Radio Keamy again regarding Alex." Richard speaks into the walkie: Richard: Keamy, come in Keamy. The camera cuts to Keamy. Keamy: Yeah, I'm here Roberts, what is it? Richard: I just spoke to the boat. Widmore said to go ahead and kill the girl if need be. Keamy looks over to Alex, who is on her knees on the ground and she's crying. He tilts his head as if he's unsure. Keamy: You're sure he said that? Richard: It's a go. Keamy: Rodger that. Keamy puts his walkie in his pocket and says to his men: Keamy:

Get her up. The camera cuts to: 18) --FLASH CON'T-- INT. BEN'S HOUSE. BARRACKS. Claire walks down the hall of the house. Sawyer spots her and runs up to her. Sawyer: Claire! I thought you were dead! Claire: No... I was in the bathroom... what's going on?! Ben looks at Claire a bit confused. Then we hear Keamy through the walkie. Keamy: Am I speaking to Benjamin Linus? The camera cuts to Claire and it fades to: 19) --FLASH CON'T-- JUNGLE. NIGHT. Claire is laying at the campfire holding Aaron. Just then, someone puts their hand over her mouth. It is Richard. Claire looks up and nods. She walks out of the jungle with Richard and Richard puts his hands out for the baby. Claire starts to cry and shakes her head "no." Richard: He'll die if you don't do it, Claire... trust me on this. Claire: I... I can't just leave my babay!! Richard turns around and sighs. He begins walking into the jungle as he says: Richard: When Aaron is dead, remember, it's your fault. Claire thinks for a moment and looks down at Aaron. Claire: Fine! Richard turns back around and puts his hands out. Claire gives Aaron to him as she kisses him on the forehead crying. Richard takes Aaron and sits him down on the leaf where Sawyer will later find him. He motions for Claire to come with him. The scene cuts to:

20) --FLASH CON'T-- JUNGLE. NIGHT. Richard and Claire walk through the jungle and come upon a door that leads into the hillside. Richard takes out a key and unlocks the door. He walks in and he flips on a light. He turns and says to Claire. Richard: It's a fully functional storage station. There's just about an endless supply of food down there. Bathroom, things to do... books... You'll stay here until the time's right and Harper will come and let you out. Claire: Why is this happening? Richard: Because Claire, we need you to save Hugo. Claire: Hugo?! Richard: You'll understand later. In the mean time, read this... Richard hands Claire the file for "Hugo Reyes." Richard: It's a good read, and as some shocking twists. Hell, you even make an appearance in there... About 2 weeks and Harper will let you out. Understand? Claire nods and walks into the station/storage. Richard shuts the door and locks it. The rest of the flash is a short sequence of events that lead up to the present: 1) The island moving. 2) Harper unlocking the door for Claire to exit. 3) Harper meeting up with the group going to blow the Door Station Open in 5.17. 4) Claire making her way out of the storage/station and through the jungle towards the Door. 5) Jack/Kate/Aaron coming out of the Door and Claire seeing them. 6) The Smoke Monster Attack. 7) Claire Saving Hugo and a brief glimpse of how everything panned out in 5.17 with no one dying from the Smoke Monster attack. 8) The DI gassing everyone and Claire escaping from the scene with Aaron. 9) The bright light from the Island Move via Annie. 21) ---END OF FLASH--- EXT. JUNGLE. DUSK. The sky is a faint hint of red as Juliet, Kate, Claire, Aaron and Daniel make their way to the Orchid. Suddenly we hear something. As if someone is running and breathing heavily. They all look around, but see no one. Until finally, out of nowhere, Charlotte comes sprinting out of the jungle and runs directly into Daniel knocking him over and landing on top of him. Daniel looks up at her and she has one of the electronic darts sticking out of her neck from Maxwell's stun-gun!! Daniel looks up at her shocked.

Daniel: Charlotte?! Charlotte: Run!!! RUN!!! NOW!!! They all look at each other and take off in the direction they just came as Daniel looks up at Charlotte and rips the dart out of her neck. He helps her to her feet and they turn to follow the others. 22) INT. OFFICE. The camera pans on Hurley, who is laying on some type of fancy couch. Behind him is a window with the shades kind of drawn closed. We can faintly see a city skyline in the background. The camera pulls back and sitting across from him is a woman. We only see her from the back/side and can see she is wearing a skirt and has her legs cross. Hurley looks up at the ceiling and says: Hurley: That's the first time I think I ever ate because it felt good. Woman: Tell me, Hugo... when your father left you... did you feel it was your fault? Hurley: .... no... well, not at least... until now. Hurley looks at the woman and sarcastically says: Hurley: Thanks... The woman looks at her watch. She stands up, we still can't see her face, and says: Woman: Well, that's all the time we have for today, Hugo. I think we made a lot of progress. Same time tomorrow? Hurley: ... uh, sure... Woman: Good.

The woman's face is finally revealed and we see it's a red haired woman early 30's, cute, but kind of nerdy with her hair in a bun and black rimmed glasses on. She puts her arm around Hurley and they walk towards the door of the office. She opens it as she says: Woman: These fine gentleman will take you back to your room now. Hurley walks outside and it is dusk out. Two men, armed with guns, take Hurley and walk him down a walkway past a big domed shape building. Just then, we see the Asian Doctor from Sun's surgery run past them. The camera cuts to: 23) INT. SWAN STATION. Sawyer is sitting with his back up against the wall with the huge machine in the background behind him. The camera pans up to the Countdown Clock, which is now at 107. Just then, we hear footsteps coming from the bedroom area. Sawyer looks up shocked as he sees Jack walk out of the bedroom rubbing his head and squinting his eyes. Sawyer: Jack!? Jack: What the hell's going on? Sawyer jumps up and waves his arm over the station. Sawyer: Well, it looks like we're back in the humble hatch, doc... Jack: (looking at the huge machine) What... is... that? Sawyer: Oh, just a fun new gizmo to figure out... the clock just counts down to 1 now and then resets itself... that woulda been real nice to know before I had a massive coronary when I couldn't figure out how to push the button (he points to where the computer room should be). Jack: What... this is... Jack looks like he's trying to make sense of the situation, but then the Swan doors swing open and two men in the yellow biohazard suits walk in holding guns. Jack: ...just getting better and better...

The camera pans to Jack and Sawyer's faces as the music builds and cuts to: 24) INT. STAFF STATION. Dr. Berger is sitting in a chair talking to someone off camera. Dr. Berger: Das you understand? She needs a transplant in order to survive this. We took a blood sample from you earlier. You are a close enough match, but I warn you... this is very complicated surgery. Ver is a great chance you, or your wife, will not survive ze procedure. The camera pans around to Jin, who is in handcuffs. He just looks at the doctor and shakes his head "yes." Dr. Berger: We shall start soon, then. Ja, good. Dr. Berger stands up and walks down the hall of the station just as two men walk past him leading Amelia down the hallway. She looks as if she had been crying. Dr. Berger stops them. Dr. Berger: Vat is she doing here? Man: Owen told us to put her with him. They don't need her anymore. Dr. Berger: Ja, vis is good. You can't risk her walking about freely... The two men nod as the continue down the hall and to a door. They open it and shove Amelia into the room. They slam the door and walk away. The camera cuts to the inside. Amelia looks across the room and says: Amelia: You must be Richard Alpert. I'm Amelia. The camera pans to Richard laying against the wall on the floor looking horrible. He puts his hand up and shakes Amelia's hand. Richard: It's nice to meet you Amelia, I'm Richard... The camera pulls back to the two of them in the dark room as the music builds in intensity and the camera cuts to:

LOST On the Next Lost: VO: The Island Has Moved... 1) Clip of Annie moving the island. VO: The DI Are Back... 1) Clip of the following: Dr. Berger Asian Doctor Clark Maxwell Red-Haired Woman W/Hurley VO: And They Have Taken Control... 1) Clip of Ben and Widmore tied up and a shot of new character Sanjit. 2) Clip of Kaname in Room 23. 3) Clip of Christine and Frank with a gun pointed to their back with their hands up. 4) Jack having a bag taken off his head and his expression is shock. 5) The New DI Running in the Jungle. VO: Next Week... Another 815 Survivor Will Take Their Final Bow... 1) Clip of Sun and Jin in surgery with Jack and Dr. Berger doing the surgery. Cast In Order of Appearance:

VO: On the Next Lost...

Hurley Reyes.............Jorge Garcia James "Sawyer" Ford...Josh Holloway Jack Shephard...........Matthew Fox Kate Austen...............Evangeline Lilly Aaron Littleton..........??? Daniel Faraday............Jeremy Davies Kaname Tanizaki.........Steve Tanizaki Sun Kwon..................Yunjin Kim Jin Kwon....................Daniel Dae Kim Richard Alpert............Nestor Carbonell DI Woman.................Kathy Bates Claire Littleton............Emilie de Ravin Christian Shephard.....John Terry Ben Linus..................Michael Emerson Charles Widmore........Alan Dale J. Clark Maxwell.........Ben Stein Jeanette "Annie" Lewis.Brenda Strong Dr. Hans Berger.........Philippe Brenninkmeyer Asian Doctor.............Song Yun-ah

Nurse......................??? John Locke...............Terry O'Quinn Desmond Hume.........Henry Ian Cusick Ji Yeon Kwon.............??? Mrs. Paik..................June Kyoko Lu EMS Worker..............??? Nadia Abed Jazeem....Andrea Gabriel Juliet Burke……………….Elizabeth Mitchell Martin Keamy...........Kevin Durand Harper Stanhope………Andrea Roth Charlotte Lewis.........Rebecca Mader Red Haired Woman.....Lauren Ambrose Amelia.....................Julie Adams Questions Answered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Richard changes the past, somehow. Richard can speak to Christian. Richard is the reason Alex died. Claire is alive and well. Christian and Richard aren't on the same side. Christian was referred to as Jacob. Claire had to be saved to save Hurley and protect the others.

Questions Asked: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is the deal with the Swan Station? How does Richard go back in time? What does the numbers 107 and 108 mean? Why did Richard tell Keamy it's ok to kill Alex? Why is Hurley so damn important to Christian, Richard and Abaddon? When is the island? How does Maxwell know so much about Ben/Widmore/Annie? Why don't Richard and Amelia know eachother anymore?! Juliet has a message from the Island? Does she mean from John?

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