5th- Turner And Currie- Languae Arts Charts

  • November 2019
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Language Arts Legend

A – art AA- afternoon activity CI – community involvement – collaboration with the community CC – collaboration with colleagues CL – cultural literacy and diversity CM – communication CZ – citizenship DA – differentiation / accommodation DR- drama E – evaluation G- game GA – group activity I- instruction IR- independent reading L – literacy LA – Language Arts LI – listening LS – life skills H – health HS – home / school connection – collaboration with families HW – homework M – math MA – manipulative activity MO – movement / physical education MU – music OL – oral language / public speaking PS – problem solving / critical thinking R – reading S – science SS – social studies T – technology TE- testing TX – text W – writing WU- warm-up activity

Week 1 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: First Day of School Inverted word order Inverted word order Inverted word order I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will introduce the discuss correct review inverted give more students to the word order with word order with examples of Language Arts the class. the students. inverted word section of the day. Teacher will give order to the class She will walk them I/GA: Teacher will more examples of for them to correct. through a sample then show the class inverted word day. correct and order to the class W/GA/E: Students incorrect word for them to correct. will construct 15 I/LA/T: Teacher ordered sentences. sentences with will introduce Students will have W/GA/E: Teacher incorrect word inverted word to correct the will then give order. They will order to the sentences. Teacher students a then trade papers students. Teacher will review why worksheet on with a neighbor. will use the each change was inverted word They will correct overhead and Elmo made with the order. Students the sentences. to show examples. class. This activity will be allowed to Teacher will She will also have will be done on the work in groups. collect. the students white board. Teacher will involved in the collect. AA/R/IR: lesson. AA/R/IR: Students will have Students will have AA/R/IR: independent W: Teacher will independent Students will have reading time. then give a small reading time. independent worksheet to each reading time. W/E: Teacher will student to R/I/TE: Teacher give a topic to the complete. will give a reading TE: Teacher will students. The assessment test to give a vocabulary students will then AA/R/IR: Teacher each student to assessment test to write a one page will then explain assess their reading each student. essay on that topic. that students will level. Teacher will Teacher will adjust Teacher will have independent use the results to her plans collect and reading time for reading groups. accordingly. evaluate where everyday. Today Teacher will also each child is in the teacher will use the results to their writing allow 30 minutes determine which process. for this. Students books will be used will be allowed to for the class and DA: Students who choose a book which have a handwriting from the class supplemental disability will be library to read. books should be allowed to use the provided. class computers to complete this assignment.

Day 5 KTSOL E 5.11: Inverted word order T/W: Teacher will reserve the computer lab for the students to practice typing sentences that are correct and incorrect. Students will use spelling and grammar check to make necessary changes to their sentences. Teacher will provide the sentences for the class to type. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. GA/R: Students will break off into reading groups and take turns reading through a short story given to them by the teacher.

Week 2 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: Direct objects Indirect objects All objects All objects All objects I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will W/E: Teacher will CC/GA/R: discuss direct discuss indirect review direct and write 10 sentences Teacher will objects with the objects with the indirect objects on the board. arrange for the class. She will class. She will with the students. Students will class to visit a show many show many identify the direct Kindergarten class. examples of direct examples to them. W/ E: Students and indirect Students will pair objects to them. will begin to write objects by writing up with a R/W/E: Students their own story them on a piece of Kindergarten R/W: Students will will find 20 that will be paper. Teacher will student and they find 20 examples examples of published into a collect. will read a book to of direct objects in indirect objects in book. Students will their student. The Lion, the The Lion, the be allowed to W: Students will Students will point Witch and the Witch and the create their own compile a list of 15 out the direct and Wardrobe. Wardrobe. non-fiction or direct and indirect indirect objects in Students will Students will fiction work. When objects that they the book. Students record their record their this work is want use in their will ask findings on a piece findings on a piece completed it will book. Students will comprehension of paper with the of paper with the be bound and then develop questions to the page numbers page numbers published for the sentences that have Kindergarteners to listed beside them. listed beside them. students to keep. direct and indirect see if they can Today students objects in them. recall what W/PS/GA: W/E/GA: Teacher will begin to happened in the Teacher will have will have the brainstorm topics GA/W/E: Students book. These the students create students create 5 for their books. will then trade questions will also a sentence of their sentences of their sentences with tell if the own and then trade own. Students will AA/R/IR: The another classmate. Kindergartener them with a then trade them Lion, the Witch The other understood the neighbor. The with a neighbor. and the Wardrobe. classmate will indirect and direct neighbor will find The neighbor will circle the direct objects. the direct object. find the indirect W/E: Students will objects and objects. complete a underline the AA/R/IR: The AA/R/IR: The worksheet on indirect objects. Lion, the Witch Lion, the Witch AA/R/IR: The direct and indirect Teacher will and the Wardrobe. and the Wardrobe. Lion, the Witch objects. Teacher collect. and the Wardrobe. will collect. W: Students will W: Students will AA/R/IR: The write a 1 page write a paragraph W: Students will HW/E: Students Lion, the Witch reflection on their on their favorite use the paragraph will decide on the and the Wardrobe. time in the summer activity. that they wrote topic that they will Kindergarten class. Students will then yesterday and be using for their W/E: Students will highlight every underline the book. make corrections DA: Students who direct object in the indirect objects in to the book have a hard time paragraph. the paragraph. sentences. Teacher reading will read will collect. an easier book. Literature: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By: C.S. Lewis

Week 3 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: Conjunctions Conjunctions Conjunctions Conjunctions Conjunctions I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will T/I: Teacher will G/GA: Students introduce review review reserve the will play a game conjunctions to the conjunctions with conjunctions with computer lab for with conjunctions. class. Teacher will the class. the class. the class. The Students will show many students will be receive an index examples of I/GA: Teacher will W/E: Students will provided with a list card with a word conjunctions to then introduce the write 20 sentences. of websites that written on it. them. dialogue game. They will then they can visit. Students will walk Students will trade papers with a Students will around the room LI: Teacher will divide into two classmate. spend the class and find others that then show the class teams and line up Classmates will time visiting the they can make a ‘Conjunction one behind the then highlight all interactive sentence with. Junction’ from the other. The teacher of the conjunctions websites dealing Students will have TV show will call out a that they find. with conjunctions. to stand in Schoolhouse Rock. sentence and the Teacher will sentence order students will take collect the paper. AA/R/IR: The until the teacher W/E: Students will turns saying a Lion, the Witch approves of their write 10 sentences sentence that starts OL: Teacher will and the Wardrobe. sentence. using at least one with “Yes, but…”. then write conjunction. This will continue sentences on the W: Students will W: Students will Students will circle until everyone has board that have write a reflection then receive a their conjunctions. a turn. missing parts. on their time in the conjunction chart. Teacher will Students will tell computer lab. They They will have to collect. AA/R/IR: The the teacher which will describe what listen to the teacher Lion, the Witch words belong in they learned, and tell a story and AA/R/IR: The and the Wardrobe. those blanks. their favorite and record how many Lion, the Witch least favorite conjunctions the and the Wardrobe. W/GA: Students AA/R/IR: The websites. teacher uses. will create a Lion, the Witch W/PS/E: Students conjunction wall in and the Wardrobe. DA: Students who AA/R/IR: The will receive and the classroom. cannot behave Lion, the Witch complete a Students will be W/E: Students will while at the and the Wardrobe. crossword puzzle given an index complete a computers will dealing with card and they will worksheet on have worksheets to W: Students will conjunctions. write a conjunction conjunctions. work on while continue working Teacher will go on it. Students will Teacher will their classmates on their book. over the puzzle then be allowed to collect. are completing They will make and then collect. decorate the index their computer sure they have card before placing W: Reader work. conjunctions in it on the wall response journal each sentence. entry. Literature: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By: C.S. Lewis

Week 4 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions Prepositions Test 1 I: Teacher will I: Teacher will G/OL/GA: I: Teacher will TE/E: Students introduce review Teacher will play a review will take Test 1 prepositions to the prepositions with review preposition prepositions with which will include: class. She will the class. game with the the class. o Inverted word show the students class. Students will order all prepositions. T: Teacher will divide into 2 TE/E: Teacher then use the groups. Students will give the o Direct Objects T/I: Teacher will overhead to show will line up in a students a mini then use the the students single file line quiz on o Indirect overhead to show different word facing the prepositions. Objects students sentences problems. Students overhead. Teacher that contain will identify will display a W: Students will o Conjunctions prepositions. prepositions within sentence with a spend the rest of Students will the word problems. preposition the day working on o Prepositions identify the missing. The first their rough draft of prepositions. T/I: Teacher will student to call out their book. AA/R/IR: The then show the the correct Lion, the Witch R/I: Students will students an online preposition will get AA/R/IR: The and the Wardrobe. then practice writing lab on a point for their Lion, the Witch identifying prepositions. She team. The winning and the Wardrobe. prepositions by will use her laptop team will get a free DA: Students who using a paragraph and project the lab homework pass. MU: Students will have difficulties from their current on the screen. practice the testing in the reading and W/A: Students preposition song. classroom will be highlighting all of W/PS: Students will continue allowed to test in the prepositions will then create working on their W: Students will another room that they find. their own books for complete a where they are Teacher will go definition for what publishing. This reader’s response monitored. over it with class. a preposition is. week they will be journal entry. working on adding AA/R/IR: The AA/R/IR: The prepositions to I: Teacher will Lion, the Witch Lion, the Witch their book. answer any and the Wardrobe. and the Wardrobe. Students must have questions at least 15 regarding the test W: Students will MU: Students will prepositions in for tomorrow. make a preposition learn the their book. flip book. Students preposition song. will use 3x5 index AA/R/IR: The cards to make their Lion, the Witch book. Students will and the Wardrobe. write one preposition on MU: Students will each card. practice the preposition song. Literature: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By: C.S. Lewis

Week 5 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.11: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.11: Prep. Phrases Prep. Phrases Prep. Phrases Grammar Grammar I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I/W/E: Teacher introduce review review review basic will explain to the prepositional prepositional prepositional grammar errors class that they will phrases to the phrases with the phrases with the with the class. continue to peer class. Teacher will students. students. edit each others demonstrate how I/W/E: Teacher book rough drafts. to make W: Students will OL/LA: The class will show the class Teacher will give prepositional receive a version will then tell a how to edit a work special instructions phrases out of of ‘Mad Libs’. rotating story. Each with grammatical for the students to prepositions. This version will student will create errors in it. Teacher follow. Students ask students to one sentence of the will write sample will use a red pen W/E: Students will come up with a story. Each sentences on the to correct each then record preposition and a sentence must board that have others rough drafts. prepositional prepositional include a grammatical errors Teacher will hand phrases in their phrase in order to prepositional in them. Students out the rough book of complete the phrase. The teacher will have to correct drafts to the prepositions. paragraph. will start and the these sentences. students. Students Students will write students will take Teacher will go will only correct a prepositional OL: Students will turns adding on to over the correct grammatical errors. phrase on the other then present their the story. answers with the After the students side of the index paragraphs to the class. are done, teacher card. Teacher will class. W: Students will will collect the collect. then write a W/E: Teacher will corrected rough AA/R/IR: The paragraph on then give the drafts and review W: Students will Lion, the Witch prepositional students a them. record and the Wardrobe. phrases and why worksheet and the prepositional they are important. students will have AA/R/IR: The phrases they find W/E: Students will to correct the Lion, the Witch in The Lion, the review their rough AA/R/IR: The grammatical errors and the Wardrobe. Witch and the drafts. They will Lion, the Witch on the worksheet. Wardrobe. put a square and the Wardrobe. W/E: Teacher will around the AA/R/IR: The hand back AA/R/IR: The prepositions in Students will finish Lion, the Witch corrected rough Lion, the Witch their rough drafts. any work that they and the Wardrobe. drafts and students and the Wardrobe. are behind on. will make all W: Students will W/E: Students will necessary R: Students will complete a DA: Students who make a second corrections. read the chapter in reader’s response have a lot of work copy of their rough Students will then their textbook journal entry. to make up will draft for their submit a new copy dealing with finish at home. book. Teacher will of their rough prepositions and collect both copies. draft. prepositional phrases. Literature: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By: C.S. Lewis

Week 6 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: Capitalization Capitalization Spelling Spelling Spelling I/W: Teacher will I/E/W: Teacher I/E/W: Teacher W/PS/I: Teacher W/E: Teacher will review will explain to the will review the will give students a explain to the class capitalization rules class that they will most commonly crossword puzzle that they will and how to edit continue to peer misspelled words to solve. Teacher continue to peer errors with the edit each others and how to edit a will then explain edit each others class. Teacher will book rough drafts. paper with the importance of book rough drafts. write sample Teacher will give misspelled words. spelling words Teacher will give sentences on the special instructions Teacher will write correctly. special instructions board that have for the students to sample sentences for the students to capitalization follow. Students on the board that TE/E: Students follow. Students errors in them. will use a red pen have spelling will take their will use a red pen Students will have to correct each errors in them. spelling quiz. to correct each to correct these others rough Students will have others rough drafts. sentences. drafts. Teacher will to correct these W/E: Students will Teacher will hand hand out the rough sentences. edit their own out the rough I: Teacher will go drafts to the books for spelling drafts to the over the correct students. Students I: Teacher will go errors. Students students. Students answers with the will only correct over the correct will write a new will only correct class. capitalization answers with the rough draft. The spelling errors. errors. class. teacher will then W/E: Teacher will make a copy to E: After the then give the E: After the E/W: Teacher will distribute students are done, students a students are done, then give the tomorrow. teacher will collect worksheet and the teacher will collect students a the corrected rough students will have the corrected rough worksheet and the AA/R/IR: The drafts and review to correct the drafts and review students will have Lion, the Witch them. capitalization them. to correct the and the Wardrobe. errors on the spelling errors on AA/R/IR: The worksheet. AA/R/IR: The the worksheet. W/E: Students will Lion, the Witch Lion, the Witch receive a and the Wardrobe. AA/R/IR: The and the Wardrobe. AA/R/IR: The paragraph with Lion, the Witch Lion, the Witch grammar, spelling, E/W: Teacher will and the Wardrobe. W/E: Teacher will and the Wardrobe. and capitalization hand back hand back errors in it and corrected rough E/W: Students will corrected rough LA: Students will they must edit the drafts and students edit their writing drafts and students be given a list of paragraph. Teacher will make all for capitalization will make all spelling words to will collect. necessary errors. Then necessary learn for a quiz corrections. submit another corrections. tomorrow. This list DA: Students who Students will then copy of their rough Students will then will be a list of the have spelling submit a new copy draft. submit a new copy most commonly difficulties will be of their rough of their rough misspelled words. allowed to use a draft. draft. dictionary. Literature: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By: C.S. Lewis

Week 7 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: Punctuation Punctuation Sentence Structure Sentence Structure Format I: Teacher will W/E: Teacher will I: Teacher will I/W/E: Teacher I: Teacher will review basic explain to the class review sentence will give students a review formats punctuation errors that they will structures with the list of items to look with the class. She with the class. continue to peer class. for when editing will show them Teacher will show edit each others sentence examples of the class how to book rough drafts. OL: Students will structures. Teacher different formats of edit a work with Teacher will give be asked to tell the will then give poems and essays. punctuation errors special instructions teacher what things students a short in it. for the students to should each essay to edit. W: Students will follow. Students sentence possess. Students will work in groups to I: Teacher will will use a red pen follow the determine if the write sample to correct each I: Teacher will directions on the format used in the sentences on the others rough write good and piece of paper to selected works is board that have drafts. Teacher will ‘bad’ sentences on edit their papers. correct. For the punctuation errors hand out the rough the board and the Students’ papers poetry works the in them. Students drafts to the students will have will be color coded students will have will have to correct students. Students to choose which by the edits that to write what these sentences. will only correct ones are which. they have done. format is being Teacher will go punctuation errors. Teacher will used. over the correct W/PS: Teacher collect. answers with the E: After the will then give AA/R/IR: The class. students are done, students a T: Teacher will Lion, the Witch teacher will collect worksheet where then use the over and the Wardrobe. W/E: Teacher will the corrected rough they will have to head to show the then give the drafts and review determine if each class what edits LA: Students will students a them. sentence is a good should have flip through a worksheet and the sentence or a bad occurred. variety of books students will have AA/R/IR: The on. If it is a bad and examine the to correct the Lion, the Witch one the students AA/R/IR: The different types of punctuation errors and the Wardrobe. will fix that Lion, the Witch formats used. on the worksheet. sentence to be a and the Wardrobe. W/E: Teacher will good one. BOOK REPORT AA/R/IR: The hand back IR/R: Students DUE!! Lion, the Witch corrected rough AA/R/IR: The complete any Students will turn and the Wardrobe. drafts and students Lion, the Witch reading left over in their book report will make all and the Wardrobe. from The Lion, the for The Lion, the W/E: Students will necessary Witch, and the Witch and the edit their writing corrections. DA: Students who Wardrobe. Wardrobe. for punctuation Students will then have difficulties errors. Then submit a new copy with English will submit another of their rough be allowed to work copy of their rough draft. with someone. draft. Literature: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By: C.S. Lewis

Week 8 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: KTSOL E 5.10: Format Edit Writing Edit Writing Edit Writing I: Teacher will I: Teacher will W/GA/E: Teacher W/E: Students will review formats review all editing will explain to the be editing their with the students. techniques with the class that they will own rough drafts. class. be peer editing After their rough W: Students will each others book drafts have been follow the format W/E: Students will rough drafts. edited by many guidelines for an edit the essays that Teacher will give classmates they are essay. The teacher they wrote special instructions finally ready for will have the yesterday using all for the students to one more edit. students write on of the techniques follow. Teacher will give their favorite that they have been Students will use a special instructions Holiday. Students practicing before. red pen to correct for the students to will write a Teacher will each others rough follow. complete essay on collect and review. drafts. Teacher will Students will use a this topic. hand out the rough red pen to correct AA/R/IR: drafts to the each others rough AA/R/IR: Students will have students. Students drafts. Teacher will Students will have independent will edit the entire hand out the rough independent reading time. book. drafts to the reading time. students. Students W/E: Students will E: After the will edit the entire G/GA: Students make the needed students are done, book. will then play a corrections on their teacher will collect game to see who essays. Teacher the corrected rough E: After the can name the will collect and drafts and review students are done, format first. review. them. teacher will collect Students will break the corrected rough up into two teams. AA/R/IR: drafts and edit The team who gets Students will have them one last time the most points independent for the students. will win a free reading time. homework pass. AA/R/IR: W/E: Teacher will Students will have hand back independent corrected rough reading time. drafts and students will make all W: Teacher will necessary hand back corrections. corrected rough Students will then drafts and students submit a new copy will make all of their rough necessary draft. corrections a final copy will be submitted.

Day 40 KTSOL E 5.10: Test 2 TE/E: Students will take Test 2 which will include: o Prepositional Phrases o Grammar o Capitalization o Spelling o Punctuation o Sentence Structure o Format o Edit Writing AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. DA: Students who have difficulties testing in the classroom will be allowed to test in another room where they are monitored.

Week 9 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary I/T: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will T/I: Teacher will show students review with the review how to use show students how what a dictionary students how to a dictionary with to use an online is. She will then use a dictionary. the class. dictionary. show them all of Students will see the different W: Students will PS/W/G: Students the difference dictionaries that look up the will do a between the two. are out there. definitions for all dictionary Teacher will then of these weeks scavenger hunt. W: Students will show the students spelling words. Teacher will then use a how to use a provide the words dictionary to check dictionary. W/A/OL: Students for them to find. the words in their Students will call will find their Students will find essay to make sure out a word and the favorite word in the words and they have the teacher will use the the dictionary. record the correct meaning Elmo to show the They will record definition and page and spellings. students how to the definition and number they found Students will make use the dictionary then draw a picture the word on. The any wanted to look up the that resembles that first five to finish changes. meaning of the word. Students with all words word. will then present it found correctly AA/R/IR: to the class. will win a prize. Students will have W: Students will independent work in groups to AA/R/IR: AA/R/IR: reading time. find and record the Students will have Students will have definition of 10 independent independent GA/W: Students words selected by reading time. reading time. will work in the teacher. groups and will DA: Students R: Students will receive a AA/R/IR: whose primary catch up on their worksheet where Students will have language is not reading of Frindle. they will have to independent English will be If a student is unscramble the reading time. allowed to use a caught up on word and then use double dictionary Frindle then they the dictionary to W: Students will one that converts will be allowed to find the definition. make a reference their language into read a book of card for a English. their choice. dictionary. Students will write when a dictionary would be used. Literature: Frindle By: Andrew Clements

Day 45 KTSOL E 5.4: Dictionary W/PS: Students will create 5 words that they would want to be added to the dictionary. Students will come up with the words and definition. Students will check the dictionary to make sure that none of their words are in the dictionary already. OL/PS: Once students have their 5 words they will present their words to the class. The class will vote on one out of the five words to add. This will continue until all of the students have gone. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. GA: Class will then vote on the top five words to add to the dictionary. From the top five the students will vote on one word to add.

Day 46 KTSOL E 5.4: Thesaurus I: Teacher will show students what a thesaurus is. T/W/PS: Teacher will then show the students how to use a thesaurus. Students will call out a word and the teacher will use the Elmo to show the students how to use the thesaurus to look up the other words that mean the same thing as the word they are looking up. PS/R/W: Students will work in groups to find and record the words that are listed beside 10 words selected by the teacher. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 10 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: Thesaurus Thesaurus Glossary I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will review how to use review how to use show students a thesaurus with a thesaurus with what a glossary is the students. the students. and how to use it. MA/W: Students will use a thesaurus to edit their books. Students will see if they can use a bigger word instead of repeating some of the other words. W/E: Once students have searched their whole essay they will resubmit their essay with any changes. Teacher will review and give back to the students. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time.

DA: Students who have difficulty reading English W: Students will will be allowed to make a reference work with a card for a partner to complete thesaurus. Students work. will write when a thesaurus would be used.

MA/W/LA: Students will receive a synonym chart to fill out. Students will search the thesaurus for the main word and then they will pick the synonym that they like the most. Students will do this for the 15 word in the chart. Students will then write a story that contains all of the synonyms in the chart. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. W/PS: Students will complete a thesaurus scavenger hunt prepared ahead of time by the teacher.

Day 50 KTSOL E 5.4: Glossary I: Teacher will review how to use a glossary with the students.

W/T/I: Students will use their social studies textbook to follow along with the teacher. Teacher will use the Elmo to show the students the steps to using a glossary. Students will then have time to explore using a glossary for themselves. Teacher will do a closing activity for using a glossary.

PS/G/E: Students will then be given a scavenger hunt to complete in groups. Students will use a glossary to complete this scavenger hunt. The group to get all answers correct will receive and award. Teacher will collect.

AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time.

R/E/PS: Student will use their math book glossary to complete a different scavenger hunt. This will be an individual scavenger hunt. Teacher will collect.

W: Students will make a reference card for a glossary. Students will write when a glossary would be used.

AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 11 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: KTSOL E 5.4: Other Resources Other Resources Other Resources Other Resources I: Teacher will I/T: Teacher will I/T: Teacher will T/I: Teacher will schedule a visit to instruct students on instruct students on reserve the the library for the the uses and the information computer lab to students. The functions of an contained in an show students how librarian will then atlas. Students will Encyclopedia and to use online teach the students also learn how to then she will show resources to how to use the card use an atlas. them how to use conduct research. catalogue to find Teacher will show and Encyclopedia. the books that they students how to Teacher will use T/I/W: Students need. use an atlas by the Elmo. will draw a slip of using the Elmo to paper out of a hat. GA/R: Teacher show them. R/W/OL: Students Students will then will prepare a will each receive a go to that website scavenger hunt for GA/E/W: Teacher volume of an and research the the students to will give students encyclopedia. topic given to complete as a an atlas worksheet Students will have them. Students will team. Students will to complete. to find a topic in write a one-page use the card Students will be their encyclopedia summary of their catalogue to allowed to work in and prepare a 2 topic. complete the a group for the last minute oral scavenger hunt. half of the presentation to AA/R/IR: Students will then worksheet. Teacher give to the class on Students will have use the card will collect. their topic. Teacher independent catalogue to find a will approve topics reading time. picture book to W/E: Students will before speeches read for the make up their own are given. W: Students will remainder of the quiz on using an write one time. atlas. Teacher will OL: Student will paragraph on collect. then give an oral which form of AA/R/IR: presentation on research that they Students will have AA/R/IR: their topic. enjoyed the most. independent Students will have Students will also reading time. independent AA/R/IR: write a one reading time. Students will have paragraph on W: Students will independent which form of write a one TE/W: Students reading time. research they liked paragraph will take each the least. reflection on using other’s quizzes OL: Students will the card catalogue. from the morning finish speeches left session. over from the morning session.

Day 55 KTSOL E 5.4: Test 4 TE/E: Students will take Test 4 which will include: o Dictionary o Thesaurus o Glossary o Other Resources AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. DA: Students who have difficulties testing in the classroom will be allowed to test in another room where they are monitored.

Week 12 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 56 Day 57 Day 58 Day 59 KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction I/OL: Teacher will LA/W: Teacher A/PS: Teacher will LA/W/A: Teacher introduce the book will give students a assign the will give students a the students will be vocabulary list scrapbook project vocabulary list for reading for the from chapters 1 for this book. chapters 3 and 4. next few weeks. and 2. Students Students will Students will then Teacher will will work in choose a character choose a word and explain that this groups to find the from the book and describe that word book is a nondefinition of these they will create a in pictures. fiction book. words. scrapbook on that Students will Teacher will call person. Students present their upon the students W: Students will will use clues from picture to the class. to tell her what a write a ‘runaway’ the book to create non-fiction book letter their parents. the scrapbook. W/PS: Students is. This will be due on will brainstorm W: Students will day 72. ideas for their GA/OL: Students begin their scrapbook. will complete a Reader’s Response W/M/PS: Students Students will write pre-reading Journal. will complete a ideas on paper. activity. Students worksheet on New will be asked a AA/R/IR: York City. They AA/R/IR: series of questions Students will have will follow Students will have about what they independent directions to find independent think will happen reading time. their way around reading time. in the book and New York City. other questions T: Students will They will have a W: Students will dealing with take an online tour map to use as a write a journal scenarios in the of the Metropolitan guide. entry. book. Museum of Art. AA/R/IR: HW: read chapter A/I: Students will HW: read chapter Students will have 4. then learn about 2. independent the author. reading time. Students will DA: Students who create a collage of have difficulty W: Students will the author’s life. seeing will be write a journal allowed to sit on entry. AA/R/IR: the floor close to Students will have the screen to see HW: read chapter independent the online tour. 3. Take home quiz. reading time. HW: read chapter 1. Literature: From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Day 60 KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction DR/OL/GA: Teacher will select a chapter of the book to read as a class (chapter 4). This reading will be done in a reader’s theatre manner. Teacher will select the cast members and when it comes to their part in the book they will have to read and act out that part as if they were that person. After that character has had a turn they will then select someone to replace them. This will continue until the whole chapter has been read. AA/R/IR: Independent reading time. LS/T/S: Students will learn how to use a compass. Teacher will show students how to read one by using the Elmo. Students will then go outside and record compass readings.

HW: catch up on reading. Take home quiz. By: E.L. Konigsburg

Day 61 KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction W/T/A: Students will have all morning to work on their scrapbook. Teacher will have supplies ready for them. Teacher will be available to help students and to offer advice when she is asked. Students will have access to the computer at this time to do research, type, or print. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. W: Students will write a journal entry. HW: Read chapter 5.

Week 13 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 62 Day 63 Day 64 KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction LA/W/PS/GA: I: Teacher will LA: Teacher will Teacher will give discuss who give the students a the students a Michelangelo is vocabulary list for vocabulary list and what he did. chapters 7 and 8. from chapters 5 and 6. Students A/MA/H: Students DR/OL: Students will then select 10 will then design will then choose words and create a their own sculpture one word and crossword puzzle out of a bar of create a 2 minute out of those words. soap. Teacher will skit to ‘sale’ their Students will then also talk about word to the class. swap puzzles and personal hygiene at Students are trying solve. this time. to persuade the class to choose OL/LI: Teacher AA/R/IR: their word instead will lead a class Students will have of another discussion on the independent vocabulary word. points of views reading time. used in the books. AA/R/IR: The class will W: Students will Students will have respond. write a journal independent entry. reading time. AA/R/IR: Students will have A: Students will W: Students will independent create their own write a journal reading time. mark like the one entry. in the book. W: Students will Teacher will HW: Read chapter write a journal display the marks 8. entry. on the bulletin board. HW: Read chapter 6. HW: Read chapter 7. Take home quiz.

DA: Students who have a physical disability with their hand will be allowed to use the computer paint program or they will be able to draw. Literature: From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Day 65 KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction DR/OL/GA: Reader’s Theatre: Teacher will select a chapter of the book to read as a class (chapter 8). W: Students will write a journal entry. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. W: Students will create a character profile of the person that they choose to do their scrapbook on. This page will be apart of their scrapbook in the end. HW: Finish all reading. Take home quiz.

By: E.L. Konigsburg

Week 14 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 66 Day 67 Day 68 Day 69 KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction PS/W: Students GA/OL: Students R/G: Teacher will GA/OL: Students will create their will break off into give each student a will break off into own schedule as if groups. They will quote from the pairs and they will they were Claudia come up with a book and they will retell the story to and Jamie. The newscast and have to come to one another. schedule should present it to the the front of the Teacher will then cover one whole class. Students will room and read the draw the class day. cover the story as quote as if they back together and breaking news that were that person. retell the story in M/W/PS: Students the children have Students will raise her own words. will work in a been found. their hands to Teacher will then group to create an guess. The first explain to the expense report that AA/R/IR: one to guess students that includes all of Students will have correctly will get everyone is Jamie and independent to go next. different and so are Claudia’s expenses reading time. their in the book. AA/R/IR: interpretations but OL: Students will Students will have in the end the story PS/W: Students continue with their independent is still the same. will then have a newscasts. reading time. packing scenario to AA/R/IR: solve. Students W/A: Students W/A: Students Students will have will be given a will work on will work on independent shoe box to fill scrapbook. scrapbook. reading time. with items that Students will have Students will have they will need if access to the access to the W/A: Class will they ran away. computer if they computer if they create a picture Students will have need to type or need to type or dictionary for each to list the items print anything. print anything. all of the that they would vocabulary lists. bring. DA: Students who Students will be have a hard time given 5 words AA/R/IR: speaking in front each. They will Students will have of a crowd will be have to create at independent allowed to have a dictionary page for reading time. smaller part. each word. W/PS: Class will work together to create a list of all of the ways that they could earn money. Literature: From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Day 70 KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction OL/FA/GA: Students will vote on a chapter to act out. This reading will be done in a reader’s theatre manner. Teacher will select the cast members and when it comes to their part in the book they will have to read and act out that part as if they were that person. After that character has had a turn they will then select someone to replace them. This will continue until the whole chapter has been read. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. T/W: Students will work on scrapbook. Students will have access to the computer if they need to type or print anything. HW: Bring in supplies for class luncheon.

By: E.L. Konigsburg

Day 71 KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction I/GA/E: Teacher will reserve the school’s learning kitchen. Students will work together to prepare lunch for the class and their parents. Students will make food that was mentioned in the book. H/GA: Students will use the food that they brought from home to make: o Nouiles et fromage en casserole o Carrot and celery sticks o Fresh apples and peanut butter. o Milk or juice

Week 15 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 72 Day 73 Day 74 KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: KTSOL E 5.6: Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Test 5 OL/E/T: Students LI: Students will TE: Students will will turn in their view the movie take Test 5 which scrapbooks. “The Hideaways”. will cover: Students will also present their AA/R/IR: o From the scrapbooks to the Students will have Mixed-up Files class. They will be independent of Mrs. Basil allowed to use the reading time. E. Frankweiler. Elmo so that every child will be able I: Teacher will DA: Students who to see the review major have difficulties scrapbook. points in the story testing in the with the class. classroom will be AA/R/IR: allowed to test in Students will have another room independent where they are reading time for monitored. the remainder of the afternoon. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time.

GA: When food is ready teacher will serve the food to the students and their parents. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. DA: Teacher will handle all knives and cutting duties. Literature: From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Day 75 KTSOL E 5.7: Graphic Organizer W: Teacher will introduce graphic organizers to the class. Teacher will show students examples of different graphic organizers. W/IR: Teacher will focus in on the Venn Diagram. She will display a paragraph on the overhead. Students will read this paragraph to themselves. Teacher will then show the students how to fill in the Venn diagram. She will ask for them to help her fill in the diagram. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. W/E: Students will create a Venn Diagram comparing the movie and the book.

By: E.L. Konigsburg

Week 16 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 76 Day 77 Day 78 Day 79 KTSOL E 5.7: KTSOL E 5.7: KTSOL E 5.7: KTSOL E 5.7: Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will I: Teacher will introduce students introduce students introduce students introduce students to main idea to sequence to charts. Teacher to timelines. graphic organizers. graphic organizers. will complete a Teacher will sample chart for complete a sample R/W/E: Students R/W/E: Students the students. timeline for the will read a short will read a short students. story and then story and then W/E: Students will compose a main compose a receive a list of W/E: Students will idea graphic sequence graphic information and then make a organizer for the organizer to they will complete timeline of their short story. accompany it. a chart on the lives. They must Teacher will Teacher will information that include at least 10 collect. collect. they received. events. Teacher Teacher will will collect. W/E: Students will W/MA/H: collect. then make a main Students will then AA/R/IR: idea graphic write out the steps AA/R/IR: Students will have organizer for the to making a peanut Students will have independent book From the butter and jelly independent reading time. Mixed-up Files of sandwich. Teacher reading time. Mrs. Basil E. will then walk the W/E: Students will Frankweiler. class through the W/E: Students will receive a timeline Teacher will steps to making a receive a worksheet to collect. peanut butter and worksheet on complete. Teacher jelly sandwich. charts to complete. will collect. AA/R/IR: Students will then Teacher will Students will have be able to eat the collect. independent sandwiches. reading time. AA/R/IR: W/E: Students will Students will have receive a main idea independent worksheet to reading time. complete. Teacher will collect. W/E: Students will receive a sequence worksheet to complete. Teacher will collect. DA: Students with food allergies will be allowed to eat something else.

Day 80 KTSOL E 5.7: Graphic Organizer I/W/E: Teacher will give students a short story. Students will choose any two graphic organizers to organize the information. Teacher will collect. GA/W/T: Students will work together as a class to form a large graphic organizer for a short story that the teacher displays on the overhead. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 17 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 81 Day 82 Day 83 Day 84 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction I: Teacher will R/W: Teacher will R/W/E: Teacher OL/W/E: Teacher reserve the library. give students a will give students will allow students The librarian will fictional short another fictional to work on their explain to the story on the short story to read. oral presentations. children what a Olympics. Students will read Students will then fiction book is and Students will read this short story and make an outline where they can this short story and construct a for the find them in the construct a graphic sequence graphic presentation. library. Students organizer for this organizer for this Teacher will will spend the rest short story. story. Students will collect and review of the morning have to sequence outlines. finding a sports OL: Teacher will the events that fiction book that have students happened. AA/R/IR: they would like to explain which Students will have read. Once graphic organizer GA: Students will independent students have they used a why. then work with in reading time. selected their book pairs and compare then they will W: Teacher will their organizers. R/W: Students will check it out. then choose a read a short fiction graphic organizer I: Teacher will excerpt from their R: Students will sit and she will then display her textbook and then in the library and construct one for sequence graphic write a one read their book the short story that organizer for the paragraph until everyone has was read. class. summarization. found a book and checked it out. AA/R/IR: AA/R/IR: DA: students who Students will Students will have have a hard time AA/R/IR: spend their reading independent writing will be Students spend the time reading their reading time. allowed to use the rest of the book of choice. computer to type afternoon reading OL/PS: Students their outline. the book that they HW: Students will will begin to choose. finish their brainstorm their outlines. oral presentation HW: Students will for their book of make an outline of choice. their book thus far. Literature: Sport book of Choice

Day 85 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction OL/E: Students will give their oral presentations of their books. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. W: Students will write a one page reflection on their presentation and the book that they read.

Week 18 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 86 Day 87 Day 88 Day 89 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction R/L/I: Teacher R/W/PS/E: R/I/W: Teacher OL/W/E: Teacher will take the Teacher will give will give students a will allow students students to the students a fictional fictional story on to work on their library and have short story on Thomas Jefferson. oral presentations. them select a George Students will read Students will then historical fiction Washington. this story and make an outline book to read for Students will read choose a graphic for the the week. Teacher this short story and organizer to presentation. will check the construct a Venn complete on this Teacher will books to make sure Diagram story. collect and review that they are comparing George outlines. appropriate. Washington and R/W/I: Teacher Students will Abe Lincoln. will read a AA/R/IR: check out the Teacher will historical fiction Students will have books. collect. piece to the class. independent Students will reading time. AA/R/IR: R/GA: Class will record all of the Students will have read a fictional information that R/W: Students will independent piece together. they can remember read a short fiction reading time. from the story. excerpt from their AA/R/IR: textbook and then R/W/E: Students Students will read AA/R/IR: write a one will read a short their historical Students will have paragraph story on Abe fiction book. independent summarization. Lincoln. Students reading time. will write a one R: Students will DA: students who paragraph read fictional OL: Students will have a hard time summary of the stories from their begin to plan for writing will be story. Teacher will textbook. their oral allowed to use the collect. presentation of computer to type their book of their outline. choice. Literature: Historical Event book of Choice.

Day 90 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction OL: Students will give their oral presentations of their books. AA/R/IR: Students will have independent reading time. W: Students will write a one page reflection on their presentation and the book that they read.

Day 91 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: the teacher will read the first part of So You Want To Be President? (St. George). W: the students will look up the word “caricature” in their dictionaries, and the class will work together to write a definition on the board. W/A: The students will focus on one president, and they will write down four sentences that describe that president. The students will then draw their own caricature of their president, and it must include a visual representation of all of their four descriptive sentences. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 19 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 92 Day 93 Day 94 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction R: the teacher will R: the teacher will R: the teacher will read the middle of read the end of So read The Little So You Want To You Want To Be House (Burton). Be President? (St. President? (St. George). George). W: the students will write a letter W: The students R: The teacher from the little will brainstorm a will read a house to its list of things that a campaign speech. owners, explaining president should what expansion is have (traits, values, W/PS/GA: the (social studies etc). students will work lesson) and why it in groups to write a wants to go out of W: The students campaign speech the city. will write a (around a paragraph or two paragraph) that one AA/R: Students about what a of their group will have president needs to would use to run independent be a good for president. The reading time. president. teacher will remind them that they AA/R: Students should use any will have traits they have independent that they identified reading time. as important for a president to have. OL: The students chosen by the group to run for president will read their campaign speeches for the class. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 95 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: the students will read The Little House (Burton) silently. W: the teacher will show students how the author writes in shapes, the words on a page forming a shape. The students will write a short story about something they eat, and they will write it in the shape of the item they eat. The teacher will help students to find the right shape, and will help them fit their words into the shape they need. The challenge will be to write enough to fill the shape, but not too much! DA: Students who cannot write inside the lines can write without their limitations. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 96 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: the students will read “Johnny Appleseed” (Osborne) aloud as a class. W: The students will write a summary of the tall tale, showing exaggerations, problems, and solutions in the story. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 20 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 97 Day 98 Day 99 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction R: the students R: The students R: the students will read “Davy will read “Sally will read “Swamp Crockett” Ann Thunder Ann Angel” (Isaacs) (Osborne) Whirlwind aloud. independently. Crockett” (Osborne) aloud as W: The students OL: The class will a class. will write a list of discuss what parts “Bouncers, of the story are W: the students Whoppers, & fact, and what will write out an Tarradiddles” parts are fiction. outline of a tall tale (Post), to practice character. They writing the sort of W: The students will write in detail sentences found in will write out a what special a tall tale. chart, showing abilities their what aspects of the character has, what AA/R: Students story are fact, and exaggerations they will have which are fiction. will make, and independent what problems the reading time. DA: Students who character might have a learning face. disability can be given a worksheet AA/R: Students for this instead of will have writing out the independent chart. reading time. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 100 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: The students will read “Johnny Appleseed” again, to refresh their memory of different tall tale characters. W: The students will write a first draft of their own tall tale, using their character outline from Wednesday. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 101 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: The students will read “Paul Bunyan” (Kellogg) aloud as a class. W/I: The class will review what a tall tale is by writing a list of facts and fictions on the board. W: The students will work on the editing of their own tall tales. They will write five sentences that exaggerate their character. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 21 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 102 Day 103 Day 104 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction R: The students R: The students R: the students will read the will read “Mike will read “Swamp version of “Paul Fink” (Kellogg) Angel” (Isaacs) Bunyan” found in aloud as a class. again “American Tall independently to Tales” (Osborne) W: The students gain deeper aloud as a class. will write a information. paragraph I/OL: The class describing their tall W/E: The will discuss any tale character. students will edit small differences their tall tales for between the two A: The class will spelling, grammar versions, and why make life-sized and clarity, and there might be tracings of each will add any differences in tall student, and will exaggeration to the tales. color the tracing in tale that they as their tall tale would like. W: the students character. The tall will write a tale characters will AA/R: Students paragraph hang out in the will have describing why hall. independent there could be so reading time. many differences AA/R: Students between two will have authors’ versions independent of a tall tale. reading time. DA: Students who have a learning disability can be given a worksheet to show the differences. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 105 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: The students will read any story they choose from “American Tall Tales” (Osborne) silently. W/A: The students will write their final draft of their own tall tale, carefully, on a blank piece of paper provided by the teacher. The students will decorate the story with a border or illustration, and hang it in the hall with their character. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 106 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: The students will read ch. 1, 2 of class book. W: Students will learn how to make a cluster, which they will later use to write about the story. The students will draw a circle on their paper for chapter one. They will write ch. 1 in the center of the circle, and they will write things that happened, or that they thought while reading chapter one. If there is time, the students and teacher will do two chapters. (Behrman 87A). OL/I: The class will discuss all the things that happened in the chapter, and the teacher will show the students how well they could remember because of their clusters.

Week 22 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 107 Day 108 Day 109 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction R: The students R: The students R: The students will read ch. 3 of will read ch. 4, 5 will read ch. 6, 7 class book of class book. of class book. W: Students will study the different kinds of sentences found in the novel’s first three chapters, by sorting sentences from the book into piles. Teacher will print out sets of sentences and give one to each student. Then the teacher will tape categories of sentences around the room, and students will sort themselves into groups. Once the students are in groups, the teacher will have them use their sentences to write a funny script that they can act out. OL/I: The class will discuss why writers use a variety of sentences when they write.

W/A: Students will make a story set, by drawing a huge mural of the house in the story. The teacher will hang a large piece of paper on the board where students can reach it. Then the teacher will lead the class in a discussion about what is in the house, with as much detail as possible. The teacher will write a list, and assign each student one or two details to draw on the house. The teacher will have two students at a time come to the front of the class to draw while the rest work on a work sheet that introduces them to new words in the text.

AA: The students will use their new vocabulary labels to label items that appear in the house. Literature: The Matchlock Gun

DA: gifted students can create props for the scripts.

W/GA: Students will identify main ideas and supporting details from the book. The teacher will give the students sentences, like on Tuesday, and the students will sort themselves out into main ideas and supporting sentences. The teacher will break each group into two for the next activity. The teacher will write four main ideas on the board, assigning one to each group. The students will then have ten minutes to find as many supporting details for their main topic, from the novel, as possible. The students will write all of the sentences, including the main topic, as a paragraph to show that their supporting ideas all fit together. By: Edmonds

Day 110 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: The students will read ch. 8 of class book. W/OL: The students will learn the importance of “summing up a paragraph.” The teacher will read examples from the novel, as well as a few from Writing Skills by Behrman (74A). The teacher will give students sentence cards, and she will organize groups of students in the front of the class to show meaningful use of a summative sentence in a paragraph. Each group will represent a paragraph. Once they are in order, the students will read their sentences. W: The students will use the paragraphs they wrote on Thursday, and they will write summative sentences for their paragraphs about the novel.

Day 111 KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction R: The students will read ch. 9 of The Matchlock Gun. W/I/OL: the teacher will ask the students if they have learned anything else about the setting of the novel. The teacher will help them organize their thoughts and add new setting illustrations to their house.

Week 23 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 112 Day 113 Day 114 Day 115 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction R: The students R: The students R: The students will read ch. 10 of will read The will read The SCIENCE The Matchlock Matchlock Gun. Matchlock Gun. Gun. FIELD W: The teacher W/A: the teacher W/I: The teacher will have students will give students TRIP will guide students write a brainstorm time to write out in writing about for their topic all of their topic . their favorite part sentence. The sentence, of the book. The teacher will pass supporting ideas, first step will be to out paper “brain and add a write their topic cut outs” and paper summative sentence. circles, and the sentence, and then students will write the students will LA/OL: The all of their write their final teacher will pass supporting ideas draft. The teacher out sets of on the circles. The will hand out white sentences that students will write paper for the final contain a topic their topic sentence draft, and sentence to every on the brain, and oversized paper so student. The will use drinking the students can students will put straws to connect make an illustrated the sentences in the ideas to the border and glue the order they like, topic sentence and their paragraph and then will read will staple their over it. The teacher them aloud. The brainstorms on the will hang the teacher will ask wall of the finished products each student why classroom. on the wall in the they put the topic hallway. sentence in the AA/R: Students beginning of their will have AA/R: Students paragraph, and the independent will have students will reading time. independent realize that it tells reading time. what the paragraph is all about.

W/I: The teacher will ask every student to write at least one thing that has happened at or to a particular place or thing in their illustration. The teacher will emphasize remembering the little details as well as the larger plot points. The students will write what happened and the class will staple the “happenings” to DA: Students with the house. a learning disability will AA/R: Students receive a will have paragraph cut in independent half. reading time. Literature: The Matchlock Gun

By: Edmonds

Week 24 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 116 Day 117 Day 118 Day 119 KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.5: KTSOL E 5.3: KTSOL E 5.3: Fiction Fiction Oral Presentation Oral Presentation R: The teacher W: The teacher I: The teacher will W: The students will begin to read will write the word explain that in will begin working Because of Winn “character” on the order for the reader in the computer lab Dixie aloud to the board, and the to understand a on their online class. Then the students will character, the scrapbook. The students will have brainstorm what a author gives details students will use 30 min. of silent character is in in the text. their ten details to reading time. more detail than on make ten pages Monday. W/T/A: The about their W/PS: The students will make character. teacher will write I: The teacher will a list of some main character, plot, ask the students to characters, and A/W: The students theme and setting explain how the they will each pick will work on the on the board, and story would one to make an first five pages of the class will change if each online scrapbook their scrapbook brainstorm words character was not about one of the today. to describe each in it. characters in the one. novel. DA: students who W: The students need extra time A: The teacher will write a three W/A: The students can make only six will pass out four or four sentence will take the rest of pages with six blank sheets of description of how the time to find details. paper to each each character descriptions of student. The changes Opal’s their character in AA/R: Students students will draw understanding the book. They will read Because simple sketches on about friendship, will write down of Winn Dixie. each to show belonging, and ten details for their character, plot, acceptance. character, and will theme and setting. draw illustrations AA/R: Students if they like. AA/R: Students will read Because will read Because of Winn Dixie. AA/R: Students of Winn Dixie. will read Because of Winn Dixie. Literature: Because of Winn Dixie By: Kate DiCamillo

Day 120 KTSOL E 5.3: Oral Presentation W: The students will work on the last five pages of their scrapbook. OL: The teacher will explain that the students can share the details they have learned about their characters with their classmates by using their scrapbooks to design an oral presentation. AA/R: Students will read Because of Winn Dixie.

Week 25 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 121 Day 122 Day 123 Day 124 KTSOL E 5.3: KTSOL E 5.3: KTSOL E 5.3: KTSOL E 5.3: Oral Presentation Oral Presentation Oral Presentation Oral Presentation R: The teacher OL/E/GA/W: The OL/T: The A: The students will begin to read students will pair students will give will draw a picture Because of Winn up and practice their oral of Winn Dixie as Dixie aloud to the giving their five presentations in he is described in class. minute oral front of the class the novel. presentations to using a projection W: The teacher one another. Each of their online LI/T: The students will write an student will read scrapbook about will watch the first outline for an oral the other’s their character. half of the movie presentation on the presentation, and version of Because board. then the students DA: Students who of Winn Dixie. will share part of cannot give an oral W/T: The students their presentations presentation can W: As the will write a first orally. The teacher have theirs read by students watch the draft of their oral will give each pair the teacher. movie, they will presentation using two constructive fill in skeleton their online advice cards, and W/LI: The notes provided by scrapbook for the students will students listening the teacher. support. fill one in for their will take notes partners. about the character AA/R: Students AA/R: Students as their classmate will read Because will read Because E: The students gives their of Winn Dixie. of Winn Dixie. will revise their presentation. oral presentations. AA/R: Students AA/R: Students will read Because will read Because of Winn Dixie. of Winn Dixie.

Day 125 KTSOL E 5.3: Oral Presentation LI/T: The students will watch the last part of the movie version of Because of Winn Dixie. A: The students will draw a picture of Winn Dixie as he is described and shown in the movie. W: the students will write a paragraph about the differences between the book and the movie. The students will use their skeleton notes from Thursday’s viewing of the movie to help them remember details to compare. AA/R: Students will finish Because of Winn Dixie.

Literature: Because of Winn Dixie

By: Kate DiCamillo

Day 126 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing I/W/A: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary words for the book to the students. She will write them all on the board, and the students will copy them into their vocabulary notebooks. Each word has four blocks in the notebook, with a circle in the middle. The students will write their vocabulary words in the circle, the definition (given by the teacher) in one square, an illustration in another square, and two sentences in the third and fourth squares. AA/R: Students will read Prince Caspian.

Week 26 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 127 Day 128 Day 129 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing OL: The teacher W/A: As the I: The class will will open a students get to discuss how the discussion with the know the vocabulary they class about what it characters and the are learning helps means to be a setting in Narnia, them to understand leader. The class the students will the story, and will brainstorm the pick one character about how the meaning of being a to write a poem British English in leader on the about. The the novel can be board. students can write fun but difficult. any kind of poem W: The students about any W: The teacher will write poetry character, and they will assign each about being a will write the student two leader. The poem and draw an vocabulary words, students will write illustration, which and the students an acrostic poem will be glued to the will repeat the using the word back of their poem activity from LEADER. (O’Brien-Palmer Wednesday for 11). each word. AA/R: Students will read Prince DA: Students who A: The student’s Caspian. need more four poems will be guidance will be hung from a coat given a specific hanger to make a type of poem and mobile, and all the topic to write mobiles will be about. hung in the classroom. AA/R: Students will read Prince AA/R: Students Caspian. will read Prince Caspian. Literature: Prince Caspian By: C. S. Lewis

Day 130 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing W: The students will write two paragraphs on two sheets of paper. In the first paragraph the students will write a summary of the book as they have read it so far. In the second paragraph, the students will write their opinion of the book so far. They can dislike the novel, but they must give literary reasons. A: The students will decorate their paragraphs with construction paper, and will hang them from their mobiles. AA/R: Students will read Prince Caspian.

Week 27 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 131 Day 132 Day 133 Day 134 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing Writing W/A: The teacher W: The students W/A: The students W/A: The students will explain to the will use their first will use their will use their third students that they word. Each second word. word. The are going to be student will write a Each student will students will be writing a book on paragraph about use research allowed to write an leadership. The how the word materials to find a essay or a poem, students will each describes a leader. person, but it must be in write three pages contemporary or the shape of a lion. and illustrate three A: The students historical who The teacher will pages, and will use art exemplifies that make several lion everyone’s pages materials to word. The outlines available will be put illustrate their students will find a to the students. together to make a paragraphs. picture of their They will write a book. person, a rough draft of their A/W: The students description they poem or I/W: The teacher will create a can copy, and the paragraph, and will ask each matching exercise students will write then they will student to make a with their a paragraph about write it in the lion list of ten traits that vocabulary words how the person and illustrate it. a leader should and definitions, shows the quality have. The teacher using yarn to needed for DA: students who will write all of the connect the two. leadership. . cannot write neatly words on the board in the lines of the and will allow AA/R: Students AA/R: Students lion can write each student to will read Prince will read Prince without the pick three. Caspian. Caspian outline. W/A: The students will use three pieces of construction paper and magazines to use print letters to make their three words at the top of three pieces of paper.

AA/R: Students will read Prince Caspian.

AA/R: Students will read Prince Caspian. Literature: Prince Caspian

By: C. S. Lewis

Day 135 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will take turns reading aloud from the class’s leadership book. TE/E: The students will take a vocabulary quiz. AA/R: Students will read Prince Caspian

Week 28 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 136 Day 137 Day 138 Day 139 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing Writing R: The teacher R: The students R: The students R: The students will read The will read The will read the will read The Legend of the Legend of the biography Legend of the Indian Paintbrush Indian Paintbrush information on Indian Paintbrush (dePaola). (dePaola). http://falcon.jmu (dePaola). .edu/~ramseyil/d W: The students OL/I: The teacher epaola.htm A/W: The students will create a KWL will ask the as well as reading will use crumpled chart as a class. students how they one of the links on paper bags and think Little Gopher the page. drinking straws to I/W: The teacher would write, and make a teepee. will ask the what he would use. W/A: The teacher The students will students to write a She will guide will write five paint their teepees short essay about them to understand important with designs. The how they would that he would have questions on the students will work feel if they had to write with board, and the together as a class been Little Gopher. natural paint on students will to write deer skin. answer the instructions for W: The students questions about making a teepee. will write their A/W: The students Tomie dePaola They will have to first draft of this will tear large from the text they be very detailed so essay and make an pieces of paper read on the that someone who illustration. bags, and they will internet. The has never seen the crumple them to students will process can make a AA/R: Students look like a hide. answer the teepee. will have Then the students questions by independent will use natural writing them in a DA: Students with reading time. colors of paint to simple flip book a learning write a letter to they make with disability will be Little gopher about three pieces of given an what they use to construction paper. incomplete set of write. directions to fill in. AA/R: Students AA/R: Students will have AA/R: Students will have independent will have independent reading time. independent reading time. reading time.

Day 140 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will read The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush (dePaola). W: The students will write their final draft of the essay they wrote on Monday, and will hang them and their illustrations on the wall. I/A/PS: The teacher will use the class directions for making a teepee and will follow the directions exactly. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 141 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will read an article from the local newspaper. I/OL: The teacher will read a short article aloud to the students and the class will discuss the main idea of the article. W/A: The teacher will ask the students to write the main idea for the article they read. The students will write the main idea, use it to write their own title for the article, and draw an illustration for the article. A: The students will put all of their articles together as a newspaper. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 29 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 142 Day 143 Day 144 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing R: The students R: The students R: The students will read an article will read an article will read an article from the local from the local from the local newspaper. newspaper. newspaper. GA/W: The students will work on outlining a whole section of a newspaper. The students will work in groups to outline four or five articles.

DA: Students who have trouble with public speaking can choose shorter news stories or not present at the teacher’s discretion.

R/W/A/E: Each student will select an article to read which clearly demonstrates an introduction, a body containing several paragraphs, and a conclusion. They will cut out the article then cut it into paragraphs. They will put them in an envelope and have written the article's title on the front. After placing the paragraphs in the envelope, they will exchange envelopes with another student. This student is to arrange the paragraphs in proper order. Once the article is in order the original student will check the article for proper order. These articles can be used several times for further practice.

AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

GA/OL: Each group will select two students to stand in front of the class as newscasters. OL/I: The class will present their newscast from the newspaper, and the teacher will discuss with them how news can be delivered in different mediums.

R/W: Each student will read one article from the local newspaper, and they will use the story in the article to write a piece of fiction. The students will use only the characters, place names and general story line presented in their article. W: The students will write an outline and first draft of their story today. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 145 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will read an article from the local newspaper. W/A: The students will write the final draft of their story, and make a collage to illustrate it using pictures from newspapers and magazines. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 30 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 146 Day 147 Day 148 Day 149 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing Writing R: The students R: The students R: The students R: The students will take turns will take turns will take turns will take turns reading from reading from The reading from The reading from Where the Book of Pigericks Book of Pigericks Where The Sidewalk Ends. Sidewalk Ends. W: The class will W/A: The teacher W/A: the students discuss what a will pass out W/I: the teacher will each pick their limerick is. The worksheets with will show students favorite poem they teacher will guide pig outlines to some examples of have heard, and the students to each student. The the poems they will draw a picture come up with the students will write have read, and will they think makes a rules of writing a their own show them how good illustration limerick, and will “pigerick” inside there are many for the poem (the write them on the of the pig. Each different forms of teacher will allow board. The class student must first poetry. She will the students to read will compose a write a rough draft explain that they the poems again if limerick, guided of their “pigerick” have had they wish). The by the teacher, who on notebook paper, experience with students will make will write the show that they limericks, and now their illustration, limerick on the have made at least they will and they will write board (Post 126). two improvements experiment with a short, one to it, and then they other forms of paragraph W/A: Each student must write their poetry. description of what will copy the class final draft inside and why they have limerick onto their the pig. Any extra W/OL: The drawn. own paper, and time can be spent teacher will write will use magazines either drawing an the rules for AA/R: Students to make a collage illustration for several rule-based will have around the edge of their limerick, or poetry styles. She independent the paper as a using magazines to will ask a student reading time. border to the make a collage to read a poem, limerick. around their pig. and the class will discuss what kind AA/R: Students AA/R: Students of poem it is. will have will have independent independent AA/R: Students reading time. reading time. will have independent reading time.

Day 150 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will take turns reading from The Book of Pigericks W/GA: The students will write a poem using one set of rules. Each student will write the poem on cardstock and will cut out a puzzle. The students will exchange their puzzles to read their classmate’s poems (O’BrienPalmer 14). DA: Students who cannot handle scissors can draw their puzzle shapes and the teacher will cut them out. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 151 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will read Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse. PS/I: The teacher will discuss with the class the fact that the book is written in poems. The class will brainstorm possible reasons why this might be so, relating it to their own poetry writing. W: The class will make a story map for the novel, up to this point. The students will make the first link for a story chain based upon what they read today. W/PS/I: The teacher will ask the students to write what they think could happen. She will emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers, but stories must have a clear ending. DA: Students with learning disabilities will be given an idea sheet for their ending.

Week 31 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 152 Day 153 Day 154 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing R: The students R: The students R: The students will read Out of will read Out of will read Out of the Dust by Karen the Dust by Karen the Dust by Karen Hesse. Hesse. Hesse.

Day 155 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The students will read Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse.

W: The students will make their second link for their story chain.

W: The students will make their third link in their story chain.

W: The students will make their fourth link in their story chain.

W: The students will make their fifth link in their story chain.

W/PS: The students will place themselves in the shoes of one of the characters in the novel, and will write a short essay about how they feel about their experiences. The students will pull clues from the text to determine how each character would respond to their circumstances.

I/OL: The teacher will draw the student’s attention to the front and back covers of their novel. She will discuss with them how the cover makes them feel, what it says about the story, etc.

I: The teacher will open a discussion about how hard it might be for someone living in the great depression. The teacher will tell the students that sometimes the nicest thing to do for someone who is down is to write them a letter.

W: The students will use their story chain to write a short summary of their story.

AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

A/W/PS: Each student will draw their own new cover for the book, and they will write their own blurb on the back. The teacher will explain that now is the perfect time to do this, because the back of the book never gives away an ending! AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

W: The students will write a letter to one of the characters in the novel to help them cheer up. The students will have to ask the character questions and tell them about themselves. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

G/GA: The teacher will lead the class in playing a “chain game” where they will go around the room saying one sentence in a story, until everyone has told part of the story. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 32 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 156 Day 157 Day 158 Day 159 KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: KTSOL E 5.9: Writing Writing Writing Writing R: The teacher R: The teacher R: The teacher R: The teacher will read a story will read a story will read a story will read a story from The Stinky from The Stinky from The Stinky from The Stinky Cheese Man and Cheese Man and Cheese Man and Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Other Fairly Stupid Other Fairly Stupid Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Tales by Jon Tales by Jon Tales by Jon Scieszka. Scieszka. Scieszka. Scieszka. W/E/MA: The teacher will explain to the students that they are going to have a very silly week! They will start out by writing their own silly stories. The teacher will place several simple items at the front of the classroom where everyone can see. Every student must pick at least one item and write a silly story about the item. A: The students will illustrate their stories and hang them around the room. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

A/W/I/PS: The teacher will show the students how she can summarize the plot of a silly story by making a cartoon out of it. A/W: The students will write a short summary of the story read today, and then they will draw a cartoon frame for every major point (at least 6). AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

R/W: The teacher will have each student read one story from the book. Each student will write a two paragraph description of the plot of the story. A: Each student will use art supplies to create the main character in their story as a visual aid. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

OL/W: The students will present their descriptions and models of the main character to the class. Each student will present their material, and their classmates will write one-sentence responses to each presentation.

Day 160 KTSOL E 5.9: Writing R: The teacher will read a story from The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka. W/PS/E/I: The students will write a silly story again now that they have had experience with them. The teacher will show the students a picture of a kite, and they will write a short story about the adventures the kite might have.

A/W: The students will construct a DA: Students with kite out of a small speech paper bag, and will impediments that write a poem about will not allow the kite on the bag them to speak (O’Brien-Palmer). publicly can write their speeches and AA/R: Students the teacher can will have read them. independent reading time. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 161 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: The students will read Wild Timothy by Gary L. Blackwood. I: The teacher will explain to the students that this week they will read an adventure story and write one of their own.

Week 33 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 162 Day 163 Day 164 KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Organize/ Organize/ Summarize Summarize Summarize R: The students R: The students R: The students will read Wild will read Wild will read Wild Timothy by Gary Timothy by Gary Timothy by Gary L. Blackwood. L. Blackwood. L. Blackwood.

I/W/A: The teacher will open a discussion of what makes an adventure story adventurous. She will ask the students to use two W/PS: The teacher sheets of paper to will ask the explain similarities students to and differences compare what they and give their own have read in the definitions of such book so far to their concepts as fear own lives. The and courage. The teacher will ask the students will do so students to write a using collage list, comparing and materials, pencil, contrasting their text and art. adventures to adventures that AA/R: Students people in books will have have. independent reading time. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

OL: The students will present the papers they made on Tuesday, showing the definitions of courage and fear visually and talking about them. W/PS/GA: The teacher will guide the class to write one definition on the board for each word, and the students will begin to design the main character for their own adventure story. A/W: They can draw the character or outline its personality. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

W/E: The students will outline their adventure story with the teacher’s help. The teacher will guide the class through the outlining process to make sure they have every step in place, and she will look at each student’s outline as they begin to write their story. DA: Students who have a learning disability will be given an “outline” outline to fill in. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 165 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: The students will read Wild Timothy by Gary L. Blackwood. W: The students will continue to write their own survival/ adventure tales. A/I: The teacher will provide art supplies as well as lots of examples placed around the room of adventures and survival tales for the students to look at for inspiration. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 166 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: the students will read Sounder (Armstrong). W: The teacher will introduce each of the main characters to the students. Te students will write three descriptive sentences about each character and will make a paper doll for each of the main characters in the story.

Week 34 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 167 Day 168 Day 169 KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Organize/ Organize/ Summarize Summarize Summarize R: the students R: the students R: the students will read Sounder will read Sounder will read Sounder (Armstrong). (Armstrong). (Armstrong). W: The class will discuss what they know about the setting. The students will write a paragraph describing the setting in the novel, as it is unfolding.

A: Each student will make a diorama out of a DA: Students with box with the trouble handling details of the scissors can use setting all shown. pre-cut pieces to make their dolls AA/R: Students and their clothes. will have independent AA/R: Students reading time. will have independent reading time.

W: the students will write a letter to the main character in the book, asking him about his life and experiences. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

W: the students will exchange letters and each student will answer one letter pretending to be the main character. The students will “send” their letters back and read the answers. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 170 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: the students will read Sounder (Armstrong). W: the teacher will ask the students to write a set of instructions for how to take care of a dog. The teacher will ask the students to compare and contrast the dog in Because of Winn Dixie to the dog in Sounder. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 171 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: the students will read Sounder (Armstrong). W: The students will write a skit for their paper doll characters to perform in their dioramas. The students will each write their script and practice their skit. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 35 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 172 Day 173 Day 174 KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Organize/ Organize/ Summarize Summarize Summarize R: the students R: the students R: the students will read Sounder will read Sounder will read Sounder (Armstrong). (Armstrong). (Armstrong). DR: The students will perform their paper doll skits for their classmates.

W: the students will write a summary of the novel.

W: the students who are watching will write a review of the performance, as if they were writing for a newspaper watching a play. The students will not write about the other students, but will write about the paper dolls.

W: The students will begin working on a script for the class to perform to show the story.

AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

W: The students will finish writing their script of the story (summarized) and they will cast the show and begin practicing. DA: Students with a speech impediment or physical handicap, the teacher will write their lines on cards or cast them in a role they can physically enjoy. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Day 175 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: the students will read Sounder (Armstrong). OL/DR: The students will perform their script, and the teacher will videotape them. The students will watch the videotape when they are done. W: the students will write their own critique of their performance. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Week 36 Language Arts Chart Tekla Currie & Kristen Turner Day 176 Day 177 Day 178 Day 179 KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Organize/ Organize/ Organize/ Summarize Summarize Summarize Summarize R: The students R: The students R: the students R: the students will read Little will read Yeh-Shen will read Glass will read Glass Red Riding Hood : A Cinderella Slipper, Gold Slipper, Gold by Trina Schart Story from China Sandal : A Sandal : A Hyman by Ai-Ling Louie, Worldwide Worldwide Cinderella Cinderella W: the teacher W: the teacher by Paul by Paul will make a tree will have a box Fleischman Fleischman for the classroom, filled with creative and will hang writing topics like W: the students W: the students paper seeds with writing a soap ad, will write their will exchange their story starters on writing about a goals and hopes summer hopes the back. The discovery of soap for the summer. stories and read students will take poison, etc. Found They will write a them. The turns picking a at The Teacher’s one page essay and students will make seed off of the tree, Desk website, they will use art positive comments and then they will under “Writing materials to make and suggestions on write their story. plans”, “Soapy illustrations. the papers, and the The students will Writing.” students will revise write their stories DA: Students with their writing. on a tree or flower AA/R: Students learning shaped paper, and will have disabilities will not AA/R: Students they will “plant” independent have to write a full will have their trees in paper reading time. page. independent pots to take home. reading time. AA/R: Students AA/R: Students will have will have independent independent reading time. reading time.

Day 180 KTSOL E 5.1: Organize/ Summarize R: the students will read Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal : A Worldwide Cinderella by Paul Fleischman W: The student will write their final drafts of their summer hopes essays, and they will make a frame for them using art supplies. The students will paste their illustrations on the back to take home. AA/R: Students will have independent reading time.

Math Resources Anders, G., & Beech, L.W. (1990). Reading: Mapping for Meaning. New York: Sniffen Court Books. Ansell, M. (2000). English Grammar: Explanation and Exercises. Retrieved November 19, 2007 from http://www.ingilizceci.net/GrammarMaryAns/Yeni%20K las%F6r/gramex11.html. Armstrong, W. H. Sounder. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. Behrman, C. H. Writing Skills Problem Solver. John Wiley & Sons- San Francisco, 2000. Blackwood, G. L. Wild Timothy New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987. Borba, M., & Ungaro, D. (1982). Bookends: Activities, centers, contracts, and ideas galore to enhance children’s literature. Carthage, Illinois: Good Apple, Inc.. Bradfeldt, E., & Milliken, J. (2004). Search for Synonyms: A Thesaurus Lesson. Retrieved November 19, 2007 from http://www.learnnc.org/lessons/ EricBradfeldt2112003479. Burton, V. L., The Little House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. Clements, A. Frindle. New York: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, 1998. Clery, J. (1991). Troll Classroom Themes, Learning Through Literature: Wonderful Women. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Associates, Inc.. Dell, D. (2006). Dictionary Day Activities: Games and Activities for Celebrating Words. Retrieved November 19, 2007 from http://my-ecoach.com/online/webresourcelist.php?rlid=9204. DePaola, T. the Legend Of The Indian Paintbrush. New York: Penguin, 1996. DiCamillo, K. Because of Winn Dixie. New York: Candlewick, 2004. Diehl, T., & White, D. Conjunction Activities for Children. Retrieved November 19, 2007 from http://department.monm.edu/english/kroberts/english201/ project2002/group7/activities.htm. Edmonds, W. D. The Matchlock Gun. New York: Dodd, Meade & Co., 1941. eMINTS. (2004). Grammar: Parts of Speech: Prepositions. Retrieved November 19,2007 from http://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/S00001022.shtml.

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