5e Lesson

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 601
  • Pages: 12
Social Studies: Who was Martin Luther King Jr? By: Dayton Duffy 3B SED

The 5 E’s

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Engage Explain Explore Elaborate Evaluation


(Exit Ticket)

Materials needed for this lesson:


Exit ticket slips

MLK worksheets

Audiobook (link in powerpoint)

Engage : Photo

As the students walk into the classroom, display the photo of Martin Luther King Jr. and question the students about who he is.

Ask the students “Who knows a lot about this man?” ●

This will help you transition into explore, KWL

Explore : KWL chart

Create a KWL chart on the whiteboard and fill in the chart with the students. K stands for Know…(what they know) fill in ~ 5 things in this column. W stands for What…(what they want to know) fill in 5+ things in this column After complete, the teacher will tell the students what THEY know about MLK if it has not been said. Example: “MLK shaped our country. He helped make the US who we are today!”

Explain : Audiobook ● ● ● ● ●

With the link below, play the audiobook “Martin’s Big Words” and pause it frequently to teach about that certain topic As the video plays, have the students write down 1-2 things they learned After it is over, ask the students, “Now that you have heard about MLK, what was he most famous for??” As they raise their hands and tell you what they learned, write it down under the L (learn) on the whiteboard. Cover “I have a dream speech” if not brought up


Elaborate : Dream Worksheet

Pass out the ‘I have a dream worksheet” and explain to the students that they need to write a sentence or two about their goals. Tell them that it can be a goal for themself or something they want to do for someone else. Pass out a sticky note to each student and have them write their name on it …See next slide for instructions

Elaborate : Continued

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Once they are finished with the worksheet, explain the difference between a personal goal and a world goal. Personal Goal : A goal that you want to reach like winning your soccer game World Goal : A goal that helps others too - like going with your church to pick up trash around your town Draw a new chart on the whiteboard with personal goal / world goal and have each student walk up and place their sticky note under which type of goal they wrote on their worksheet Have a discussion about how MLK’s goal was a world goal and why

His goal was for his kids!

His goal was for his friends!

His goal was Peace! What is peace? How do we have peace?

Evaluate : MLK project (real world)

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Students will each get a blank cardboard face cutout and will decorate it they best they can to look like MLK On the face, the student must write 5 adjectives to describe MLK Students will also write their own version of MLK’s “I have a dream” speech. This must be 5-8 sentences. Students will present their speech in front of class with their cut out face on next class

Evaluation : Exit Ticket

Pass out the Exit Ticket Papers and explain to the students :

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They will use what they learned today to fill out the slip given to them. They should think of a descriptive word and explain why they chose that word.

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