Code No: 58206/MT
M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 CHEMICAL PROCESS SAFETY (Chemical Engineering) Time: 3hours
Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---
“The chemical was earlier, generally, assumed to be safe but later was proved unfounded” – enumerate with special reference to importance of process safety.
2.a) b)
Explain Dow’s fire and explosion index estimation. Distinguish between HAZOP and HAZAN.
What is root cause analysis? Describe any model that is practiced in petrochemical analysis.
State and explain the causes and consequences of major accidents in a process industry with special reference to any chemical industry such as ammonia or urea etc.
Give a brief account on the following i) BLEEVE ii) Dust explosion.
Write short notes on any three of the following a) Prevention measures b) Electrical area classification c) Relief valves d) Flare systems.
7.a) b)
Distinguish between hazard, risk and disaster. State and explain the classification of disasters.
Explain the need for disaster management plans and preparedness to handle the disaster. Write on preventive measures for disaster.