Code No: 54201/MT
M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (Common to Embedded Systems/ VLSI & Embedded Systems) Time: 3hours
Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---
1.a) b) 2.a) b) 3.a) b) 4.a) b)
Give client – server configuration as an example using two FIFOS and explain the same. What is the effect of non blocking flag for the opening of a FIFO and for reading of data from an empty pipe? Explain. Give the implementation of Posix message queues using memory mapped I/O along with Posix mutexes and condition variables. Why a message queue descriptor cannot be an array type in Posix? Explain. With a sketch explain how multiplexing of messages between multiple clients and one server can be done. What are the system limits that exist on message queues? Explain. Explain about flow of file data from server to client and copying file data from server to client using shared memory, with the help of sketches. Give the implementation of increment counter in a memorymapped file.
Explain about various aspects to be considered for synchronization between the processes, ISRs operating system functions and tasks for resource management.
6.a) b)
Explain about Task service functions and their exemplary users. Describe the MUCOS time delay functions for the tasks.
7.a) b)
Explain about basic features and uses of Vx works. Describe the Vx works system functions and system tasks.
Write notes on any Two a) Interrupt Management b) Binary Mutex c) Effective release times and dead lines. $$$