5.3 The Sun Also Rises

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 8,626
  • Pages: 38
Note: Ignore the numbers at the end of each scene. They were used as markers to help time a full 60 minute episode w/comms. Also, this was written before the news that flashbacks and forwards won't be used anymore. Somehow, I doubt they won't be used anymore, but in my future episodes I plan on doing something a little different as well. I have written 4 so far and i don't want to change the content. I have a total of 17. I hope you enjoy and please leave comments!

Season 5 Episode 3 "The Sun Also Rises" Previously On Lost At Beginning of this Episode: Cindy asking Ben if Gary Troupe was on the plane (Previous Episode) Gary Troupe being sucked into the engine/Sawyer reading Bad Twin. Widmore giving sun the files telling her about her mission. (5.1) Sun meeting with Christine Devries on the bench. (5.1) Sun telling her father she bought out the company. (TNPLH)

1) EXT. DARK ALLEYWAY UNKNOWN LOCATION -NARVIC NORWAY-. NIGHT The sounds of heavy breathing are evident as a dark figure, a woman, is running down a dark wet alleyway. She is running from someone who is after her. She drops a file with a Hanso Crest on it as well as a Book entitled "Bad Twin - By: Gary Troupe." She picks up the book frantically and continues to run around a corner where we see two men come around the turn just missing her. Man 1: (In Norwegian) Der gjorde hun gå? Visste du se hvor hun gikk? (Subtitled) Where did she go? Did you see where she went? Man 2: (In Norwegian) Hun har til å være her et sted! Gå den veien! (Subtitled) She has to be here somewhere! Go that way! The men run around frantically searching for this person. MAN 1 goes to check it out. He goes to check it out and be bends down to move a box. He moves it as the music builds suspense and it is revealed to be a rat. Suddenly from behind -THUNK- he is hit over the head with an iron pipe. The woman's figure is seen running down the alleyway in the opposite direction. She finally gets to a street where we see a sign that says "oslo sør ->" Suddenly a gun to the back of the woman's head. Man 1: (In Norwegian) Stoppe! Bare stoppe! Vet du français? English?

(Subtitled) Stop. Just stop. Do you speak French? English? The woman slowly turns. As she turns we eventually realize that it is Sun. With a badass look on her face. Sun: English. I speak English. As Sun is holding the book she begins to go into a flash. (1:35 w/previously)

2) -FLASH- EXT. PARK. SOUTH KOREA. DAY Sun is sitting on the same park bench that she was sitting on when Jin's mother confronted her in "D.O.C.". She is reading a newspaper with her story on the front cover. As she is sitting there a man, American, comes up to her. Sun lowers the newspaper and reveals that she is beginning to show. Sun looks up at him. Mr. Barnes: Ms. Paik? Sun: It's Kwon. Mr. Barnes: Sorry, I was unsure of how your culture uses surnames. It is all very confusing to the Western World. Sun: Can I help you? Mr. Barnes: My name is Jake Barnes. I am a publicist for Hyperion Publishing. I've been following you, and I apologize, but I wasn't sure how to approach you. Sun: You shouldn't have. Mr. Barnes: I'm sorry, did I flatter you? Sun: No, you shouldn't have followed me or have approached me. Tell me, Mr. Barnes is it? What makes you think I would sign a deal with your company about what happened to me when I turned down dozens of other companies and millions of dollars for my story?

Mr. Barnes: Well... Sun: Let me save you some time. I have nothing to tell. I told it all at the Press Conferences. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Mr. Barnes: With all due respect, Ms. Kwon, I saw you at that press conference and your lips said you didn't want to talk about what happened, but your eyes said differently. Sun: You are not in a position to tell me what my eyes may or may not say. Now please, leave me alone. Mr. Barnes turns and begins to walk away. He then stops and turns back to Sun. Mr. Barnes: You know something, Ms. Kwon. It may be fate that you were on that flight. Sun gives him an odd look. Mr. Barnes: Have you ever heard of Gary Troupe? Sun: I can't say that I have. Mr. Barnes: He wrote the book "Bad Twin"? Sun shrugs. Mr. Barnes digs through his bag and hands Sun a copy of "Bad Twin." Mr. Barnes: It was just released. It's a best seller... Ms. Kwon, he was on your plane. He died on 815. Sun: I'm sorry, do you have a point? Mr. Barnes: He was our biggest client. He was actually in Australia at an editor reviewing the final draft of this book and planning promotion.

Mr. Barnes sits down next to Sun. Mr. Barnes: He insisted on using an outside publishing company for the promotion in Australia, Walkabout Publishing. He was a paranoid man and I suppose he wanted a third party to get involved with the book. Sun: Mr. Barnes, I really don't know why are you telling me... Mr. Barnes: He mentioned your family in this book. Sun: Excuse me? Mr. Barnes: He always wrote about the Widmore family. He thought that they had some sort of connection to this equation that he was obsessed with. The equation was supposed to... Sun: Why would he mention my family? Mr. Barnes: Well, I guess he wanted to incorporate some truth into this story. Your father has a business relationship with the Widmores. Walkabout convinced him to edited it out, but once he died I decided to publish his original work in its entirety. Sun: My father deals with Widmore? Mr. Barnes: Apparently, or else he wouldn't have wrote it. I guess it could be a coincidence. Sun: I don't believe in coincidence. Mr. Barnes: Well, how about this for coincidence. Gary was supposed to be on a later flight out of Sydney, but he traded tickets with the editor because she coincidentally was going to LA, but needed a later flight. Even further of a coincidence, the flight that Ms. Devries traded him with was your flight. The original copy of Bad Twin, with a mention of your family, was

on the same flight as you that crashed into the ocean and killed him. How is that for coincidence. Sun: Like I said before, I don't believe in coincidence. Thank you for the book, Mr. Barnes. Sun grabs the book and gets up and walks away hastily towards the camera leaving Mr. Barnes in the background throwing his hands up in the air. (3:55) --5:30----8:45 w/ 1 comm.---

LOST 3) INT. MITTELWERK'S HOME. NARVIC NORWAY. NIGHT. Sun sits on a couch with her coat still on, the coat that Hurley said Shannon suggested, and she has a look of unease and worry, but with an air of bad-ass still about her. A man walks into the room and catches Sun's attention. He gives her a glass of what appears to be red wine and sits down across from her and gives her a good look up and down. He gives the man who took Sun in a look and the man leaves. This man who sits across from Sun is in fact Mittelwerk. Mittelwerk: From what I understand Ms. Paik... Sun: Kwon. It's Kwon. Mittelwerk: ...you have been in Narvic for the past week asking questions about me. Why would you do this? Why not just come to my door? Sun: I've heard and read things about you. I heard you aren't a man that speaks to the public. Because you are on the run. Mittelwerk: This is true, you did your homework, however, that was an easy assignment. Sun: Mr. Mittelwerk. Why would I come to your door when you had men following me since I arrived in Oslo? Run me down on the docks behind your old ... whatever that building is?

Mittelwerk: I see your point Ms. Paik. What brings you to Narvic, Norway? What brings you to my... building? What is it you are looking for? Sun: Alvar Hanso. Mittelwerk gives a nasty disgusted look towards Sun as he begins to get up. Mittelwerk: Mr. Hanso isn't well. He has a blood disorder that makes him unavailable to sustain much stress. Sun: No, you are holding him hostage here because you run his company now. I saw the expose that his daughter ran on you and the Hanso Foundation. How you got Alvar to deny her claims and his comments to her is beyond me. Why he chose you over freedom... Alvar's eyes get very big and gives Sun a "shut up" kind of look. He then nods his head toward the door and gets up to go outside. Sun follows. They go outside. 4) EXT. OUTSIDE WOODEN DECK OVERLOOKING NARVIC WITH SNOW-CAPPED MOUNTAINS BEHIND. COLD AND CRISP. NIGHT. Mittelwerk: Ms. Paik. You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into do you? I am not a man to be messed with. Sun: Yes, I hear you are the quintessential mad scientist Mr. Mittelwerk. Mittelwerk: (Angered and Very Matter of Factly) My experiments and the lives they have taken will benefit the whole of the world Ms. Paik. You haven't a clue the magnitude of what I do. What is it you want to find out from Hanso and what exactly could you benefit from this information? Sun: For the last time. It is Kwon and this information could lead me to the whereabouts of my husband. Mittelwerk: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Sun:

The island Mr. Mittelwerk. Your island. The Dharma Initiative Island. He gives out a rather psychotic chuckle. Mittelwerk: Ms. Pai...Kwon. That island was never my island. That island has belonged to Alvar Hanso for ... well ... longer than I can remember anymore. Sun: From what I have gathered, Mr. Mittelwerk, you have never been to the island and that is why I need to speak with Mr. Hanso. Mittelwerk: Neither has he, Ms. Kwon, he financed a team and sent them there. Most of which were never heard of again. A research crew as well I believe... Sun: The DeGroots were heard from again. Mittelwerk: Then why aren't you speaking with them? Sun: Apparently they are missing. In fact, most of the people who have been to that island or know of the island have wound up dead or missing. Mittelwerk: Sounds like the work of Hanso. Sun: No, the work of a man who wants the island all to himself. Mittelwerk: You lost me Ms. Kwon. I don't know how I can help you. Sun: You can help me by telling me where I can find a copy of the book Gary Troupe wrote called "The Valenzetti Equation." Mittelwerk gets a very harsh and worried look on his face. Sun:

Somehow, every known copy has been destroyed and it has been out of print because Alvar bought all the rights. From what I understand you two are the only ones I know where I can find the text of that book. Mittelwerk: Sounds like you have been in contact with Charles Widmore. Follow me Ms. Kwon. He begins to pull out a gun as she passes him. Sayid comes from behind and snaps Mittelwerk's neck. Sayid: For an economist you sure can't predict when to cut your losses. Sayid takes keys from Mittelwerk's pocket. She looks at Sayid in disbelief. Sayid: Don't look so surprised. You chose this mission. You knew from the start that working with Widmore would be dangerous. Sun just looks at Sayid and begins to go into a flash. (4:30)

5) -FLASH- EXT. HOUSEBOAT. DOCKS. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. NIGHT. / 6) INT. HOUSEBOAT. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. NIGHT. Sun frantically knocks on the door of a houseboat. Eventually someone opens the door. We see that it is Desmond. He hurries Sun into the houseboat and looks angry at her. Desmond: Sun! Just what do you think you are doing? Were you followed? Sun: No. I was very careful. Desmond: You know that he is looking for us. Sun walks into the houseboat. As she does this Desmond tells her: I keep getting phone calls from someone who doesn't say anything. They just hang up after I say hello. I don't think Seoul is a safe place for us anymore. Why are you here at 2 a.m.? Sun: It is the safest time to ensure no-one saw me. I need to speak with Penny. Desmond:

Penny? Why is that? Sun: It is about her father. Desmond doesn't like the sound of that. Penny comes up from the cabin below. Penny: Desmond, who is ... She sees Sun and looks shocked. Sun: Hello Penny. Penny: Sun, is everything all right? Sun: I need to speak with you about your father, our fathers. Penny: Sure, what is it? Penny motions for them all to sit down. Penny: Would you like some tea? Sun: Please. Penny begins to make some tea as Sun and Desmond sit down. Sun: Were you aware that my father and your father are in business together? Penny: No, but my father deals with many powerful men all over the world. Why, did your father tell you something? Sun:

No, Mr. Barnes from Hyperion Publishing came to see me. Desmond: They are the publishers for Gary Troupe's new book. Sun: You have read it? Desmond: No, not yet. I picked it up though when I heard he was on your plane. Sun: Well, I started reading it tonight. Did you know that it a lot of it has to do with your family Penny? Penny: No surprise. He is obsessed with us. My uncle had to get a restraining order against him because Troupe would never leave him alone. Sun: Well, in the book, he mentions that my father's company and your father's company do a lot of business together. Desmond: Are you going somewhere with this, lass? Sun: I think my father may have something to do with all of this. Penny: Well, did this Barnes character say anything else to you? Sun: He said something that has stuck with me. He said that it was a coincidence that Mr. Troupe was on my plane. He wasn't supposed to be, but he traded tickets with some woman, a Ms. Devries, the editor he was using in Sydney. Penny stops what she is doing and turns to Sun. Penny: Did you say Devries?

Penny looks at Desmond with rather large eyes. Desmond shoots the same expression back. Sun: Yes. Penny: Christine Devries is my father's personal assistant. She left for Sydney the week before your plane crashed. Desmond: Ms. DeVries eh? Now that is a coincidence. Desmond says this towards Penny who looks like she knows something more about Christine. Sun: There is no such thing as coincidence. Penny, I need you to get me her number. Desmond: Think about what you are doing here. You don't want to get mixed up with Charles Widmore. Sun: Penny. Her address. Penny, hesitant, opens a cabinet and pulls out her black book. Desmond: Just what do you expect to accomplish by contacting her? Sun: She knows something. She works for your father who sent her to edit my family's name out of this book. There has to be a reason. Penny hands Sun the address and number. But when Sun goes to take it Penny doesn't let go. Penny: I am telling you right now. My father is a very dangerous man, Sun. He will have no regards for you or your baby. He won't think twice about having you killed. Sun takes the paper and walks out the door. As she does this she says: Sun:

I will take my chances.

(3:35) --8:05----13:35------20:05 w/2 comms.----

---COMMERCIAL BREAK--7) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. DECK STAIRS/BASEMENT DOOR. MITTELWERK'S HOUSE. NIGHT. 5) INT. BASEMENT CELL/LIBRARY. NIGHT. Sun and Sayid walk down the deck stairs to a door in the basement. They walk into the basement and unlock a door which is a library/apparent cell. Sayid stays outside to watch guard. A very sick man is sitting there reading with video monitors all around him. The screens show the deck and the living room as well as the front door and the kitchen. Alvar: Ms. Kwon. I heard your conversations. He allows me to see all visitors in the house on these monitors. Can you tell me something? Sun: If I have the answer to your question. Alvar: Are any of them still alive? Sun: What? Alvar: On the island. When you were there. Are any of the original Dharma Team still alive? Sun: Who says I was ever there? Alvar: I can connect the dots Sun. I may live in an isolated town within the Arctic Circle in a virtual jail cell, but I do have a television. I've been waiting for you. Sun:

Mr. Hanso, I don't think you know what exactly.... Alvar: Call me Alvar. Anyone from my original team? Are they still alive? Sun: I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that. They are still using your stations though. Alvar: Which is your favorite? Sun gives him a disgusted look. Alvar: Uh huh. They were designed for all the right intentions.... Sun: What exactly were those intentions? As Alvar tells Sun this story he shows her pictures that correlate with what he is talking about. Alvar: The betterment of humanity, Ms. Kwon. Karen and Gerald DeGroot came to me with this idea of a facility where they would be free to conduct research on a grand scale, free of government limitations and out of the view of society's prying eyes. Of course, they needed financial backing from me, but I could offer them so much more. I could give them a whole island... that no-one knew about except a select few. The island, which I am sure you are aware of, is very special. Sun: It is special all right. Alvar: Well, unknown to me, the island had some previous inhabitants. They were different. They knew more about the island than I did. They were friendly people and wanted to help the DI, but they wanted to do it their way. Their spiritual connection to the island was very deep. Sun: What happened? Why did they turn so evil? Alvar:

I wouldn't necessarily say they are evil, they wanted to protect their home. The DeGroots got selfish and wanted to build a facility on the native people's temple. The temple had very unique properties about it. When the natives refused, Gerald went ahead as planned and built the facility. From that day, the natives became hostile. Well, the rest is history... they took back their island. Sun: I see. So the research just stopped then? Alvar: No, it continued up until a few years ago, on a much smaller scale of course. Mittelwerk took over and ran the Hanso name into the ground. Sun: I'm sorry to hear that. Alvar: I promise you the text... Alvar puts down an original manuscript of the book "The Valenzetti Equation." Alvar: However, Troupe didn't get all the details of the equation. The equation to help find the island. You will also need this. Alvar puts down a folder with CONFIDENTIAL written on it. Alvar: But first, tell me... how did you know to look for me, for the book? Sun: I met with Gary Troupe's publicist. Alvar: Ah, who led you to Charles Widmore. I tell you Ms. Kwon, do not associate yourself with that man. Sun: So I've been told. Alvar: You must hurry before Mittelwerk's men find him, but before I let you go. You need to do something for me.

Sun: What is that? Alvar: If you make it back... tell Benjamin Linus that he has to move the island. Tell him that he must never let them find it. Sun: Who? Alvar: Charles Widmore and his associates. If they find the island, every single one of us is dead. Sun just looks at Alvar as if he is mad. Alvar: Now go, Sun. You have work to do. Sun: You are free now, Mr. Hanso. Mittelwerk can't harm you anymore. Alvar: Ms. Kwon. I will never be free. Now go. Sun picks up the book and the file. She walks out of the basement and into the night. She motions towards Sayid. Sun: Hurry up and get this to Ben. I have somewhere I need to go. Sayid: I know what you are thinking. It is not wise. You could compromise everything. Sun: Hanso just said Widmore and his associates. Mittelwerk is the Economist and was working with my father on something. Nothing will change unless I do this. Tell Ben I will contact him in a few days. Sayid: You don't know what your father could be capable of. Sun:

He doesn't know what I am capable of. Sun walks away as the flash sound starts: (5:40)

8) --FLASH-- EXT. HOTEL AT DAWES POINT, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. DAY. Sun is standing on the dock looking at the Sydney Opera House. We don't see that she is pregnant just yet. A woman walks up behind her in sunglasses and a scarf over her head. Sun turns around and the woman takes off her sunglasses. It is Christine DeVries. Sun: Were you followed? Christine: No, he wouldn't suspect anything. I'm in Sydney visiting my ex-husband about my children. As Christine mentions her children she looks down and appears to be a little upset. Sun: Thank you for coming. How am I supposed to know that you haven't told him that you were meeting me? Christine: Well, when you threatened to tell Hyperion that I posed as an editor to alter Troupe's book, I realized that's a lawsuit I didn't want any part in. Sun: Sorry about that, but I needed to get your attention and to get you here alone. Christine: On the phone. When you said this was about Widmore, you were very serious. Sun: I need you to tell me what you know about my father's involvement with Charles Widmore. Christine: Well, when you told me you were Sun Kwon, I realized that you were an Oceanic 6er. I did some research on you and realized that you were a Paik and that rung a bell in my head. Christine looks through her bag as she continues: Christine: I remembered something I came across when I was doing my own personal snooping into Charles Widmore. I found this:

Christine hands Sun a folder. Sun opens it and looks a blueprint. It is a blueprint of a freighter. Christine: I don't know if it will mean anything to you, but I know that Widmore commissioned Paik Heavy Industries to restore this freighter as quickly as they could. Sun: (shaken up a little) Uh, this is all you found? Christine: Well, there was something about that order that struck me as odd. Sun: What? Christine hands sun a copy of an invoice. Christine: Notice anything odd about that invoice? Sun: (showing the invoice) My father didn't charge Widmore. Christine: Bingo. Does that freighter mean anything to you? Sun: No. Christine: You aren't a good liar, Sun. Sun: Don't ask me how I know this, but that ship blew up at sea. Christine wipes her eye, but composes herself very quickly. Sun: Why, what does it mean to you? Christine:

I knew someone on that boat. Sun: I am so sorry. Christine: Look, I don't know what your beef is with Widmore, but that man has ruined my life. I've stayed with the company waiting for a chance to catch him... doing something that could help me take him down. I have my suspicions about just how evil he is, but I have no proof of anything. If you need any help... don't hesitate to ask me. I want to see him suffer like he has made me suffer. Sun, very sympathetic, answers very directly: Sun: You have my word. If you find anything else, please, don't you hesitate to contact me. Christine: Oh, there is one other thing. Widmore has some kind of project in the works. I don't know what it is because it is marked as "Top Secret", but I do know that your father is building something for him. Some sort of machine. Sun: What kind of machine? Christine: I'm not sure, but I do know that there is a man from Norway involved. The phone records indicate that Widmore has been talking to someone from Germany. When I asked Widmore who it was he simply told me that he was an economist. When I looked up "economist" in the system only one man came up. His address was listed as somewhere north of Oslo, Norway. Sun: Thank you, Ms. DeVries. Christine: Take care, Sun. Be careful. Christine turns and walks off. Sun looks at the invoice one more time. As she does this, she notices a Korean man watching her from a distance. When she spots him, he quickly hides behind the side of the hotel beside the dock. Sun begins to run in that direction. Once she gets to where he man was, he was gone. Sun:

(to herself) I know I've seen him before. There is a short image of him from the island (a flash within a flash) and Sun gets a very wtf look on her face. (It is also the same man she mistakes Jin for in her "Ji Yeon" flash forward that hasn't happened yet at this time. Sun: No. Couldn't be. (as she shakes her head)

(4:00) --9:40----23:15------ 33:00 w/3 comms----

---COMMERCIAL BREAK--9) --FLASH-- INT. SAYID AND NADIA'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA. DAY Sun is sitting in an armchair in a house. The doorbell rings and Sayid goes to open it. When Sayid opens the door we see Jack standing there. Sayid tells him to come in. Jack enters the room and he sees Sun. He gives an awkward wave to her. Sun just looks at him, closes her eyes, and gives a nod. Jack walks in and says: Jack: Hurley had a phone call. He'll be in, in a minute. After Jack says this he goes to sit down. When he sits down, he sits in a chair across from Kate and Aaron. He gives Kate a smile and a nod. Kate does the same. Just then Nadia comes into the room from the kitchen. Jack: How is the pregnancy Sun? Sun: It is fine. Thank you. Jack gets a look of desperation. Jack: Sun, you really need to understand. I didn't want to leave him there. We had to go or we would have all died. Sun: You could have waited 20 more seconds, Jack.

Kate: Please, this won't solve anything. Sun: I just need more time. Nadia: Does anyone want something to drink? Kate: I'll have a lemonade if you have it. Nadia nods and walks over to Sayid. Sayid: You don't mind staying out of the room for this do you? Nadia: Of course not. In fact, my boss should be calling soon anyway. Sayid: I love you. Nadia walks out of the room. As she does, Hurley walks in from the front door. Hurley: Hey dudes! Hurley spots Sun and runs over to her giving her a big hug. Hurley: Sun! I haven't seen you since... Well... Are you gonna celebrate my birthday with me in June? Sun: I'm afraid not. I will be too pregnant to fly. You should come to Seoul to visit though. Hurley: I'm not much into flying these days... but maybe I will. Kate chimes in:

Kate: So, what is this about exactly? You said it was important. (looking at Sun) Sun: I need all of your help with something. Sun has every-one's attention. Sun: I've come to find out that my father has been working with Widmore. My father's company restored the freighter for him at no cost. Everyone is very intent and looks at each-other. Sun: My father does nothing for free, which leads me to believe that he has some kind of stake in the island. Jack: Are you positive? Sun: I saw the blueprints and the invoice. Widmore's assistant had all the proof I needed. Sayid: You've made contact with Widmore? Sun: No, just his assistant, Christine DeVries. She hates Widmore just as much as the rest of us, I trust her. Kate: How do you know she wasn't conning you? Sun: She said that she had a friend on the freighter. She found the documents that she gave me when she was doing her own research into Widmore. Jack: Sun, I thought we agreed not to get ourselves involved with him. You're playing into his game. I'm sure that he'd love to find out what we know about the island. Sun:

Jack, because of him and my father, Jin is dead. I think you owe me this much... Now, since Widmore is using my father as a means of help to get to the island, we need to stop one of them... to protect everyone we left behind... I have a plan. Hurley: Does this have something to do with why you asked me to bring my bankbook? Sun: When you told me you didn't want anything to do with the lottery money you won, I got an idea. We are going to buy my father out. Sayid: Won't he be suspicious? Sun: No, he killed Jin. Revenge is something that my father understands. Kate: So, what do you need us to do? Sun: I looked into several international banks. In order for my father to never regain control, the five of us are going to buy the company out from under him. Hurley: I don't know about that dude, I mean, with our names and our fame... Sun: If you all name me as the controlling shareholder, you can each keep your identities hidden. The use of separate banks will ensure your privacy. Jack: And you think this will stop Widmore from finding the island again? Sun: He would have to go to another company who would do his dirty work, but it will give me enough time until I deal with Widmore myself. Sayid: What do you mean, deal with Widmore? Sun:

I'm going to ruin him. Kate: So you're using us so that if something happens to you, the company is still out of the control of your father. Hurley: An insurance policy. Jack: I'm not going along with this. You'll have to find someone else. I'm not gonna to help you get yourself killed. Sun: This is the least you could do. I don't hold you responsible for what happened to Jin, but if you don't do this and something happens to our friends on the island... well, that will be your fault and you will have to live with that. Jack just stairs at Sun in disbelief. Sun proceeds to hand out folders with each of their names on them as she continues: Sun: Inside is all the information you will need to deposit and transfer the funds. I appreciate all of you for doing this. Lastly she hands a folder to Jack. Jack takes it reluctantly from Sun. She gives him a half smile as the flash sound comes up: (4:40)

10) --END OF FLASH-- INT. MANSION. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. DAY. Sun enters her parent's South Korea home. Sun: Mother? Sun walks into the living room and she finds her mother playing with a two year old Ji Yeon. Sun smiles as she runs over, picks up Ji Yeon and kisses her forehead. She looks at her mother. Sun: Was she good? Mrs. Paik:

She was perfect. Sun: My good girl! Mrs. Paik: She is already asking for specific things. Sun: Oh? Mrs. Paik: She asked for milk specifically and then walked to the kitchen to get it. Sun: I just started teaching her "milk" before I left for London. Mrs. Paik: She is a special little girl. Sun: Jin would be so proud. Mrs. Paik: Yes, he would. You know, you need to be less harsh on your father, Sun. Sun: Not this again. Mrs. Paik: He truly feels sorry for what happened to Jin. You may think he didn't like Jin, but he intended for Jin to run the company once he passed on. Sun: Well, that is my role now. Mrs. Paik: You really hurt your father when you went behind his back to take control of the company. Please, Sun, why don't you talk to him. Your spite towards him is killing me... and it won't be good for Ji Yeon once she begins to understand. Sun:

Where is he? Mrs. Paik: He is at the dock warehouse overseeing a project. Sun thinks for a second then she just comes out with it: Sun: Do you know what he does? I mean, do you know what he really does? Mrs. Paik: It isn't my place to question his work. He provides for me. He offers me this wonderful life. Sun: Do you love him? Mrs. Paik: How dare you ask me that. Do not disrespect me like that. Sun: Mother. Answer the question. Do you love him? Mrs. Paik looks down, then she looks back up at Sun, with a very sincere look. She goes on: Mrs. Paik: When you have lived your life with one man, a man who gave you the gift of a wonderful, strong, beautiful daughter. A man who lives his life to achieve great respect who treats you well.... you develop a.... certain relationship. A relationship that can't be broken. You would do anything for him. Sun's eyes begin to tear up. She looks at a picture of her and Jin on the mantle across the room. Mrs. Paik: Your father, next to you, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. If it weren't for him when we learned that your plane crashed.... I don't think I would be here right now. Sun: What if I told you he was part of the reason my plane crashed? Mrs. Paik: Don't be silly, Sun. What kind of question is that?

Sun: I don't know. Can you watch her for another few hours? Mrs. Paik: Of course. I love you Sun. Sun kisses Ji Yeon again and then walks out of the door. 11) EXT. OUTSIDE THE GATES OF THE MANSION. DAY. Sun is in her BMW and is pulling out of the gate, when a car pulls up in front of her and stops her from pulling further out onto the street. The other car has tinted windows. Sun beeps her horn, but the other car doesn't move. Sun gets out and goes to the other car when a back window rolls down. We see it is Ben. Ben: Sayid told me that you were going to see your father. That isn't wise Sun. Get in. Reluctantly, Sun opens the door and gets into the car. Once in the car she looks up and Sayid is in the driver's seat. Sun gives Ben a very serious look. Sun: We shouldn't be seen together. If Widmore has someone watching me... Ben: Don't worry about Charles. He is taken care of. Sun: Why is it, not wise, to see my father? Ben: Your father has more interest in the island than you may know. Sun, he isn't who you think he is. Ben pulls out photos and gives them to Sun. The photos are of Mr. Paik with Mittelwerk from the 1980s. Then another picture from the 1990's and then what appears to be from the present day. The first photo is date-stamped as 8-15-88, the second is 4-23-96, and the third is 9-22-04...the date the plane crashed. Sun: What is his relationship to the Economist? Ben:

Mittelwerk and Widmore have commissioned your father to build this machine, a machine that maybe able to locate the island. Sun: Why do they want to find it? Ben: I am unsure of what your father's interest in the island is. Your people are very hard to read, especially your father, he has a face of steel. I suppose that is why he works in the heavy industry bracket. Ben gives Sun a slight smile, Sun doesn't respond. Ben: Mittelwerk, well, he wanted to find the island to exploit it. Your father, where ever his interests lie, needed Mittelwerk for the equation. With Mittelwerk out of the picture, your father has full control of the machine. That makes your father the most powerful man in the world. With no-one to stop him, he can find the island and have it all to himself. Sun: But why would my father want to find the island? Ben: There is a rich deposit of a very rare metalic element on the island. Maybe your father plans on mining it. Sun: What kind of rare metals? Ben: It's called Holmium. It has very unusual magnetic properties. The camera shows Sayid's eyes in the rear view mirror looking back at Sun and Ben. Ben: If your father finds the island before we do, its hard to say what he would do to your friends. Sun: What do you care what happens to them? Ben:

I don't, but I don't want my island to be destroyed. Point is Sun, to get back to the island, we need that machine. The last thing you want to do is tip your father off and have him use it before we have a chance to get it. Sun: Why don't we just build our own machine? Ben: That was my intention, but I looked over the files you got from Hanso. If more than one machine is built and used within a certain time frame of each other, the result would be catastrophic. Besides, your father's machine isn't quite complete. Sun: Well, then why are you worried about him using it? Ben: Because he has a team of mathematicians and I don't know how much they know. In fact, I'm not quite sure how your father has gotten as far as he has with the machine according to the equations. What I do know is that there was a smaller, more efficient machine built once before by someone else, but it was destroyed. So, it is possible that your father has the means to complete this one. Sun: Why are you just telling me all of this now? I thought that I was supposed to trust you. Ben: You had enough on your plate as it is. I needed you to stay on task because if you found this out, well... you'd be doing what you are doing right now. Sun: Don't you worry about my father. I will take care of him. I just need to get some answers from him first. Sun gets out of the car and she walks back towards hers. Ben: I want you to tail her. I need to make sure she doesn't make a mess of this situation. Sun's car pulls around Ben's and takes off down the road.

(10:50) --34:05-----48:05 w/4 comms----

---COMMERCIAL BREAK--12) EXT. WAREHOUSE. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. DAY / 13. INT. WAREHOUSE. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. DAY. Sun drives up in her car and parks in front the warehouse. She gets out and walks in through the garage doors and spots her father. All the other employees are leaving. As they leave Mr. Paik addresses them. Mr. Paik: I will see you all tomorrow. Don't be late, we have much work to do. Mr. Paik spots Sun. Mr. Paik: Sun, what are you doing here? I thought you were in London meeting with Mr. Widmore about his lease. Sun: I'm back early. He agreed to the terms. Mr. Paik: Wonderful! I thought it would take more convincing for him to keep renting that old building. Sun: (Making this up and being very sly) He says that he will need it for storage. He says that you are working on something for him and that he will need somewhere to put it once you are finished. Mr. Paik: Oh? (confused) Sun: Yeah, he wants to you hurry with it so he can get it off your hands. He said he will have the contract agreement sent to you that releases it to him. Mr. Paik: What did you do, Sun?! Sun: What do you know about the island and why do you want to go there, father? Mr. Paik is dumbfounded and speechless.

Mr. Paik: What island, what are you talking about? What did Widmore tell you? Sun: He told me nothing about you or the machine you are building, but you just told me everything I needed to know. Mr. Paik: What do you mean? What do you know? As Sun goes into this screaming match she moves closer and closer to Mr. Paik putting him against the wall. Sun: I was on that island! I know all about it! That is where my plane crashed! It is where the freighter you restored for Widmore went! It is where Widmore's men on the boat came to the island to kill all of us! It is the same ship that blew up with Jin still on it! It was the fake plane put into the ocean to make everyone think we were dead so they would stop looking for us! It was where I learned that you are an evil man! Mr. Paik is against the wall. He looks very frightened and sorrowful. Sun: How much of what I told you did you already know? Mr. Paik: None of it! Sun: I am done with you lying to me. Lying to mom! I want answers and I want them now! Mr. Paik: I didn't want Jin to die. Sun: So you knew? You knew we were on that island?! Mr. Paik: No, well, it's not what you think! Sun: Well, father, I have news for you. Jin isn't dead!

Mr. Paik: How do you know this? Sun: One of the other crash survivors made it off the island after us. Mr. Paik: Who? Sun: An old friend... The camera builds on Sun as we hear the flash sound. (2:45)

14) --FLASH-- EXT. JIN'S GRAVE. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. DUSK. Sun is with Ji Yeon sitting on the ground next to Jin's grave. Ji Yeon is playing with some flowers as Sun is staring at Jin's grave with tears in her eyes. She picks up Ji Yeon and brings her to sit on her lap. Sun: This is where your father sleeps now, Ji Yeon. He was a great man. Very smart, very loving, very handsome. He loved you so much and he never even had a chance to meet you. In fact, he picked out your name. Ji Yeon means flower of wisdom...and you are so smart that he must have known something before you were even here with us. You look just like he does, like he did. Sun begins to cry again. Just then, a man walks up, but the camera angle only allows us to see his legs. Locke: Hard to believe that our plane crashed three years ago today isn't it? Sun looks up. She sees Locke standing there. A look of extreme surprise is on her face. She jumps up. Sun: Locke?! Why are you... how are you... Locke: That isn't important. She is beautiful, Sun. Sun:

What happened? Did everyone else leave too?! Locke: No, they are all still there. You really should talk to whoever engraved that tombstone. They have the wrong date of death for Jin. Sun: It was part of our cover story... Locke: I know, what I meant is, there shouldn't be a date of death. Sun: What do you mean Locke? Locke: Sun, Jin isn't dead. He's on the island. Sun's eyes get huge. Tears well up again. Sun: You mean, you mean Jin is alive?! Locke: Yes and he is perfectly healthy. Very soft music plays as Sun rushes up to Locke and gives him a big hug. Sun: Oh, thank God! Thank you for bringing me this news! Locke: I am glad to bring it, but there is something you need to know, Sun. Sun backs off and shoots Locke a very serious look. Sun: But you just said he was ok. Locke: He is, but I don't know for how long. Sun:

What do you mean, John? Locke: Things... on the island aren't too pleasant right now. I have reason to think that the island is very angry about where we moved it. Sun: Where did you move it? Locke: Somewhere very cold. Sun has a puzzled look on her face. Locke: Ever since the move and since the 7 of you left, very bad things have been happening. Sun: Like what? Is everyone ok? Locke: No, but that isn't anything I want you to worry about right now. What you need to worry about is helping me get back to the island so we can make things right. Sun: How do you mean? What can I do to help? Locke: You, and the rest of the 'Oceanic Six' (says it sarcastically), need to come back to the island. It wants you back. Sun: You want me to go back to that island? Locke: If you want to help Jin, then you have to. All of you play a very important role in returning to the island. Sun: John, I can't just pick up and run back there. I have a daughter. As Sun finishes that statement. Another man walks out from behind the trees. It is Ben.

Ben: If you don't go back, then he will die. Sun: What is he doing here?! Locke: He is here to help. We need him too. Ben: If you want to save your friends you have to work with me and trust me. I have just as much at stake in this as you do. Sun sits back down. She looks dazed. Sun: How... are we supposed to get back? We don't know where it is. Ben: That's where you come in. I hear you bought out Paik Industries. Sun: Where did you hear that? Ben: A mutual friend told me. Sun: We don't share any mutual friends. Ben: It's Sayid. He's on board with the plan already. In fact, he is in Germany taking care of some business as we speak. Sun: Does that have anything to do with the Economist? Ben shoots a look at Sun like wtf? Sun: I will assume that is a yes.

Ben: How do you know that? Sun: I've known about him for over two years now. Ben: What, how? Sun: Widmore's assistant. I contacted her to find out my father's connection to Widmore. She told me that a man from Germany is working with my father in building a machine. Ben looks happily surprised. Ben: You don't say. John, I think I know what Jacob meant when you told me he said each of them play a role in getting back to the island. He was being literal. Locke: You mean... Ben: I mean that Sun is going to make Widmore work for us. (4:20)

A dewy eyed Sun looks at Locke. Who smiles back at her as the flash sound comes on. She is looking up at the two men. The camera sits back looking at the three of them in the graveyard. 15) --END OF FLASH-- INT. WAREHOUSE. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. DAY. Paik drops to his knees. Mr. Paik: I am so sorry Sun, I didn't want you to get involved with any of this. Sun: The machine, where is it? Mr. Paik: It's not ready yet.

Sun: Where is it?! Mr. Paik points to a covered structure. Sun walks over to it and pulls the cover off. It is a rather large machine (the size of a pick-up truck). All of the numbers are seen on it. Sun turns and looks at Mr. Paik. Sun: This is it? This is what will get us back to the island? Mr. Paik: Not us, me! Sun: You will never step foot on that island. Mr. Paik walks quickly towards Sun very angry. Mr. Paik: No, you won't. You may have taken my company, but you will not take this from me! Sun: Watch me. Sun turns to walk out and Paik grabs her arm. She spins around and pushes him off. He then slaps her across the face. Sun stands there with huge eyes and fury. She turns again and as she is walking out without looking at him: Sun: Goodbye, father. Mr. Paik is just standing in there and Sun walks outside. Sayid is standing there outside the door. Sayid: I heard shouting, is everything ok? Sun, still walking, she never turns back. Sun: He knows too much. Take care of him. Sayid:

What? You want me to... Sun stops and looks at Sayid very seriously. Sun: Kill him. Sayid just looks at her. Sun: Before he calls his contacts. Go, NOW! Sayid, looking stunned, turns and jogs towards the building and goes in. Sun reaches her car, as she opens the door we hear a POP from inside the building. Sun looks at the building, then with no expression gets into her car and closes the door. In Ben's car, we see him cross "Paik" off a list underneath "Mittlewerk." (1:35) --8:50-----42:35--------43:25 w/credits----------59:40 w/5 comms-----

LOST (:20 left over) Next Week On Lost: VO: Just when answers are given and hope is alive: 1) Clip of Locke telling Sun that Jin is alive. VO: The Island Taketh Away: 2) A clip of someone getting juiced in the electric fence. 3) A short clip of a polar bear. 4) A clip of a horrified look on Rose's face. 5) Juliet: "He was running from something." Harper: "You don't think it was the..." Juliet: "I sure as hell hope not!" Next Week on LOST. Cast in Order of Appearance: Man 1........................???

Man 2........................??? Sun Kwon...................Yunjin Kim Jake Barnes................Robert Evans Thomas Mittelwerk.......Robert Greygrass Sayid Jarrah................Naveen Andrews Desmond Hume............Henry Ian Cusick Penelope Widmore........Sonya Walger Alvar Hanso.................Ian Patrick Williams Christine DeVries..........Jay Hudack Tanizaki (Mystery Man).Steve Tanizaki Jack Shephard.............Matthew Fox Kate Austen................Evangeline Lilly Aaron Littleton/Austen..??? Noor "Nadia" Jazeem.....Andrea Gabriel Hurley Reyes...............Jorge Garcia Mrs. Paik....................June Kyoko Lu Ji Yeon Kwon..............??? Mr. Paik.....................Byron Chung John Locke.................Terry O'Quinn Questions Answered: 1) Who is the Economist. 2) What Sun's meeting with Widmore was all about. 3) Why Christine is working for both sides. 4) What the equation does/part of it. 5) How Sun bought out her father. 6) If Jin is alive or not. 7) Holmium and what it is... magnetic properties, if not handled properly it can be dangerous. Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Who is Widmore's brother. What does this machine do exactly? What were Mr. Paik's intended goals with the island? Who is Nadia's boss? Who is Christine's ex-husband and why was she upset when she mentioned her children? Who was the man that Sun saw that was following her? Who keeps calling Desmond and hanging up? When was this other machine built, why, and who destroyed it?

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