52218-mt----microprocessors & Microcontrollers

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  • Words: 297
  • Pages: 1

Code No: 52218/MT

M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 MICROPROCESSORS & MICROCONTROLLERS (Power Electronics) Time: 3hours

1.a) b)

2.a) b)

Max. Marks:60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks --Draw the block diagram of 8086 and explain the function of each block. Explain the function of the following instructions: i) AAD ii) IMUL iii) INTO iv) JCXZ v) LES vi) SAR. Discuss the 8086 Bus activities during READ machine cycle with neat timing diagrams. Distinguish the minimum mode and Maximum mode signals on the 8086 pin diagram.

3.a) b)

Discuss the interrupt structure of 8086. Develop a macro that sums a list of byte sized data invoked by the Macro ADDM LIST, LENGTH. The Label LIST is the starting address of the data block and length is the number of data added. The result must be a 16-bit sum found in AX at the end of the macro sequence.

4.a) b)

List and discuss the function of special 80386 registers. Contrast the Pentium and Pentium pro processors.

5.a) b)

Discuss different modes of operation of operation of 8255. What is DRAM? How do you interface it to a microprocessor using PAL 16L8 decoder and 82C08 DRAM controller.


Discuss different modes of operation of programmable interval timer. Draw the block diagram of 8251 USART and explain the function of each block and also explain how do you set the band rate.

b) 7.a) b) 8.a) b)

Discuss the addressing modes available in 8051 with an example to each mode. Discuss the function of TCON and TMOD special function registers. Explain the function of 8051 ports with necessary diagrams. Write a program to put one random number in R2 and another in R5. Increment R2 and decrement R5 until they are equal. x-x-x

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