50th Anniversary Of The Great Apostasy

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50 Anniversary of the Great Apostasy In Second Thessalonians, Saint Paul prophesies the Great Apostasy. 1 Jesus also considers this time in the Gospels, as do some of the Old Testament prophets and Saint John the Evangelist in the Apocalypse. Some call this time the Great Chastisement, and Jesus tells us that this will be the worst time in history. 2 The purpose of this consideration is not to consider the details of the Great Apostasy, but to consider the future triumph of the Catholic Church, which is also certain from prophecy and the interpretation of the Fathers of the Church. However, the future of the Church must be a reformation of those things that caused the Great Apostasy in the first place. Antichrist could not come and reign unopposed, if there was not already a serious problem among Catholics in the first place. How could those who were faithful to the laws of the Church in 1958 five years later willing accept the changes of Vatican II? 3 How could they accept the institution of a New Order of the Mass by Antichrist in 1970? So we must briefly review history in order to set in motion those things that will prevent us from repeating it. Some may wonder how we can so accurately date the beginning of the revolt that is the Great Apostasy, which is the worst time in history? According to Saint Paul in Second Thessalonians, there is a withholding force. 4 When this is removed, then the man of sin also called the son of perdition, who we also know to be antichrist, can reign. This withholding force, which the Devil hates with a great passion is the person of the pope. To say that this force is the Papacy is not sufficient, because the Papacy shall last until the end of time, and there will be a perpetual line of Popes until that time, although there shall be a rather long vacancy during the Great Chastisement. 5 A look back at history allows us to see exactly who set things in motion as the first of a line of five usurpers of the Papacy, which continue until this day. The second Antipope John XXIII in history, Angelo Roncalli was a persistent notorious heretic before and after his usurpation of the papacy, which occurred on October 28, 1958. Thus the Great Apostasy began on October 9, 1958, when Pope Pius XII died. This began the longest and most catastrophic interregnum in Church history. This interregnum saw a new church usurp the old and all of its properties, and as Daniel says truth was cast down on the ground. 6 As a response


This is not going to go into great deal on prophecy. A separate piece is being prepared to consider this. Matthew 24:21; Mark 13:19 3 Although Vatican II is not the second of anything, this is not the place to oppose the devil’s use of this in order to deceive. Therefore the common name shall be used, although it is deceptive. 4 II Thessalonians 2:6-7 5 Some may wonder why We also use the chastisement here, when many expect a physical intervention by God as outlined in parts of Apocalypse and many private prophecies. Actually the chastisement is spiritual, although a physical intervention by the Hand of God is also expected at the end to wipe out evil people. 6 Daniel 8:12 2


to this catastrophe, another church rose up which retained the trappings of Catholicism, while denying the power thereof. 7 This is a time of decision, as Elias said. And Elias coming to all the people, said: How long do you halt between two sides? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. 8 It is time for us to visibly enroll amongst the Catholic Church Militant under the banner of the true Pope in pursuit of Catholic Action as directed by the Popes of the first half of the Twentieth Century! The army may be small, but God has brought victory out of small armies before. Let us look back at the battle of Lepanto, which was won by the Rosary under the reign of Pope Saint Pius V. And Elias himself through faith in God overcame the priests of Baal and thus ended the three and a half year drought, brought on by God’s just punishment of paganism. Let us enroll under the banner of Jesus Christ, so that the half century spiritual drought may be ended!

Causes of the Great Apostasy It is impossible to detail all of the efforts of the Popes, other great men and women to combat these major causes, for there were many. Keep your eyes open to the teachings of these men and women. In fact, even Heaven itself has intervened to combat these evils, at La Salette, at Fatima and several other apparitions, whose true and important public message is entirely forgotten while people seek to look at the secrets as if this will lead them to Heaven! We believe, that these causes are the most important and that the Universal Conversion must begin with our own conversion, beginning in these areas, but coming to a total change of our lives from one of self-centeredness to God-centeredness through total resignation to the holy Will of God as we pray: Thy will be done.

Ignorance of the Faith Saint John Vianney, the holy Cure of Ars said that the majority of Christians go to hell because they do not know their own religion. Pope Saint Pius X wrote a whole Encyclical, Acrebo Nimis, on catechetical instruction. In this Encyclical he gave pastors instructions on the necessity of teaching catechism to all ages of Catholics. Many Catholics went to catechism and studied it as children and then as they became adults put this aside with their other studies. Pope Saint Pius X ordered pastors to instruct all their parishioners in the truths of the Divine and Catholic Faith, including adults. In this latter case he gave specific instructions to hold adult catechism on the Lord’s Day prior to Vespers in the afternoon. Unfortunately, his orders were not followed and ignorance of the Faith became the rule rather than the exception. The Code of Canon Law reminded pastors of their duty as did Pope Pius XI. 7

II Timothy 3:5. This is Traditionalism in all of its forms from the SSPX to the sede vacantists, including the home alone movement which chooses to stay home, pray and do nothing to bring the Church back awaiting some miracle. 8 III Kings 18:31


The Vatican Council in 1870 outlined the Pope’s infallibility in the extraordinary magisterium. What people forget is that the catechisms compiled by the bishops teach us the infallible teachings of our faith in the ordinary magisterium. The Roman Catechism was written specifically for pastors to use in instructing their flocks. In fact, every catholic should acquire a knowledge of the Divine and Catholic Faith at this level. As with all good things, we need to be reminded of these holy truths that point out the road to heaven. What would we think of a doctor or lawyer, who passed their final exam and then never studied again? We would not seek their advice, because they are not keeping themselves current on things that effect their profession. And yet, we are supposed to be masters in the science of the saints, and after completion of our basic catechetical study as children we go no further.

Lack of True Prayer Of these times Jesus says: And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. 9 We should reread Saint Paul’s Epistle on charity in First Corinthians, chapter 13. Charity is the love of God and the love of our neighbor for the love of God. And how do we obtain this holy love? This is through prayer. And yet prayer became reduced to a regular set of formulas recited throughout the day without any true meaning. The day opened with the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity followed by a morning offering as Catholics kissed their brown scapular. All three meals commenced with the blessing and for some ended with prayer. And the daily Rosary was encouraged and said by many. And no true Catholic would absent himself from Mass on Sunday. And thus Twentieth Century Catholicism was defined until 1958, when lukewarmness caused many to abandon all of these practices. Just as pastors failed to teach catechism to all, few words were heard from the pulpit on the one type of prayer, which the spiritual writers agree, guarantees us heaven. In fact, some authors state that either we will give up sin or we will give up prayer. And this prayer penetrates the soul, whereas the formal prayers above might have no real effect at all. This is mental prayer or meditation, which is urged by all reasonable people. In order to meditate all that is required is that a person be reasonable, that is possess the use of reason. And we all meditate on something. That is we think things out in our every day life. All that is required is to use this faculty in order to think out our salvation. The prophet Jeremias warns: 10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot: they have changed my delightful portion into a desolate wilderness. They have laid it waste, and it hath mourned for me. With desolation is all the land made desolate; because there is none that considereth in the heart. Not only were Catholics not even aware of this holy form of prayer, as soon as men left the seminary as priests, meditation was soon abandoned by most of them. Jesus warned us in these times: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he


Matthew 24:12 Jeremias 12:10-11



that readeth let him understand. 11 A necessary companion to meditation is daily spiritual reading. True this warning applies to the Great Apostasy itself, but all spiritual authors advise all who can read to daily read from a spiritual book. They only vary on the amount of time that should be devoted to meditation and to spiritual reading. Saint Francis de Sales advises giving an hour to the practice of meditation! Others allow a smaller amount of time, but it should be sufficient to say that anyone who does not pick up and read at least a paragraph from a spiritual book and perform at least three minutes of meditation a day will most like wind up in hell!

Catholic Action Catholic Action is a new name for a principle that is as old as Christianity itself. Jesus appointed twelve Apostles, but also He had many disciples who assisted them in spreading the Gospel. More recently, this was given the name of Catholic Action and organized as a mission of the laity to help spread the Gospel in obedience to their pastors. Saint John Chrysostom says: He who is content with saving himself and neglects the salvation of others cannot secure his own salvation. Can there be any clearer call to Christians to spread their own Faith to others? But how can we spread a faith we do not even know or love? This is why we must make the resolution to learn our faith by weekly study of Catholicism. This is why we must take up the practice of mental prayer in order to truly love God and reform our lives. Unfortunately The Enemy through his human subjects was able to divert Catholic Action from the spread of the Catholic Faith to spreading dissent from proper liturgical practice. This paved the way for the Novus Ordo Missae and all of the abuses which came in the spirit of Vatican II. Pope Saint Pius X called for a true liturgical renewal, which would bring Catholics into closer union with their priests in offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He among others also called for the laity to come to the assistance of their pastors in spreading the Catholic Faith.

Lukewarmness Catholics in the twentieth century for the most part became lukewarm. A few were fervent, and many more were quite willing to help their pastors, but their pastors directed them to external works of building churches and schools, while neglecting to instruct them how to lay up treasures in heaven through true prayer. In essence, the twentieth century clergy for the most part were building whited sepulchers, which were full on Sunday, but empty the rest of the time. How many Catholics heeded Fr. Mateo’s request for nocturnal adoration? In how many parishes was there perpetual adoration, where someone was always praying before the Prisoner of love in the tabernacle? For how many had Catholicism become Mass on Sunday, fish on Friday, five dollars in the collection plate and weekly bingo?


Matthew 24:15


The Great Apostasy Saint Paul calls this the revolt which some translate as falling away or apostasy from the Greek word of this text. Apostasy is a falling away from the Divine and Catholic Faith. A simple look at the statistics will show how many fell away in the 1960’s after Angelo Roncalli usurped the papacy fifty years ago as the second Antipope John XXIII in history. And of those who are still present on Sunday mornings, many do not even believe in some of the basic moral principles of the Catholic Faith, such as the absolute immorality of abortion and birth control! They have accepted the bread idols of John the Baptist Montini in the Novus Ordo Missae. The Great Apostasy is marked by certain essential elements. The first is the advent of Antichrist, who will take the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass away completely. For some time in Church history there will be absolutely no Masses celebrated that are pleasing to Almighty God. And Antichrist will reign as an antipope, who is unique. All antipopes until 1958 had one thing in common. They all reigned in opposition to a true Pope, which prevented them from being totally anti-Christ. Saint Paul’s withholding power of the Papacy will be removed by the Papacy enduring the longest vacancy in history. Of this time Saint Paul warns Timothy: For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. 12 And what doctrine is more unsound than that spread forth from Vatican II and its new sacramental system. This New Church of the socalled people of God, has admitted that it has changed the essential formula of the Sacraments, which is a mark of heretics according to the medieval canonist Cardinal Hosius. The Church of Vatican II although it still claims the name of Catholic has rejected everything that is truly Catholic from Catholic doctrine to the Sacraments. Volumes could be written on this, but comparing the services of the Vatican II Church with Catholic services should be sufficient, they are radically different. Nicolas of Fluh (died 1487) The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters. In 1968 Antipope Paul VI as Antichrist substantially revised the Rite of Ordination, so that there would be no validly consecrated bishops or validly ordained priests. True, by accepting antipopes John XXIII-II and Paul VI every bishops and priest became a schismatic, but the Devil wants to totally destroy the Catholic Church. Not only did he want to take away the Mass because it was celebrated in a sacrilegious manner by schismatics and heretics, but to make it impossible for it to ever be restored by destroying Holy Orders. This was soon followed by the Novus Ordo Missae, which 12

II Timothy 4:3-4


changed the very words of Jesus Christ from for many to for all. True in the Latin and Polish, for many is retained. However, then the vernacular of many languages contained their equivalent of for all, questions were sent to Rome. Rome answered in two notices, that Jesus meant to say for all, but that Aramaic scholars had determined that Aramaic did not have a good word for this and the word Jesus used had been erroneously translated as many, when it should have been translated in the Vulgate as all. So, even those who use the proper words in Latin and those few vernaculars which retain it, use it with the heretical intention defined in these two notices from Rome in 1970. What, then is apostolic succession? The Orthodox and old-Catholics claim to have retained apostolic succession. They do so by claiming to have retained valid Orders derived originally from the Catholic Church. The Traditionalists make a similar claim. However, this refers to the mark of apostolicity, which means that the Apostles will have successors to their doctrine, their mission, their authority and to their orders. This is true apostolic succession. The Vatican II Church by destroying Orders has made it impossible for their bishops to possess apostolicity of orders. By following the heretical doctrines of antipopes, they cannot possess apostolicity of doctrine, mission or authority, for no one can have authority who not a member of the Catholic Church. Apostolicity is two fold in the hierarchy founded by Jesus Christ. Jesus founded apostolicity of the Bishops as a group, each governing their own diocese. He also founded them upon the rock of the Apostolicity of the Bishop of Rome, the successor of Saint Peter.

Deception of the Elect Another mark of the Great Apostasy, noted by Jesus Christ is that the elect will be deceived. 13 And indeed, this has happened, as can be seen by the multitude of false solutions offered to the Great Apostasy as well as how many have been deceived into accepting the heretical usurpers in Rome down to Antipope Benedict XVI. By now, though, it is most likely that none of the elect remain in the Vatican II Church, although some may yet be deceived by the false solutions of the Traditionalists. This is not for us to judge, but to pray that their deception may soon end. As Saint Augustine says, to err is human, to remain willfully in error is satanic. When truth has been suppressed and attacked by those who claim to be its defenders, it is easier to be deceived, which is why Jesus warned us that this would happen. Actually, it is possible that some have been deceived into accepting Antipope Benedict XVI as Pope, when they came out from under persecution in the Ukraine. There are Ukrainian Catholics, who are trying to stand firm against the errors of Vatican II, but who have been deceived by the heretical usurpers Antipopes John Paul II the Great Deceiver and now Benedict XVI. The cure for deception is to study the Faith, especially in those areas which are being attacked by the heretics of today, such as the Papacy, the constitution of the Church and the necessity of jurisdiction, especially in the legitimate and sometimes even valid administration of the Sacraments. In fact, the Sacraments have been attacked directly in


Matthew 25:24; Mark 13:22


the spirit of Vatican II, their essential forms being mutilated in order to render them totally invalid.

The Japanese Solution When the missionaries in the seventeenth century realized that they would all be martyred for the Catholic Faith, they provided for the Christian community they would leave behind. Some have compared the Great Apostasy situation to that of the Japanese. True, there are important differences, but we can learn from the provisions these missionaries made. First of all the missionaries chose one person in each community to be a catechist and had them memorize the entire catechism. This was because it was quite possible that all Catholic books would be taken away and burned. Secondly they choose another person to be a baptizer and had them memorize the form of Baptism. They also would have provided for the Sacrament of marriage, giving instructions how to enter this in a holy manner. Finally, they gave Christians three marks by which to recognize missionaries sent to them by Almighty God. These were, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the doctrine of the Papacy and celibacy of the clergy. True devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is one mark of a true Catholic, and one we have been chastised for by non-Catholics for centuries. And the first step in true devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is to be a visible member of her Son, Jesus Christ’s Church. If we have per chance been deceived into separating from this Church, our first duty is to return to visible communion with the Catholic Church. Any devotion practiced while outside the Church will only serve to earn us the grace of return, but for no other purpose. And this brings us to the doctrine of the Papacy. The Japanese knew full well that the Pope existed in Rome, although for well over a century they did not know his name. They also knew that an essential mark of a Catholic is obedience to and communion with the Pope and the other Catholics in union with him. Divine Providence provided that some of the essential parts of the doctrine of the Papacy were infallibly defined by the only Vatican Council in 1870. This includes not only the infallibility of the Pope, but especially the fact that Jesus intended there to be a perpetual line of Popes until the end of the world. In fact, it is most likely that there will be a Pope reigning on the last day. It is also quite likely due to the lukewarmness of that time, that he will be working on an Encyclical on Catholic Action to revive the weakening faith and practice of the Christians of his day. We might ask why the missionaries gave celibacy of the clergy as the third mark of true missionaries, when they would once again return. Note well, that they knew that some day God would again provide missionaries to these Catholics! Celibacy is merely ecclesiastical law. However, Catholic missionaries are usually celibate, although in some times of history and even in some of the Rites of the Church, married men were and are admitted to the priesthood and even episcopate. Since these missionaries were working after the Protestant Revolt, they wanted to distinguish Catholic missionaries from Protestant ones, who would come in with married ministers. It is possible that they considered it likely that the government would permit Protestant missionaries entry in order to deceive the elect.


The Japanese Solution Applied to Our Case First of all, the Japanese were told to reject any false missionaries as stated above. In our own case Jesus told us to be wary of false-Christs, that is false priests and bishops, who would claim to offer a solution, while in fact establishing their own non-Catholic sects. And this has happened in the case of Archbishop Lefebvre and the Lefebvrites, and Bishop Ngo-Dihn Thuc and the various factions sprung from the Thuc Bishops. And others have also claimed to offer a solution to the Great Apostasy, that consists of a false solution from a false successor of the apostles, who may well possess Holy Orders, but has no authority nor mission from the Catholic Church. Others propose the truth that these men are merely hirelings, deceiving the elect, and have chosen to go to Japan and to simply stay at home alone, praying and waiting on the final trumpet, as if the Church would simply die off, Antichrist would come and go and then the world would end with no visible Church. Now we know that when the Fathers of the Church are in unanimous agreement on a matter, they are infallibly correct. Now the Fathers of the Church unanimously agree that Antichrist will come, and that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will ease completely at this time. They also unanimously agree that after the death of Antichrist that there will be a restoration of the Church that is so glorious that the whole world will convert. And this restoration must include all of its essential elements. And these must be restored in due order, for to attempt a disordered restoration is to in essence create another Church. And Jesus gave us this order, when He established the Office of the Papacy in Saint Peter, by telling Simon, that his name would now be Peter, which means rock and that He would give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven. True, the jurisdiction of the Papacy was not committed to Peter until after the Resurrection, but the office was established and promised to the head of the Apostolic College before they were raised to Holy Orders on Holy Thursday. And the Fathers of the Church are also in unanimous agreement that the Pope, visibly reigning, is necessary for the unity of the Church. And we know that in order to be Catholic, we must be in visible union with the Successor of Saint Peter, and this implies having a visible Pope to be in union with.

The Long Vacancy Some hold that the Papacy is vacant from October 9, 1958 to this very day, while acting as if there will never be another Pope, which is a heretical proposition. However, we do know that the Papacy became vacant on October 9, 1958 with the death of Pope Pisu XII, and that all of these prophecies of Antichrist and the cessation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have indeed happened. The universal conversion after the death of Antichrist has not yet occurred. While the elect were seeking the truth, but deceived, the proposition of a restoration of the Papacy was mentioned by several people and pursued at least in theory by a few. Fr. Carl Pulvermacher OFM Cap, gave a sermon on the vacancy of the Papacy


in 1976 in Oklahoma City, which stirred several people. 14 He observed in a discussion afterwards that someday we would have to elect our own Pope. He also observed that when the priesthood had been destroyed by invalid Orders, the Vatican II Church would restore the Latin Mass, as occurred under Antipope John Paul II the Great Deceiver. Of course, a Mass in union with an Antipope is sacrilegious. Fr. Carl was not the only one. Fr. Saenz Arriaga with Fathers Moises Carmona and Aldolpho Zamora were also working on this proposition of electing a Pope. In fact, a delegation from Mexico, which consisted in at least two of these priests came to see Lefebvre in Houston in May of 1976 in order to discuss with him this possibility and rumors were circulating that a Papal Election was being proposed to elect Lefebvre as Pope. However, these hopes were dashed, when Lefebvre began working with Antichrist, Antipope Paul VI, for some accommodation, which would give back the Latin Mass to those who wished it. Although Lefebvre was not the hope, the idea of electing a Pope did not die. Several carried it on and soon another bishop was found, who would provide bishops until a Pope could be elected. In fact, Bishop Ngo-Dihn Thuc met with several of the bishops flowing from him, including Carmona and Zamora, in 1983 in Louisiana to discuss a Papal Election. Like Fr. Saenz Arriaga, soon Ngo-Dihn Thuc would be dead under mysterious circumstances and instead of providing a Pope, the Thuc bishops provided several new churches for the Traditionalists. There is far more to this story, some of which may not even be known to Us. However, it is certain that the Catholic Church is always in one of two states. Either the Catholic Church has a Pope, or it is seeking one. In the later state, there is a sort of crisis, which is why the Popes and even Councils have provided for a speedy election. When this has not occurred, prayers have gone up by the Church that the vacancy be soon ended. And this was not all that was pursued. The second longest vacancy was ended in 1271 by force of the laity, which is the origin of the conclave. They locked up the Cardinals, who had been assembled but not completing an election for almost three years. They cut their rations to bread and water. When even that did not work, they removed the roof, which finally persuaded the Cardinals they had better complete their sacred task. This can be considered one of the ultimate exercises of Catholic Action! Joseph Cardinal Sarto, before his election as Pope, stated Catholic Action is directed toward the defense of and revindication of the rights of the Roman Pontiff, who is to the Church of Jesus Christ what the head is to the body, what the foundation is to the building, for where the Pope is there is the Church. The more open the war against the Pope is the more active, the more resolute should Catholic Action be in defending and maintaining the inviolable rights of the Sovereign Pontiff... Obviously one of the first rights of the Pope is to exist, that is for the Church to have a visible successor of Saint Peter, for without a Pope, many other things of necessity happen. In fact, by 1985, all diocesan sees in the world were vacant through heresy with the sole exception of those possessed by bishops under persecution in the Communist world of China and Russia, many of whom didn’t hear about Vatican II, until 1990, and some of whom may still be in prison and under persecution. There were no more pastors in parishes, because all 14

It is possible he mentioned this elsewhere. It should be noted that he died a visible member of the heretical Lefebvrians, professing Antipope John Paul II as his Pope. Many who once proclaimed the truth, through their lukewarmness and search for a Church comfortable rather than a Church Militant, have succumbed to the wiles of The Enemy, that is the Devil!


resigned by the commission of heresy. This would include the celebration of the heretical Novus Ordo Missae, if they had not deserted sooner. In fact, the prophecy of Isaias that the number of Catholic would be reduced to such a small number that a little child could name them, was indeed fulfilled! 15 Catholics found themselves sitting without king, without prince, without sacrifice, without ephod and without theraphim as the prophet Osee had prophesied. 16 The king is the Pope. The princes are either the Princes of the Church, the Cardinals, or the Bishops. We have already noted the total cessation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It should be noted that we can live for a time without the Mass, but it is far worse to evict God from our souls by mortal sin. The ephod was a vestment worn exclusively by the High Priest, who is a prefigure of the Pope, and may refer to the tiara, which is an exclusively papal vestment. According to Scripture, the theraphim is a priestly vestment, and would be a prefigure of the chasuble, which is only worn by the priest when celebrating Mass.

The Papacy Has Been Restored Eight Catholics assembled in a small building in Belvue, Kansas and elected David Bawden, who took the name of Michael, thus ending the longest interregnum in history and beginning the restoration. 17 We now have a king, as Osee prophesied, but are still sitting without the other things, which is in God’s permission. Osee among other prophets, remind us of the duty of returning to God. As Pope, we have provided regulations for this return to visible communion with the Catholic Church under Ourself as the Vicar of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Of course, anyone can be baptized into the Catholic Church, and this brings one in. Anyone who has been baptized, either outside of the Church, or have been deceived or even willfully departed from her, can come into the Church. God in His infinite mercy calls all of us to salvation, and the door is always open, if only we will enter! As Pope We have provided a Profession of Faith to be made in the presence of witnesses, and then submitted to Ourself along with all necessary documentation of Baptism, etc. And now, it is time to make the decision and to come into visible union with the Catholic Church, for it is only through the Catholic Church that salvation may be obtained. Anyone who willfully remains outside of the Church will be damned. This is also a doctrine of the Faith. God expects us not only to obey His Commandments, but also His Church and the pastors He appoints through His Church over us. And so on this anniversary, We wish to invite all to come home to the Catholic Church and join with Us in promoting the Divine and Catholic Faith and to bring about the Universal Conversion, Give this 9th day of October, 2008, the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Pope Pius XII. http://www.vaticaninexile.com http://www.popespeaks.vaticaninexile.com 15

Isaias 10:19 Osee 3:4 17 Elsewhere the actual details of this election and restoration have been published. 16


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