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5000 Northwind Dr., Suite 240 East Lansing, MI 48826

Volume 4 • Edition 3


September, 2009

Are We There Yet? Does it seem like we’ve been on a long road trip with family and that annoying question keeps getting asked? It’s not bad enough that the ride is exhausting and we’re tired of the traveling, but we can’t seem to stop the question from being repeated over and over. Personally, I think our destination is just around the corner. Although we’ve spent a fair amount of time on this trip reminiscing about how it used to be and it’s time we get back to basics, I ask you, “Why did we ever get away from the basics in the first place?” If we agree we need to rethink how we conduct business in this new economy, I have a couple of thoughts that may help. One is, think about how the relationships between you and your customers have changed in the last couple of years. I’ll bet that some may feel that their business with you has been taken for granted. Want to fix that? It’s simple. Tell everyone in your company you have a new mandate in regards to dealing with your customers. They must realize that your customers had choices and they chose you! You need to start thanking them and thank them often, from the receptionist to the delivery people. I was told by one of my best customers that every time she calls, the lady who answers our phones makes people feel like she’s glad she (the customer) called and that she says thank you just by the tone in her voice. Don’t forget that every phone call into your company is a customer. Your customers have choices; make sure you are the better choice. Next and this is huge. In all of our papers we have different departments. From now on, the sales department no longer exists! They are now the revenue department. Think about it. If there is no revenue, why are we in business? Now tell them to STOP SELLING! That’s right. Stop selling! Train them to “help people buy space in your product” Do you want to be “sold” something or would you rather have someone show a real interest in what you need and find a way to meet that need? I hear all the time, “now get out there and SELL” to the point if I hear it I get nauseous. If all you can do is sell, I think you have an inferior product that needs to be pushed on customers. If it’s not good for your customer; it’s not going to be good for your company. This all can be accomplished through training. Not just a memo, but ongoing conversations about what we do and how we do it. Yesterdays “training” is today’s “teaching”. We need to remember that we are not order takers, but problem solvers. Teach your customers by helping them realize that if it’s unseen and untold, it’s unsold! Anyone can be taught what a column inch is, but we need to educate our employees not so much as to how we do it, but WHY WE DO IT! Part of this training can come about by sending as many of your staff to the conferences being offered by CPM as possible (I know this is shameless self promotion but I can’t help myself sometimes). Those of us who have been around awhile remember the friendships, contacts and mentors that were established during the conferences that are still valued to this day. Why not let our staff experience what we have and strengthen the confidence and expertise of those who choose to make our profession their careers. We all spend untold amounts of money on our pastimes, but when it comes to the very thing that allows us to earn a living and afford our hobbies, we can’t afford it? Sorry, I don’t buy that for a moment. It’s all about choices and I know that you all have them; I just hope that when it comes to the efforts of CPM, you’ll find us a valuable choice. I started all this with the question “ARE WE THERE YET?” We still have a little way to go, but we’re closer than when we started. I encourage all of us to get involved with the business of helping. If you would like additional details on my thoughts, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Stay well

Committed to improving member publications by providing resources, education, exchange of ideas and information.

Terry Roby President CPM Community Papers of Michigan [email protected]

community papers of michigan

Executive Director Updates CPM moved into a new smaller office suite in June which is located within the same Northwind Drive complex of our previous office. This move will save your association over $500 each month. We continue to keep a lid on expenses which is another reason this newsletter is coming to you in an electronic format. Fred Jacobs was nice enough to provide storage room for the overflow of CPM office items that we could live without while in our smaller digs which also saves the association money if we were to rent a storage facility. Thanks Fred! Moving can be a real hassle - I won’t bore you with the details here however feel free to ask me sometime about my Eight moving experiences over the past nine months! I jokingly told my brother-in-law that we could start a business, “Two Schmucks And A Truck”… I would like to thank you for your calls and emails when I propose something new for your association. Your continued support is vital to your association’s success. We have accomplished much, but there is still much to accomplish, by growing our association’s sales that will allow us to provide even more member benefits. I proposed a new pre-print state-wide network in July that has had mixed results regarding membership participation. Currently we have 11 members signedup for this network with a combined circulation total of 346,000. I have several proposals out for this buy however have not sold anything for it yet. We need at least 1 million distribution for a pre-print buy to be effective. Realizing that it often takes time to get the ball rolling on new initiatives, I will find out what areas an advertiser is interested in and contact all member publications within that area to see if they would accept the business for our pre-determined rate. Also know that once you sign-up for one of our network buys, you can “opt out” of any buy if you are currently working with that client as we would not want to undermine a buy you already have in place. We have had a great response to our 2 X 2 network from the standpoint of member participation, we now offer a 1 M circulation total buy for $999 and a 1.6 M total cir. buy for $1,599. I have provided this display network info to our agency partners as well as some large regional

By Jack Guza, Executive Director, CPM

businesses during sales presentations. If you have anyone in your market that would benefit from either of these buys but are unsure of how to proceed in selling it, please call me as I will walk you through the process. Thank you to the members who are now placing the MegaMarket ads within their existing classified columns. This will help our advertisers achieve even better results which will keep them advertising. I also want to thank all members who are participating in the MegaMarket Network. I have been selling additional MegaMarket classified network ads which are having a very positive impact on our sales efforts. I am also networking with several top National sales reps. having them offer our MegaMarket ads when they propose other state association buys. Please encourage all of your classified people to try and sell a few MegaMarket ads each month as the more total ads we sell, the larger the rebate we will be able to pay out each year, plus your publication keeps $60 immediately from each $249 sale! More details will be forthcoming regarding rates and rebates for this year and beyond. Speaking of MegaMarket sales…Here are the winners of our second quarter MegaMarket Sales Contest: $100 First Place Member Winner was Flashes, Eaton Rapids; $50 Second Place Member Winner was Morning Star, Mt. Pleasant; $80 Top Agency Sales Rep was Annie Waite of Tower Publications, Gainesville, FL. Congratulations to all of our winners!

Congratulations John Gaedert winner of C.P.M.’s 2010 Conference Package! CPM Executive Director, Jack Guza (left) congratulates John Gaedert, Publisher of the County Journal in Charlotte for winning the 2010 CPM All-Inclusive Conference Package in Frankenmuth! John’s winning entry was drawn from all CPM Members who submitted questionnaires for the association. 2

community papers of michigan

C.P.M. Membership has it’s Benefits

• Dues are paid annually, $35 base plus $1.00 per thousand distribution for a single publication or multiple publications within a cluster that qualify, $100 minimum for any member. • Circulation Verification Council (CVC) Audits have been fully paid for by CPM. (Virtually all CPM members utilize our free of charge CVC audit.) These audits are valued at between $400 up to several thousand dollars for our larger members!

Community Papers of Michigan was formed to facilitate the exchange of ideas between its member publications and their employees in Michigan. The purpose being to promote the interests of its members and provide opportunities for • Daily Co-op leads from MultiAd RECAS is a service provided discussion, investigation of common problems and the education to CPM members free of charge to enhance their sales and betterment of those involved in the organization. Community opportunities. This service is paid for by CPM each month. Papers of Michigan accomplishes these objectives through offerings of seminars to educate • Our members are listed on publishers on methods of the PaperChain website. improving their publications, PaperChain represents and meetings and conferences for promotes Free Community the free exchange of ideas and Publications and serves to concepts between publishers of introduce media buyers of the free community newspapers, value and relevance of the provide opportunities for Free Community Paper publishers to network for shared Industry. PaperChain growth and opportunities. provides many opportunities CPM is also an active sales for advertising agencies to agency working with advertising find our association and your agencies on behalf of our publication as part of our members on zoned or regional association for advertising placements of classified, display C.P.M. is here to HELP YOU! Please let us opportunities. You probably and pre-print advertising. have already received a sale know if we can be of assistance. or inquiry derived from • Community Papers of Michigan PaperChain and may not be is an association representing aware of it. PaperChain is free publications of general interest throughout the state. not a sales group, rather a support and public relations source for our industry who is taking their message directly to the print • Membership in CPM is open to any publication that publishes media buyers. PaperChain pays to be included on the SRDS at least twelve times per year on a regular basis. Publications website and printed materials which is the #1 source that media buyers search to find suitable media for their client’s needs. PaperChain is currently undergoing an extensive direct mail marketing campaign to thousands of media buyers throughout the country singing the praises of Free Community Papers such as yours. CPM is also a part of the two largest national associations in the free paper industry, AFCP and IFPA. You have the ability and are encouraged to attend National Conferences such as IFPA’s Chicago conference in September, 2009 where seven state and national associations will come together for one large conference. Networking Leads to Everyone’s Success! can be home delivered, rack distributed or a combination of both. All publications must be free of charge. All applications for membership must be approved by CPM’s Board of Directors.

• As a CPM member, your company is listed on CPM’s website www.communitypapersofmichigan.com


community papers of michigan

C.P.M. Membership has it’s Benefits (cont.) • Your company is encouraged to take part in our Annual Advertising contest and Design-An-Ad contests. Both of these contests afford your company the opportunity to showcase the talents of your staff and quality of your publications. • Revenue opportunities from selling our Michigan Megamarket State-wide classified network: Each member who sells a $249.00, 25-word MegaMarket ad keeps $60 and sends $189 to CPM. We plan to offer a rebate at the end of each year to help offset running the MegaMarket ads; Our new 2 X 2 display network pays the selling publication $120 in commission for the largest buy and $100 for the smaller buy. This 2 X 2 network pays participating members each time they run one of these ads. Our pre-print network is our newest state-wide sales initiative and will afford additional pre-print sales opportunities for your company. We encourage all members to sign up for these networks to strengthen our association, provide additional revenue opportunities for your company and PROMOTE THE FREE PAPER INDUSTRY! Each publisher has the right to refuse any buy as we will not undermine any buy you may already have in place.

• A quarterly newsletter, (like the one you are reading) will be sent via email to all members. This newsletter contains association news, state and regional industry information and solid sales and production tips. Our newsletter is also featured on CPM’s website www.communitypapersofmichigan.com and on CVC’s (Circulation Verification Council) website at www.cvcaudit.com for added exposure. You are encouraged to submit items for inclusion in this newsletter. We would like to begin a Member Exchange Feature in which you can share industry-related news, post job openings or seek an answer to a question that a colleague may be able to answer. Please submit any items for the newsletter to Jack Guza at [email protected] It will be featured in the next available e-edition.

CPM is your association We exist as a support to you, our membership. With your help, CPM will continue to grow which will allow us to offer additional membership benefits that will help your business do more business! Thank you for being a member!

• Annual Training Conferences: (You will learn enough new revenue ideas at each conference that you can take back to your publication which will more than pay for the cost of attending.) • Networking: You will gain much insight by networking with fellow Owners, Publishers, GM’s and Advertising Directors of free publications across the state.

Tim Bingaman and CVC will show you effective ways to use your audits as a sales tool!

Jack Guza

Stacy Kotecki

Office Manager Executive Director Community Papers Community Papers of Michigan of Michigan 5000 Northwind Dr., Ste. 240 5000 Northwind Dr., Ste. 240 East Lansing, MI 48823 P.O. Box 1388 Phone: (800)783-0267 East Lansing, MI 48823 Fax: (517)333-3322 Phone: (800)783-0267 Cell: (517)242-0203 Fax: (517)333-3322 [email protected] [email protected]

Membership total distribution 2,030,621 and growing! 4

community papers of michigan

The Power of a Grateful Leader By Doug Dickerson is made of. The remarks he made serve to remind us as leaders of what is truly important in life. He taught us humility through success. Gehrig set many records that stood for decades. Nicknamed “Iron Last week a milestone Horse”, Gehrig was the took place that was seven consummate player who decades in the making. Derek Jeter breaks Lou Gehrig’s record! worked hard at his craft Derek Jeter of the New every game. He set the record for the most grand York Yankees broke Lou Gehrig’s hit record with a slams (23), was the first baseball player on the cover single to right field. Gehrig’s record for the most hits of a Wheaties box, and when fans voted for by a Yankee player stood at 2,721 for a little more baseball’s All-Century Team, Gehrig was the leading than seventy years. vote getter. While not a Yankees fan by any stretch, no one can Despite all of those remarkable accomplishments, deny that Jeter has rightfully taken his place among Gehrig said in his speech, “Fans, for the past two Yankee greats. His work ethic and talent makes for a weeks you have been reading about the bad break I successful combination and without question a team got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on leader. the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything Yankees owner George Steinbrenner released a but kindness and encouragement from you fans.’ statement following the game saying, “For those who say today’s game can’t produce legendary Gehrig was a man of great accomplishment in his players, I have two words: Derek Jeter. Game in and career at a level few attain. With class and humility, game out, he just produces. As historic and Gehrig demonstrated why he was respected by his significant as becoming the Yankees’ all-time hit teammates and competitors, and adored by his fans. leader is, the accomplishment is all the more While achieving greatness he remained true to who impressive because Derek is one of the finest young he was. men playing the game today. That combination of character and athletic ability is something he shares He taught us to be grateful for our friends. “Look at with the previous record holder, Lou Gehrig.” these great men,” he said, “which one of you Gehrig was struck down in his prime with wouldn’t consider it the highlight of his career just to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which later came associate with them for even one day? Sure I am to be known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. As a first lucky….When the New York Giants, a team you baseman for the Yankees in the 1920s and 1930s, would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, he was noted for his power hitting. Gehrig averaged sends you a gift – that’s something.” Gehrig was a 147 RBIs per season. His longevity was remarkable. man with many friends who respected him not just He played in 2, 130 consecutive games, the longest as a player but as a person. streak in baseball until Cal Ripken Jr. broke that record in 1995. Leaders today understand the power and importance of friendships that transcend the Only July 4, 1939 the team sponsored Lou Gehrig boundaries of business and competition. How often Appreciation Day at Yankee stadium. In between do we forget this simple lesson of what is truly games of a double header, Gehrig was honored by important? (cont.) his team. His speech that day is what baseball lore


community papers of michigan

The Power of a Grateful Leader (Cont.) By Doug Dickerson

He taught us the blessing of family. “When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter- that’s something,” he said. He continues, “When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed – that’s the finest I know.” Gehrig’s perspective and priorities not just made him a great ball player, but a great leader. He ended his speech by saying, “So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful lot to live for. Thank you.” Gehrig chose to live out his

What is the core value of your publication?

By Bob Berting, Berting Communications

Don't overlook this question in your sales meetings. Your salespeople are telling your prospects and customers that you are the best newspaper in town or if you're the only newspaper, you're the best media choice in town. They go on to say you have the best customer service in town. But what is your core value? What is the value you bring to the marketplace that no one else can bring? What impact does that value have on the prospect, not intellectually, but emotionally? What value do you bring that will compel your prospect to ask you to fix their problems. This is usually emotional. Principles of contemporary selling: The act of “selling” in the traditional sense of the word weakens your place in the buyer-seller negotiation. Cut down on selling emphasis and begin using psychology and philosophy to translate your value. When you stop selling, your prospect will feel prone to open up and give you the reasons why he or she needs you to fix his or her problems. Isn't that what we want anyway? Salespeople who sell hard and relentlessly

days not bitter for the bad breaks he got, but in grateful appreciation for life’s blessings. Two years after the speech at Yankee stadium, Gehrig passed away. While he may have lost the battle with his illness, the way in which he lived his life on and off the field will continue to inspire. Congratulations to Derek Jeter – those were big shoes to fill. © 2009 Doug Dickerson

Doug Dickerson is an award wining writer and director of Management Moment Leadership Services. Read more of his columns on the web at www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com Contact Doug for leadership training and motivational speaking for your organization. Email Doug at [email protected]

sometimes don't understand human nature-and it costs them. You still do your dog and pony show to sleepy eyes. Stop the show and ask questions about their problems and existing conditions. “ What conditions exist in your company that caused you to be interested in our publication?' Let them talk. You're working too hard. Let them work a little. Never underestimate the propensity to purchase: You have seen this happen. A prospective advertiser will balk at spending $1500.00, then turn around and spend $2500.00 with a competitor. Why? Because the belief was there. The energy was there. The money is always there. Money is conceptual. Many times, the danger is that salespeople will make decisions for the prospect before they do. Don't make the decision for the prospect before they do. Don't make the decision for the prospect about anything, especially money. Also, sometimes the more Cut down on selling one pays for something, the emphasis and begin more value they attach to itusing psychology and providing the value is philosophy to translate actually there. The world is your value. full of buyers who have bought half a solution only because of the salesperson's fear to talk in larger terms that would have solved the entire problem of the prospect or customer. Think about that last statement. (cont.) 6

community papers of michigan

What is the core value of your publication? By Bob Berting


Never let your fears affect your selling: Often, we won't ask the question because we're afraid of the answer. The prospect is telling you about a severe problem he has. You need to ask “Why haven't you learned to solve this before/” By asking, you will be finding out an important part of his values-his own fear. From that, you can determine the best corrective action to take. Don't overwhelm your prospect: You have tremendous knowledge about your publication -type styles, printing press capability, demographic statistics, website benefits, etc. You feel good about what you know and you want to start spouting all this information to the prospect. Many times, the reaction to all this rhetoric is actually wearing the customer out. Never wear out the one with the check So you know everything there is to know about newspaper advertising. But many times you don't know the customer's compelling problems that need to be solved-and you need to know them.

Cutting ad rates can be a tricky game While many publishers don't believe in rate cutting, they feel forced to do it to stay competitive. However, rate cutting can be a tricky game. There are many

financial, budgeting, managerial, and sales reasons to stay on the rate card. Let's take a look why: Effect on the sales team: Rate cutting puts a lot of pressure on the sales team by creating ambiguity and confusion about how they are to conduct business and how far to go with cutting deals. On the other hand, publishers are sometimes frustrated by the demands of their salespeople who want to make easier sales by offering clients special rates. Creating insecure salespeople: Forced into pricecutting and deal making, many salespeople perceive themselves and their publications as weak. No one can be convincing as an advertising salesperson if he or she is insecure about their product. Breaking the rate card is also viewed as unprofessional by many media buyers, as well as advertising agencies. Also how can a client trust your word if he or she discovers their competition got a better deal from you? On the other hand, prospects who pressure salespeople to get a price break, often turn into difficult clients, who will desert you for the next better deal. Salespeople get side-tracked: Instead of concentrating on building and selling the value of their publication, many salespeople are busy worrying about how much to give away and when. Negotiating rates encourages salespeople to focus too much on price. Instead of working as consultantcounselors, they must now operate as “deal-makers”. Instead of building long range relationships, they are in danger of losing the confidence of their clients. For the new salesperson who is still learning sales skills and gaining confidence, they do not need to see experienced salespeople negotiating rates. Rate cutting establishes a dangerous precedent: Many salespeople offer rate deals because they think once the advertiser is in their publication, they can get them back on regular rate card rates in the future. But the salesperson is setting a precedent that's on the record with their customer.

Bob Berting is a professional speaker, sales trainer, and marketing consultant who has conducted over 1500 seminars for newspaper sales staffs, their customers, print media associations and trade associations in the US and Canada. He is a columnist in several print media trade association publications and is the author of the popular E-Booklet “ Dynamic Advertising Sales and Image Power”. The booklet is available by download from his website www.bobberting.com. Bob also conducts tele-seminars and webinars for advertising salespeople, print media management, merchant groups, and trade associations. Bob can be contacted at 800-536-5408 and [email protected]. Berting Communications is located at 6330 Woburn Drive, Indianapolis, In 46250.


community papers of michigan

Looking for new ideas for your newspaper Web site? HERE are two Kevin Slimp Institute of Newspaper Technology [email protected]


Wendy MacDonald, with Family Features, has been after me for years to take a look at their products for newspapers. I’ve seen their booth at dozens of newspaper conferences over the past three or four years, and I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of free content for papers. However, it wasn’t until yesterday that I took a close look at their offerings. For those unfamiliar with Family Features, they provide free editorial content spanning a variety of themes. Materials are developed in conjunction with nationally recognized sponsors and can be used as provided or customized to meet your needs. Basically, they provide stories and other material related to food, lifestyle, gardening and other topics. How do they make their money, you ask? They include names and products by sponsors including American Heart Association, Nestlé and General Mills, among others. Obviously, their products aren’t for every newspaper. I certainly understand that many papers wouldn’t be comfortable with content that includes product promotion. After researching FamilyFeatures. com on my own, I learned that their material can be found in a wide variety of print and online outlets including dailies, weeklies, newspapers and magazines, free and paid, suburban, metro

and regional. Over 6,000 editors have registered to use their materials. Yesterday, I spent part of the afternoon on the phone discussing products being developed by Family Features. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to take a look at online content already available from this group. Here are just a few: Automatically Updated HTML Feed: Imagine content that automatically updates itself on your Web site. You designate the area and page(s). This means you can create pages for this content with room for ads that you sell. You select content from three areas: Food & Recipes (my favorite), Home & Lifestyles and Lawn & Garden. After the initial setup, which takes just a few minutes, the only time you’ll spend on these pages will be to get new recipes and upload your own ads. And, for those savvy designers, there is an XML version that gives you even great flexibility. HTML Pages: Family Features offers HTML versions of their content and recipes, which you can place on your own site. By having the material already saved in HTML format, you can create pages on your own Web site without spending hours on layout and design. Niche Newspaper Sites: These are “camera ready” pages ready to place on your Web site. With your banner in its normal position at the top of the screen, it looks like your staff has spent days creating these attractive and informative sites. Related to the areas mentioned earlier (Food & Recipes, Home & Lifestyles and Lawn & Garden), you choose the

What does this guy do, anyway? Kevin directs a training program for newspaper designers, publishers and I.T. related staff called the Institute of Newspaper Technology. The Institute takes place each October on campus at The University of Tennessee. In addition to his work with the Institute, Kevin speaks at dozens of conferences related to newspapers and publishing throughout the world each year. About twice a month, Kevin visits newspapers to provide training and advice. His webinar schedule can be found at www. braincast.biz. To contact Kevin directly, email:

[email protected]

sites you want to use and place the material directly on your pages. Videos: Videos are available that can be embedded directly onto your Web pages. They are hosted on servers at Family Features, so they don’t take up valuable space on your server. By simply placing scripts on your pages (Don’t worry. Your Web guru will know how to do this), you will have recipes and regular feature videos (The Blue Bunny Kitchen is a lot of fun) to use on your site. As an added bonus, most videos have print content that go with them. This means you can include a food column in your paper and point readers to your Web site to see a video related to a recipe in the column. There is no cost for any of this. After a quick registration, you’ll be downloading and using Family Feature’s content in your newspaper and on your Web site. I think you’ll have to see this to believe it for yourself. For more information, or to see samples for yourself, visit editors. familyfeatures.com and click on the link for Web Solutions on the left sidebar.

Red, White & True Mysteries Video Series

I ran into Paul Niemann at a newspaper conference in Missouri a few months ago. It seems that Paul has made a living writing a series called “Red, White & True Mysteries” for newspapers in the Midwest region of the United States since 2003. Primarily used in N.I.E. (Newspapers in Education) programs, these mysteries are based on famous Americans. Children can read the information about a famous historical figure, then try to guess who it is. Earlier this year, Paul began creating high-quality videos for newspaper Web sites. Based on the materials from his printed mysteries, Paul dresses as a historical figure while the viewer tries to guess who he is. They are a lot of fun and very well done. I especially get a chuckle when he dresses up as Betsy Ross, Annie Oakley or some other famous American woman. Paul has been selling these printed and video mysteries to

FamilyFeatures provides html files ready to place on newspaper Web sites. newspapers through a revenue sharing model by helping newspapers in the Midwest find advertisers for his material. I convinced Paul he should offer his videos to newspapers outside that area and he agreed it was a good idea. If you’re interested in Red, White & True Mysteries, either in print, video or both, they are now available with a monthly subscription fee or through a revenue-share. To see a sample of one of Paul’s videos, visit

Paul Niemann stars in this Red, White & True Mystery. kevinslimp.com and play the video in the right sidebar. To get more information about these products, visit inventionmysteries.com/rwtm.html. Paul has created a new price structure for smaller papers. Contact Paul directly at niemann7@aol. com for more information concerning pricing for small newspapers.


community papers of michigan

“Design an Ad Contest” Last year’s winners, both of Lansing Community Newspapers (1st place, Emily Schultz and Tied for 2nd Place, Sara Christiansen) have provided the criteria for this year’s contest

ec ad for: This Year’s Contest....Design a sp

“Candy’s Cupcake Café”

Earn $150 for yourself, AND your paper receives special recognition at CPM’s Annual Conference! 2nd place winner receives $75 and 3rd Place $50 AD CREATION: Candy’s Cupcake Café is a trendy upscale Cupcake Café looking for an ad that showcases their chic ambiance and unique specialty cupcakes. This is definitely not your Daddy’s donut shop!!

Create the ad based on the following specs and information: AD Size: 5” wide X 10” long Color: Full process color can be used

Ad Information: Name: Candy’s Cupcake Café Address:123 Sprinkle Lane, Candyland, MI 48888 Phone: 888-555-CAKE Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Credit Card Info: Visa/MC Slogan: We Put The Sweet in Your Treat! Main Focus of Ad: Specialty Cupcakes, buy one, get one free! Products available: Red Velvet, Coconut Creme, Chocolate Marshmallow, Ginger Spice, Vanilla Bean Don’t forget to try Miss Janine’s special Traverse Cherry Pie!

Contest Rules: 1) Entries must be submitted by 5:00pm, Mon., Nov. 30, 2009 To: Community Papers of Michigan P.O. Box 1388, East Lansing, MI 48826 2) Ad must be submitted in (2) forms (1)Electronic file (2)Hard copy mounted on white, 8-1/2”x11” cardboard strong enough to stand up. Remember to write your name and newspaper name on the back (not on the front) 3) There is an entry fee of $5.00 per artist 4) One entry per graphic artist 5) All entries must follow and include the information/text provided 6) Judging will be based on creativity, originality and adherence to the information provided 7) Winners will be announced at the Awards Banquet at CPM’s Annual Conference (May 21 & 22, 2010 Frankenmuth, MI) 8) The decision of the judges is final

1st Prize $150

2nd Prize $75 3rd Prize $50 9

community papers of michigan

C.P.M. Director Joe Spreeman submits resignation In August Joe Spreeman announced his resignation from the C.P.M. Board of Directors due to other obligations. We thank Joe for his service and wish him continued success as the General Manager of the Tri-County Citizen in Chesaning.

2009CPM Board of Directors Terry Roby

Bettie Watson

President Gratiot County Herald P.O. Box 10 Ithaca, MI 48847 Phone: (989)875-4151 x114 Fax: (989)875-3159 Cell: (989)388-8309 [email protected]


Jon Jacobs

Elaine S. Myers

Vice President Buyers Guide P.O. Box 128 Lowell, MI 49331 Phone: (616)897-9555 Cell: (269)208-9223 Fax: (616)897-4809 [email protected]

Marty Bennett

Past President Community Shoppers Guide 117 N. Farmer - P.O. Box 168 Otsego, MI 49078 Phone: (269)694-9431 Fax: (269)694-9145 Cell: (269)370-9469 [email protected]

Fred Jacobs

Sec./Treasurer J-Ad Graphics 1351 North M-43 Highway Hastings, MI 49058-0188 Phone: (269)945-9554 Fax: (269)945-5522 Cell: (269)838-0881 [email protected]

Salesman Publications 102 N. Main Street - P.O. Box 205 Concord, MI 49237-0205 Phone: (517)524-8540 Fax: (517)524-8570 Cell: (517)740-9461 [email protected]

Director C&G Publications 13650 11 Mile Road Warren, MI 48089 Phone: (586)218-5012 Fax: (586)498-9631 Cell: (248)672-0998 [email protected]

Sharon Frederick

Tri-County Shopper Pioneer Group 115 N. Michigan Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: (231)796-4831 Fax: (231)796-1152 Cell: (231)598-1285 [email protected]

Kathy Trumbo

View Newspapers & The Davison Index 169 W. Nepessing St., Lapeer, MI. 48446 Phone 810-245-9343 Fax: 810-245-9375 Cell: 810-358-5805 [email protected]

Michael Flores Director Independent Advisor 1907 W. M-21 Owosso, MI 48867 Phone: (989)723-1118 Fax: (989)725-1834 Cell: (989)277-7310 michaelf.chartermi.net


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