5 Easy Pieces

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 5,007
  • Pages: 12
Sara Tumminelli

2/25/01 5 easy pieces

Hidden behind the eerie cobwebbed bushes they waited for the sun to go down. They listened to the sounds that engulfed the huge, weather beaten house that appeared to be almost black as the night darkness moved up the crooked walk and moonbeams shone in its broken and cracked windows. Martha, (Martie is what they called her), Philip, and young Paul, stood huddled wondering if what they were about to do was more foolish than fun. It was dark enough now to carry out their plan. If the truth were known, it was not their plan at all. Their friends from school were the ones. They had dared the daring trio. Well, it was too much of a challenge to pass up. They had to get into that house that everyone, even the grownups, called “haunted.” Almost as if they were one person, Martie, Philip, and Paul started up the dark walk towards the dark door of the dark house and very slowly they crept up the walk slowly all the while aware of the sounds – the sounds of night. It was windy and the wind rattled through the broken windows and through the trees. They stopped as they realized they had no course of action. “We get in the house and then what?" asked Martie. “We have to have a plan, a great one, so that all the kids at school will be amazed.” “Martie is right”, said Philip, who was the oldest of the trio, “and I have got one!" They spent perhaps six minutes conferring ideas before they finally continued their plan. They would go into the house via the door. From there they would separate and search every nook and cranny. All the while they would be calling out, hello, is anyone here? Show yourselves! There were a total of four floors in the house. It was decided that Martie should take the second floor, Philip would take the attic and Paul would take the first, since he was the youngest and the most scared. They would then meet on the first floor and proceed together to explore the basement. They were all very nervous. As they approached the house, they stood at the doorway. “Philip, you open the door, your the oldest." said Paul. “All right

you scaredy cats.” On the count of three – one, two, three!” With a mighty shove the door burst open and gave a creaky sound. They entered the house. It was very dusty. Every niche was covered with cobwebs and dead insects that had been trapped within the webs. They walked in unison towards the center of the room. “Okay everybody remember the plan.” “Let’s split up.” “Oh yeah, and one more thing”, said Philip, “If you guys find anything just scream loud so that you are sure that at least one of us will hear you.” “Stay where you are and do not move.” “One of us will acknowledge you by screaming back.” “An hour and a half, that is how long until we meet here.” Paul personally thought that Philip was being a little too bossy but he did not say anything. He stayed right where he was for a minute or two. Maybe he could just stay here and tell them he had not seen anything of interest. No! Was he to be known as a coward his entire life? Still, it is better to be a live scaredy cat than a dead hero. As Paul was thinking all these crazy thoughts, Philip had finally reached the attic. It was not as big as he had imagined it would be. The top of his head was practically scraping the ceiling. It looked like any other attic. But how could that be? There were tons of boxes stored all over the floor. Philip decided to rummage through these mysterious boxes. As he began to look through them he could not help but wonder how his other two teamates were doing. Martie was fairing quite well. The second floor was very large. She had estimated that there were about twenty rooms. She had already explored three rooms but there was nothing eventful there. How she was hoping something exciting would happen. Paul had reluctantly decided to go exploring. There were about ten rooms on the first floor. In Paul’s eyes this was a true mansion. He couldn’t help but think that Martie and Philip must be having themselves a holiday! The first three rooms on the first floor were bedrooms. They were just like other bedrooms that you would see in a normal house but rather elegant at the same time. However, Paul was well aware that this was no normal house.

Paul began to wonder how much time had passed. Meantime in the next room there was a huge chest, sort of like a big treasure chest. Paul decided that he was going to open it and rummage through the findings. The very first thing to catch his eye was what he thought to be a diary. He couldn’t help but notice that there were other books as well. As he thumbed through them he was shocked to find himself reading about spells. His attention was brought back to the diary. It was dated “1650.” He couldn’t believe it! As he continued to read he came across a statement, “This town is gripped with madness. People have already been hung and I fear that they will soon come for me and I will suffer the same torture as my sisters.” Instantly Paul knew that he had found a very important diary. As his heart pounded with excitement, he rushed out into the hall and screamed like he had never screamed before. He screamed as loudly as it was humanly possible. Martie heard Paul’s loud cries and screamed up to Philip. Philip heard Martie and screamed right back to her. Paul quickly acknowledged both their screams. Philip had run down to find Martie. When he found her, they both sat and talked for a while. “What could it possibly be?” asked Martie. “I really do not know,” said Philip. “But I hope that it is interesting enough to wow all the kids back at school.” “Yeah,” said Martie. “Especially that kid who had even dared to challenge our authority.” “We’ll show him,” Philip boasted. “Yeah,” Martie quickly agreed. “Let’s go and find Paul.” So together they started down the stairs to search for Paul. They couldn’t wait to find out what all the excitement was about. Martie and Philip were extremely anxious. They had figured that since they were each nearly done with their assigned floors, they could go and talk to Paul and then go back to complete what they had come to do. When they found Paul, he was sitting on the floor and reading what appeared to be a book just like any other book. Paul was so engrossed in what he was reading that he never even heard them come into the room. Philip went right over to Paul and tapped him gently on the shoulder. Paul spun around. “Hey Phil, what are you two doing down here?” “Are you done

already?” Philip was quick to answer, “No.” “We were just so anxious to find out what all the screaming was about.” “Were you so involved in that book that you lost your hearing or something?” “You didn’t even notice that Martie and I were here in the same room!” “Oh, yeah, I guess I was.” “I’m really sorry guys.” “It was just that I was really getting into this diary and....” Martie yelled, “What is that book any ways?” “This, said Paul, is a diary of a teenage girl written in 1660.” “No way!” exclaimed Philip. “That is impossible!” said Martie. “Paul, I really think that being here has fried your brain or something.” Philip agreed with Martie, “totally fried.” “No!” Paul shouted. “I’m telling you it’s for real.” “Just please read these two entries.” September 28, 1650: “They have come for me. I pray that they have not found my book of witches’ spells. Even if they hang me, I will always have my spells to guard after I am dead and gone. I must put a spell on this book that will only allow me to open it. This spell can be broken only when this madness has ended and is no longer a great scar on the country. I will have my sister also insert this diary so that it may be a guide to whoever finds this chest. Even if and when the above things happen if the books feel the finder is not worthy, then they will not allow themselves to be taken. They will and must wait until a person comes who is pure in thought and heart. Only then will all these things happen. I must go for someone is at the door. Ado diary, ado.” “Wow!” they all said at the same time. “Figures, it would be you that would find something like this, when we have not found anything even close to this.” Philip exclaimed. “You said that neither of you had finished, correct?” asked Paul. “Well, no but...” “Then shut up and read this other entry,” Paul yelled. Shocked by his outburst, Martie and Philip quickly read the other entry. September 30, 1650: “I have made the spell and to make sure that no one of evil intent shall find the spell, I have hidden five puzzle pieces throughout this house. Only one of pure mind and heart will have a chance of finding these hidden pieces. This diary that you are reading, acts as a sensor and will tell you when you are getting near to one of the puzzle pieces. When you have found all five, immediately return to this room and insert them into the carving on the front

of the book. The book will instantly spring to life and shower you with all the knowledge that is inside. You will have access to these spells at all times. However, you must keep this a secret. For I fear that even people in advanced times will not understand. I must go now. Good-bye.... The trio was so astounded by what they had read that even Philip could not speak his favorite line, “Wow!” Finally, Paul spoke up; “I have skimmed through the rest of the diary.” “It really doesn’t talk about much except her time spent in prison.” Paul answered, “Well, does she get – you know?”, Philip asked hesitantly. “I really don’t know.” Paul answered quite honestly. “It ends with this poor girl going to court.” “Oh man!” said Philip. “It was just starting to get real interesting.” “Well,” said Martie. “Are we going to start searching for these puzzle pieces or are we just going to stand around all night gawking at this diary?” “Martie is right.”, agreed Paul. “We must start searching.” “Are you guys crazy?” Philip asked. “We are just kids.” “The biggest thing that we have ever conquered is Algebra!” “Now you are talking about going after some three hundred year old puzzle pieces?” “This is insane!” “Let’s just explore the rest of this house and get home.” “Why, are you chicken?” Paul asked tauntingly. “No!” Philip fiercely responded. “You are going to get it if you keep that up.” “Cool it you guys.” Martie said trying to intervene. “How about we just look a little longer and if we don’t find anything by eleven o’clock tonight we’ll just go home.” “Okay?” “Okay,” they mumbled. “I do not think that we should split up this time,” suggested Martie. “I think we should just all explore the house together.” “Right.” Said Philip.” “We’ll do this floor first.” “Paul, you hang on to the diary since you are the one who found it.” “Okay,” Paul agreed. “Ah, Ah, guys, I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but how is the diary going to tell us when we are near to a puzzle piece?” asked Martie. Paul and Philip replied, “That is a very good question Martie.” “We really don’t have a clue.” “I guess we’ll just know,” said Paul. “Paul, you tell us if you think that the diary is starting to shake or something,” Philip demanded. “How in the world am I suppose to know?” questioned Paul. Philip was just about to answer but Martie interrupted him. "Guys, how about less technicality and more searching.”

They walked along deep in thought and kept completely silent for a while. As they went by the fifth room on the first floor Paul informed everyone that the book was definitely starting to do something. Paul wasn’t quite sure what it was doing really. He just knew that something weird was beginning to happen. Philip began to think that it could mean for them to go into one of the rooms. They all agreed with Philip. The room that they entered was just like a normal room but the bed looked surprisingly like the bed in the room in which Paul had found the diary. Suddenly the diary flew out of Paul’s hands and landed under the bed. He immediately went to look under the bed and retrieved a small chest. “Hey guys, look at this.” Paul said. Paul opened the chest and inside there was a puzzle piece shining like the golden rays of the sun. “Puzzle piece number one!” Paul announced. They found all of the remaining four pieces in a similar fashion. Entering a room that looked surprisingly just like the room before it, they found individual chests. Within each chest was another puzzle piece. However, each one did not look quite the same. Each one in fact had its own shape. Two were found on the second floor while the remaining two were found in the attic. After they had retrieved all five puzzle pieces, they went back to the first floor and proceeded to open the chest where the diary was first discovered. “You really should put all the pieces in,” said Philip. “That’s all right, you guys can put some in too”, said Paul. “After all this was a team effort.” “Is everybody ready?” And with that they dropped the puzzle pieces into their rightful places. In that instant there was a flash of light and all that the book held was imparted unto them, never to be removed again. All of a sudden, they heard a voice inside their heads. It was the voice of the teenage girl from the diary. “Thank you so much.” “I have been waiting for three centuries to find someone as pure hearted as you three.” “I know that you will honor this commitment. Remember that I will always be here to help and guide you. Just call on me and I will come. Goodbye for now...” And with that the angelic voice of the teenage girl departed. “Wow!” they all said. They all agreed that it had been the best night of their entire lives. Just then a cock crowed. “Oh my goodness!” Martie

exclaimed. “We have got to get home!” “What are we going to tell everybody?” “Oh, we’ll make something up,” said Philip. “You mean we are not going to tell every one at school?” asked Paul. “No, but we will make up some sort of grand story,” Philip instantly replied. Paul quick replied, “How about the next time we come here we practice some spells and explore the basement?” “That would be so cool.” Martie exclaimed. As they were departing for home a thought suddenly occurred to Martie. “Uh, hey guys what are we supposed to do with the diary now?” “What do you mean?” paul and Phillip asked with confused looks on their faces. “I mean what should we do with it now that we found it.” “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to leave it here.” Phillip and Paul both shook they’re heads in agreement. “But what should we do with it?” asked Paul. “Well” Phillip said “We could take it with us.” “And what keep it at our house?” “That’s crazy!” “What if someone found it!?” “Oh man my mom would flip if she found something like that in my room.” Paul stated imagining his mom’s reaction to finding the book in his room. “So would mine.” Agreed Martie “So would mine” agreed Phillip. Each picturing their own parents reactions to finding the diary. “Well we wouldn’t have to keep it at one person’s house all the time.” Phillip continued. “We could you know swap every once in a while to make sure no one ever has the book for too long.” “That way it will cut down on the risk of exposure.” “I don’t know.” Martie said unconvinced. “Look, you yourself said that it wasn’t safe to leave the diary here right?” “Right but…” “Well then what do you suggest we do?” “I don’t know!” “But I just don’t think keeping the diary at one of our houses is a good idea!” “All right, right.” Paul chimed in trying to be the voice of reason between the two, a role he wasn’t used too and didn’t really like. It was usually Martie who was the rational practical one. He was the scaredy cat. The quiet one. Everyone thought for him talked for him decided for him even Phillip. He never spoke up never argued just quiet little paul sitting in a corner never making a peep. Phillip was the leader the brave one not him. Courageous Phillip who never got scared who was good at everything he tried straight A student captain of the track team, football team anything he wanted! That’s the way things were and that’s the way he liked them. As he was thinking this way he was also watching Martie and Philip go at it. It was so weird to see them argue.

“All right, all right” calm down you two! He realized he was gonna have to be the voice of reason here even if he didn’t like it. “We’re never gonna resolve this with you two arguing like this!” Both Martie and Phillip were so shocked at Paul’s boldness that they stopped arguing immediately. “Now why don’t we just do what Phillip suggested for now until we can figure something else out; just so that the diary is safe.” Phillip and Martie were stunned into agreement. “Since I was the one who found the diary I’ll take it first. “Ok” Phillip and Martie agreed. “Whenever you’re ready let one of us know and we’ll switch.” Phillip said. “There he goes being Mr. Bossy again.” Paul thought. “OK.” Paul said. He was sick of people pushing him around and bossing around, especially Phillip. Well from this point on no more! He was going to be a new Paul! He was going to be outspoken and bold and courageous! He would no longer be shy quiet Paul sitting in a corner afraid to make a peep. Letting everyone think for him to do for him make decisions for him. From now on he was going to make decisions for himself from now on! As Paul was wrapped up in his new revelation he heard Phillip’s voice intruding on his thoughts. “Pauuuuuuul, Hellooooo, are you in there?” “Earth to Paul.” “Huh?” “What?” Phillip and Martie were laughing. Paul knew they were laughing at him and a streak of rage rose up in his stomach, although he didn’t let it show. “What are you deaf?” “I said you hurry up and get the diary so we can start home!” “Oh, right” Paul said meekly. “I’ll be as quick as I can.” “You better be we’re already in enough trouble as it is for being home so late.” Paul obediently turned and went back into the house, fuming. This “New Paul” wouldn’t be as easy to implement as he had thought. He had to start learning to stand up to Phillip and Martie if he was ever going to learn to stand up to anyone else. When Paul got back with the diary they all said they good-byes and headed their separate ways home. To their amazement none of them got in trouble! They’re parents hadn’t even noticed they were gone! They all crept back into their houses and since it was Sunday and they didn’t have to go to school they all climbed into bed and went straight to sleep, they didn’t realize how tired they were having been so excited over the previous night’s events. Paul put the diary in a locked chest of his own and slid it under his bed. It was early evening by the time any of them woke up. They had dismissed concerns from their parents, insisting that they went to

bed late last night and had trouble falling asleep and that was why they had slept for so late. The next day at school none of the three could concentrate on anything. All they could think about was the diary. At lunch they sat together at their usual table, hardly eating, hardly talking. “Is it just me, or has anyone else not been able to stop thinking about the diary?” Paul said. “Shhhh!” “Keep your voice down!” Martie hissed. “Someone might hear you!” “I couldn’t stop thinking about it either.” Phillip said. “I haven’t been able to think about or concentrate on anything else since, even today in class.” “All I’ve been able to think about is getting another look at that diary and trying some of those spells.” “Me too.” Agreed Martie. “But do you really think we should be talking about this here?” “No, your right it’s too dangerous, we’ll meet after school and talk about.” Phillip said. Everyone shook their heads in agreement. Just then the bell rang. The three got up gathered their books and headed off to class. “Ok, meet at my locker at 2:30 on the dot got it?” The other two nodded their heads in agreement. “All right see ya then!” “try to concentrate!” Phillip shouted as he headed down the corridor. “Oh yah like that will happen.” Paul shouted back. When 2:30 rolled around all three were at Phillip’s locker all practically jumping out of their skin with nervous-anxious excitement. They went to their secret hiding place in the woods equidistant from all their houses. They had discovered it one day when they were playing tag using all three of their yards to run around in. Once they discovered it was equidistant from all three of their houses they built a crude fort and decided it would be their secret meeting place for whenever they needed to get together and be completely alone like right now. When they had made sure they were completely alone Paul removed the diary from his bag where he had been hiding it. It shone like the sun as it was exposed to the light of day. Martie and Phillip crowded around him as he was about to open it. When he opened it a beam of light shot out of the diary into the sky. It was sooo bright that for a second all 3 were blinded. After a moment the light went away the diary stopped shining and resumed looking like a normal book. The three of them began to read the first page. Unbeknownst to Phillip and Martie Paul had already read the whole thing cover to cover a couple of times, and had actually come to the hiding place and recited several of the spells out loud and gotten them to work. However, he couldn’t let Martie and Phillip

know that. They would be hurt and angry if they knew that he had been investigating the diary without him. So he did his best to mimic the other’s expression as each page was turned and read but it was not easy. He didn’t want to pretend that this was all new to him. He wanted to tell them that he had been practicing considerably with it, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. After they got to 7th page. Phillip said “Alright, enough reading I want to actually do one of these spells.” “Yah me too.” Answered Martie. “But….which one should we do?” “I don’t know.” “What do you think Paul?” Paul wouldn’t, couldn’t look Phillip in the eye. He couldn’t respond. Couldn’t come up with a good enough response. He could feel phillip’s eyes burning into him, he had to say something or they would get suspicious. Then for a second, just for a split second Paul could’ve sworn Phillip was looking right through him, as if he knew that Paul was hiding something. Finally after several tense seconds passed by Paul came up with a decent response that he hoped would allay any and all suspicions either of them had. “Which ever one you think is best.” “Why don’t we just start from the beginning, you know just go front to back?” “Sounds to good to me.” The others agreed. They flipped to the front of the book where there was a list of spells. The first spell was: ”to create fire.” Creo aduro. The next page had spells to defend yourself from enemies the first one was: AVERTETE ADUREMINI! = Get back! Be Burned! a capite ad calcem= from head to heel. AVERTETE ADUREMINI a capite ad calcem= get back be burned from head to heel! The next page was labeled consecro felo de se – suicide( curse to make someone kill themselves.) NOLITE VIDERE! = See not! (temporarily stuns and momentarily blinds the opponent) chapter 8: Practice makes perfect. Take spells from Brenna’s story but give her credit. They took turns reading the spells from the books for a long time. They were so ingrossed in it that they didn’t even realize that it had started to get dark. “Uh guys we should get going it’s really getting late” said Martie. “We should get going.” “Yah your right” said Phillip. “Our parents will be worried, and we can’t have them getting suspicious.” But…we only got through two pages of spells!” protested Paul. “Paul did you not hear what I just said?” “We have to go now!” “Paul could you take the book home again?” “Sure, no problem.” “Alright see you all at see you all at school.” They said goodbye and headed

for home. They met to practice the spells almost every day after school. While Phillip and Martie were only able to achieve an amateur status with the spells; Paul was really excelling. He kept the book at his house all the time now and practiced constantly. One night Paul awoke to a strange rumbling. He looked around his room and noticed a bright light emanating from under his bed; where he kept the spell book. He looked under his bed and noticed that the light and the rumbling were in fact coming from the box where the book was kept. His first thought as he reached for the box was how to put the light out and stop the rumbling. What if it woke up other people in the neighborhood? What if they came over and found the book?” Oh My God!” thought Paul. What if it woke his parents up? Then they would come into his room and ask him what was going on and then… his breath caught in his throat, they would find the book! Then they would tell everyone and then… then… the thought was to horrible for him to bear. It was a fear that had engulfed him ever since they had decided to keep the book. Especially since it had come to be his responsibility to keep the book for the majority of the time. However, as strong as this fear was his desire to learn about the diary and its magic was much greater. As he pulled the box out from under the bed and removed the diary he noticed that his hands were shaky and that his skin was wet and clammy. He also noticed that his breathing was shallow. He waited a few moments to see if the light and rumbling had woken up anyone in the house. It was dead quiet, all he could hear was the sound of his own shallow breathing. The rumbling had stopped once he took the book out of its box. But the light was still emanating as bright as ever. Realizing after a few mi nutes that no one had woken up and finally feeling his pulse return to normal he opened the diary. As he opened it the light became so bright it lit up the whole room. Then he heard a chorus of voices chanting very softly. Suddenly he felt a strange sensation as if the room was getting bigger and farther away. Then he realized that the book was getting closer and bigger. All of a sudden he realized He was being sucked into the book! “AAAAAHHHHHhh” he screamed but no one could hear him. He closed his eyes out of fear. When he opened them again he noticed he was no longer in his room. He was standing in the middle of a busy street (have some description of an ancient epyptian village that leads paul to the

conclusion that he is in ancient Egypt. From what he had learned in history class in school he surmised that he was in ancient Egypt. Paul muses about what to do and then begins to wander around. Somehow after what is there a great amount of time he gets out( like in chronicles of narnia) and then he immediately calls martie and phillip and they get mad at him for waking them up. But they agree to meet him at the hiding place anyway. They all freak out when he tells them what happened. They eventually all get sucked into the book together. (page in philosophy notebook on this)

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