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  • Pages: 12
Combination Reaction Decomposition Reaction

Double Replacement Reaction Replacement Reaction


Example: Example: Example: combination of iron and electrolysis sulfur to form of water iron (II)into sulfide oxygen and hydrogen gaschloride & silver nitrate to form sodium nitrate & sodium zinc combines with hydrochloric acid, zinc replaces the hydrogen 8 Fe + S8 → 8 FeS 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2 Zn + 2 HCl → ZnCl2 + H2

NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + AgCl(s)

Title of my Presentation: ________________________________________________________________________________ Objectives:

Subject Matter/Topic: Two Types of Cell Enhancement (Check appropriate box)

Description of Appropriate Use:

Presentation Storyboard:


New Ormoc City National HighwillSchool Manuel D. Casimpan Jaca, Hyacinth AtTarget the Manuel end of the D. Casimpan presentation, the students be able to: Technology Technology in in the the Types ofand Cells  Your Your Materials used were appropriate effective in (Websites) (Slide Presentations)  Your Analysis MY E-WORLD BSEd Major in Biological Sciences 3 Year- A SLIDESHOW BIZ Hyperlink  Target Technology in the Episode 5 THE SCHOOL’S LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER Jaca, Hyacinth  Your Tools BSEd Major in Biological Sciences Name of you FS Student ___________________________________________________________ YearAA  This Your slide Reflection presentation was prepared Grade 10 students have knowledge about Please write your reflections on your FSfor experience on this page. BSEd Major in Biological Sciences New Ormoc City National High School At the end of this activity, you will gain competence inbelow. developing and Jaca, Hyacinth New Ormoc City National High School Graphics 33 to YearManuel Jaca, D. Hyacinth Casimpan Episode 7 Technology changes the way teachers teach, offering Voice Narration Your Target As prepare your slide presentations, use the activity form Include Episode 6 obtaining the learning outcome. The materials Course _________________________________ Year &Section ______________________ Course ________________________________ Year &Section _______________________ Hand-out Plan (con’t)   Your Your Tools Tools 1. end Identify the characteristic of theineasy two types of cell; It would take you The website has an At the of this activity, you will be decisive in terms of using on-line Please use the activity form provided for you. the two types of cell. This will be used as a tool teaching-learning process. Specifically, it __________________________________ Year &Section _______________________ Others, please specify  Your Reflection 1. Course 1. What difficulties, ifwere any, didfor you encounter ininvolve making the handouts? utilizing materials (slide presentations) which students ininstructional meaningful Learning Learning were also attractive and used labeling anAs electric of the presentation when you submit it to your FSCell; teacher. Type of Graphic Organizer/s/flow-chart/schema to 2.copy Cite the differences between Prokaryotic anduse: Eukaryotic Atyou the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing time to find specific access tool for learning. prepare your hand-outs, use the activity form below. Music Name of of FS FS Student Student _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Name rd rd rd

Learning Environment Environment Environment

After working on your slide presentation, answer the and following will help inworking delivering ofyour the lesson more effectively font style, font size the theme Resource educators Teacher _______________________ effective ways to reach Signature different __________________________ types of learners and Resource Teacher _______________________ Signature ___________________________ resource materials and interactive programs. Resource Teacher _________________________ Signature ___________________________ After on handout, answer the.The following questions: Animation Stylish Fonts the different kinds of skeleton. How did you overcome them? learning. 3. Draw the two types of cells. ____________ Note: For every website visited, this format may be used. materials (hand-outs) that are appropriate to the learning content. information because were questions: chosen considering their appropriateness to the learners. It is foreseen that this slide Cooperating School ___________________________________________________________ It provides the needs Guide Cooperating School __________________________________________________________ Cooperating School _________________________________________________________ Hand-out Planning assess student understanding through multiple means. It also Sound Effects presentation it’s too broad. will There sustain the student’s interest in acquiring quality learning. Types of Chemical  Your Map and interest of students. What difficulties, if any, you encounter in making the slide Name of are Site Author: also no interaction What the good features ofadid abetween handout? is Your Map What are thethe good features of slide presentation? Making handouts for to the lesson that you will be discussing is not an enhances relationship teacher student. Reactions Jimmy Wales &and Larry Sanger When 1. What topic do I like work on? Your Map presentation? How did you overcome them? between the It presents a large amount effective teacher makes it her/his businessfor? to create slide 2.An For what grade or year level is my handout easy task. You to consider the availability of the resources and the Aofhave good slide should include transitions or effects to put With a lot reflective thinking coupled with your creativity, you can design research and the site. of information. technology is effectively integrated into subject areas, teachers For this process, explore the world through these presentations that really enhance instruction. A good handout mustdo beI include conciseinand can besteps: understood by the Name3.of Site: What components myWikipedia.com outline? hand-outs thatonwill truly workof well to make learning effective. You willThat see is that the slide presentation istime an to easy task emphasis some points the lesson, but not too many. Itfor must also reach your target, follow the storyboard below: time be consumed as well. Itcontent took me conceptualize the flow 4.TotoMaking What type of graphic organizers/flow-charts/schemas dome. Ihave need to of grow into roles adviser, expert, and coach. Technology readers. Important andany concepts must be highlighted or italicized preparing hand-outs is ideas not just paper work. When you produce high quality use? Posting or Revision Date: August 10, 2012 one design or theme for whole slides to avoid confusion or any because I had many experiences in making such activity before. The only the concepts and also with the graphic organizer that I used. What I did 4. Reflect on your hand-outs and eventually try them out, youmore will discover that,and indeed, works! make teaching meaningful fun. paper 5. What references do Ilearning use? forhelps emphasis. To shortenand it, the use of bullet point format may To reach your target, follow the steps below. FS experience. misconceptions. Theme slides mustis not too long or too short avoid takes thing bothers most thebetime in handout making it. Ittosearched really was tothat make an outline of the content of my then in a

Select a

Organization represented: Sports category contribute as well as the diagrams,the flowcharts and of other graphic Technology mayuse beofchanging experience education,

Develop a

clutteringto in the slides. Photos must be included inimages the slides to let students HAND-OUT PLAN moment search the appropriate and clips on the the internet for several references as tographic how I put the concepts in the organizers. Make sure that all the important points of the presentation but the role of teachers grow increasingly important as Dateknow of Access: Sunday, September 24, 2017 4:55:01 PMthey slide what I am talking about. The contents of the slides must include the topic Subject Matter: _ Types of Chemical Reactions ____________________ internet especially when you want your presentation to be stunning anda class 1. Observe graphic organizer. are on the hand out and do not include too much information for clearer become the experts and guides for new learning resources. important points of the lesson must not be thepresentation whole things that I am take Grade 10and Grade/Year ___________________________________________ or subject beautiful. As aLevel: remedy, I used keywords with “plus” and “minus”and signs tonote of understanding. The content must be organized properly to avoid URL: Teachers remain the constant in an ever-changing classroom theatopic being to support going to discuss. Prepare Present to Outline: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports 2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts? broaden up or narrow down search results. Despite that, the most matter. presented. confusion for students. environment, shift two withorlearning the handouts forthe a which your FS  Combination reactionwill – in continue this type ofto reaction moretechnological substances Describe Brief description of the Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made? important thing that every presenter should remember is that it doesn’t maybe element or compound react to form aactivity single product.on selected the teacher tides. material in thetopic website: your Enough preparation is the key to effective handouts. Before the day Which of these features are present in the handout I make? reallyflowcharts, matter how much graphics you are going to include in the (i.e., Almost allfield of the features I stated above are(II) present on thebefore slide handouts. The combination of iron and sulfur to form iron sulfide is an example a In this study, I had an unforgettable experience. I find itwith the teacher will deliver his lesson, he should have himself acquainted of schema, graphic synthesis reaction: presentation as long as it conveys the important points of the topic you presentation I the made. I savedabove it as a Microsoft PowerPoint file reproducing whichthat is asIof features werehim present in the very interesting and challenging. Even though I handout spent sleepless 8Most Fe + Sof → 8 FeS 8discussion. hisorganizers). topics for This will give enough time to familiarize as it. are presenting in a nice and enjoyable manner without compromising this time; one of the most commonly used application inWrite creating a stunning its made. The handout was concise and comprehensive. The key Try out nights in answering the episodes and encountered many well asDecomposition prepare the necessary handouts that heoccurs will be providing to the reaction – this type of reaction when a compound 3. Evaluation Evaluate of the Website: STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES clarity. narrative slide presentations. For my slides to be attractive and pleasing, I incorporated breaks upIinto itsstill component parts. It can it bewere two orhighlighted more substances out of a emphasized because boldly difficulties, was thankful because helped methe to enhance my your class. The were teacher must identify first histhey objectives and purpose in theconcepts materials

pointing outI also the compound graphics into it. I put colorful images and used stylish fonts as well.

orand programs. were IThen also he used bullets summarize theand types of skills in italicized. using computers especially intodoing all myflow episodes which presentatio making the handout. must conceptualize strengths the the and 2. Surf the net to find that considered the use of appropriate color combination for the presentation. I The electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas is an example of asites ofread chemical reactions. Important points were included and the are I have also learned some tipsweaknesses in preparing creative provide support materials and/or decomposition reaction: content oftiresome. the handout making an outline. teacher must also n all to asure really made that thebyviewers would not justThe enjoy but understand the References: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2 your interactive programs on the topic. concepts were organized properly too. Principles, and durable instructional and how make use tool of them. Macterton andthat Hurley. Chemistry, several references so thematerials handout will be anto informative for the

group of and Reactions.

topic I presented to them.

 Replacement reaction – this type of reaction occurs when element is set The difficulties that I had encounter, the expenses andanthe sleepless students learning. College Publishing, N.Y., 1989. freeSaunders from its compound producing a new element and new compound. Mapa, Fidelino Rabago. Science and Which aretaken notand present the handout I made? Which features are not present ininthe slide presentation you made? nightfeatures were not for granted because I learned a lot. The field Technology III. Important ideas and concepts must be highlighted or italicized An example of a replacement reaction occurs when zinc combines with in SDacid. Publication, 2001.3 areThe few among those I presented which I did not It studyThere contributed a Inc., lot of challenging yet enjoyable experiences. hydrochloric zinc replaces thefeatures hydrogen: All of the features that I actually cited above have manifested order to have Bullet point format and graphic organizers Zn on + 2 the HClan →emphasis. ZnCl 2 + H2 include slide presentation I made. That includes the incorporation of did give a great contribution totype myof knowledge in relation to the  Double replacement reaction a reaction in which two compounds itself on the handout I made. In other words, I made an effective must be used to summarize the content. The teacher must put all the video and audio itdifferent doesn’t necessary forbe anyone combined toclips. form Sometimes, twoand newthe compounds byreally exchanging theirto radicals. learning environment learning tools used to in handout forpoints thoseinwho will be using it. I did not use ambiguous any subtitles important the handout and he must avoid put all of those features in a single slide presentation. Instead of conveying example ofIta molds double me displacement reaction occurs between sodium the An discussion. more into a better educator someday. because in my own point of view it is not necessary to use subtitles for statements. The concepts too must be properly organized for the and chloride and silver nitrate to form sodium nitrate and silver chloride. the important points about the topic, the viewers might get annoyed NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + AgCl(s) that subject convenience ofthe the students. distracted onmatter. sound and video clips that would suddenly play along the

References: presentation. Too much graphics should also be avoided. It gradually draws Macterton and Hurley. Chemistry, Principles, and Reactions. out the attention of the viewer away from the main point of discussion. Saunders College Publishing, N.Y., 1989. Name of Evaluator: Mapa, Fidelino and Rabago. Science and Technology III. SD Publication, Inc., 2001.3

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