4_meta Lun Creation

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 708
  • Pages: 4
Creation of META LUN:

• •

In our scenario we create two metaluns of type 1) concatenated 2) stripe We require 3 Luns for each metalun

Step1: Create 6 standard devices of size 449mb or 958 cylinders Steps to create Luns 1. Check free space on the storage sub system Sun1# symconfigure – sid 277 list – freespace –unit MB 2. If free space is available, check if any sessions are running. Sun1# symconfigure –sid 277 verify 3. Check if any locks Sun1# symcfg –sid 277 list – lockn all 4. Create a command file Sun1# vi std_dev Create dev count = 6 size = 958 emulation = fba config = 2–way–mir; wq! 5. Run the configuration Sun1# symconfigure –sid 277 – v – f std_dev commit – nop

6. Once the configuration is done, update symapi_db.bin Sun1# symcfg discover 7. Now, list the devices Sun1# symdev list Note: The devices that are to be the members of metalun shouldn’t be mapped. Imp Notes: The luns we created are 0001 to 0006, it is for lab example and we distribute 0001 to 0003 for concatenated metalun and 0004 to 0006 for striped metalun. 1.

Step2: Creation of concatenated metalun Create a command file for metalun Sun1# vi meta_con form meta from dev 0001, config = concatenated; add dev 0002:0003 to meta 0001; wq!


Run the configuration file. Sun1# symconfigure – sid 277 – v –f meta_con commit – nop


Update the symapi_db.bin Sun1# symcfg discover


List the meta devices Sun1# symdev list –meta

Imp Notes: A Meta device is identified by its meta head, in our example the meta head is 0001 for concatenated metalun. And the device that should be mapped is 0001 5.

Map the meta lun

a. Verify the available ports Sun1# symcfg – sid 277 list – connections b. Now check the available addresses Sun1# symcfg – sid 277 list – available – addresses – dir 1c –p 0

Available addresses will be shown as follows: Example Devices Status LUN Available 00f Imp Notes: From the above example we decipher 00f as an available address for mapping c. Create a command file Sun1# vi map_dev Map dev 0001 to dir 1c:0, LUN = 00f wq! d. Run the configuration Sun1# symconfigure – sid 277 –v –f map_dev commit –nop

e. Update the symapi_db.bin Sun1# symcfg discover


Configure the controller i. Check the controller Sun1# cfgadm –al ii. In our example controller is c3 Configure the controller Sun1# cfgadm –c configure c3

g. Update symapi_db.bin

Sun1# symcfg discover

Imp Notes: Metalun has been mapped and it is identified by its head 0001 now assign metalun to the host and mount it. Step3: Mask the metalun 1. Sun1# symmask –dir 1c 2. Sun1# symmask –dir 2c 3. Sun1# symmask –dir 15c 4. Sun1# symmask

–sid 277 add dev 0001 –awn Sun1/port0 –p 0 –sid 277 add dev 0001 –awn Sun1/port0 –p 0 –sid 277 add dev 0001 –awn Sun1/port0 –p 0 –sid 277 add dev 0001 –awn Sun1/port0 –p 0

–dir 16c 5. Refresh database Sun1# symmask refresh 6. Update the symapi_db Sun1# symcfg discover 7. Verify metalun in the VCM database Sun1# symmaskdb list database 8. Configure the controller Sun1# vxdmpadm listctlr 9. Check the status of the controller If disabled enable it. Sun1# vxdmpadm enable ctlr=c3 10. Find the device and label it a. Format b. Label c. Quit Imp Notes: Identify the device and enter the device no. and label it. 11. Scan for the disk Sun1# vxdisk scandisks 12. List the disks Sun1# vxdisk list 13. Initialize the disk, in our example the enclosure name given to our device is emc_01. Sun1# vxdisk setup –i emc_01 14. Now create Volume Manager Disk (vmdisk) by creating disk group. Sun1# vxdg init Sun1dg disk01 = emc_01 15. Create a volume on meta devices Sun1# vxassist –g Sun1dg make vol01 100m

16. List the disk groups Sun1# vxdisk –o alldgs list 17. List the volume Sun1# vxprint –h

18. Create file system on the volume

Sun1# newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/Sun1dg/vol01

19. Create a mount point Sun1# mkdir /meta_con

20. Mount the volume Sun1# mount /dev/vx/dsk/Sun1dg/vol01/meta_con Sun1# cd /meta_con 21. Add the data Sun1# cp –r /etc/r* . 22. Verify the data Sun1# ls

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