48 Baqra-85-87

  • October 2019
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KNOW RUH-UL-QUDUS BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah


In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful Transliteration [002.087. Walaqad atayna moosa alkitaba waqaffayna min baAAdihi bialrrusuli waatayna AAeesa ibna maryama albayyinati waayyadnahu biroohi alqudusi afakullama jaakum rasoolun bima la tahwa anfusukumu istakbartum fafareeqan kaththabtum wafareeqan taqtuloona] Translation [002.087. And verily, We gave Moses the Book and after him send Messengers one after another, repeatedly, and gave clear signs to Jesus son of Mary and helped him with the Holy Spirit. Then, do you grow arrogant; when any Messenger came to you with what your soul desires not? So belie you a group of them (Prophets) and slay another group. ]

Still the holy Quran is telling us about the Israelites. And these verses are generally for the human beings. These verses are for the human beings for all the ages either past,

KNOW RUH-UL-QUDUS BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah


present or future. The holy Quran nothing gave us different commitments that He made with the Israelites. After that the holy Quran told us saying us (Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter.) Those people, these are the Israelites, who broke agreement made with Allah, the reason that why they did it the holy Quran tells us that they traded their life and bought the worldly life instead of buying the hereafter life. (bought) can be used for the process of The word buying and also the same word can be used for selling. That’s why Allah has used this world in the verse mentioned above that they bought the worldly affairs at the cost of wonderful life of hereafter. So we come to know about two different kinds of people with the priority that what they like – this world or hereafter? (the life of this world) so the people of parochial mind they prefer buying the life of this world instead of desiring the unending fragrant and beautiful life where they will be having best possible fruits and wonderful purified wives. And the holy Quran says (Their torment shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped.) Their punishment will not be eased. And their punishment will be painful. And according to the holy Quran their punishment will be difficult. They will not receive any help. There will be no one and no system to get the punishment reduced in favor of them. Why? Because they did not fulfill their agreement made with Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. That’s why in Islam it is extremely important for a man to complete the provisions of the agreement made with somebody. And if you made any commitment even with a non-Muslim, Islam says that it is the bounden and moral duty of you to complete the commitment. To breach the peace and to revoke an agreement is against the norms of the morals. The Israelites had the agreement with Allah. They broke it brazenly without feeling any remorse or compunction. In point of fact they were obsessed with the idea that they were the super and special and beloved nation of the world that on the Day of Judgment, there would not be any (Everyone of them accountability on their part. wishes that he could be given a life of a thousand years. ). The Israelites always wished to have a longer period of life. Here we have got a lesson that the length of life may give us no escape from our nefarious deeds and maneuvers. Ultimately all have to meet their death and the Day of Judgment will ask them for the actions and deeds what were done in the world. There will be no concession or the decrease in the punishment of the people who sold their hereafter life at the cost of this sinful worldly life. Some people on the Day of Judgment will get concession and some will not get this opportunity. And the people who sold their hereafter life for the sake of sinful worldly life will not be from among those whose punishment may be mitigated. That’s why the holy Quran says (nor they shall be helped) And they are not going to

KNOW RUH-UL-QUDUS BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah


have any kind of help on the Day of Judgment. At the Day of Judgment there will be a group of people who will get concession and help. For them there is one privilege that is shafa’a (intercession). Though some people committed sins in this world but they will be interceded and Allah will approve of their intercession (shafa'a). The prophet (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) will come and intercede for those people with Allah, they will be sent to paradise. But these people would be those who would not have sold their hereafter life at the cost of this sinful world. Allah tells about the Prophet (And indeed, we gave Musa (Moses) the Book). Really We gave a book to Prophet Moses. (and followed him up with a succession of Messengers.). And We made the messengers follow his path. The prophets who came after the Prophet Moses they followed the path of him. We have got the history that one hundred and twenty four prophets were sent after Prophet Moses. After Prophets many prophets came, it is proved from the holy Quran. There are two terms – Nabi and Rasool. Al-Rasool is the messenger. Allah sends Rasool with the book to a specific group of people of the region. For example Prophet Moses, Prophet Isa, our last prophet (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam), and Prophet Ibrahim. Those are called Al-Rasool. The messengers. And Allah sent them with a book and their messages were for the entire world. Nabi is lower than the status of Rasool. Nabi is sent to spread the message of the book of a messenger. That’s why at the same time you can have two or more prophets, but you can not have more than one messenger. And a messenger comes one time. But the prophet can be sent with other prophets too. For example the Prophet Moses and Prophet Shueb came at one time. Because Moses was the messenger and Shueb was a prophet. The same was with LUT and Ibrahim. Ibrahim was the messenger and LUT was a prophet. So LUT spread the book of Ibrahim. You can also note the situation of Dawood and Suleman. They also came at the same time. So every messenger is a prophet, but not every prophet is a messenger. A messenger is higher than a prophet. So the holy Quran tells us that Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala sent the messengers after the Prophet Moses. (And We gave Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary)). Allah is quoting the name of Jesus with the reference of his mother Mary. There are two reasons. When Allah mentions Prophet Moses He did not mention his mother or father. He said (We gave Moses…) and that’s it. But when He comes to Mary the holy Quran mentions . He has been mentioned with his mother. There are two reasons. The first reason is this that the people who came before the last prophet (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) they always felt shy to ascribe themselves to their mothers. They used to think it was a great humiliation for a man to be referred by his mother. The holy Quran

KNOW RUH-UL-QUDUS BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah


says before the advent of Islam a woman was a butt of humiliations. So the holy Quran told that the reference given to a woman should not be humiliation. So here Allah is ascribing the prophet to his mother so that the people at that time may not repeat the nefarious activity to humiliate women. It is also a lesson for all of us. And other factor is this that prophet Isa is not a son of a man. And he is not a son of God. He is son of Mary. So that the Christians may also come to know that prophet Isa is not son of God but of Mary only. There is no difference between Prophet Adam and Prophet Isa. They both were born without a man. And Allah says that Prophet Moses was given a miracle. He was blessed with a lot of miracles. One of the miracles of the Prophet Moses was that he could have brought the dead into life again. That’s why the holy Quran says I gave you power that you can bring the dead back into life, but with the permission of Allah. Other miracle was He could take the clay and make the birds out of it and blow life in the clay forms of the birds and would turn the toys into real flying birds. Other miracle we see, Allah had given him power to Prophet Moses would make the deaf hear. The blinds also would make see with their perfect eyes. It was also a miracle of Prophet Moses. So the holy Quran says (clear signs and supported him with Ruh-ul-Qudus (Gabriel)). Allah is saying here that not only Prophet Moses was given miracles but also he was supported by Holy Spirit. Now let’s see that what is Ruh-ul-Qudus. There are two words. One is Ruh and other is Qudus. Al-Ruh in Arabic it is the spirit. And when we say Al-Qudus it means the holy. So Ruh-ul-Qudus is angel Gabriel. He was given under the control of Prophet Moses. Allah says in the holy tell them that it was sent by the Quran Ruh-ul-Qudus (Gabriel). We have one important word in the holy Quran that is Ruh. And then Ruh-ulQudus. The word Ruh is mentioned in Surah Al Qadr [Tanazzalu almala-ikatu waalrroohu feeha] (Therein descend the angels and the Ruh…). At the night of the Qadr all the angels descend on the earth. And then WaRuhaa - Gabriel. Now the question comes in mind is Gabriel an angel? The holy Quran when it says Tanazzalu almala-ikatu (the angels descend) why not WaRuhaa was said? if he was also an angel. But WaRuhaa has been used differently. Why? To give special respect after He mentioned almala-ikatu (the


KNOW RUH-UL-QUDUS BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah

angels) He mentioned WaRuhaa. Some scholars say that WaRuhaa is a different angel. Different angles have different responsibilities on them from Allah. Izrail takes life back from people. Whereas the angel who gives life his name is Al-Ruh. This is the opinion of scholars. There is one more angel Malikulmaut. He takes life from us. Some scholars say that Al-Ruh is a hiding power, which Allah gave to Prophet Moses. And due to this power Prophet Moses used to bring people back to life. The Prophet Moses was given this blessing due to his faith and Iman on Allah. There is one hadith from Imam Jaffer Al-Sadique that Ruh-ul-Qudus is actually a spiritual power that Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala gave to His followers. There is one word in Arabic

(Ma Aanna) it gives the meaning of a Prophet, Imam, or Ruh-ul-Qudus.

If you look into the hadith of Imam Jaffer Al-Sadique


But when you say

means there is a holy spirit. So the holy spirit and Ruh-ul-Qudus are one and the same things. The








this holy spirit this Ruh-ul-Qudus will be with you as much as you get closer to Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala and His prophet. So according to the hadith of Ahlyl Bayt the Ruh-ul-Qudus is a spirit, is a power that Allah has placed in each and every human being. The more Iman grows the more power (Ruh-ul-Qudus) grows and the vise versa. But to the Christians there is a different meaning and understand of Ruh-ulQudus. They believe that the God brought that Holy Spirit in the Trinity. The God, the Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This collection becomes God. But we say Allah is one and nothing comes to associate Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. Allah (Say





(Not He begets). This is the answer to the Christians who (Nor He was begotten). He had no worship Trinity. mother or father. He was not born as humans are born. So the holy Quran rejects the Trinity vehemently. The holy Quran is telling us that ul-Qudus.


We supported Prophet Moses through Ruhholy Quran further

says now the holy Quran is talking to the Israelites and to the Jews. And talks to him that why they believe in metempsychosis (avagon)? every time Allah sent a messenger to you. And they had the clear messages that you should not have acted upon your desires. When the prophets used to come here the people would disagree with them and they would act upon their own desires. So the prophets always preached that

KNOW RUH-UL-QUDUS BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah


we should not follow our fallible desires these take us to the hellish fires of Jahannam. We should keep our actions and desires under the parasol of the holy Quran. Then we may have the paradise here and in hereafter. Under the influence and impact of the ill desires the disbelievers killed the noble prophets. So we have a clear lesson that we should keep our desires under the impact of holy Quran. We have the practical lessons from the lives of Ahlul Bayt and twelve holy Imams. So we should match our desires with the match of the holy verses. There are noble teachings for us to get the paradise like life here and original in hereafter. And the Jews ever did the same line of nefarious actions in their life. They rejected but true light and true Quran can never be rejected. The Nabi or a prophet can be killed. But the holy teaching of the holy Quran can never be killed.

Further will be discussed in detail in next lecture Inshallah?

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