Standard 4 Instructional Delivery and Management 4e 256 Bulletin Board 1/11/2019
The artifact above was utilized in my 256 observational experience at Mildred E. Strang Middle School. The visual aid help guided learning amongst the middle school children during their Badminton lesson. The bulletin board has a variety of different strokes that can be utilized during a game. Each stroke has its necessary critical elements which are provided. While the students were performing the necessary strokes, they would lack certain elements of the skill. To reinforce my feedback given to them I would have them look at the bulletin board and point out which critical elements they think they were missing. This aided me in developing their performance because some of the students more visual learners than auditory. By having multiple means of feedback, it enhanced student performance. They were able to clearly define the critical elements of each stroke and understand when to utilize the array of strokes. Having a visual aid also allows each student to have the opportunity to receive feedback by just looking at it. One student lacked the critical element of stepping with an ipsilateral step during their underhand clear. I reminded the student of this and pointed to the visual aid to reinforce the desired behavior. They then completed multiple underhand clears with proper form.