4.3. Pricing Products - Pricing Considerations & Strategies

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Pricing Products: Pricing Considerations & Strategies By Dr. Kevin Lance Jones 11

Factors Factors to to Consider Consider When When Setting Setting Prices Prices Price is the Amount of Money Charged for a Product or Service.

Internal Internal Factors Factors

Pricing Pricing Decisions Decisions

External External Factors Factors 22

Internal Internal Factors Factors Affecting Affecting Pricing Pricing Decisions Decisions Marketing Objectives Marketing-Mix Strategy Costs Organizational Considerations 33

Marketing Marketing Objectives Objectives that that Affect Affect Pricing Pricing Decisions Decisions Survival Survival Low LowPrices Pricesto toCover CoverVariable VariableCosts Costsand and Some Fixed Costs to Stay in Business. Some Fixed Costs to Stay in Business.

Current CurrentProfit ProfitMaximization Maximization

Marketing Marketing Objectives Objectives

Choose Choosethe thePrice Pricethat thatProduces Producesthe the Maximum MaximumCurrent CurrentProfit, Profit,Cash CashFlow Flowor orROI. ROI.

Market MarketShare ShareLeadership Leadership Low Lowas asPossible PossiblePrices Pricesto toBecome Become the Market Share Leader. the Market Share Leader.

Product ProductQuality QualityLeadership Leadership High HighPrices Pricesto toCover CoverHigher Higher Performance Quality and Performance Quality andRR&&D. D. 44

Marketing Marketing Mix Mix Variables Variables that that Affect Affect Pricing Pricing Decisions Decisions Companies Will Consider Price Along With All the Other Marketing-Mix Elements When Developing the Marketing Program. Price Must be Coordinated With: Product ProductDesign Design

Non-Price Non-Price Factors Factors

Marketing-Mix Strategy

Distribution Distribution

Promotion Promotion 55

Types Types of of Cost Cost Factors Factors that that Affect Affect Pricing Pricing Decisions Decisions Fixed Costs (Overhead)

Variable Costs

Costs that don’t vary with sales or production levels.

Costs that do vary directly with the level of production.

Executive Salaries Rent

Raw materials

Total Total Costs Costs

Sum Sumof ofthe theFixed Fixedand andVariable VariableCosts Costsfor foraaGiven Given Level Levelof ofProduction Production 66

External External Factors Factors Affecting Affecting Pricing Pricing Decisions Decisions Market and Demand Competitors’ Costs, Prices, and Offers Other External Factors Economic Conditions Reseller Needs Government Actions Social Concerns


Market Market and and Demand Demand Factors Factors that that Affect Pricing Decisions Affect Pricing Decisions Monopolistic Competition Pure Competition Pure Pure Competition Competition

Many ManyBuyers Buyersand andSellers SellersWho Who Have HaveLittle LittleEffect Effecton onthe thePrice. Price.

Monopolistic Competition

Many ManyBuyers Buyersand and Sellers SellersWho Who Trade TradeOver OveraaRange Rangeof of Prices. Prices.

Pricing Pricing in in Different Different Types Types of of Markets Markets

Oligopolistic Oligopolistic Competition Competition

Few FewSellers SellersWho WhoAre AreSensitive Sensitiveto toEach Each Other’s Other’sPricing/ Pricing/Marketing MarketingStrategies Strategies

Pure Pure Monopoly Monopoly Single SingleSeller Seller


Price Price Elasticity Elasticity of of Demand Demand Price

A. Inelastic Demand Demand Hardly Changes With a Small Change in Price. P2 P1


Q2 Q1 Quantity Demanded per Period B. Elastic Demand Demand Changes Greatly With a Small Change in Price. P’2 P’1

Q2 Q1 Quantity Demanded per Period 99

Major Major Considerations Considerations in in Setting Setting Prices Prices No Possible Profit at This Price

Low Factory Price

Product Costs

Existing Products

Consumer Perceptions of Value

Selling and Promoting

No Possible Demand at This Price

Profits through Volume

High Price

Competitors’ Price and Other External & Internal Factors

10 10

What What is is Cost-Plus Cost-Plus Pricing Pricing and and Why Why is is itit Popular? Popular? Adding a Standard Markup to the Cost of the Product.

Sellers SellersAre AreMore More Certain Certain About About Costs CostsThan Than Demand Demand

Minimizes Minimizes Price Price Competition Competition

Perceived Perceived Fairness Fairnessto to Both BothBuyers Buyers and and Sellers Sellers 11 11

Breakeven Breakeven Analysis Analysis or or Target Profit Pricing to Determine TargetTries Profit Pricingthe Price at Which a Firm Will Cost in Dollars (millions)

Break Even or Make a Target Profit

Total Revenue Target Profit ($2 million)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Total Cost Fixed Cost






Sales Volume in Units (thousands)

12 12

Cost-Based Cost-Based Vs. Vs. Value-Based Value-Based Pricing Pricing Cost-Based Pricing

Value-Based Pricing

Product Product

Customer Customer

Cost Cost

Value Value

Price Price

Price Price

Value Value

Cost Cost

Customers Customers

Product Product 13 13

Competition-Based Competition-Based Pricing Pricing Setting Setting Prices Prices

Going-Rate Going-Rate

Company CompanySets SetsPrices PricesBased Basedon onWhat What Competitors CompetitorsAre AreCharging. Charging.

? ?

Sealed-Bid Sealed-Bid

Company CompanySets SetsPrices PricesBased Based on on What What They TheyThink ThinkCompetitors Competitors Will WillCharge. Charge. 14 14

New-Product New-Product Pricing Pricing Strategies Strategies Price Price -- Quality Quality Strategies Strategies

Price Higher


Premium Strategy

Good-Value Good-Value Strategy Strategy

Overcharging Overcharging Strategy Strategy

Economy Economy Strategy Strategy




15 15

Setting Setting Initial Initial Product Product Prices Prices

Market Market Skimming Skimming

Market Market Penetration Penetration

> Setting a High Price for a New Product to Skim Maximum Revenues from the Target Market.

> Setting a Low Price for a New Product in Order to Attract a Large Number of Buyers.

> Results in Fewer, More Profitable Sales.

> Results in a Larger Market Share. > Wal-mart

> Intel’s $1,000 Chip

16 16

Product Product Mix Mix Pricing Pricing Strategies Strategies Product Product Line Line Pricing Pricing

Setting SettingPrice PriceSteps Steps Between Between Product ProductLine LineItems Items i.e. i.e. Lawnmowers Lawnmowersat at $299 $299&& $399 $399

Optional-Product Optional-Product Pricing Pricing

Product Product Mix Mix Pricing Pricing Strategies Strategies

Pricing Pricing Optional Optionalor orAccessory AccessoryProducts Products Sold Sold With WithThe TheMain MainProduct Product i.e. i.e.Car CarOptions Optionssuch suchas asaaCD CD player player

Captive-Product Captive-Product Pricing Pricing

Pricing Pricing Products ProductsThat That Must Must Be Be Used UsedAlong Along With With The TheMain MainProduct Product i.e. i.e.Razor RazorBlades, Blades,Film, Film,Software Software

By-Product By-Product Pricing Pricing

Pricing Pricing Low-Value Low-ValueBy-Products By-ProductsTo To Get Get Rid Ridof ofThem Them i.e. i.e. From FromChemicals, Chemicals,Lumber LumberMills, Mills,Zoos Zoos

Product-Bundle Product-Bundle Pricing Pricing

Bundles BundlesOf OfProducts ProductsSold Sold Together Togetherat ataaReduced Reduced Price Price i.e. i.e.Season Season Tickets, Tickets,Computer ComputerMakers Makers 17 17

Price-Adjustment Price-Adjustment Strategies Strategies Price Price Adjustment Adjustment Strategies Strategies Discount Discount & & Allowance Allowance

Reducing ReducingPrices Pricesto to Reward Reward Customer CustomerResponses Responses such suchas as Paying PayingEarly Earlyor or Promoting Promoting the theProduct. Product.

Segmented Segmented

Adjusting AdjustingPrices Pricesto to Allow Allow for forDifferences Differencesin inCustomers, Customers, Products, Products,and and Locations. Locations.

Cash Cash Discount Discount

Customer Customer

Quantity QuantityDiscount Discount

Product-Form Product-Form

Functional FunctionalDiscount Discount

Location Location

Seasonal SeasonalDiscount Discount

Time Time

Trade-In Trade-In Allowance Allowance

Promotional Promotional Allowance Allowance 18 18

Price-Adjustment Price-Adjustment Strategies Strategies • Adjusting

Psychological Pricing

Prices for Psychological Effect. • Price Used as a Quality Indicator. • Reference Prices i.e. Clothing. • Temporarily

Promotional Pricing

Reducing Prices to Increase Short-Run Sales. • i.e. Loss Leaders, for Special-Events, Cash Rebates

19 19

Price-Adjustment Price-Adjustment Strategies Strategies • Adjusting

Geographical Pricing

International Pricing

Prices to Account

for the Geographical Location of Customers. • i.e. FOB-Origin, UniformDelivered, Zone Pricing, etc. • Adjusting Prices for International Markets. • Price Depends on Costs, Consumers, Economic Conditions & Other Factors.

20 20

Initiating Initiating and and Responding Responding to to Price Price Changes Changes Competitor Reactions to Price Changes

Initiating Price Cuts

Price Changes Buyer Reactions to Price Changes

Initiating Price Increases

21 21

Assessing Assessing & & Responding Responding to to Competitor Competitor Price Price Changes Changes Has HasCompetitor CompetitorCut Cut Price? Price?


Hold HoldCurrent CurrentPrice; Price; Continue Continueto toMonitor Monitor Competitor’s Competitor’sPrice. Price.


Will WillLower LowerPrice Price Negatively NegativelyAffect AffectOur Our Market MarketShare Share&& Profits? Profits?


Reduce ReducePrice Price


Can/ Can/Should Should Effective Effective Action Action be beTaken? Taken?


Raise RaisePerceived Perceived Quality Quality


Improve ImproveQuality Quality && Increase IncreasePrice Price Launch LaunchLow-Price Low-Price “Fighting “FightingBrand” Brand”22 22

Public Public Policy Policy and and Pricing Pricing Public Policy on Pricing Centers on Three Potentially Damaging Pricing Practices. Price Price Fixing Fixing

Price Price Discrimination Discrimination

Deceptive Deceptive Pricing Pricing 23 23

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